Round 2? (Ask #85 + Dare #20)
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Kid: Yes, Nogla! Let's go! X: It's funny. It's true. I am an extra. But then if I don't exist, who's going to take care of little Kid? Karma: Yooo, that's a sick rap! Well, the first stanza with "do" and "know" didn't rhyme, but the rest got me roasted. Some parts were hard for me to flow to a beat, but it's all about the lyrics, right? I love it but I kind of feel offended religiously when you mentioned Buddha in this... Then again, rap battles are meant to be offensive, right? Eh. My turn! You're first stanza was a disappointment for me. You'd expect the first line to rhyme but, you see, "do" and "know" aren't close to sound the same, makes me think you're deaf, but hearing doesn't matter in a killing spree. Endlessly, you do heists and murder with your team, but unfortunately it seems that you'll never reach your dream. Do you even, though? because with your theme, it's as if you never get light, not a beam, so your nightmares make you scream. You probably get nightmares as dark as a crow. Well, my rap sounds slow, so let's hasten the tempo! Ever heard someone else rap as fast as above? Get ready to read this as fast as Rap God! Enter me! I run this rap independently. Who are you meant to be? The leader of anarchy. No authority, they're dead, to put it simply, you turn your back to the world and begin a killing spree. But me? ... I work relentlessly, achieving and being more than you'll ever be. Unceasingly, I do shit done but I'm still free. Once this rap is complete, I'll be legendary. You'll just be a small, little, memory. I'll be the one bigger in our history. Allow me to give a little authenticity-Oh, wait, let's not, it'll corrupt reality. Don't ever underestimate the power of me, an author, artist, pianist, singer, rapper, eventually, I'll end late-nah, I'll end this before you bleed. To rap this up, I'll say bye and terima kasih! *faints* *gets back up* DONE! *faints again*
X: Since Karma's rap took up the majority of the Characters/letters/numbers/symbols limit (2000 is the amount of characters you are able to type in a comment), we will be speaking here. Kid: *giggles* Wow! I really love rap battles! They are so cool! I didn't actually expect it to happen! X: You doubted the leader? Kid: More like I doubted Karma! Karma: *Gets up* EXCUSE ME?! X: Anyway, Karma, you did well. However, I believe that your shot was longer than Vanoss', making it unfair. Karma: ARE YOU SERIOUS?! FUCKING DAMMIT! *faints for the third time* X: ... Evan, would you like a second turn to even the verses? If you're too tired, you can simply answer no. Karma: *gets back up* You like my cringe? I put a lot of effort into it. Now I can die happy. *dies... I guess... Kind of? Nah, he just fainted* Kid: *giggles* How was the rap battle, everyone?"
Nogla: I loved it!
407: *Blush* G-Good, I guess.
Wildcat: *Blush* It was really. . .cool.
Basically: I liked it.
Ohm: I loved it! Evy's so hot~!
Lui: That was amazing! And Vanoss is the best at anything, so you shut the fuck up!
Vanoss: . . .I'll pass. I don't wanna go back & forth with this shit.
Nogla: One more time, please!
Vanoss: No.
Nogla: Come on, please~!
Lui: If you want more, then why don't you do it?
Nogla: I'm not a good rapper, and don't you want to see Vanoss do it?
Lui: *Blush* Yea, but it's his choice.
Vanoss: . . .No.
407: Don't be a fucking pussy.
Lui: You shut the fuck up! Who the fuck do you think you are, talking to Vanoss like that!?
407: So protective, aren't you? But you need to shut up, you little brat! I won't stop if you wanna be a pussy like Vanoss.
Basically: Sco-
407: What are you gonna do now, brat? You fucking pussy! You're just bitching, and it's so annoying.
Lui: Oh my god, I would like you to shut the fuck up you know! You're a greedy motherfucker, who can't even get anything to own! You want this, that, and everything in the world, but with that anger and having someone to stop you proves you got more pussy than a girl! You're nothing but a piece of shit who can't do anything alone, so what's the point with you living then, if you can get nothing but pieces of rock and stone!?
Nogla: Kid-
Lui: *Turns to Nogla* Shut up! You're fucking annoying! Always calling me 'kid', even if I told you not to! I hate you! Smiling, giggling, friendly, positive, but I know you have dark colors under your skin!
Vanoss: Lui. . .
Lui: *Turns to the asker* You askers pisses me off! Creating drama, demanding us & playing with us! We're not your fucking toys! Dare to challenge Vanoss? You're asking to be destroyed! He's the coolest, toughest, strongest man alive! Everything he does, he's the best! We never failed in a mission, no matter how bad it went, just overkill. Vanoss is the best leader, a boss, overthrows any royalty! Kill to spread fear in to people & take control, that's the way! You think you're 'legendary'? Your rap is no match for Vanoss! You suck! You're nothing! Who cares the fuck you are, no one cares, I don't! You want to be big in history? The biggest idiot who challenged Vanoss, only to get shut down! Now pray to Buddha for fucking mercy! Oh, was that offensive for religious people? No sorry, don't care, fuck you!
Nogla: . . .Kid. . .?
Lui: *Pant* . . .Fuck. I feel dizzy. I need to sit down. *Sits down*
Basically: Um. . .okay, that works.
Lui: What?
Ohm: Aww~, I loved that, so many sharp words~.
Lui: Get the fuck away from me!
Wildcat: Was that. . .
407: Um. . .
Lui: This is making me uncomfortable, and I-I snapped, it's your fault, Fourzer0! Don't you ever talk shit to Vanoss!
Vanoss: *Pats Lui's head* Thanks Lui.
Lui: *Blush* W-What?
Nogla: *Giggles*
FiFi_Ballinas "He does, just doesn't want to say anything."
Basically: *Giggles* Yea. . .
Nogla: What are you giggling at?
Basically: I was just giggling at how Droidd actually cares for Lui, but hides it.
Droidd: What? N-No, I don't.
Lui: You think that fucker care about me? You're hallucinating.
Delirium: But I think it's true, brothers are like that.
Lui: Well, we're different!
Dare from KatelynSQuestions ,
"I have a dare for Moo 2p:I dare you to go a day without being mean to Vanoss and Mini."
Moo: . . .I can do that.
MiniLadd: I like to see you try, you're pretty short tempered.
Moo: Mini, I don't want to-
Vanoss: You wouldn't last a minute, Moo.
Moo: Since when were you there?
Vanoss: Few seconds ago.
MiniLadd: You should just give up now.
Moo: Fffffffff. . .Be quiet, Mini.
Vanoss: You're trying huh?
MiniLadd: You should not force yourself.
Moo: *Clenches his fists*
Vanoss: . . .Well, I get why you're trying, trying to be tough, like me.
Moo: . . .*Starts twitching in anger*
MiniLadd: Aww, that's so cute of you~.
Moo: *Blush & looks away*
Vanoss: *Pats Moo's head* You're a secret fan of me? Hmm?
Moo: THAT'S IT! FUCK YOU! *Attacks Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Blocks* Ha, I knew it!
MiniLadd: *Laughs*
(Shout-Out to my Buddy, AWolfsJourney once again for helping me with the rap!)
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