Abilities (Ask #30)
mercyrules101 "Welp at least everyone calmed out...... Right...? I hope cartoonz doesnt freak out when he wakes up..."
RacingCatz: I hope not.
Basically: He will- wait, no. . .to be honest, he's unpredictable, so I am not sure.
Droidd: Well, we have to put him down then.
Pewdiepie: Whoa, calm down sir.
Delirious: . . .! (We are not going to kill Cartoonz!)
Question from SabrinaDawnYT ,
"Damn Cody, You knocked him out.. Where did you learn that?"
RacingCatz: Training at TwitterTweets Mail. Messengers all get special training to fight & defend themselves.
Vanoss: Cody has the talent way before he joined Twitter. He's a natural, and I really like that about you too~.
RacingCatz: *Blush & giggles* E-Evan, thanks.
Wildcat: . . .*Checks his hands*
Jiggly: . . .Tyler, you have a natural talent.
Wildcat: *Turns to Jiggly* What?
Jiggly: *Takes Wildcat's hand & kiss it* You have a natural beauty~ & kindness~. I love everything about you.
Wildcat: *Blushes hard* A-Anthony. . .t-that's so kind of you.
Jiggly: *Smiles*
Vanoss: You son of a-
Pewdiepie: Hey! No flirting with my son!
Jiggly: 'Son'?
Pewdiepie: Well, now that I look at you two. . .you two do look cute, & Jiggly seems to be a real gentleman. Perfect for a sweetheart like you, Tyler. *Giggles*
Wildcat: *Blushes even harder*
Jiggly: Thank you, and Tyler really is a sweetheart.
Pewdiepie: I know right!? When I visited his house, he drew his parents a cute drawing! It was so adorable! He even gave me one.
Wildcat: I-I did?
Pewdiepie: Yea! I still have it! Wanna see?
Jiggly: I am curious.
Wildcat: O-Oh, um. . .o-okay?
Vanoss: HEY! Quit your chitter chatters! Stay the fuck away from Tyler, you panda bitch!
Jiggly: Please don't interrupt our conversation, Vanoss.
RacingCatz: *Giggles*
AWolfsJourney "And Vanoss, no need to be so protective for your lovable Wildcat, just let Pewds do his thing x3"
Vanoss: *Blush*
Pewdiepie: Aww, that's sweet of you. *Turns to Wildcat* You really did find a good crew.
Wildcat: *Blushing & nods*
Jiggly: I have some objections, but I'll let it slide.
Vanoss: What 'objections'!?
RacingCatz: Come on, let's not fight.
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"X3 daww! It's like a small family reunion!
X3 love and family! Yay!
So Pewds, when is the rest of the Clan gonna arrive? I wanna see Cry!"
Pewdiepie: *Hugs Wildcat* Yes! This is my son! *Giggles*
Wildcat: *Blushing*
Vanoss: Hey, get away from him!
Jiggly: *Giggles*
Pewdiepie: *Pulls away* And what? Well, my crew should all be waiting for us to come back in the clan. And Cry? *Giggles* Maybe, you'll be able to see him. He likes chasing me, so we can fight.
Basically: Hmm, sounds a little similar to someone.
Lui: Like?
Nogla: *Looks at Vanoss* A little & in a different way.
Vanoss: *Looks at Nogla* What?
Nogla: *Giggles* My bad, boss~.
SabrinaDawnYT "You don't have to apologize... You have good intentions I just became overprotective of the crew.."
Pewdiepie: It's okay, and I'm sorry. I get overprotective sometimes as well.
Question from CherryPlayz07 ,
"Ok...Let me get this straight, PewDiePie and Wildcat were childhood friends but PewDiePie only remembers it and not Wildcat, right? so I was wondering how did you guys separated because Pewds has his own clan and wildcat is on Vanoss' crew?, uguysdonthavetoanswerifyoudontwantto!"
Pewdiepie: Well, complicated story. We were separated when hell rain on earth. I went to finish a business, and resulted never being able to return to Tyler. . .so it's mostly about me. Tyler doesn't know anything.
Wildcat: I-I'm sorry. . .
