What's Your OTP? (Ask #142-146 + Dare #41)
Question from Kingggjaay ,
"Another shipping battle?"
Ohm: Oh my~, Kitty Cat fight~.
Basically: I doubt it, they're not a fighting type.
MiniLadd: Tyler isn't, but Cody is. You guys don't know Cody at all, he's pretty damn strong.
Basically: It's really hard to see that.
Ohm: He looks so sweet & harmless~.
MiniLadd: You guys are gonna die if you mess with him.
Question from KatelynSQuestions & AWolfsJourney & lunatictedd16 ,
"Lui,I am so sorry,Are you okay?I Didint think that would've happend,so sorry"
Lui: . . .It isn't your fault, so. . .don't apologize.
Delirium: Lui. . .
"You ok 2pLui?*gives you pain killers* here, it's to help the pain."
Lui: Yea. . .thanks, and. . .I'm fine.
"Hey lui, ya okay? Sorry ya had to go through that... *gives lui vanoss logo hoodie and hot coco* it might not help but... it's all I got..."
Lui: *Blush* Um. . .
Delirium: Lui, people care about you, and look! You got Mr. Vanoss' logo hoodie!
Lui: . . .I-I'm not h-happy or anything. . .b-but I'll just. . .take that. *Hugs the hoodie*
Delirium: *Giggles* He looks so happy. Thank you for helping guys. *Smiles*
Lui: *Blush* Fuck you Methane.
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"Wildcat and racingcatz, can I have a hug from both of ya you guys are the most nicest people?......"
RacingCatz: *Smiles* Of course! Also, I'm not one of the most nice people. . .there are much more people who are kind than me. Trust me. . .I've hurt & killed people. . .but don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you.
Wildcat: Um. . .sure, and um. . .*blush* I-I'm not the nicest. . .A-Anthony & Delirious are nice too.
KarmaXKid "Kid: Yay! Ohmie's a yandere! Also, what happens when you get drunk? I wanna taste some alcohol, too!
X: Kid, it's best you don't.
Kid: Why not?
X: It's bad for you.
Kid: How is it bad for you?
X: It tastes bad.
Kid: Why does it taste-
Lui: *Wearing the hoodie he got* Just like me, you're gonna puke & embarrass yourself.
Delirium: I never got drunk before. Jon said it's bad as well, but why can you drink, Lui?
Lui: Cause I'm an adult, and not a baby.
Delirium: . . .I-I'm a baby then?
Lui: I mean. . .your body is adult, but your mind is like. . .10 years old, so compared to me, yea. . .you're a baby.
Delirium: Hmm. . .then I will drink it to become an adult! Jon, I want to drink alcohol & be drunk! *Runs to where Delirious is*
Lui: Wait! Shit, Delirious is gonna be pissed at me! METHANE WAIT! *Runs after Delirium*
LuisentMoon "Yo! I wanna drink too! I bet I could do it, half German and Scottish here b*tches!"
407: *Hic* Fuck yea! Come over here & party with me!
Jiggly: Scotty no!
AWolfsJourney "And 2pDroidd, one of lessons on how to be a better sibling... Don't pressure them on their choices, heck you could've done it yourself, no offense, but not cool"
Droidd: I know what I'm doing, and if I did that dare. . .do you have any idea what could've happened? Probably to Lui. . . *Hands sparks a bit*
Basically: Um. . .this is just a guess. . .you lose control of your power, and. . .hurt Lui. . .is that correct?
Droidd: *Smiles* 100%, I would give you a gold medal for that.
Basically: No thanks.
GalaxysilverWolf "So so so so so I'm in choir and there's this song my class and I are singing and it reminds me so much of Vanoss and Catz relationship it was sad too"
RacingCatz: Really? I would like to hear what kind of a song it is.
Vanoss: Well. . .I'm curious.
RacingCatz: *Blush* Um. . .a-aren't you cold without a jacket?
Vanoss: Kinda, but I'm fine. *Notices the blush* Oh, are my muscles making you uncomfortable?
RacingCatz: N-No, I just. . .um. . .feel a bit. . .uneasy. I-It's been a l-long time to like. . . uh. . .see those- I mean! Um. . .oh god, w-what am I saying? *Giggles awkwardly*
Vanoss: . . .*Giggles* You always liked my body figure huh?
RacingCatz: That's not true, I like you as a person! I don't pick who I like with their body figure, I judge with people's inside, cause that's what make people valuable.
Vanoss: . . .*Blushes a bit* This is why you're the best. *Giggles* You fucker.
RacingCatz: . . .*Giggles* Thanks Evan.
CaRtOoNz: Glad you realized.
Ohm: *Giggles* Brycey is a big fan of Delly~, and Lui is a big fan of Evy~.
Bryce: *Blush* Shut the fuck up Ohm!
Delirious: . . .! (Lui, I told you not to teach him things that are mature!)
Lui: Fuck you, alright!? I was just talking, and Methane is the one who made a conclusion! It's not my fault his brain is like that!
Delirium: Why are you guys mad?
H20vanossfan109 "It's foine but you should watch it! It's amazing!"
RacingCatz: Maybe, if I had a chance. *Smiles*
AWolfsJourney "Uh... Jiggly! My man!...go talk to Wildcat plz, for my sake*whispers to you* make him feel loved, take him somewhere private"
Jiggly: Well. . .*blushes a bit* Sure. *Walks up to Wildcat* Hey Tyler. . .
