Road to Season 3 (Ask #486-489)
AWolfsJourney "Yes! Kisskisskisskisskiss!!!"
abbyloveanime18 "Me: Now kiss!!"
Foxygwr "Me: *wakes up* what happened?
* jane smacks me upside the head*
Me: ow!
Jane: never do that again!
Me: never do what- oh never mind...
Lilly: i could of gotten her pills jane...
Me: owwww my head hurts like hell... and tyler kiss evan already.."
lunatictedd16 "Wild being dominate??? Fuck yeah!!!"
mercyrules101 "nOw kISs""kIsS. PLeAse"
-inspiredsilence "omgomgomgomgomg get my coffin ready."
CherryPlayz07 "Yieeeee~~! They're going to kiss 😘"
Kingggjaay "Watch someone ruin the moment"
LazilyProductive "If someone or something ruins this moment I'm going to obliterate into tiny pieces of salt"
407: *Kicks the door* Yo, Tyler, Vanoss!
Wildcat: *Blushes & pulls away* S-Scotty!?
407: Are you guys done yet!? We want to start this fucking party!
Vanoss: We'll go soon, so don't break my door!
407: Hurry your ass up! *Walks back*
Wildcat: *Blushing* Um. . .s-should we go?
Vanoss: *Blush* Yea. . .and um. . .I need help to walk.
Wildcat: O-Of course.
~At the others~
Vanoss & Wildcat: *Enters*
Lui: Vanoss! Are you okay?
Vanoss: I'm fine, Lui. *Pats Lui's head* I missed you.
Lui: *Blush* I-I missed you too.
Ohm: Evy~! We got the party ready~!
Nogla: *Smiles* Team effort.
Vanoss: Guys. . .
Terroriser: Come on, Evan, let's have some drink.
Basically: You'll be able to stand soon on your own, boss.
Vanoss: That's good to hear.
Jiggly: Tyler, you wanna switch? I can carry Vanoss to his seat. You can rest.
Wildcat: I. . .It's okay.
Ohm: It's better if you carry Evy like a princess, you know~.
Vanoss: Fuck no.
Wildcat: *Blush* Um. . .I-
Lui: You're gonna drop Vanoss! You're hurt, remember! Let someone else do it!
Wildcat: O-Okay. . .
Vanoss: I don't fucking need-
Nogla: I got you, boss! *Carries Vanoss*
Vanoss: Put me down!
Ohm: Oh~, so cute, Evy~!
Vanoss: Shut up!
KarmaXKid "X: I hope Nogla and Ohm are okay. If the bullet is still in them, it should be removed.
Karma: Pretty sure they know that."
Lui: Nogla, you're hurt as well!
Nogla: I think I can handle.
Lui: Fuck no, put Vanoss down!
Terroriser: Moo, do you think you can carry Evan?
Moo: Why me?
Terroriser: *Blush* I mean. . .you're strong. . .and. . .r-reliable. . .
Moo: *Blushes a bit* Fine. . . *Carries Vanoss*
Vanoss: You really fell for that?
Moo: Shut the fuck up, or I'm gonna drop you.
Vanoss: Try & I'll put a bullet in your flesh.
RacingCatz: No more fighting, let's sit down & eat.
Question from KarmaXKid,
"Kid: So... um... no more fighting for at least one day now...? :3"
Terroriser: Hopefully.
Moo: *Puts Vanoss down on the chair*
Vanoss: If no one starts it, it'll be fine.
Nogla: Well, we should celebrate the boss' recovery.
Ohm: And save your energy to save MiniLadd.
Terroriser: Agreed.
Droidd: We'll get him back.
Basically: Of course.
Vanoss: *Smiles a bit* . . .Shall we? *Grabs a drink*
Terroriser: *Smiles* Of course, Evan.
Vanoss: *Raises the drink* Cheers.
Everyone else: CHEERS!
Question from mercyrules101 ,
"How is vanoss and the other reaction on this"
Vanoss: I'm fine. Just. . .*looks at Wildcat* happy.
Terroriser: What did you two talk about?
Vanoss: Stuff, and. . .I'm glad I'm not losing him.
Terroriser: *Smiles* Evan. . .
RacingCatz: He gave the answer?
Vanoss: Yea. . .he's staying. . .with us, family.
RacingCatz: *Smiles* I'm glad.
[Wildcat: *Looks at Vanoss & blushes*
Delirious: *Nudges Wildcat a bit*
Wildcat: *Turns to Delirious* Delirious?
Delirious: . . . (You can go talk to Vanoss if you want.)
Wildcat: But. . . *Looks at Vanoss*]
RacingCatz: You'll be able to walk, right?
Vanoss: Yea, just takes a while. *Smiles* Thanks for being here, Cody. I appreciate it.
