Night, Night (Ask #211-215 + Dare #62-63)
H2Ovanossfan109 "Song: Watches over his shoulder* Make Ohmie wear a black dress and make Van wear one wich has a teddy bear
Galaxy: How are you apart of us?"
Wildcat: Um. . .okay. *Draws*
VanShipperz "Awwwww Evy is so adorable!"
Vanoss: I-I'm not cute!
Nogla: Aww, how adorable.
Ohm: Oh my god Evy~!
LuisentMoon "Oh Wildcat~! I have a video for you! *shows video to Wildcat*"
Wildcat: Hmm? *Watches the video*
GalaxysilverWolf "I just want everyone to get along unlike my ex girlfriend and I"
MiniLadd: Not happening.
Basically: And sorry to hear about that.
GalaxysilverWolf "I...i don't know if I should use innocent Evan as a way to embarrass him or draw him..."
Vanoss: What?
MiniLadd: Don't you f***ing dare.
Question from abbyloveanime18 ,
"Me: *appeared randomly* did I heard baby/innocent Evan! If yes! Can I hold him just for a little bit?"
Vanoss: Hugs! *Hugs the asker*
Wildcat: Aww, he's so cute.
Ohm: Oh Evy~.
Dare from catgirl44747 ,
"I dare vanoss to try and give everyone a smile :3"
Delirious: . . . (Smile, Vanoss.)
Vanoss: . . . *Smiles*
Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (Aww, you're so cute.)
MiniLadd: Yea, please, or I'm gonna go f***ing insane!
Terroriser: Alright, I'll work on it as fast as I can. *Walks to the lab*
MiniLadd: Thank Je-
Vanoss: Brother. . .
MiniLadd: What?
Vanoss: Why am I wearing girl's clothes? *Points at the maid outfit he's wearing*
MiniLadd: *Blushes a bit* Uh. . .ask the others.
AWolfsJourney " anyone else uncomfortable with innocent Vanoss?"
MiniLadd: Pretty much.
Vanoss: *Frowns* Brother. . .I don't like this. . .
MiniLadd: Don't f***ing frown, you baby!
Vanoss: Why are you mad? *Tears up*
MiniLadd: D-Don't cry!
Nogla: Mini, you made him cry. *Pats Vanoss' head* It's okay, Boss.
Vanoss: Uuuu. . .
Basically: Come on Mini, apologize.
MiniLadd: We're not in a f***ing kindergarten or something!
Moo: This is pretty uncomfortable. . .
Ohm: Are you kidding me, this is so cute~! I do miss Evy's spicy attitudes, though.
Bryce: Kinda. . .
CaRtOoNz: . . .Meh. I don't know, maybe a little negative.
Delirious: . . . (It does feel a bit weird, but it's not that bad.)
Wildcat: A little, but. . .V-Vanoss is so cute right now. . .
407: Yea, kinda uncomfortable, but. . .it's okay, I guess. . .
Jiggly: Little bit.
Droidd: Not really, but. . . *Looks at Lui* he seems like it.
Lui: . . .
AWolfsJourney "*hugs Wildcat* I'm glad your normal again BBBFF"
Wildcat: *Hugs back*
AWolfsJourney "...I can't stand the thought of innocent 2pVanoss.*gets in a go kart* I'm just gonna be away until he turns normal again, I wanna bring Wildcat with me...but, only if it's cool with u all, if not then I'll bring u boys back some gifts"
MiniLadd: You can't take Tyler! He's not a f***ing pet or a thing you bitches can just take! If Evan was normal, he would punish your ass!
Nogla: That is. . .true. *Giggles*
Vanoss: *Sees Lui* Lui?
Question from AlexTerroiser ,
"Ummm is Lui okay?"
Vanoss: *Walks up to Lui* Lui? Are you okay?
Lui: I'm fine, go away.
Vanoss: . . .Lui- *Reaches his hand out to Lui*
Lui: *Slaps Vanoss' hand* I said I'm fine. Leave me the f*** alone.
Vanoss: *Backs up*
Nogla: Kid, no need to be that harsh.
Lui: Shut up.
Question from XxBrooklynRefaloxX ,
"Am I the only one who actually likes innocent 2p Evan rn?"
MiniLadd: Yea, you weirdo!
Nogla: I like it. Actually both. *Giggles*
Basically: I don't mind.
Ohm: It's so adorable! I like it.
Delirious: . . . (Me too.)
Question from KatelynSQuestions ,
"If Wildcat isint really helping that much,Why is he there?Now,I'm NOT saying you should kick him out,I'm just curious."
MiniLadd: Ask Evan, oh wait, oh yea. . .he's a f***ing innocent kid right now! I'm sorry, you can't get an answer for that shit!
Basically: Mini, your sarcasm is all over the place.
MiniLadd: Shut the f*** up! I'm pissed right now!
Nogla: I mean, when are you NOT pissed? *Giggles*
Question & Dare from Insane_Galaxy123 ,
"Galaxy gives a slip of paper to Alex while sighing sadly
Alex: galaxy want to know if Lui is okay and she also darws you to not be rude to wildcat for 20 chapters"
Lui: I am fine, and I don't care & feel like doing your stupid dare.
Nogla: . . .Kid, seriously, what's wrong?
Lui: Shut up.
Droidd: . . .Are you angry at the fourth wall people?
Lui: . . .
Ohm: Lui, darling, what's wrong? Tell us.
Lui: . . .I just hate seeing Vanoss being like that. He's like Wildcat. He's not the Vanoss I look up to.
Nogla: Ohhhh. . .that's why you're angry, huh?
