Party Drunk (Ask #133-141 + Dare #39-40)
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"X3 RacingCatz! What's your favorite thing to do~?
Delirium! Are you having fun? I bet you are with Lui!
And Wildcat, my BBBFF!*Grabs his hand* wanna dance for fun?"
RacingCatz: I like delivering packages.
MiniLadd: Of course, since it's your job. Say something like a hobby.
RacingCatz: Hobby? Well. . .I. . .I. . .um. . .
Terroriser: Cody?
RacingCatz: . . .I don't really know what I like.
MiniLadd: That's. . .unfortunate.
RacingCatz: . . .Maybe. . .cooking?
Terroriser: Oh, nice.
Delirium: I am having fun! Right, Lui?
Lui: Yea, kinda.
Wildcat: Oh, um. . .sure, but *Blushes a bit* I-I'm not really good at it. . .
Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"Vanoss~ here's a dare for you you have to be nicer to everyone in the crew and the people who asked the questions and the dares for 10 each 10 questions and 10 Dares also you can't snap at me 😈"
Vanoss: Tsk. . .*Sigh* Fine.
Terroriser: This is a hard one.
RacingCatz: It's alright, Evan. If you don't want to do it, you shouldn't. Forcing yourself can cause stress. It can benefit you in a way, but it's your choice.
Vanoss: . . .I can do it, Cody.
RacingCatz: Alright, but. . .don't force yourself, okay? *Smiles*
Nogla: Look at this lovely man, Boss. He's so caring.
Vanoss: I know he's lovely & caring, let's just move on now. The time is closing in.
Terroriser: For what?
Vanoss: . . .Stuff.
lunatictedd16 "*puts on catchy music* let's dance, peeps!!! *slips on the floor and hurts self* I'm good... Imma sleep here probably... X3"
RacingCatz: Are you okay?
MiniLadd: Dude, they said they're okay.
RacingCatz: But. . .
Terroriser: You're just too nice, Cody.
OmegaTheta "*floats in* Geese, so many asks in one page!
Kek kek kek!
Reminds me I had made a gift for a few of you! I gave Terrorizer a gift as an apology for being so rude that I forgot I made some for the rest of you!
For Toonz, don't know if you will like it, a device I call a wingsphere! As the name entails, gives ya wings!"
CaRtOoNz: Wings huh? Well, I don't really need wings, but I'll take it, might be fun & handy.
"For moo, 2p begone spray! Made it Incase any of them get in your hair."
Moo: . . .Okay?
"Wildcat, a cute Vanoss plush & Panda plush with a everlasting rose... can be any color or pattern you like."
Wildcat: *Hugs the plushes with a blush* They're adorable. Thank you. *Smiles*
"Lastly... for Ohm, praise the multiverse forgive me, a portable universal gate. You can go to any AU you wish. Just... don't go to littleverse, last thing I need is another full mind wipe of a universe. Last one took 15 years to finish!
With that, I part ways... till next time *wink & vanishes in a purple cloud*"
Ohm: Aww~, that's so sweet of you~. Any Universe huh~? Oh, I cannot wait to use it~!
Alexander: ON IT MA'AM!"
Ohm: Oh~, someone wants to fight me, huh? *Takes out his stem knives* Come at me, bitch!
Delirious: . . . ! (Ohm no!)
Question from H20vanossfan109 ,
"Waaait... Hey RacingCatz do you know the movie about a giant robot called Atom? If yes THE ENDING IS FUCKING SAAAAAD SCREEEEEEEE"
RacingCatz: I have not watched it, I'm sorry. I don't really have time to watch movies.
Droidd: That's unfortunate. You're that busy?
RacingCatz: Yea, and I have to deal with other gangs as well, so it makes it even harder & busier.
Question from abbyloveanimes18 ,
"Yay racingcatz is here! Hi racingcatz I hope you are having a wonderful day *smile* wondering if I can get a hug from you......I-it okay if you want personal space. *smile nervously* oh! Also hello wildcat! *smile*"
RacingCatz: *Smiles* Of course, there's no problem with hugs.
Vanoss: *Takes out his gun*
Terroriser: *Takes the gun away from Vanoss* Evan, you know the dare.
Vanoss: *Growls a bit & shoves his hands in his pockets* Fine. . .
Question from LuisentMoon ,
"Ok I know I said I would stay away but after this. Oh Jesus! I just wanna know more. Ok, ok nothing naughty today. Sorry Ohmie. But I do want to know what Catz and Vanoss's backstory is like how did you two meet?"
RacingCatz: Well. . .we met when I was 17 or 18, in the town. I bumped into him when I was delivering newspapers.
Vanoss: First, I of course didn't care about him, then I met him in the alley, getting beaten up by some guys. I just helped him, cause I wanted to fight. He. . .thanked me, I didn't care, but what caught my attention was his smile. Even he was beaten & bruised, he kept a smile on his face.
RacingCatz: Evan started asking me why I was smiling when I'm literally in pain, and I answered him.
