Uh-Oh (Ask #276-285)
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Mini u ok man? If u want I can give u advice?"
MiniLadd: I'm fine.
Question from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"Quick Mini jump out the window!"
MiniLadd: . . .You think jumping out the window would kill me? Fuck no. You can't even imagine what I went through. If you want me to die, just say it straightforward.
"Also a Question for Both groups if you were in a pathetic and stupid situation how would you handle it without weapons or protected gear"
Vanoss: With my fist.
Terroriser: Um. . .depends on the situation. . .
Wildcat: Uh. . .
Basically: I'll try to analyze the situation, and solve it with my brain.
Nogla: I'll let it flow, it'll resolve by itself.
Moo: I'll probably just beat the shit out of something or someone.
Droidd: Depends on the situation.
Lui: Fight through with my bare hands.
Delirious: . . . (I'm not sure.)
CaRtOoNz: Just shoot, probably.
Bryce: No weapons, bitch.
CaRtOoNz: Then ice em.
Bryce: Power is still like a weapon, right?
CaRtOoNz: *Shrugs*
Ohm: Hmm. . .
407: Bribe them?
Jiggly: What kinda situation are you thinking, Scotty?
407: Uh. . .no comment?
Evan: Um. . .don't know.
Craig: Probably make it even more awkward.
Tyler: Uh. . .I don't know, probably like. . .well, probably like laugh-off or something like we normally do.
Brian: I agree with Tyler.
Brock: Well. . .yea, cause like. . .weird & awkward situations are created when we play games & stuff, getting all the funny moments.
Brian: In your case, it's Brockward.
Brock: *Giggles* Nice one.
Craig: Okay, please stop.
Brian: I can't believe I did that, but I did it!
Brock: I'm so proud of you, Brian.
Calibre: Improvise!
Daithi: Well, yea.
Arlan: *Giggles* I mean. . .
Jon: Just make fun of the situation like we always do.
Luke: Yea, we're kinda used to the weird situations.
Ryan: But that's in the game, right?
McQuaid: It could work in real life too.
Scotty: Yea, same.
Anthony: *Giggles*
Cody: . . .
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Karma: Yeah, sorry for the confusing dimension talk. Had to tell someone who knows what AUs are. Anyway, Mini, please don't do anything bad. I know that you being in other dimensions (1p ones, at least) really makes you feel uncomfortable. The thing is, I don't know why. Is it okay if you tell me so I can understand? You don't have to, of course."
MiniLadd: I won't do something stupid, like that one asker who told me to jump out a fucking window. And. . .you guys don't need to know. . .at least, not now.
"Kid: I'm concerned for Mr. Medic Man... Also, HEY! 2pDelirium IS NOT DISGUSTING! He is cute and friendly! You're a big meanie!
X: What did you expect from 1pDelirium? To be the same person?
Kid: I know, I know. I don't really like him..."
(Jason: Glad you don't. And 2p version of me IS disgusting. He looks & act like a human! Humans are disgusting creatures!)
Calibre: Calm down, man, and you are human.
(Jason: You mean, I WAS.)
"X: He doesn't like you, either. And Akuma is Devil/Demon in Japanese, correct?
Kid: Oh! Oh! X, you're learning Japanese! Can you spell Akuma in hiragana?
X: I haven't learned "ma" yet. I know "A" and "Ku".
Kid: Come on, Mini! Survive one more day! You can do it! ^-^"
MiniLadd: Hope so.
Delirium: *Comes* Oh, hi Mr. Mini!
MiniLadd: The fuck you want?
Delirium: I just wanted to go outside. Oh! Flowers! *Runs up to the flowers*
MiniLadd: . . .
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"It'll be over mini.... It'll be over soon... oh, and basically, remember that love meter in the last book? Use it on terrisor and moo (if you have it with you).... thanks!"
Basically: Well. . .Boss broke it, so I don't have it. I can make it, but. . .I don't have tools & stuff to make it. Sorry.
Question from Insane_Galaxy123 ,
"Alex: thank you i respect your decison. And You cand do it survive one more day Mini Ladd
*galaxy walked off in to a room but when she did that you could see the dark spirit of a cat around her neak*
Adrien: galaxy asks/says "its nice to know everythings gonna be normal again soon all this drama must be tireing but just know us three are here even if we arnt okay. Also what do 1P Evan think of the 2P and what does 2P Vanoss think of the 1P""
Evan: You mean every one of the 2ps? Um. . .shit that's a lot. Um. . .well, I like them, yea, some may be an asshole, but they're okay.
Vanoss: . . .They're okay, they're some annoying & stuff, but it's fine, I guess.
Question from Zombiegirlblood ,
"This question for 2p BBS and 1p BBS expect vanoss and Evan , so guys what do you guys think about Evan and vanoss?? Is there anything you like about them or hate ?? No being mean or something just ask if that okay"
Terroriser: Evan is really the best friend I can ever get. He can be rude & stuff, but I know he'll be there when I need him. 1p is very cute, and I really like him.
Wildcat: *Blush* V-Vanoss is really. . .cool. H-He can be strict, but. . .I-I know that he cares for the crew more than anyone else. 1pVanoss is. . .really kind, and. . .I feel comfortable around him.