Pewdiepie: *Smiles* No need to apologize.
Question from MiaArtLover ,
"Since its taken me long to realize what was happening... *smirks* IM GONNA GIVE YOU GUYS DIRTY DARES~
Hippity hoppity Wtf is happening"
Lui: Please no!
Bryce: Don't. . .please.
Delirious: *Blush* . . . (Nothing extreme. . .I hope.)
Jiggly: Please nothing like doing an 'activity', and go easy on Tyler.
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"Droid! Subway or dominos? (If ya get the joke lol) y'all dont gotta answer"
Droidd: . . .Hmm? *Turns to Basically* I do not understand this. . .
Basically: Um. . .I don't quite understand either. I'm not really into jokes.
SabrinaDawnYT "Oh yeah Mark I forgot to tell you, Pewds is here.."
Markiplier: Yea, I know that now.
Ausi-Tsuyu "*yawns* I'm getting tired already... *look at mini* I hope you get better soon..."
Markiplier: Hmm. . .I wonder what kind of a man he is, being liked by so many people.
Question from CherryPlayz07 ,
"Wait a minute....Mark, who is him?...Mini Ladd?..What are you going to do with "him"?"
Markiplier: I'm talking about Craig. The patient I'm healing right now. Well, when he wakes up, I'm thinking to take him as my apprentice & teach him more skills. It'll be useful. Now, let's see- *Gets his hand slapped by strings* ugh! *Pulls away*
MiniLadd: *Strings comes out, moving by itself*
Markiplier: What the fu- oh shit. . .he chose this ability? Shit. Felix. . . FELIX! *Goes out the room*
~At outside~
AWolfsJourney "That's right Jacky Boy! Pewds is here!"
Jack: I'm glad, boss is here. *Blocks Moo's attack*
Moo: *Swings his leg to Jack*
Jack: *Backs up, turns his arm sharp as a blade & attacks Moo*
Moo: *Dodges* Oh shit, what the fuck happened to your arm?
Jack: I turned my arm sharp as a blade.
Moo: How?
Jack: With the special cells in my body. Mark experimented me, and now, I can turn any part of my body into something else. *Shows his hand, then turns into water*
Moo: Oh shit. . .that's fucking cool.
Jack: *Smiles* Thank you. I heard you're immune to poison.
Moo: Well, yea.
Jack: That is quite useful. It helps take the enemy's guards down, then strike!
Moo: When you put it that way. . .it sounds cool, but aren't you the same?
Jack: No, my cells can turn my exterior into something else, but my organs are still the same. It doesn't affect my immune system, I will still be poisoned, catch a cold, and stuff.
Moo: I see. . .
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"And are u sure Moo~? U always brag about how much guts you have~, show it by asking Terroriser out on a date~"
Moo: *Blush* S-Shut up!
Jack: 'Terroriser'? Is it your lover?
Moo: *Blushing* F-Fuck no! H-He's just m-my partner!
Jack: . . .I see, but you're acting suspicious.
Moo: W-What the fuck you mean!?
Jack: . . .I can help you ask this 'Terroriser' out on a date.
Moo: *Blushes hard* I-It's none of your business!
Jack: *Giggles* You're like Mark. Come on. Where is he?
Moo: I-I don't know.
Jack: I can ask the others. You stay here. *Goes inside the base*
Moo: J-JACK!
~At the others~
Jack: Hello guys.
Bryce: Oh, hey Jack.
Pewdiepie: Hey, Jackaboy!
Jack: Hello, and do you guys know where 'Terroriser' is?
Nogla: Brian? He's probably in the lab. It's in the basement.
Jack: Thank you. *Goes to the basement*
Vanoss: . . .I should go check on Ohm.
Droidd: I want to go too.
Markiplier: *Enters* Felix! Come quick! *Grabs Pewdiepie's hand & rushes back to MiniLadd's room*
Pewdiepie: Whoa! Mark!
Vanoss: . . .Mini. Droidd, go check on Ohm! *Goes after them*
Droidd: Roger!
Wildcat: Mini. . .
Jiggly: *Pats Wildcat's back* It's okay. Don't worry, Tyler.
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