Missing Members (Ask #216-220)
Question from Insane_Galaxy123 ,
"Alex: oh shoot what happend? Umm hold on *she calls sombody*
Adrien: What is it, something about dimensions okaaay *galaxy was confused yet worried she was also worried about Moo and Ohm*
Alex: galaxy said "what about Ohm and Delirouse someone should go check on them""
Delirious: *Looks the oven* . . . (There's nothing different with the oven. . .)
Delirium: *Goes into the oven* Ohmie, where are you!?
Delirious: . . .! *Pulls Delirium out the oven* . . . (Jason! Don't do that.)
Delirium: But. . . *Tears up* the oven ate Ohmie!
Delirious: . . . *Hugs Delirium* . . .? . . . (Calm down, Jason. Ohm was not eaten, okay? Marcel can help Ohm, let's go to BBS base.)
Delirium: *Nods, wiping his tears*
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Ok! Sorry had to come back! Wtf happened to Moo!?"
Bryce: Guys! Moo went missing!
CaRtOoNz: What?
Bryce: The mirror is shattered, and Moo's jacket was left behind. He might've been abducted or something.
MiniLadd: Then, don't worry too much. Moo is strong, he can get out of it.
Terroriser: Moo. . . *Hugs Moo's jacket*
MiniLadd: . . .Well, Marcel, you got anything?
Basically: I think I can figure out what happened.
Delirious: *Enters* . . .! (Guys!)
Wildcat: Delirious, what happened?
Delirium: Kitty! *Hugs Wildcat* Ohmie! Ohmie! He's gone!
Droidd: What do you mean by that, Jason?
CaRtOoNz: Ohm's gone?
Delirious: . . . (We don't know what happened. He disappeared without a trace.)
Nogla: This is bad. . .
Lui: Moo, and Ohm, huh?
AlexTerroiser "Well fuck.....two of my favourite people are gone......."
lunatictedd16 "Where is moo? Wtf happened? Where da fuck is ohm?!?"
LizaDrawsgames "WYD HAPPENED?!?"
Basically: This can't be a kidnap, it must be some dimensional stuff. Droidd, can you carry me to the data room? I need to use my computer.
Droidd: Alright. *Carries Basically & goes to the data room*
KatelynSQuestions "Stay calm,Dont you have a tracking device or something?If you dont,Then try to find some clues.Just don't panic"
TheDeliriousFamily "Brianna: Brian calm down! Try to track down Brock! *tries to not cry* *glitches a bit*"
Terroriser: I'm trying.
Vanoss: *Walks up to Terroriser* Terror?
Terroriser: . . .Sorry, I. . .I'm not in the mood, right now. Go play with others.
Vanoss: . . .*Pulls Terroriser's shirt*
Terroriser: . . .*Hugs Vanoss* Evan. . .I'm scared. . .what if he's hurt? What if he won't come back? Evan. . .help. . . *Tears up*
Vanoss: . . .Don't cry, Brian.
Terroriser: *Releases Vanoss* Evan?
Vanoss: Why are you crying, Terror?
Terroriser: . . .*Smiles a bit* Right. . .*Wipes his tears* I need to turn you & others back into normal.
~In Data Room~
Basically: I think I can track Ohm, but I don't know about Moo, he doesn't have any electronics that I can track.
MiniLadd: Well, find Ohm first, then. It's better than nothing.
Basically: Alright. *Tracking*
Cosmic_glass "Mini what is wrong with you , is this how you always act..... not even- uh sorry nevermind I don't know why should I tell you ...sorry..."
MiniLadd: Good, the askers are starting to understand me.
Nogla: We gotta find where Moo went.
MiniLadd: Well, with the body like this, I can't do s***!
lunatictedd16 "Lui at least show respect for evan!"
Lui: I always do! Just not to this. . .
VanShipperz "*Hugs Vanoss*LUI! FUCK YOU! Also I think people are mad at me for turning Evy cute"
Lui: They should be, and f*** you as well.
TheDeliriousFamily "Daisy: *glitches some words* (I want to know if Lui is okay)"
Lui: I'm fine, don't worry.
XxBrooklynRefaloxX ";-;"
Basically: Sorry, we didn't mean to hurt you.
Lui: It's not the time to apologize, Marcel!
Jiggly: This is a trouble. . .
407: The f*** are we gonna do now? We still haven't found either of them.