RacingCatz: *Smiles back* No problem, Evan.
Vanoss: *Holds RacingCatz's hand* I really mean it. . .you helped Tyler, right?
RacingCatz: It's him, who stood up for himself & made the decision. I did no such thing, Evan. You should give him credit for how he fights.
Vanoss: *Giggles* I don't know~.
Wildcat: . . .*Walks up to Vanoss*
Terroriser: *Taps Vanoss' shoulder* He's coming.
Vanoss: Hmm? *Sees Wildcat*
Wildcat: Hi. . .
Vanoss: Hey Tyler.
RacingCatz: Hello.
Terroriser: Hi, Tyler.
Wildcat: . . .Um. . .C-Cody. . .
RacingCatz: Yes?
Wildcat: . . .*Blush* I-I'm gonna be better, okay!? So, uh. . .*looks at Vanoss' hand, holding RacingCatz's hand* so. . .
RacingCatz: *Notices & pulls his hand away from Vanoss' hand, then reached his hand out to Wildcat* I'm looking forward to that, Mr. Wildcat.
Wildcat: I. . .
RacingCatz: Next time, we might battle for something else. *Smiles*
Wildcat: *Blushes, & handshakes with RacingCatz*
RacingCatz: . . .You have a strong grip.
Wildcat: *Blushes harder & pulls away* I-I didn't mean to hurt you! I-I'm sorry!
RacingCatz: *Giggles* Don't worry, sir.
Vanoss: *Blushes a bit, watching the two* (Cute. . .)
Terroriser: (Evan doesn't seem to be noticing. . .)
Ohm: I smell love~!
Terroriser: Oh no. . .
RacingCatz: Hello Mr. Ohmwrecker.
Ohm: Hmm~. . .were you kitties having a little love fight~?
Wildcat: *Blush* W-What?
RacingCatz: *Giggles* We had no such thing.
"Ohm nogla... Are they okay?"
Ohm: I'm perfectly fine~.
Nogla: I'm okay too.
Lui: Shut up & stay still, Nogla.
Nogla: Okay, kid~. *Giggles*
Lui: Shut your giggling!
"Now..... Terroriser are ya gonna do it? :333333"
Terroriser: *Blush* W-What do you-
Ohm: *Leans to Terroriser* Aww, is someone planning a confession~? Or a fun~?
Vanoss: *Smirks* Go for it, Brian~.
Terroriser: *Blushing* S-Shut up!
Question from Foxygwr ,
"Lilly: ohm do you like your job?"
Ohm: Of course I do~! Everyone is so sweet & lovely here~! So much action & so many loves~! I love it~!
"Jake: and lui do you like nogla?"
Lui: *Blush* WHAT!? Fuck no!
Nogla: *Giggles* Aww~, that hurts, kid~.
Lui: Shut up! I like you as a teammate, you're my partner, and nothing more!
Nogla: *Hugs Lui* I know what I am to you. *Kisses Lui's forehead*
Lui: *Blushing* Stop it! Get off of me!
Nogla: *Giggles*
Droidd: . . .I doubt you could find any love, Lui.
Lui: Shut the fuck up! I don't need it!
Droidd: Such a loner, aren't you, trash?
Lui: Fuck you!
Nogla: Okay, okay, no more. *Hears his phone ringing* Oh, I gotta go get that. Listen, no more fighting alright?
Lui & Droidd: *Looks away from each other*
Nogla: *Giggles* (They sure are brothers.)
Droidd: *Hears a knock at the door*
AWolfsJourney "B3 Terroriser~ we all know u want Moo to fuck your ass with his big, meaty, long dick!"
Terroriser: *Blushes hard* P-Please stop!
Vanoss: *Giggles* I know you want it so badly~.
Terroriser: Stop it!
Ohm: Oh~, I would love to watch~! I can just imagine Terroriser moaning sexually & Moo fucking him mercilessly~!
Terroriser: *Blushing bright red* Please-
Moo: Okay, what the fuck are you imagining, you ass!
Ohm: *Turns to Moo* Oh Moo! Good timing~! Terroriser wants you to fu-
Terroriser: *Covers Ohm's mouth* Please stop!
Droidd: *Walks up to Vanoss* Boss, we have a visitor.
Vanoss: Who?
Droidd: . . .Smii7y.
Wildcat: *Froze*
Terroriser: What?
RacingCatz: Smii7y?
Moo: That bastard?
Vanoss: . . .Everyone stay here. *Tries to stand up* Cody, come with me.
RacingCatz: *Helps Vanoss* O-Okay.
Vanoss: Brian, take care of everyone if something happens.
Terroriser: Evan. . .o-okay.
