A Magical Crafter (Ask #89 + Dare #18)
AWolfsJourney "Andrew has joined the party~!!!!"
Kingggjaay "Yeah I thought so it's nice to meet you Andrew"
DeadSquirrel: 'Bro'?
Aindreas: Yup, he's my brother.
SADBOI_H0URS "Well uh.... Happy Reunion...?"
Vanoss: Andrew? Why-
Nogla: ANDREW! *Hugs Aindreas*
Aindreas: Ahhh! Bro!
Nogla: Oh, you sweet bro! You came to see me!?
Aindreas: S-Stop it, David!
Nogla: *Pulls away* You could've told me that you're gonna visit, I would've prepared a welcome party.
Aindreas: T-That's unnecessary! And. . . *Hands a bag to Nogla* here you go.
Nogla: What's this?
Aindreas: It's your present, also. . .*Punches Nogla lightly* how dare you leave me alone on Christmas & New Years! You heartless!
Nogla: *Giggles* Sorry, sorry. *Pats Aindreas' head* We had some rough time.
Aindreas: You aren't hurt, right?
Nogla: I'm okay. A little kitten bit me though.
Moo: I'm not a kitten!
Vanoss: Nogla, explain this!
Question from SADBOI_H0URS & MiaArtLover ,
".... huuuuuuuuUUUUUUUHHHHHHH!????"
"Who...what...? WaIt wHaT-?"
Nogla: Sorry, sorry. *Wraps his arm around Aindreas* This is my brother, Andrew. He's a great crafter.
Aindreas: Hello, nice to meet y'all.
Basically: Welcome to BBS, Andrew.
Aindreas: So. . .this is where my bro works huh? Who was the boss again?
Vanoss: It's me, Vanoss.
Aindreas: Oh, hello. Dude, that mask is dope! You weren't wearing that before.
Vanoss: . . .Nogla, you need to tell me if your brother was coming for a visit. *Looks at DeadSquirrel* And Squirrel, don't just let anyone inside without knowing.
DeadSquirrel: Sorry, but he's my supplier.
Vanoss: 'Supplier'?
DeadSquirrel: He crafts my arrows, whenever I'm out of stock, I ask him. He makes the sturdy, tough arrows.
Aindreas: Not just that~! I make more than arrows!
Nogla: Andrew is very skilled, he went through a lot of studies to obtain these knowledges. Mostly, he does smaller & simpler stuff.
Aindreas: Joe is one of my best customers, he's like the only one who asks me to craft arrows.
Ohm: Oh my~! A hot, magical crafter! I love it~!
Aindreas: Whoa there. . .you're not bad, actually a hot one.
Ohm: Oh~, do you want to teach me how to craft~.
DeadSquirrel: Ahem! Andrew, I forgot to introduce, he is my guardian.
Ohm: I'm Ohmwrecker~, nice to meet you~.
Aindreas: Hmm. . .Oh! I heard your voice somewhere! It's from the phone!
Ohm: Oh~, you must be the one Squirrely was calling~.
Droidd: Stop right there! This is getting confusing, AND *Turns to Aindreas* you're not interested in Ohm romantically, are you?
Aindreas: I mean, he's hot & all, but I have my eyes set on someone else.
Droidd: Good.
Question from SADBOI_H0URS ,
"... wait "masked dude"? Delly?"
Bryce: Delirious, have you seen him before?
Delirious: *Shakes his head* . . . (No, I've never seen him.)
Cry: Yo! Dude! This guy!
Aindreas: *Sees Cry* Oh! You're that masked dude! Thanks for telling me about here!
Cry: No problem.
Vanoss: Why the fuck are you leaking information!?
Cry: Dude, he asked nicely.
Moo: Jesus. . .
Question from MiaArtLover ,
"So are you gonna wear it now? :3"
DeadSquirrel: Um, sure. *Puts the eyepatch on*
Aindreas: Looks nice, Joe.
DeadSquirrel: Thanks.
Nogla: Well, why not everyone introduces yourselves to my brother?
Basically: I hope you remember me.
Aindreas: Hey Marcel! The genius! How are you?
Basically: I'm okay.
407: Don't say that you have eyes on Marcel!
Basically: S-Scotty!
Aindreas: What? Marcel is a cool dude, but I'm not into him like that.
407: Well then, that's good. I'm 407 by the way.
Bryce: I'm Bryce, and he is Delirious.
Delirious: *Waves his hand*
Aindreas: *Waves back*
CaRtOoNz: I'm Cartoonz.
Aindreas: With an 's'?
CaRtOoNz: Nah, 'z'.
Droidd: I'm SilentDroidd.
Terroriser: You remember me, right? I'm Terroriser, and he's Moo.
Moo: Sup.
Aindreas: Of course I remember! Your robot eye is awesome!
Terroriser: *Blush* Thank you.
Cry: I'm Cryaotic! Call me Cry.
Wildcat: Um. . .I'm Wildcat.
Jiggly: Call me Jiggly.
Pewdiepie: I am Pewdiepie, this is MiniLadd.
MiniLadd: Ugh. . .
Jack: I am Jacksepticeye.
Markiplier: Markiplier, a doctor.
Aindreas: So many names! I don't think I can remember them all, but you guys have cool names. I like *Points at Terroriser* yours the best, Brian.
Terroriser: *Blush* Oh, um, thank you.
Nogla: *Giggles* Oh yea, Marcel, can you hack & let Andrew hear the askers?
Basically: Sure thing.
