Plan B? (Ask #386)
AWolfsJourney "So..... Wildcat...*gives him chocolate* a little sweet treat to make you feel better"
Wildcat: Thank you.
Kryoz: Woah! Chocolate out of nowhere! How did you do that? That's awesome!
Wildcat: I-It's not my. . .*frowns & looks at his hands* power. . .
Kryoz: What's wrong?
Wildcat: . . .I just. . .remembered. . .
Kryoz: . . .Don't think about it, okay?
Wildcat: . . .I'll try.
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"I'm glad kryoz is helping you feel better, wildkitty! Even more happy that ohm and nogla helped too! Q: what is your favorite animal?"
Wildcat: Me? My favorite animal is. . .probably. . .cats. They're cute & sweet.
Kryoz: Aww, that's so nice.
Marksman: *Enters* Hey Kryoz.
Kryoz: Oh, hello sir.
Marksman: Can you go keep an eye on Nogla & escort him, he wants to talk with Basically.
Kryoz: Yes sir. *Goes out*
Marksman: I hope he'll be okay.
Wildcat: No-. . .Nogla won't hurt him.
Marksman: *Looks at Wildcat* . . .
Wildcat: I. . .um. . .
Marksman: *Walks up to Wildcat, and pats Wildcat's head* You're badly damaged. . .I'm sorry that you've been through a rough time.
Wildcat: *Looks at Marksman*
Marksman: Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. May I ask you questions? Or just talk?
Wildcat: . . .*Nods*
Marksman: *Smiles, and sit down on a chair* My name is Nick, 'ImMarksman' is my police name. What is your name?
Wildcat: T-Tyler.
Marksman: Tyler. . .nice name. Your gang name is 'Wildcat', right?
Wildcat: *Nods*
Marksman: . . .How are your wounds?
Wildcat: . . .The pain is fading slowly.
Marksman: That's good, but. . .what really happened that you got hurt like this?
Wildcat: *Frowns* I. . .
Marksman: *Holds Wildcat's hand* Listen, I know it may be painful to remember tragic events, but. . .you gotta face it & turn them into your motivation. To not repeat it again.
Wildcat: . . .I. . .I hurt my friends. . .*Tears up* I. . .I didn't mean to.
Marksman: . . .A misunderstanding, huh?
Wildcat: I had no control. . .I didn't know. . .
Marksman: . . .Calm down. Tyler. . .why are you in the BBS?
Wildcat: *Wipes his tears*
Marksman: You seem. . .different from the others.
Wildcat: I. . .I don't. . .know. I always. . .get hurt. . .
Marksman: . . .Possible threat. BBS really is ruthless.
Wildcat: N-Not everyone. . .
Marksman: . . .Well, you seem mentally & physically hurt a lot.
Wildcat: . . .*Frowns*
Marksman: . . .*Hugs Wildcat*
Wildcat: *Blushes a bit* M-Mister?
Marksman: . . .You know, you remind me of someone. . .who was like. . .my son. Very. . .kind. . .*pats Wildcat's head softly* soft as a feather. . .and. . .most importantly. . .he was innocent.
Wildcat: . . .Did he-
Marksman: I'll leave the imagination to you. Remember, turn bad memories into your motivation.
Wildcat: Motivation. . .
Marksman: Yup, and let me see your wounds, you need new bandages.
Wildcat: Okay.
~At Nogla~
Nogla: So, where's Marcel?
Kryoz: Right over here. *Unlocks the door & enters*
Nogla: *Enters, and see Basically, sitting on the ground, hands handcuffed, & was in the cell* Marcel. . .
Basically: *Sees Nogla* Nogla. . .*stands up*
Kryoz: We had to. . .secure him for safety.
Nogla: I see. Marcel, you alright?
Basically: Yea, but. . .this is just. . .embarrassing.
Nogla: There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Marcel, tell me what happened.
Basically: . . .I tried to track the hackers down. I was baited into their trap, and the police caught me.
Nogla: I see. . .Marcel, we need to talk. We're gonna have a deal, and we haven't agreed yet. If we give data about the Derp Crew, they'll let us go.
Basically: No. I'm not going to sell their data.
Nogla: Why no-
Basically: Because I need to kill them!
Kryoz: What?
Basically: My system was hacked! I was captured! There's nothing more humiliating than this! I need to redeem myself!
Nogla: . . .Calm down, Marcel.
Basically: Nogla. . .this is really important to me. . .I can't go back to Boss like this. . .I caused it. . .I'm the reason why Wildcat hurt Delirious. Delirious protected me. . .Wildcat saw the message, because I didn't have my security tight enough. . .I. . .I failed the crew. . .I could've prevented everything. . .No one would've gotten hurt. . .
Nogla: . . .Marcel, it's not your fault at all, okay? Don't blame yourself. You didn't fail anyone.
Basically: I failed myself, then. Nogla, I can't give them the data. I have to do this alone.
Nogla: No, you don't. We're a crew. We work together.
Basically: I can't, this is my fault, I gotta do it by myself, or it won't be a redemption.
Nogla: You're wrong. It will still be a redemption, because. . .Wildcat is here.
Basically: He. . .is?
Nogla: If you really think it's your fault, then you should let us help. Wildcat took a beat from the boss. This mission is a redemption for him, and if he doesn't get you back to the crew safely. . .Vanoss will kill Wildcat.
Basically: . . .No, t-that can't be. If Vanoss kills Wildcat, he'll-
Nogla: Marcel, we need to do this together. If we fail this mission. . .I'll take responsibility.
Basically: What?
Nogla: I'm in charge for this mission & it means I need to protect the teammate's life. I don't want you to get hurt or Wildcat to die. I'll convince the boss if we fail the mission. Now, we got the failing scenario, let's think about the success scenario.
Basically: Nogla, this is not the time to fool around! I'm not letting you take all the blame!
Nogla: *Giggles* You're being too serious, Marcel. It's just a scenario.
Basically: . . .Only assists, okay? I'll take them all down.
Nogla: Fair enough, and. . .what should we do with the deal?
Basically: . . .I can't give the data.
Nogla: . . .Alright. Time for plan B.
Basically: Plan B?
Nogla: Marcel. . .even if you don't like this idea, you're gonna have to stick with it, alright?
Basically: What's the idea?
Nogla: Temporary Alliance with the police.
Kryoz & Basically: WHAT!?
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