LazilyProductive "MOI CHILD"
AWolfsJourney "Tyler! Oh my goodness! I'm sorry BBBFF, but I can't help u now...."
Wildcat: W-What happened? Ugh! *Looks at his rib*
Jiggly: Tyler, I'm so glad you're awake.
Vanoss: . . .Yea, about that, since Craig can't heal you, I had to improvise.
Wildcat: Oh. . .
407: Glad to see you back.
Wildcat: *Smiles a bit, then noticed Jiggly's hands were bandaged* Anthony, what happened to your hands?
Jiggly: Oh, these? Nothing to worry about, Tyler. *Hugs Wildcat* I'm just glad you're awake & normal.
Vanoss: . . .
Nogla: *Knocks & enters* Hi, um. . .Boss, we have a problem, can we have a meeting?
Vanoss: . . .Sure. Tyler, come to the meeting room.
Nogla: I'll get the others as well.
Vanoss: *Walks out*
407: Did you find-
Nogla: Of course I did, and. . .*smiles* good to see you, Wildcat.
Wildcat: *Smiles back* Hi.
~At MiniLadd~
Ohm: *Cries* Mini~!
MiniLadd: Jeez, stop crying, Ohm!
Droidd: Mini. . .this is. . .truly unfortunate.
MiniLadd: Yea, it sucks.
AWolfsJourney "Also MiniLadd I got the reference there, an anti-super hero in red spandix. Your right, ppl need to understand that your not DeadPool"
MiniLadd: Glad you noticed.
Droidd: Mini, what are you gonna do now? You can't have surgeries & stuff without an arm.
MiniLadd: . . .I'm hoping that Brian can do something, but I can have simple surgeries with one arm, I'm just that good, alright?
Ohm: Craigy, now is not the time to joke~. *Sniffles & wipes his tears*
MiniLadd: Don't call me with that.
Nogla: *Knocks & enters* Hey, we have a meeting, and Mini, you alright?
MiniLadd: Yea, I'm doing quote-unquote fantastic.
Nogla: *Giggles a bit* Okay, and um, everyone to the meeting room, please.
Droidd: Will be right there.
Ohm: Okay hun~.
~At Bryce~
Bryce: . . .
Lui: *Looks at Delirium, whose sleeping next to Delirious* . . .
Nogla: *Knocks & enters* We have a meeting, and. . .he's not awake yet?
Bryce: *Shakes his head*
Lui: Yea. . .the damage must've been a real surprise.
Nogla: I guess so. . .and can you guys come to the meeting room? Bryce, if you want to stay, you can stay.
Bryce: . . .I'll go. . .staying here & can't do anything is. . .pretty painful.
Nogla: Alright.
~At Terroriser & Moo~
Terroriser: *Mixing chemicals* Hmm. . .nope, this doesn't work.
Moo: Growing someone's arm back is ridiculous, Brian.
Terroriser: Science can make it happen. I just need time & experiments. I'm not letting Mini live without an arm.
Nogla: *Enters* Whoa, a lot going on here, huh?
Moo: The fuck you want?
Nogla: We have a meeting, so can you guys come?
Terroriser: . . .Alright.
Moo: K.
At the meeting room, everyone came, and once Vanoss saw MiniLadd, he stood up from his chair & walked up to him. "The fuck you doing, Craig? You need to stay in your room!" said Vanoss. "I'm a medic, and I know that I'm okay to move, alright?" said MiniLadd. ". . .Fine." said Vanoss, and everyone sat down.
