Starting Mission
Kryoz: . . .*Grabs Wildcat's hand & pull him back* Stay behind.
Lui: You know he's one of us.
Kryoz: Yea I figured, since he asked me about BasicallyIDoWrk, but. . .he's hurt, and I wanna help him. It must be true that you guys are ruthless.
Ohm: We're not here to fight, hot stuff~.
Kryoz: . . .
???: Hey Kryoz!
Kryoz: *Turns around* Legiqn.
Legiqn: What's- *Sees Smii7y* oh, got your little boyfriend here, huh?
Kryoz: Well-
Smii7y: *Blushes a bit* Shut up!
Legiqn: *Sees others* Oh. . .there are some new people. *Takes out his gun*
Kryoz: Officer Legiqn, wait!
Nogla: We're just here to negotiate.
Kryoz: Like we believe you guys.
Bryce: *Put his hand on his gun*
Nogla: Alright, then why don't you guys arrest us, and we could talk.
Lui, Bryce & 407: WHAT!?
Legiqn: Interesting, but seems like the others doesn't agree.
Nogla: Yea, but we do want Wildcat aided, our medic had some issue, and cannot aid him. We won't do anything, if you guys don't trust us, arrest us. *Signals the crew*
Ohm: . . .*Notices the signal* Yea, we don't want any fighting. Arrest us.
Legiqn: What should we do, Kryoz?
Kryoz: . . .I. . .um. . .
Noah: Y-You guys should take them!
Legiqn: *Looks at Noah* Excuse me?
Noah: T-They are an infamous gang! Y-You guys won't get any chance to capture them!
Smii7y: The fuck you're talking about, Noah?
Noah: *Blushes a bit* C-Come on. . .i-it might be a trap, but. . .y-you guys gotta risk it for the biscuit, right? That's justice, you know.
Kryoz: Justice. . .
Legiqn: That's it, we're not buying into this. *Grabs his gun*
Lui: Shit! *Grabs his gun*
Bryce: *Grabs his gun*
Wildcat: *Fells down*
Kryoz: Sir! *Supports Wildcat*
Ohm: Wildkitty!
407: Tyler!
Kryoz: Sir, are you alright?
Wildcat: Ugh. . . (Why do I feel. . .weak. . .and tired?)
407: Tyler!
Nogla: What did you do to him!?
Lui: . . .*Looks at Nogla, confused, & looks away*
Kryoz: I didn't do anything, I swear! Oh no, sir-
Smii7y: Don't just stay here, get the medic quick!
Legiqn: Alright, al-
Nogla: Wait! You guys are not doing anything to him, without us!
Kryoz: This is an emergency!
Nogla: You guys are enemies, you guys took Marcel, and now you guys are gonna take Wildcat!? No way! Get away from him! We're gonna take him to a hospital!
Wildcat: *Groans* (I-It hurts!) *Pant*
Kryoz: O-Oh no, we don't have time!
Nogla: We want him aided soon, but you guys can't be trusted!
Ohm: *Gives Bryce a signal*
Bryce: . . .*Notices the signal* Yea! Get the fuck away from him! You're wasting time!
Kryoz: We can aid him, quick, right now!
Nogla: Then take us with you, we cannot leave any of you guys with him alone! He's our precious teammate!
Wildcat: *Panting* (N-Nogla. . .)
Legiqn: . . .*Sigh* Fine, just get inside, but we're gonna keep an eye on you guys.
Nogla: Of course, just aid him please.
thestars-ash "*crying and saying from a distance* im sorry you have to go through this kitty, you don't deserve this, no one does."
lunatictedd16 "Wildcat, you Okay? I'm sorry your going through this... and ohm, I still cannot thank you enough!"
Wildcat: D-Don't cry. . .
Legiqn: Looks like our medic did a good job.
Nogla: *Holds Wildcat's hand* How are you feeling?
Wildcat: B-Better.
Ohm: I'm so glad you're okay!
Kryoz: Looks like he was a bit unstable, due to the lack of blood.
Smii7y: So that means, these guys didn't even try to stop his bleeding.
Lui: Are you blind? Ohm's necktie was on his wound, you know what that means, bitch?
Nogla: Calm down, Kid, and *turns to Kryoz & Legiqn* I want to apologize for my sudden shouting. I was worried about Wildcat. He does have damages on his body, and. . .I let my emotions take over me, I'm sorry. This is not the attitude I should be making when I want to negotiate.
Legiqn: . . .You-
Kryoz: *Holds Nogla's hand* No! Don't apologize! That is a natural human emotion! I-I sometimes do that as well, and. . .I can see that you really care about your teammates. . .I-I'm really impressed. I thought gangs like you guys are. . .heartless, just like the rumor.
Smii7y: *Face palms*
Noah: *Clenches his fists*
Nogla: Even if we are a gang, it doesn't mean we don't have emotions. Wildcat is a fragile one, and. . .he always risks for us to complete heavy work. He's really important to us. Thank you for helping him, and I. . .I knew it was better for you guys to heal him, since taking him to hospital will be. . .a bit of a risk, but. . .*sigh* I lost myself.
Wildcat: Nogla. . .*Smiles a bit*
Kryoz: Don't worry, and we'll talk about the negotiation.
Legiqn: Okay! Stop there, Kryoz. Listen. . .you don't make up the decision okay?
Kryoz: Legiqn, please. . .
Smii7y: Why are you fucking naïve?
Kryoz: Smii7y? A-Am I missing something here?
Legiqn: Oh my- come here. *Grabs Kryoz & goes out the room*
Smii7y: . . .Okay, while John is getting scolded, let's talk.
Bryce: We don't have any business with you guys.
Smii7y: *Looks at Nogla* Smooth talk there, huh? I doubt you care about him.
Noah: SMii7z!
Nogla: . . .Why do you know? That's just your opinion, we're humans you know. Of course, we care.
Smii7y: Then why was he hurt at the first place? You guys tried to lower the guards down. No matter what. . .you guys will do anything to get what you guys want, even if that means to sacrifice your teammate. Isn't that how you guys play?
Lui: Does this matter to you in any way?
Smii7y: Well. . .somewhat.
Nogla: I'll leave the judgement up to you, Mr. Smii7y. *Smiles*
Smii7y: . . .I hate your smile.
Nogla: *Giggles*
Noah: Okay, Smii7z, that is enough.
Smii7y: Shut up Noah.
Nogla: . . .Okay. . .so. . .how are you, my friend?
Smii7y: What?
Noah: G-Good, how about you?
Nogla: Good, and sorry about not greeting you early, didn't had the chance.
Noah: I-It's alright.
407: Wait, you guys know each other?
Nogla: He's my prankster friend, code name Noahj456, and thanks for the chocolates man.
Noah: *Blushes a bit* N-No problem, C-Cody did know where you were, huh?
Smii7y: Wait, wait, wait! What the fuck is going on here, Noah!? You're a friend with a gang!?
Noah: I mean. . .we were friends before I joined TwitterTweets.
Nogla: You're a messenger?
Noah: Y-Yea, I'm a midnight messenger.
Nogla: Really? Why didn't you tell me?
Noah: C-Cause, I didn't know how to contact you.
Nogla: Oh, sorry for not telling. *Giggles a bit*
Lui: What the fuck is up with this conversation?
Bryce: I agree.
Kryoz: *Enters* S-Sorry for the wait! Um. . .
Legiqn: You guys gotta meet someone first before we start any talks.
Ohm: Who is it?
???: *Enters* So, you guys really came.
Lui: And you're. . .?
Marksman: ImMarksman.
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