Wildcat: *Turns to Jiggly* Yes?
Jiggly: Do you. . .wanna hang out with me for a little while?
Wildcat: Sure. *Smiles*
Wildcat: It's pretty cold outside. *Giggles*
Jiggly: Yea. . .sorry for dragging you out.
Wildcat: It's fine. *Smiles* Don't worry.
Jiggly: . . .*Holds Wildcat's hand*
Wildcat: *Blushes a bit* Anthony?
Jiggly: I thought you were cold, and. . .Tyler. . .
Wildcat: Yes?
Jiggly: I know what's best for you, but it is your life. If you want to stay with the gang, I won't stop you. I'll support you.
Wildcat: Anthony. . .
Jiggly: I'm worried if you get hurt. . .you're so important to me, my dear friend.
Wildcat: *Smiles with a small blush*
Jiggly: *Kisses Wildcat's hand* You worth anything.
Wildcat: Anthony. . .y-you're too kind. *Giggles a bit*
Jiggly: Because it's you. *Hugs Wildcat* No matter what happens, remember that I'm always on your side, stay strong, okay?
Wildcat: *Hugs back* I will. Thank you.
Question & Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"This question is for wildkitty if your not jealous then what plus here's a risky dare but I know you won't do it but do training with Jiggly and here's a hug for your good luck and try and stay back just in case things get ugly *hugs Tyler*"
Wildcat: I-I said I was just surprised, *Smiles* and thank you for the hug. Um. . .I don't train without Vanoss, so. . .I-I don't know. Plus, Anthony is my friend, I. . .don't wanna hurt him.
Jiggly: I don't want to hurt you as well. I would like to be your shield.
Wildcat: I-I'm not using you as a shield! You're my friend! I'm gonna protect you!
Jiggly: *Smiles* Thank you, but I am fine. You're already hurt. . .I don't want to make any more scars on your beautiful body.
Wildcat: *Blush* B-Beautiful?
Jiggly: Yea, and we should head back now. It's pretty cold.
Wildcat: . . .*Smiles* Okay, and. . .thank you.
Jiggly: *Smiles* You're welcome.
Question from H20vanossfan109 ,
Terroriser: Among the crew, right? Also, the ship yourself is not in, right?
Vanoss: Um. . .I don't know. . .
Terroriser: Uh. . .I don't know about OTP, but I do like Wildnoss & VanCatz. Both are pretty cute.
Vanoss: *Blush* Brian!
RacingCatz: *Blush* Um. . .o-okay, Brian. *Giggles awkwardly*
MiniLadd: *Flips the asker off* That's my answer.
Basically: I like Wildnoss, and. . .probably OhmDroidd, are my closest OTP. *Giggles*
Droidd: That's sweet, Marcel. OTP huh? Hmm. . .I don't know, does threesome count?
Basically: I think I know what you're gonna say, so please don't.
Droidd: . . .I recently got into it~.
Basically: DROIDD!
Droidd: BasicallyVanLadd~.
Basically: *Blush* Droidd!
MiniLadd: Hey, fuck you!
Droidd: *Giggles* Oh, I also like BasicallyIDoOhm. Marcel should join me & Ohm in the threesome.
Basically: *Blushes harder* NO!
407: NO WAY!
Jiggly: Stop moving around, Scotty. You're drunk.
407: You're not putting that slut & Marcel together!
Droidd: Don't be a hater, Mr. Numbers.
MiniLadd: That's a nice one.
407: Hey, you know what? Go fuck yourself! *Hugs Basically* He's my bitch!
Basically: What?
Wildcat: Scotty, you need to drink water.
Droidd: Oh Wildcat, what is your OTP?
Wildcat: *Blush* Um. . .I-I don't know. . .
Jiggly: Is this a question from an asker?
MiniLadd: Yea, and what about you, Jiggly?
Jiggly: . . .I don't know.
407: OTP? *Hic* Mine is Jigglycat!
Jiggly: *Blush, rolls up his sleeves* Okay, that is enough, Mr. Numbers.
Moo: Fuck off, dude. . .
Bryce: Seriously.
Ohm: I don't know what the problem is~, and everything is pretty much OTP to me~. Everyone is so cute!
CaRtOoNz: I don't have any if I can't pick the ship I'm in.
Delirium: Oh, ship? I like Lui & Mr. Vanoss together!
Lui: METHANE! Do you even know what OTP means!?
Delirium: No, but I know what ship means. *Smiles*
Delirious: . . . (Oh god. . .)
CaRtOoNz: What about you, Delirious?
Delirious: . . .? .-. . . (Me? I-I don't know. . .)
Ohm: I ship Delly with Brycey~.
Delirious: *Blush* . . . (I. . .don't know how to respond. . .)
Ohm: I like Terrornuckel & Minimoo~.
Moo: *Blush* W-What!?
Lui: Ohm, you fucker! Stop screwing around!
Ohm: I didn't mean to miss you out~. I like Luinoss as well~.
Lui: *Blush* FUCK OFF!
Nogla: *Giggles* Troubles everywhere, huh?
Ohm: Oh Nogla~, what's your OTP?
CaRtOoNz: Right now, we're pretty much just saying ship names.
Nogla: Hmm. . .my OTP. . .I don't know, probably. . .Terronuckel or Wildnoss.
Moo: *Blushing* FUCK YOU!
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