Vanoss: I started getting interested in him, cause I've never seen someone like him. I tried not to care, but. . .I got curious & curious.
RacingCatz: We started talking & I showed him my 'home'.
Vanoss: I felt sorry for him, unlike me, he was abandoned by his parents, no house, and lived in the cold alley.
RacingCatz: Evan beat up some gangs for me, and. . .we got in trouble.
Vanoss: They started hunting us, and. . .he was caught by them. When I got there, Cody was still smiling. . .but in pain.
RacingCatz: Evan saved me, and. . .the hunt stopped. One day. . .Evan planned to take control of humanity. I had nothing to lose. . .so. . .
Vanoss: We started our journey. That's it.
Question from H20vanossfan109 ,
"Does of you guys know parkour? Cuss i would like to learn it once and just går away with my skills XD"
Nogla: I think pretty much everyone knows, but the best are Vanoss, Delirious, & Kid is pretty good as well.
Lui: Fuck you, Nogla!
Nogla: *Giggles*
Lui: Also, Vanoss is better than Delirious!
Bryce: Hey! That's not true! Delirious is way better!
Delirious: *Blush* .-. . . (B-Bryce.)
Lui: Nah-uh!
Basically: Don't start any fanboy battle, alright? *Giggles*
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"You ok Wildcat? I noticed you didn't say anything when Vanoss and RacingCatz were hugging?"
Wildcat: I-I was just. . .surprised how calm Vanoss was. . .and. . .how loving he was to. . .Cody. . .I mean, t-they are friends for a long time, right?
Question from Einaoplex18 ,
"Awww.... Is Wildcat jealous when Cody and Evan hugged? That's cute.."
Wildcat: *Blush* J-Jealous? N-No, I was just surprised.
Ohm: Ohhh~, Kitty, you got a rival~.
Wildcat: What? C-Cody? N-No way. . .he's a really good friend.
Question from KatelynSQuestions ,
"Cute,Anyway,Cody not to be nosy,but what's your boss like?"
RacingCatz: Oh, Mr. Hydro? Well, he's strict, but he's also kind sometimes. He cares about our health, makes plans & assignments for us. I don't call him my boss though. In position, he is my boss, but I don't call him that. It's kind of a long story, and I don't really wanna talk about it. Overall, he's a good person.
FiFi_Ballinas "Ohm's right."
Basically: F the haters, k?
Droidd: *Giggles* Alright. Thank you.
lunatictedd16 "I got brownies!!! Not the bad kind... plus, extra chocolate! *has tray of brownies and puts them on tabke*"
Delirium: Oh my god! Lui, we gotta eat them!
Lui: Hold your horses, jeez.
Delirium: But. . .I don't have horses.
Lui: That's not- ugh. . .why am I even trying?
Delirium: Huh?
Ohm: So cute & innocent~.
Nogla: *Giggles* Don't take it seriously, Jason.
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Karma: Pfffft, ahahahaHAHAAHAHAHA, we don't have brains! Don't start assuming that! *keeps laughing* Kid: Um... should we expla- X: No. Kid: Erm... Okay! Yay, Nogla has people who love him, just not in the homo way! That makes me happy! Also, Basically, I relate to that! I can get triggered easily when people don't understand what the person they hate on is going through, fictional or not! I hate people who are very simple minded. They only respond to what they see at the moment, not the possibility of hidden torture. There are endless possibilities of what's happening off screen. They could be tortured at home, they could be bullied themselves, they could be struggling for money, WHO THE HECK KNOWS? NO ONE, BECAUSE THE PERSON THEY HATE ON KEEP THINGS PRIVATE. THEY SHUT THE WORLD OUT BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT PEOPLE'S PITY WHEN THEY FINALLY REALISE AND UNDERSTAND WHAT'S TRULY GOING ON BECAUSE THEN THEY FEEL WEAK. X: Kid. Kid: Yes? X: That's my job. Kid: O-Oh! Yeah, right! I'm supposed to control emotions and creativity... You do the thinking. X: Kid. Kid: Yes? X: You're crying. Kid: H-huh? O-Oh! Whoops! *giggles and wipes them away* Ignore that! ALSO, Ohm, you reminded me of a question I WAS SUPPOSED TO ASK CHAPTERS AGO. How much of a yandere can you be? X: Also, for everyone in the party, if seven of you were to represent the seven deadly sins, which seven would represent which sin? Kid: Um, X? X: Yes? Kid: ..... I think Karma died of laughter."
Basically: Um. . .well, it does relate to Droidd.
MiniLadd: It none of the people's business, they just need to learn to shut up & accept that person.
Droidd: *Giggles* Well, I appreciate them.
Ohm: I am 100% yandere~. I will kill anyone who tries to seduce & take my loves away. Love among the crew is okay, though. They're all mine, so fuck off!
MiniLadd: Jesus, Ohm. Don't be such a clingy motherfucker.
Ohm: But Mini~. . .I love you guys, and I can't let anyone hurt you guys! You guys are precious for me!