Lui: Ugh, I feel sick. I'm going to my room. *Walks away*
Nogla: Kid. . .
Droidd: . . .
Bryce: . . .I kinda understand him.
CaRtOoNnz: Cause you're a fanboy as well.
Bryce: Shut up.
KarmaXKid "Kid: *hugs Nogla and Basically* YOU'RE ALL TOO CUTE! But even as babies, a lot of you are still big meanies... WAIT, WHAAAAAAAAA?! NOW VANOSS IS INNOCENT! THIS IS KILLING ME! I'M GONNA DIE!
Kid: *dies of cuteness overload*
Karma: Fuuuuuu-
X: *glitches once* W-w-what h@?appened?
Karma: You're fixed! Kind of... Still glitching... Anyway, Kid died of cuteness overload AND I DON'T KNOW IF I SHOULD BLAME THE BBS OR THE ASKERS.
X: *reads* Oh... *blushes* how cu-Cu-cut3.
Karma: Look, you're blushing!
X: ... Kid should come back soon."
MiniLadd: Blame the askers for this s***! Arrrgh! I'm f***ing pissed!
Basically: I-I think your anger can't handle the small body portion you're in right now.
Droidd: It'll go out of control.
Nogla: Oh shit, Brian better hurry his ass up~. *Giggles*
Swag: Well, it is getting late. . .*Takes out a harmonica*
Sattelizer: Swag?
Swag: *Starts playing a beautiful music with the harmonica*
MiniLadd: *Calm down*
Nogla: . . .What a beautiful music.
Basically: . . .Wow. . .
Vanoss: Uuu. . . *Gets sleepy*
Wildcat: Oh, Vanoss. *Carries Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Closes his eyes & fall asleep*
Delirious: . . . (Everyone be quiet, Vanoss is asleep.)
407: *Yawns*
Jiggly: *Carries 407*
Swag: *Stops* Time to sleep, boys.
Gorillaphent: Nice song.
CaRtOoNz: *Leans on Ohm* I'm f***ing sleepy now. . .
Ohm: Oh Toonzie, I'll take you to my room, so you can sleep, darling.
Bryce: Well, kids should go to sleep now. *Carries MiniLadd*
MiniLadd: F****. . .you. . .
Droidd: *Carries Basically* Night time, Marcel.
Basically: *Falls asleep*
Delirious: *Carries Nogla* . . . (You too, Nogla).
Nogla: *Yawn* Alright.
Swag: *Giggles* Have a sweet night, everyone.
Sattelizer: Well, we'll take a leave I guess.
Gorillaphent: Aye, sir.
Ohm: Boys~, come visits us again~.
Sattelizer: I sure will.
Gorillaphent: God dammit Satt.
Swag: *Giggles*
~At Another Weird. . .Place. . .~
???: WAIT YOU CRIMINALS! *Throws handcuffs with a rope*
??: *Gets handcuffed on one leg* Shit!
???: Got you! *Pulls the rope*
??: *Pulls out a gun*
???: Shoot! *Yanks the rope*
??: *Shoots the gun, made a portal, but gets pulled* Shit! *Drops the gun into a portal*
???: No! The Dimensional Access!
??: *Cuts the rope, and runs away*
???: Shoot! Wait! *Chases the guy*
??: *Falls into a portal*
???: Where did he go? Oh no. . .Crap! I lost him!
~The Next Day at Delirious' House~
Ohm: Got all done, ready to put it in the oven~.
Delirium: Yay! I'm so excited!
Ohm: *Giggles* Can't wait to give these to my loves~.
Delirium: I hope everyone likes it.
Delirious: . . .*Wipes the flours with the napkin* (You have flours on your face, Jason.)
Delirium: *Giggles* Thanks Jon.
Delirious: . . . (I hope the others are taking good care of the kids. )
Delirium: I wanna go see the kids! *Giggles*
Ohm: Don't worry Delly~, and you'll love them, Jason~. *Opens the oven* Let's see- Ahhhh!
Delirious: . . .? (Ohm?)
Delirium: Ohmie? *Turns around* Huh? Where did he go?
Delirious: . . . (He was. . .just. . .right there. . .)
~At the BBS Training Room~
Moo: *Stretches* F***. S***, this is still on? *Sigh* Whatever. Brian is working on the antidotes. *Walks up to the mirror* . . .Huh?
~At the others~
Droidd: Here you go. *Feeds Basically*
MiniLadd: Seriously, Droidd, we can do it alone!
Jiggly: You're gonna make a mess though.
MiniLadd: No, I won't!
Terroriser: I'm almost done with the antidotes, so bear with me, Mini.
407: Well, this sucks.
Wildcat: Here, Vanoss.
Vanoss: *Opens his mouth*
Wildcat: *Feeds Vanoss*
Nogla: This is so cute.
Bryce: Well, I'm concerned about Delirious. . .where is he?
CaRtOoNz: I think he said he was gonna be with Ohm & Jason today.
Bryce: I swear to f***ing god, if Ohm does something to Delirious, or Jason. . .
Lui: Calm the f*** down.
*Glass breaks*
MiniLadd: . . .What the f*** was that?
Nogla: It came from the. . .training room?
Bryce: Wasn't Moo there?
Terroriser: *Rushes to the training room*
MiniLadd: Brian!
~In the Training room~
Terroriser: Moo! *Enters, sees a mirror shattered & Moo's jacket on the ground* Moo. . . *Picks up Moo's jacket*
Bryce: *Enters* What happened? Moo? Where is he?
Terroriser: . . .Moo. . .where are you? MOO!
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