"So, what's this meeting about?" asked Lui. "May I, boss?" asked Nogla, and Vanoss nodded. Nogla stood up, and said, "Okay, so this is a meeting about a mission. Marcel has been kidnapped, me, Droidd & Ohm found out where he is, and. . .apparently, he is kidnapped by Insta-GramPolices." "What!?" asked MiniLadd. "No, not them! Why!?" complained Lui. "They're on our ass again?" asked Moo. "Yea, and Marcel is in danger. We cannot afford losing the brain of our crew. We must save him, but if we're gonna do that, conflicts will happen. We need to move strategically." Said Nogla. "We could just kill them." Said Cartoonz. "It won't be that easy." Said Droidd. "Since we can't see the data of their powers, we're going in blind, too much risks." Said Terroriser. "And we're down with healing, so we're in a disadvantage. We know how they are, but even if we rescued Marcel by barging in, we will get several bullets in our body. If they plant a tracking device into Marcel's gadgets, and we don't realize it, we're screwed. Injuries with take our stamina, we won't be able to fight them back." Said Nogla. "Dammit! I fucking hate them!" said Bryce. "So, what you're suggesting is. . .we should have a negotiation?" asked Vanoss to Nogla. "Yes, Boss. Marcel is our precious brain, without him, we're not gonna survive." said Nogla. ". . .I see. . .we cannot lose Marcel." Said Vanoss.
"For this mission, our goal is to negotiate with the GramPolice, and get Marcel back." Said Droidd. "Vanoss, who are you gonna assign?" asked Lui, everyone looks at Vanoss, then Vanoss said, "For this mission, I'll assign Nogla, Lui, Ohm, Bryce, and. . .Tyler." "What!?" said Bryce. "Whoa, calm down, Bryce." Said Moo. "Vanoss, I am not working with this fucker!" said Bryce, and Wildcat frowned a bit. "I have not forgiven him for what he has done to Delirious!" said Bryce. "Fuck off Bryce!" said Jiggly. "Anthony. . ." said 407. "Tyler didn't mean to hurt him! Delirious is not a man with a small heart like yours! He'll forgive Tyler, so you should as well, since you're so loyal to Delirious! You should know him better!" said Jiggly. "Don't fucking put your nose into this! Sure, Delirious will forgive him, and I will, once I hear it from Delirious! You can't just assume stuff!" said Bryce. "Okay, okay, stop! Please!" said Terroriser. ". . .Nogla & Ohm will negotiate with them, Lui & Bryce are reinforcements if the negotiation doesn't work. Tyler is a key to get in the station." Said Vanoss, and stood up.
"Key?" asked Moo. "They must have high securities & guards, Tyler, you put their guards down, and let Nogla & Ohm negotiate with them." Said Vanoss, and walked up to Wildcat. "I. . .I-I don't know." Replied Wildcat nervously, suddenly Vanoss grabbed Wildcat's shirt. "Hey!" said Jiggly, then Nogla grabbed Jiggly's arm. Jiggly looked at Nogla, and Nogla shook his head. "V-Vanoss?" asked Wildcat. "You're not gonna say no, cause you can't. This mission is not just to rescue Marcel. . .but to redeem yourself, Tyler!" said Vanoss, and threw Wildcat on the ground.
"TYLER!" Said Jiggly & 407. "V-Vanoss. . ." "You caused enough trouble. You've proven to me that you're a threat to me & my crew. You have two options. . .you do this mission, without failing a single step, or you can refuse, and. . ." said Vanoss, and took out a gun, then aimed it at Wildcat's head. "Get executed right now, by me." Said Vanoss, and Wildcat started shivering. "Vanoss, you piece of shit! You threat your own teammate for a mission!? What kinda leader are you!?" asked Jiggly. "Stop, you're gonna make things worse!" said Terroriser. Vanoss grabbed Wildcat's hair, and pulled him up. "Ow! Vanoss, please stop!" said Wildcat with tears in his eyes, suddenly Vanoss punched Wildcat.