AWolfsJourney "And I guess I'll force myself to get use to a baby Vanoss"
Vanoss: Hmm?
Terroriser: Don't worry. *Mixes the liquids* He'll be back in no time. *Shakes the tube* Alright, Evan. Come back to us, this is an emergency!
Vanoss: Hmm?
KatelynSQuestions "*hands Mini Snickers*Eat it,Your not yourself when your hungry"
MiniLadd: . . .Thanks, a f***ing chocolate bar will help me be happy. Ha, ha, ha.
Nogla: *Giggles*
Question from sattelizergames ,
"if i can ask dracula a question: does he have a type on people like ohm??? and what the fuck is happening???? is moo okay??? is ohm okay as well???"
Sattelizer: Question for Swag? Well, if I had time, I'll ask him, and- wait. . .what the fuck you mean? Something happened to Moo? AND OHM?
Question from Ninjaofdeathshadows ,
"I don't know if this is where I ask that questions....but I have one and....is vanoss in normal clothing for children like him because it is weird that he is in girl clothes as a kid? Sorry if this question isn't as good as the other askers."
Wildcat: He's wearing normal clothes now, and it's okay, don't worry.
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Karma: Oh, shit. IS THIS ANOTHER AU THING?!
X: M-M-M4yB3.
Karma: Ugh, what the hell... *summons bed* Guess you gotta sleep back to normality. What should I do once Kid wakes up?
X: *goes on the bed* Sh3 sh0uld w-w-w-w-w-wwww-wake up some t-time l4ter. *goes to sleep*.
Karma: ... Welp, at least I get this empty-ass place for a while. So, we got another dimension switching scenario? Can't tell if I should be excited or pissed. Well, Moo and Ohm, don't die. But I'm sure you won't. But I could be wrong. But I don't care as we are in different universes and you are of no importance to me as... but... Fuck, I am not going to get an -ERROR- so I'll shut the fuck up now."
MiniLadd: I f***ing hope not. . .
Basically: This is unfortunate for you, Mini.
Droidd: What did you find?
Basically: I found Ohm. . .& Moo.
MiniLadd: Where are they?
Basically: They're-
???: Ahhhhhh! *Falls from the portal above*
Jiggly: *Catches*
???: W-W-What the f***? W-Where am I?
MiniLadd: You're. . .
Nogla: Oh, hey it's 1pOhm!
Ryan: Mini? Nogla? Wait- oh s***! *Gets off from Jiggly* I-I'm sorry!
Jiggly: It's alright.
Ryan: W-What's going on? Why am I here?
Basically: Um. . .welcome, and uh. . .we don't know why you're here.
Ryan: What? Oh no, I need to go see Cartoonz later! He's gonna be angry if I'm late!
CaRtOoNz: The f*** you talking about?
Ryan: *Turns to Cartoonz* Oh, hi, uh. . .I meant, 1pToonzie, and. . .why are you guys kids?
MiniLadd: Don't ask, also *Turns to Basically* WHY THE FUCK IS THIS HAPPENING!?
Basically: I-I'll work on it, Mini.
MiniLadd: What if another one comes!?
Basically: I-
???: Ahhhhhh!
Droidd: What. . .was that?
Nogla: It came from the lab.
MiniLadd: Oh shit, Brian, Evan!
Wildcat: I'll go check! *Runs to the lab*
~In the Lab~
Terroriser: Ow! W-What the hec- *blushes*
???: Ouch. . .W-Where am I?
Terroriser: M-Moo?
Brock: Huh? Brian? Why are you- wait a minute. . .
Wildcat: *Enters* Terroriser! Vanoss! *Sees Brock on top of Terroriser* Uh. . .
Terroriser: T-Tyler, um. . .
Vanoss: The f*** is going on!?
Brock: Um. . .hi? I guess?
~At 2pOhm~
Ohm: Ahhhhh! *Falls down* Ouch! Where am I?
???: Ohm! Get off me!
Ohm: *Stands up* Oh, I'm so sorry darling.
???: *Stands up* Fuck! That hurt! Are you a goddamn angel? Falling from the sky? *Turns to Ohm* Wait. . .you're. . .
Ohm: *Gasp* 1pToonzie!?
~At Moo~
Moo: *Falls down* FUCK! What the fuck!? Where am I? I remember. . .getting sucked in a mirror. . .
???: Uh. . .Brock?
Moo: Who the fu- *Gasps* You're. . .1pBrian!
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