Basically: Boss is really cool, he's strong. He can be dishonest though, but he's a great leader. 1p is very cute & seems a bit shy, but that's okay.
Nogla: Boss is great, I really like him, very fun~. And 1p is adorable, his personality fits him. *Giggles* No offense.
Droidd: Boss is a great man, I can understand why we're all following him. He's a gang role model. Unlike the boss, 1p is pretty. . .hmm, how should I say. . .he's not like. . .straightforward, but that's pretty unique.
Lui: *Eyes sparkles* Vanoss is awesome! No one is better than him! He's strong, cool, & tough! I love him so much! I admire him so much! *Stops sparkling his eyes* And 1p is. . .pretty much the opposite. He's like Wildcat, and I don't like it.
Moo: Vanoss is. . .pretty tough, but he's kinda annoying sometimes. 1p, he's basically like Wildcat.
Delirious: . . . (Vanoss is maybe too strict & rude, but he steps up, and I think that's a great courage. 1p is very sweet, I feel like he needs to be protected.)
CaRtOoNz: Vanoss, he's a fucking badass. 1p is. . .uh. . .pretty. . .sweet?
Ohm: Oh~, Evy is awesome~! He's strong & manly~! But the 1p is so adorable~! He's like a sweet candy~! I wanna eat him~! I love them both~!
Bryce: So. . .Vanoss is pretty harsh & tough, but 1p is soft & more kind.
407: Vanoss is tough & strong~, but the 1p is. . .I don't know, he is pretty cute. Reminds me of Tyler.
Jiggly: Well, Vanoss is very harsh & rude, I like the 1p better, he's sweet & kind.
Craig: Evan, he's just adorable! I'm surprised that the 2p is similar, he's pretty cute & kind. I guess, he is Evan. *Smiles*
Tyler: Evan is a cocky motherfucker, but he's funny & cute. 2p, he seems. . .I don't know, badass I guess.
Brian: I might like 2pEvan better. *Giggles*
Brock: Brian. . .
Brian: I'm joking~. Evan is funny & he's pretty sweet guy. 2p looks tough & I don't wanna mess with him.
Brock: Well, they are different, like Evan is more soft, but 2p seems not that friendly.
Daithi: I do not know 2pEvan well, so. . .yea. . .I don't know what to say.
Calibre: I like them both! I can tease them & get goodass reactions! *Giggles*
Arlan: Lui. . .anyway, uh. . .Vanoss is very sweet & funny. 2pVanoss is. . .he seems really cool.
Scotty: I mean. . .I like Vanoss, he's a funny guy to play with. 2p. . .I don't know, he seems dangerous.
Anthony: They are both buff. I like Evan, cause he's funny. 2p, he looks. . .not so different, but his atmosphere is, kinda.
Cody: Well. . .Evan is funny & kind, and 2p. . .I don't know why, but I feel like he's. . .soft, deep in the heart.
Question from H20vanossfan109 ,
"Want a cookie?"
McQuaid: I would love to have a cookie. *Smiles*
Question from VanShipperz ,
"How does Bryce know what Akuma Means?
Akuma: Well I am A Devil
Me: StOp!"
Moo: He watches anime & shit.
Bryce: *Blushes a bit* Shut up!
Gorillaphent: Anime huh? You have some fantasies with some fake girls~? Huh?
Bryce: Fuck you! I'm not a perv!
Gorillaphent: Really? I think you're fucking lying. You piece of shit.
Bryce: You-
Ryan: Stop, stop! Come on, we're all friends here.
Gorillaphent: That's what you think, but we're not friends.
Bryce: He's a fucking bitch!
Ryan: Please stop!
"Akuma: *Apears in front of Cartoonz* Hey There Cutie~
Me: Just Ignore Him, Or Try"
CaRtOoNz: I can do that. *Aims a gun at Akuma*
Ohm: *Hugs CaRtOoNz* Sorry, but you're not allowed to flirt with my Toonzie~.
CaRtOoNz: *Blushes a bit*
Question from beliana2017 ,
"Basically who do you ship Ohm with?"
Basically: I ship Ohm with Droidd, they're pretty sweet together.
CaRtOoNz: *Pulls Ohm close* Fuck no. . .
Ohm: *Blushes a bit*
Droidd: Hey, let go of Ohmwrecker.
CaRtOoNz: I said FUCK NO!
Question from gamergal1 ,
"One more day? Huh...I guess I understand but could you explain it? I'm not daring you to do it, I'm not a comment asking. I just want to know. To everyone: Don't think of me as a "Comment" more like a narrator. I will only ask questions, If I don't ask a question... I will just say what's on my mind. Again *giggles* you guys don't care so heh sorry... But hey at least nobody's dead.....I jinxed it didn't I...um I didn't say that. Anyways yeah enjoy this no drama while you can but the author will change that after you read this. Just......watch out ok. I don't want you guys to get hurt. See yah I guess. 😜"
Basically: Well. . .thanks & you're right, no one has died yet.
MiniLadd: We're already hurt both ways. *Looks at Delirium*
Delirium: *Making ice crystals* Hmm. . .*Crystal breaks* I can't wrap the flower like Luke can.
MiniLadd: . . .*Pulls out his machete & walks up behind Delirium*
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