Reassuring (Ask #377)
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Hey Ohm, how about u give Wildcat a little bit of love? Just to make him feel a tiny bit better"
Ohm: Wildkitty, let's go. *Holds Wildcat's hand gently & gets out the car with him*
Wildcat: *Sniffles & walks with Ohm*
Lui: Seriously, the fuck you thinking, Nogla?
Nogla: Calm down Kid, the police headquarter isn't far, and I want to discuss with Mini & Droidd about the plan.
Bryce: *Sigh*
~At Ohm & Wildcat~
Ohm: Wildkitty, are you alright?
Wildcat: . . .
Ohm: . . .*Sees a flower patch* Oh look!
(Shout-out to AWolfsJourney for the suggestion)
Wildcat: *Sees the flower patch* . . .Flowers. . .
Ohm: Come on. *Pulls Wildcat gently to the flower patch*
Wildcat: . . .*Sniff* So. . .pretty.
Ohm: Just like you, kitty~.
Wildcat: . . .*Looks at his arms, and tears up* I. . .I'm not. . .
Ohm: Wildkitty. . .
Wildcat: *Cries*
Ohm: . . .*Hugs Wildcat*
Wildcat: *Yelps*
Ohm: Shhh. . .it's okay, it's okay. . .calm down.
Wildcat: *Sniffles*
Ohm: . . .Wildkitty, Evy didn't mean to hurt you this bad. Trust me, he loves you so much.
Wildcat: *Sniff* N-No. . .*hic* h-h-h-he doesn't. . .*Cries*
lunatictedd16 "You know when someone is recovering you don't beat the shit outta them... You let them feel safe... You could've beat the shit outta him when he was the other saide of him but not when he's innocent... he's scared, shaking violently, and can't stop crying."
Ohm: . . .Wildkitty, listen, sometimes. . .you hurt someone you love, because it's necessarily, so the loved one can learn from it.
Wildcat: *Hic*
Ohm: *Wipes Wildcat's tears* You're not the only one who Evy beat up in the crew. I was beaten up pretty bad by Evy too.
Wildcat: *Sniffles* Y-Y-You t-too?
Ohm: Yea, we all were.
Wildcat: . . .*Sniff* N-No. . .that's-
Ohm: It's true. *Holds Wildcat's hand* Evy beat me up, when I made a mistake during mission. I got. . .too aggressive to kill a bitch.
Wildcat: . . .W-Why?
Ohm: . . . *Takes his necktie off* Well. . .I hate females in general, so. . .I caused a bit of a trouble. I hurt Delly on accident, cause he tried to stop me, and I got in trouble for it. After that, Evy hurt me that it was my fault that their plan went out of control. Delly tried to stop, and I only got few bruises on my body. You know. . .I get vulnerable when I don't have my bandana, and Evy knows that.
Wildcat: . . .
Ohm: *Smiles a bit* Evy took it from me, and I was defenseless. After the punishment, I learned something. . . *Wraps his necktie on Wildcat's bruise like a bandage* Evy really cares about me.
Wildcat: . . .What?
Ohm: It was necessarily, I needed to remember. *Kisses Wildcat's hand* I don't know if Evy intended to teach me a lesson, but. . .I believe he did.
Wildcat: . . .Ohm. . .
Ohm: Wildkitty, we all care & love you. Evy loves you so much. Trust me. *Kisses Wildcat's forehead*
Wildcat: *Blushes a bit*. . .
Ohm: Please don't cry anymore.
Wildcat: *Sniff* Ohm. . .
Ohm: . . .*Gently kisses Wildcat*
Wildcat: *Blushes a bit*
Ohm: *Pulls away & smiles* I love you, Wildkitty, you're very cute.
Wildcat: O-Ohm. . .
Ohm: . . .Wildkitty, I'm sorry for not helping you, but. . .you need to understand. Wildkitty, Evy wanted you to-
Nogla: *Coughs*
Ohm: *Turns around* Oh. . .hi David.
Nogla: Um. . .it's time to go. We need to tell you guys the plan.
Ohm: Alright. *Turns to Wildcat* Let's go, princess.
Wildcat: *Nods a bit*
Ohm: Oh! I almost forgot. *Takes a flower, puts it above Wildcat's ear* There you go, beautiful.
Wildcat: *Blushes a bit & smiles a little* T-Thank you.
Ohm: No problem~.
~At the Base~
MiniLadd: I doubt the plan is gonna work.
Droidd: It'll be fine, Mini. Have some faith in them.
MiniLadd: *Sigh* Fine.
MiniLadd: What was that?
CherryBlossm112 "Hmm... Someone go stop panda and vanoss because they fighting again."
Droidd: Sounds like Boss. . .say, didn't Jiggly stay in base?
MiniLadd: Oh shit! *Runs to Vanoss' room*
TheDeliriousFamily "Taya: *bangs on the BBS' door* I really hope Tyler is okay! This will be all my fault if he's hurt! *feels a cut on her arm* SHIT! *starts bleeding out*"
Droidd: Whoa, you don't need to bang on out door, you can use the fourth wall power, and. . .you seem hurt.
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