Aindreas: Askers?
Nogla: We're having a Q&A and dares with the people through the 4th wall.
Question from MiaArtLover ,
"So Squirrely isn't virgin the whole time~?"
Ohm: You aren't?
DeadSquirrel: What? No, I am a virgin, the only thing that was close to losing my virginity was when. . .*blush* Ohmie gave me o-oral.
Aindreas: Ohhh~, what a player, Joe~.
Ohm: *Giggles* I'll give it to you anytime~.
DeadSquirrel: *Blushing* Yes please.
Droidd: You little rodent!
CaRtOoNz: Ohm, I need some fucking right now! Get your ass on my dick!
Ohm: *Blush* Oh~, how straightforward, Toonzie~!
DeadSquirrel: Get away from my Ohmie!
SADBOI_H0URS "Aww ohm wants to pet squirrel"
Ohm: Oh~, you noticed~?
DeadSquirrel: *Blush* . . .I-I'm right here.
Ohm: *Smiles, and pats DeadSquirrel's head*
DeadSquirrel: Mmmm~. . .
Aindreas: I always looked at you like you're an adult, but look at you now. . .*Giggles* You're a complete kid~.
DeadSquirrel: Shut up, Andrew.
Dare from SADBOI_H0URS ,
Ohm: Oh~.
DeadSquirrel: *Blush* (Ohmie liked when Cartoonz was straightforward, so. . .) Ohmie. . .
Ohm: Yes~? Am I going to get a kiss~?
DeadSquirrel: YES. *Kisses Ohm*
Ohm: *Kisses back*
CaRtOoNz: I am going to kill this rodent!
Droidd: I'll assist!
Delirious: *Holds CaRtOoNz back* . . .! (He's just a teen!)
Bryce: *Holds Droidd back* Chill the fuck out!
Ohm: *Pulls away* Mmm~, tasty~.
DeadSquirrel: *Blushing* Yea~. . .
Ohm: Hmm~, how about a tongue kiss~?
DeadSquirrel: 'Tongue kiss'?
Question from shadoxiety ,
"Are there still competition for Ohm?"
Bryce: As you can see!
Droidd: *Struggling* Let go Bryce!
CaRtOoNz: I'm gonna fucking kill him!
Delirious: . . .!? (Why are you guys hating on Squirrel that much!?)
Droidd: Because he's using his youth as an advantage to get attention!
CaRtOoNz: Spoiling like a brat! Playing with Ohm!
DeadSquirrel: You guys have more advantage than me! That's why I'm trying harder! I am a man too! Not a child! I'm 19, I'm legal age!
Ohm: Calm down, boys~. I love you three, I equally love you all~.
Droidd: Ohmwrecker~.
CaRtOoNz: Ohm~.
DeadSquirrel: Ohmie~.
Aindreas: Joe is in love HARD.
Nogla: *Giggles*
txcArt "Vanoss and Ohm out here with a whole harem. I strive to be that big of a bad bitch"
Vanoss: Me? Harem?
Ohm: Oh, my dream~. That is my heaven~! Oh, take me boys~!
CaRtOoNz: *Escapes Delirious' grasp & hugs Ohm*
Droidd: *Escapes Bryce's grasp & hugs Ohm*
DeadSquirrel: *Hugs Ohm*
Ohm: Oh my~, yes~!
Bryce: *Turns Aindreas around* You shouldn't watch.
Aindreas: What? I'm okay with fucking & stuff.
Bryce: Not that, just. . .sorry to let you hear & see these love idiots.
Aindreas: *Giggles* It's fine.
Vanoss: . . .Harem. . . (So, with Tyler, Lui, Mini. . .and Legiqn?) *Blush*
MiniLadd: *Smacks Vanoss*
Vanoss: OW! What the fuck!?
MiniLadd: You little owlass! How dare you use your tongue on me!
Vanoss: *Licks his lips* You liked it, bro~.
MiniLadd: *Blush* I swear to god, I will knock out all those teeth of yours!
Question from MiaArtLover ,
Mmghhh.....👀 is it me or is he pissed off when sometimes Vanoss is nice too othere and not him..? Orrrrrrrr-
MiniLadd: . . .*Blush* I'm just looking out for him.
Vanoss: Heh, such a good brother you are~.
MiniLadd: Shut up!
SADBOI_H0URS "Man the confidence in this man is amazing ;o;"
MiaArtLover "So thats how you check someone huh..."
MiniLadd: Also. . .OHM!
Ohm: Hmm~?
MiniLadd: You little bitch! Don't 'check' mine!
Ohm: Oh, sorry~, I thought you needed help~. Are you still hard~?
MiniLadd: Thanks to taking rest, I don't need help.
Ohm: Aww. . .
MiniLadd: You have those 3 to fuck with!
MiaArtLover "Uh- no thank you- a kiss is fine-"
Ausi-Tsuyu "I bet Moo Moo love to watch it too~ >w<"
Terroriser: M-Moo wouldn't-
Cry: Hell no! He doesn't want to watch!
Moo: *Blush* . . .
Ohm: Oh come on~!
MiniLadd: Shut up Ohm!
Aindreas: Watch, what?
Nogla: A porno.
Aindreas: Oh. . .you guys watch it together?
Nogla: No, but I guess we can~.
Basically: *Blush* OF COURSE NOT!
Nogla: *Giggles* Andrew, let's show you around base first.
Vanoss: Hey! Don't go walking around without my permission!
(Aindreas de Nogla is now available for questions & dares.)
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