Wildcat: *Shaking in fear*
Vanoss: Everything is okay, Tyler.
Wildcat: Vanoss. . .
Vanoss: Tyler, it's al-
Wildcat: *Pecks Vanoss' lips & blush* B-Be careful. . .
Vanoss: *Blushes a bit* Alright. . .
Question from mercyrules101 ,
"vaNOsS. WhY yOu. ArE sTUmbLiNg a lOt?????????????????"
~At Outside~
Vanoss: Because of this asshole! *Pointing at Smii7y*
Smii7y: What a greeting, well. . .you weren't recovered yet, huh?
Vanoss: Shut up, and the fuck you want anyway? I'm fucking kill you if you get near me.
RacingCatz: Calm down, Evan. *Turns to SMii7y* Smii7y. . .
Smii7y: . . .I heard you guys' medic is in coma.
Vanoss: . . .How the fuck you know that?
Smii7y: Noah brought info, and. . .I did hurt you, this is not asking for forgiveness, but. . .atonement for myself. I think I know someone who can save your medic.
Vanoss: You don't know any details.
Smii7y: Yea, but wind rumors are quite powerful than you think. Anyways, just take it.
Vanoss: . . .Spit it out, and then I'll think if I should take it or not.
Smii7y: . . .You guys know about Brofist Clan?
~In the forest~
Delirium: *Walking, then takes out his phone*
???: *Grabs Delirium from behind & aims a knife to his throat* Drop it.
Delirium: *Froze, and drops the phone*
???: Stay still, H2ODelirious.
Delirium: . . .Wait, you're Jon's friend?
???: 'Jon'?
Delirium: H2ODelirious is my brother's code name.
???: . . .'Brother'?
~In Nogla's room~
Nogla: *On the phone & giggles* I don't know, man.
[???: Come on! When can I go see your workplace? You always say 'someday', but you never took me once! Those guys you brought were pretty cool! I wanna work with the guys like them.]
Nogla: That's what I'm afraid of. It's not easy being here.
[???: You always say it's fun!]
Nogla: It is, but it's dangerous, that's all. Also, we have a problem right now.
[???: . . .Fine. How about this? Take me to the base, after I'm done with the building?]
Nogla: Alright, alright. I'll ask boss.
[???: Yes! Thanks bro!]
Nogla: Don't thank me yet, brother.
~Back at Vanoss, RacingCatz & Smii7y~
Vanoss: 'Brofist Clan'?
Smii7y: They are a dimensional gang, they twist fate & reality. For your medic's problem, I think they can help.
RacingCatz: Marcel & Brian did say twisting reality has consequences.
Smii7y: That's the rule, but they are different. There's no mistake in this information, Vanoss. My wind rumors, Noah & the Insta-GramPolice's info is not wrong. They exist, not too long ago, they stole a Dimensional Access, and caused portals to open up randomly.
Vanoss: Portals. . .*Remembers the Missing Member chapter*
RacingCatz: Evan. . .Smii7y may have hurt you, but. . .there's no lie to his words. If this Brofist Clan can really help Craig. . .I think it's a risk worth to take.
Vanoss: . . .*Remembers what Terroriser told him* . . .How long would it take for us to find them?
Smii7y: You have a smartass in the gang, so it won't be that hard. You guys can open up the portal, and one of them might come through.
Vanoss: 'Might'. . .
Smii7y: It's worth a shot. They'll come to open portals.
Vanoss: . . .It's so suspicious why you know all this.
Smii7y: Trust me or not is not the problem here. Whether you take it or not is the problem.
Vanoss: . . .What if it doesn't work? You brought false information.
RacingCatz: Evan, wait. This does sound a bit suspicious, but I would want to risk it. Why don't you let us help you?
Vanoss: What do you mean?
RacingCatz: Me, Noah & Smii7y will try & get the Brofist Clan into this universe. The BBS can do their thing to save Craig. It's a deal, if we get the Brofist Clan, we'll make them save Craig.
Smii7y: . . .I don't disagree.
Vanoss: . . .Deals doesn't work like that. What do you guys get out of it?
Smii7y: Atonement.
RacingCatz: Happiness.
Vanoss: . . .Deal, but because Cody says so.
RacingCatz: Eva-
Smii7y: I don't care. I'm doing this for myself.
Vanoss: Alright. . .
RacingCatz: *Smiles* Craig will be fine, Evan.
Vanoss: I know. We will save him.
(Thank you so much for supporting this book. It was filled with bs & drama, but I hope you guys liked it somehow. I wanna try to do it better in Season 3, less drama, more ships & funny moments.
Sorry that Season 2 was filled with dramas, but I hope you guys enjoyed reading some parts.
See you guys again, hopefully, in Season 3 :3 )
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