Wildcat fell down again, and Jiggly said, "VANOSS!" He tried to grab his knife, but Nogla apprehended him. "Let go of me!" said Jiggly. "You're just gonna escalate the situation if you do this." Said Nogla. "W-Why are you. . .doing this to me?" asked Wildcat with tears & sniffles. "Look at Craig, look at what you done. You did that." Said Vanoss. Wildcat looked at MiniLadd, and realized that his arm was gone. Wildcat started shaking in fear, and said, "I-I-I d-d-did that?" "Yes, you did! You also hurt Nogla, Delirious & Jiggly! You're so fucking naïve & stupid! . . .Okay, let me back up. You lost control, cause you lost a 'sister'. I understand, I would do the same if I lose Craig." Said Vanoss. "Evan. . ." whispered MiniLadd. "But! The scenario is different, that's why I don't have any sympathy for you. You & Taya are 'sibling' cause she said so, and you believed it. It's not a fact. Me & Craig aren't blood-related, but we've spent our childhood together, we both remember it, so it's a fact. We have a strong bond, after being separated & reuniting. You two are just forced to be siblings, you don't have any memories with her in the childhood, according to her, you guys were separated since birth or something, but she also said she can manipulate my loved ones, which makes me think that everything she said could possibly be a lie. I loved you, you're my teammate, and she manipulated you. Words are not a proof! Bond & memories are everything!" said Vanoss, and shot the floor, making Wildcat jump in fear. "Vanoss, you better fucking stop right now!" said Jiggly, struggling, but Nogla kept a really good grip on Jiggly.
"Why. . .Why are you doing this to me!? Why can't I have a family!?" asked Wildcat crying. ". . .Fuck you, Tyler! You naïve pig!" said Vanoss, and kicked Wildcat in the stomach. "Stop it!" shouted Jiggly. The others just watched. . .they did not move to stop Vanoss. "The fuck kinda crew is this!?" shouted Jiggly in anger. "What do you expect? We're a gang. We're not good guys." Said Moo. "We all had our days." Said Terroriser with a frown. "Jesus. . .you guys are all insane." Said 407, then Cartoonz said, "Thanks man."
Vanoss stopped, and Wildcat had some bruises on his face & body. He was crying, lying on the floor. ". . .Redeem yourself, Wildcat. That's your personal mission." Said Vanoss, and turned to the others. "Nogla, I'm putting you in charge. Lui, Bryce, Ohm, take Wildcat with you guys, and go with Nogla. Droidd, you're in charge of keeping contact with Nogla during mission. Craig, stay in room with Droidd, give support. Brian, work with Moo on the experiment. Cartoonz, keep an eye on Delirious." Said Vanoss, then Jiggly said, "Vanoss! You're not getting away with this!" ". . .Jiggly, if you intervene the mission. . .I'm gonna order the others to kill Wildcat." "You fucker!" "Don't think it's a bluff." Said Vanoss, then Bryce & Lui took out their gun, and aimed at Wildcat. "You're the worst human, I've ever seen! You're a monster!" said Jiggly, and Vanoss walked away. "Get back here!" said Jiggly, suddenly Bryce & Lui shot their gun, but missed Wildcat purposely. "Don't intervene, because we have reasons to kill Wildcat, so we won't hesitate." Said Lui. "You guys are fucking monsters as well!" said Jiggly. ". . .Yea, we are. Haven't you noticed? Idiot." Said Moo, and stood up from his chair. "Get to work, everyone." Said MiniLadd.
Nogla let go of Jiggly, and walked up to Wildcat. "You alright?" asked Nogla, and helped Wildcat up. "Wildkitty. . .we're sorry." Said Ohm, and wiped Wildcat's tears. "Okay, we're going." Said Bryce. "You guys go first, I need to talk to Cartoonz." Said Nogla. "Me?" asked Cartoonz. "Fine, come on." Said Lui, and they walked out.
Nogla walked up to Cartoonz, and said, "Hey Cartoonz." "What's up bitch?" asked Cartoonz. "I just wanted to say that if something happens to Mini. . .you know what you can do, alright?" said Nogla. "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Cartoonz. "I'm counting on ya." Said Nogla, and walked away.
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