Popular Catz (Ask #122-128 + Dare #37)
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Yay! RacingCatz is here! So, 2pRacingCatz, are you excited to be here!? Cause "apparently" everyone else is~"
RacingCatz: Huh?
Basically: In case you didn't know, we're having a Q&As, plus dares, and you have a lot questions from them already.
MiniLadd: Pretty popular, huh?
RacingCatz: No, I'm not. *Giggles* And to answer your question, yes, I'm pretty excited. I haven't taken a break for a while, so.
Nogla: It's nice to see you wearing something else besides the uniform.
RacingCatz: *Giggles*
Terroriser: Just like old times.
OmegaTheta "Holy..... *sips hot cocoa* crap... remind me to never get on his bad side! Seems I need to brew some more peppermint cocoa."
Terroriser: Yup, you shouldn't. Cody is a pretty good killer.
RacingCatz: I'm just a mailman, Mr. Terroriser.
MiniLadd: Dude, you're not at work, so you can call us with name, you know.
RacingCatz: . . .It's been a while, though.
Basically: We wouldn't mind, Cody. *Smiles*
RacingCatz: . . . *Smiles* Alright.
AWolfsJourney "RacingCatz!!!!!!!! Hello :3"
sunniidee "hello Cody! you're not up for asks or dares, so I just wanted to say hi uwu"
RacingCatz: *Smiles* Hello, nice to meet you guys!
Gah! If I could I would rip out my mutliversal being heart and give it to him! Also I have a much colder cocoa Toonz! When I mean colder I mean... sub zero...
Don't ask how I am able to still keep it in a liquid state, best not to ask..."
Wildcat: *Blush* Um. . .t-thank you.
CaRtOoNz: That's cool, and I'll take that, please.
I LOVE THE VOICE I GAVE HIM IN MY HEAD. IT'S LIKE SO FAST AND CHEERFUL WHEN DELIVERING MAIL but then, when he's pissed, he's, like, scary as fuck. Oh, goodness. I LOVE IT."
RacingCatz: *Blush* Aww, thank you.
Vanoss: I agree, he's the best.
RacingCatz: E-Evan. . .
Vanoss: . . .*Blushes a bit* It's been a while, Cody.
RacingCatz: Well. . .I was busy with stuff, and thank you for inviting me.
Vanoss: No problem. *Smiles*
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"Eeeyyyyyyyyy... how ya doing catz? Glad you came but...... people are fuckin fighting and it's just crap...... *slowly eats potatoe chips*"
RacingCatz: 'Fighting'? Really?
Terroriser: Yea, you know, typical BBS days.
RacingCatz: I see. . .I know Craig & Evan fight a lot. I still remember.
MiniLadd: I have thousands of memories of us fighting.
Vanoss: You never really changed, Mini.
MiniLadd: Hey, fuck you, alright?
Vanoss: You fucking asshole.
Terroriser: *Giggles* Don't start it, boys.
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"RacingCatz! Why did you leave the BBS!? ;3;
And how much do you love Vanoss? :3"
RacingCatz: . . .I. . .I left the crew, because. . .I was curious of my life choice. . .the possibility, and. . .gang business. . .wasn't really right for me.
Vanoss: It was. You have the skills, Cody. . .there's no way you would leave with that half-assed reason.
RacingCatz: . . .*Smiles* I just made a different choice, and I like it now. Try to understand.
Vanoss: Fuck no! *Hugs RacingCatz*
RacingCatz: *Blush* E-Evan. . .
Vanoss: Why can't you tell me the truth?
RacingCatz: . . .Cause it's not important. You shouldn't think about it. I like the life I have now, and I'm sticking with it, Evan.
Vanoss: . . .Answer the second question.
RacingCatz: *Blush* Um. . .now?
Vanoss: Now.
RacingCatz: *Blushing* I. . .I love you. . .a lot.
Vanoss: . . .Describe it.
RacingCatz: A-Are you really going to make me say it?
Vanoss: Yea.
RacingCatz: Mmmm. . .*Buries his face in Vanoss' chest* H-Have mercy, boss.
Vanoss: *Smirks* Alright, only cause it's you.
Nogla: Aww, how sweet.
Vanoss: *Blush* NOGLA! Since when were you there!?
Nogla: A while ago.
Ohm: Oh~, someone's being naughty here~.