Basically: *Blush* That's flattering.
Droidd: You're my precious jewel, Ohmwrecker.
Ohm: Oh Droidd~. *Giggles*
MiniLadd: Fucking. . .hell. . .
Dare from KatelynSQuestions ,
"Since it's a party,Why dont I do a dare,I dare three members(doesn't matter witch) to drink,the first one to get drunk loses,"
407: Fuck yea! Give me the shit!
Jiggly: Scotty, take it easy.
407: Come on, it's party time, Anthony! Wanna drink?
Jiggly: No thanks.
Nogla: Ohhh, sounds fun, but I'm not really strong at alcohols. Hey, Moo, why don't you do it?
Moo: Why me?
Bryce: Do it, pussy.
Moo: Fuck you!
Bryce: . . .So, you doing it?
Moo: . . .Fine.
Basically: I don't really wanna risk it.
MiniLadd: Pass.
Vanoss: Nah. . .
Terroriser: Um. . .no.
RacingCatz: Well. . .I'm gonna say no.
Wildcat: I'm not much of a drinker. . .
Lui: Lame. . .
Droidd: You think you can do it?
Lui: Well, I can drink.
Droidd: Why don't you prove it, child?
Lui: Fuck you!
Droidd: You look like a child, you should prove that you're a man.
Lui: . . .You fucking bitch.
Droidd: Of course, you can't. Now go on, and play with toys.
Lui: Fine, I'll do it, you asshole!
Nogla: That settles.
Delirium: Come on Lui! I believe in you!
CaRtOoNz: This is going to be a cluster fuck.
Ohm: It's not even night, and we're gonna be freaky~ huh?
Bryce: Shut up Ohm!
MiniLadd: Okay, first one to get drunk loses. You guys all have shot glass, and the drink gets stronger & stronger, alright?
407: How about we drink till we pass out? And I just wanna drink!
Moo: *Sigh* Just pass it, already.
Lui: . . .
MiniLadd: Okay, okay, fine. Go!
407 & Moo & Lui: *Drinks*
Ohm: Interesting set, don't you think?
Bryce: . . .Kinda.
Delirious: . . . (This is not gonna end well. . .)
Delirium: Go, Lui, Go!
~Few shots later~
407: Oh, fuck yea! *Takes another shot*
Jiggly: Scotty. . .
Moo: Fuck. . .*Takes his sunglass off & takes another shot*
Terroriser: *Blushes a bit* Moo. . .
Lui: Ugh. . . *Takes another shot*
Nogla: Kid, you alright?
Lui: Shut up, I'm fine.
MiniLadd: . . .*Gives them another shot*
~5 shots later~
407: *Hic* This is fucking good! Give me another one!
MiniLadd: This next one is pretty strong, you guys wanna stop? I think you guys are already drunk.
407: Hell nah! *Laughs*
Moo: It's getting hot here. . .
Lui: Ugh. . .*Covers his mouth*
Delirium: Lui? A-Are you okay?
Nogla: You should stop.
Droidd: You should take a lost here.
Lui: Shut up! *Hic* I-I'm fine. . .
Vanoss: . . .
~Another 5 shots later~
407: Pretty spicy~!
Moo: Ugh. . .how the fuck *Hic* are you alive!?
407: Cause I'm fucking immortal, bitch! *Hic*
Jiggly: You're gonna have a worst hangover.
Moo: *Takes his jacket off* Give me another one!
Lui: Ugh. . .oh god. . . *Slides down to his knees*
Nogla: Lui!
Delirium: Lui! *Runs over to him* Are you okay?
Lui: *Hic* Ugh. . .I feel. . .ugh! *Covering his mouth*
Basically: Um. . .I-I think we should stop.
Jiggly: I'm pretty sure Scotty is already drunk.
MiniLadd: Yea. . .
Delirium: Lui!
Droidd: . . .L-Lui?
Lui: Mmmm!
Bryce: Dude, don't throw up here!
Moo: . . .I think he needs to run to the restroom.
Lui: Mmmm!
Nogla: Lui! Just let it out!
Lui: *Shakes his head* Mmmm!
Delirium: Lui!
Wildcat: Oh no, Lui!
Vanoss: *Grabs Lui's hands* Get it out!
Lui: Mm- *Throws up on Vanoss' jacket*
Lui: Ugh. . .
Delirium: Here's some water, Lui.
Lui: . . .Thanks. . .
Nogla: Don't worry about it, okay?
Lui: . . .I can't believe I did that to Vanoss. . .
Basically: I'm sure Boss is okay.
~At Vanoss~
MiniLadd: Seriously. . .you know who is gonna clean it up?
Vanoss: *Leaning on the wall* It was an emergency.
Terroriser: Okay, I think this'll do the work, just need to dry it up.
RacingCatz: Evan. . .I-I can't believe you did that. That was. . .really nice.
Vanoss: Anything is worth it for the crew & its members. I have more of identical jacket, so it's nothing.
RacingCatz: *Smiles*
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