Play Time is Over (Ask #428-429)
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Karma: BoiyuodarehurtNogla'sribsIwannafuckyouupsobadrightnow-
I used to care? Man, my memory is shit. Are you sure you ain't getting mixed up with me and Kid or something?"
Nogla: *Working* Oh yea, what happened to Kid & X?
Bryce: Nogla! Quit talking! *Dodges* And work!
"Also, if I try to hit someone, will it work? I haven't done that before because typer doesn't allow me, thinking that it'll 'break the dimensions or some shit buuuut every other asker/darer here seems to do it perfectly fine so... *forms a fist* ...will this work? *Punches Ze*"
Ze: Fuck! You bitch! *Opens a holographic chart*
Legiqn: No you don't! *Attacks Ze*
Ze: Shit! *Dodges*
Bryce: . . .Askers are handy sometimes. *Attacks*
Question from wolfiechan12352 & CherryBlossm112 ,
"COME ON EVERYBODY YOU GUYS CAN DO IT *wipes away tears* and ohm are you okay???"
"Ohm are you okay?... and... why don't you let him kill me?..."
Ohm: I'm fine, and. . .*Sigh* if I let you get killed, what do you think would happen. *Kicks the knight* Don't butt in, askers, we'll protect Wildkitty at all costs.
Wildcat: But Ohm-
Ohm: *Smiles* No need to worry about anything, focus on accomplishing the mission. *Summons roots*
Wildcat: . . .Okay. *Works*
Smarty: (These guys are stronger than I thought. . .) Hey. .wait a sec. . .
Vanoss: I'm trying! Droidd, where's the location!?
Droidd: North of this way, and. . .there's some kind of a firewall.
CaRtOoNz: Firewall?
Moo: We're in real life, it's just your useless computer acting up.
Droidd: It can't be. I used my phone & the gadget in this car, but both had this firewall. It's blocking our way, physically in real life.
Delirious: . . .? (How are we going to find them now?)
Jiggly: Just hurry, we're going to find Tyler no matter what the fuck is blocking our way!
Moo: Calm the fuck down Sherlock. I'm worried about the base more than them.
CaRtOoNz: Jason can handle it for few hours, and Brian's there, so we'll be okay.
Vanoss: We better make this quick.
~Dimension 1~
Nogla: *Working* Okay, got it. This one goes here, and I input this code to. . .this one.
Legiqn: Is it ready yet? *Dodges Ze's attack*
Nogla: Yup, I got it! Okay, I need to call the others. *Dialing*
Bryce: Hurry the fuck up! *Attacks Ze*
Ze: *Dodges* That bitch. . . *Summons drill arrows & shoots*
~Dimension 2~
Basically: *Working* Come on. . .got it!
407: *Attacks Chilled* You little bitch!
Chilled: *Dodges, summons harpoons guns & shoots*
Kryoz: *Makes a net & catches the harpoons* Take it back! *Throws them back*
Chilled: *Dodges*
Basically: . . .Dammit. . .
~Dimension 3~
Wildcat: *Working* Oh god. . .um. . .
Ohm: Calm down kitty, and you're doing a great job! *Attacks the knights*
Wildcat: S-So many words & numbers. . .um. . .I don't know what to do.
~Dimension 4~
Noah: *Working* Okay. . .this goes here &. . .alright! Got'em! But man. . .this dizziness is getting worse.
Smii7y: Concentrate on working, and try not to talk. *Attacks GaLm*
Lui: And make it quick! *Attacks GaLm*
GaLm: *Dodges*
Basically, Wildcat, & Noah: *Gets a call & picks up*
[Nogla: Hey guys!
Basically: Nogla!
Nogla: Marcel, how is it going?
Basically: Not good, I got to hack in their security, but I can't deactivate this dimension yet.
Nogla: You don't need to do that, just hack in & break the camo program.
Noah: Camo program?
Nogla: Yea, a camouflage program that's separating these dimensions & the real world.
Wildcat: I-I'm confused. Too many words & numbers. I don't know what to do.
Nogla: Don't worry, Wildcat, I'll send you instructions, also, I thought Ohm was working on it.
Wildcat: Well, he's fighting right now.
Basically: Camo program. . .Oh! I see what you're thinking, but. . .do you think it'll work?