RacingCatz: *Blushes* U-Um. . .w-we weren't doing a-anything n-naughty.
Terroriser: *Giggles* Oh, Evan & Cody.
Vanoss: FUCK OFF!
Question from OmegaTheta ,
"Interesting. This 2p universe has yet to cease to amaze me *sips cocoa* hmm.. would you like a cup Catz? I have plenty ^_^"
RacingCatz: *Smiles* I would like to have some, please.
Question from TheDeliriousFamily ,
"Cody!!! Can I get a hug? If so, *hugs Cody* I love you so much! You're my second favorite YouTube EVER! Sorry but Delirious is my favorite! Also Marcel, Can you call me often so I can check up on Tyler? I want to make sure he's in good hands and he isn't hurt by HIM"
RacingCatz: *Hugs back* Aww, you're so sweet.
Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (Glad to be your fav.)
Delirium: *Hugs Delirious* Everyone loves you!
Delirious: *Giggles* . . . (Not everyone, but thanks. Love you, Jason.)
Delirium: *Smiles* Love you too, Jon!
Basically: Well. . .sure, I'll connect my other laptop with your universe, so you can check on Tyler.
Vanoss: Identify 'him', bitch, also get the fuck away from Cody.
Wildcat: P-Please don't hurt her, and Taya, don't worry about me, okay?
Question & Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"Vanoss do you hurt Tyler on purpose or is that something that you can't share also I dare you to tell everyone your real back story"
Vanoss: I'm just training him, and my back story? Well, I didn't make it clear to my crew, so. . .I guess I'll do it, but it's not important.
Delirium: Story time!
Lui: Be quiet, Methane.
Vanoss: So, I have to do stupid dare, and tell you guys my past.
MiniLadd: Oh, great.
Basically: *Takes out his pen & notepad* I'm ready to take notes!
407: Nerd.
Nogla: *Giggles* Okay, let's hear it, Boss!
Vanoss: So. . .I was born in Canada, and I lacked to care. I didn't care about anything. . .even emotions. My parents were pretty disappointed in me, and didn't do shit to help me learn how to care. I had no interest, I refused to make friends, every day was just frustration & boredom, but one day, I met MiniLadd, and we started doing some activities together.
MiniLadd: I was like a rebel when I was a kid.
Vanoss: I started feeling joy, anger, and others, I found what I can be interested in & care. We were infamous around the area, and it caused his family to move, which I later found out that my parents made them move. They took my fun life with Mini, and once I lost him. . .I started losing emotions. . .I decided not to care about anything once again. My boring life continued, but when I was 18, I started getting sick of my life, I missed my fun life, so I murdered my parents who had me sealed in a fucking box or some shit, and head outside into the society.
Lui: *Eyes sparkling* Wow. . .
Basically: So you were. . .emotionless?
Vanoss: Not quite, I just lacked to care to have & feel emotions.
Terroriser: This gang life is like Evan's addiction.
Nogla: That was really-
Lui: Awesome!
Delirium: That was a good story!
Ohm: Oh Evy~, you're just so hot~.
Jiggly: No wonder you don't care if your teammates get hurt.
Vanoss: Shut the fuck up!
Droidd: Okay, no fighting. *Giggles*
Wildcat: But. . .you care about us. . .right?
Vanoss: I do, of course.
Delirious: . . .? (Why don't we change the mood now?)
CaRtOoNz: Let's go kill bitches!
Delirious: . . .! (No!)
Question from H20vanossfan109 ,
"Does anyone like kisses? (The chocolate you dumb fucks XD)"
Wildcat: I like chocolates.
Ohm: I love those, and it's pretty good for virgins who doesn't know how to kiss. *Giggles*
Nogla: They are pretty tasty, I like it.
MiniLadd: I don't.
Terroriser: Why not?
MiniLadd: Cause it sucks.
Terroriser: Okay?
Basically: They are not that bad.
Droidd: It's pretty good.
CaRtOoNz: Kind of.
Delirious: . . . (I like it.)
Bryce: Yea, kind of.
Delirium: I love chocolates!
Jiggly: I like it.
407: Oh, I like those as well. Well, it is chocolate.
Moo: . . .*Shrugs*
Lui: They're not bad.
Vanoss: . . .Kinda.
RacingCatz: I like it.
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