Nogla: It'll work, don't worry.
Noah: If Nogla says it'll work. . .then it will work, trust him.
Wildcat: Okay, and um. . .I think I got it.
Nogla: Nice, now we all have to break the program. There should be some codes somewhere.
Noah: Shit. . .this is gonna take a while, and I don't have much time.
Basically: What do you mean, Noah?
Noah: The guy we're fighting with is slowly suffocating us in this dimension. I'm getting a bit dizzy. . .so. . .yea.
Nogla: That's bad, Noah. Okay, code should be around the outer area. Try punching them in.
Noah: Alright.
Nogla: Also, these have ripple effects.
Wildcat: 'Ripple effects'?
Basically: It's like a domino, if one falls, another falls, then on & on. If one of us gets the code & break the program, all dimensions will be affected.
Wildcat: Whoa. . .this is a lot.
Nogla: Come on Wildcat, you can do this! I believe in you!
Wildcat: Nogla. . .
Basically: We're all believing in you, Wildcat.
Wildcat: Marcel. . .alright. I'll try my best.]
~Dimension 1~
Bryce: Ze, give up already!
Ze: . . .*Eyes glows* I had enough of this bullshit! *Captures Bryce & Legiqn*
Legiqn: Shit!
Bryce: Fuck!
Ze: *Pins them to the wall*
Legiqn: Ugh!
Bryce: Agh!
Nogla: Legiqn! Bryce!
Ze: David!
Nogla: *Looks at Ze*
Ze: *Teleports behind Nogla with a sword*. . .DIE.
Bryce & Legiqn: Nogla!
[Basically: Alright, this is the code, No-
Nogla: AGHHHHH!]
~Dimension 2~
Basically: N-Nogla? What happened!? Nogla!
Chilled: *Smirks & grabs 407's neck, then smashes him to the wall*
407: Ugh! *Wound starts bleeding*
Basically: Scotty!
Kryoz: Fourzero!
Chilled: *Summons a shark & attacks Kryoz*
Kryoz: *Makes a net & prevents the shark from biting him, but gets pinned to the wall* Dammit!
Basically: John!
Chilled: *Strangling 407* Looks like Ze got your friend, Nogla. Now, let's get your game over~, BasicallyIDoWrk. . .the genius~.
~Dimension 3~
Wildcat: N-Nogla? Hello? Marcel? Noah?
Smarty: *Smirks, summons minions & teleports to Wildcat*
Marksman: Shit! Tyler!
Wildcat: *Turns around*
Smarty: Looks like we got your friends~.
Marksman: Tyler run!
Swag: This is bad. . .*Kicks the knights*
Ohm: Don't hurt kitty! *Attacks Smarty*
Smarty: *Dodges & summons walls, separating Marksman & Swag from Ohm & Wildcat*
Marksman: Shit!
Wildcat: Nick! Swag!
Ohm: Kitty, keep working on it! I'll take care of him!
Smarty: Oh yea~? *Takes out his knife & summons arrows, then shoots at Wildcat*
Ohm: *Deflects the arrows*
Wildcat: Ohm. . .thank you. *Searches for the codes*
Smarty: *Runs to Wildcat & tries to stab him*
Ohm: *Grabs Smarty's hand just in time & prevents him from stabbing Wildcat* Not even a chance, sir!
Smarty: *Struggles* Let go!
Ohm: *Struggles as well* No, sir!
Wildcat: Hurry, hurry, hurry. . .*finds the code* got it!
Smarty: *Kicks Wildcat from the back*
Wildcat: *Falls down*
Ohm: Kitty!
Smarty: *Escapes Ohm's grip, then. . .cuts off Ohm's bandanna*
Ohm: *Bandanna falls* Shi-
Smarty: *Grabs Ohm's arm & pushes him on the ground
Ohm: Ugh!
Smarty: *Stabs Ohm's hands with his knives*
Wildcat: *Sees Ohm pinned down* Ohm!
Smarty: *Smirks* I knew it. . .
~Dimension 4~
Noah: Nogla!? Nogla!? What the fuck happened!?
Lui: Nogla? Did something happen to him!?
Noah: Nogla! Answer me, please! *Starts tearing up*
Smii7y: Get your shit together, Noah!
Noah: . . .*Shaking in anger* These bitches are going to pay!
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