MiniLadd Vs. Wildcat? (Ask #363-366)
AWolfsJourney "Omfg, plz no violence! Tyler can calm down! We don't need to hurt him! Tyler, I know your still awake in there! Fight it, it's ok Piggy, I promise it is. Taya will forever be alive in your heart! Plz, don't fight!"
MiniLadd: *Swings his machete to Wildcat*
Wildcat: *Tries to grab the machete*
MiniLadd: *Stops his machete, takes out a gun, and shoots Wildcat's in the rib*
Wildcat: Ugh!
MiniLadd: *Kicks Wildcat*
Wildcat: *Fells down*
MiniLadd: Yea. . .she's alive in your heart. Forever, unable to come back alive to reality.
Wildcat: Grr. . . *Stands up & attacks MiniLadd*
Question from OmegaTheta ,
"*poofs in on a purple cloud*
Golly... things sure have gone to hell haven't they?"
Ohm: It has. . .
"Hmm... guess I could try this out *clears throat* Wildcat, if you can hear us come back you precious adorable thing! The askers and I know your in pain and so do the others...
*mask contorts and mouth vanishes*"
MiniLadd: *Coughs & pants* Fuck. . .
Wildcat: *Panting* . . .
"If you do this, you won't just loose Taya, but many others in the state your in. Aside from that... Mini, make sure ya don't kill him and best of luck to ya!
*vanishes in a cloud of purple smoke*"
MiniLadd: Oh, I'm killing him.
Vanoss: Ugh. . .Craig! Don't you. . .fucking. . .dare. . .
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Kid: *gasp* Oh nuu not Basically! ;A;
Karma: Fine. Why do I even bother anymore?
X: I knew that's why Mini went out... But Vanoss had a plan. Then again, Mini doesn't know it... Too late now, unless Mini knows what Vanoss had planned or unless Mini has a plan of his own.
Kid: H-Huh...? T-Taya committed suicide? *freezes*
Karma: Aaand we are leaving again. *grabs Kid and drags her away*
X: I may have a clue on who the Derp Crew are..."
MiniLadd: All because of her dumbass. . .this fucker lost his freaking mind. It's so annoying.
Wildcat: *Attacks MiniLadd*
MiniLadd: *Dodges*
Question from VanShipperz ,
"Akuma: I don't know who to root for
Me:*Runs over to vanoss* are you okay?!?
Nagara: *pulls me away* stop, he's insane"
Vanoss: Fuck. . . (I can't move my body. . .shit! If I didn't deactivate my toughness, the syringe would've not stabbed me!)
lunatictedd16 "Oh shit! Actually listen to nogla, moo. I don't think mini is gonna die, so chill.... Also, basically got kidnapped"
Nogla: What?
Ohm: Oh no, Marcel got kidnapped!? I knew going alone was a bad idea. . .oh no. . .
lunatictedd16 "Though, they said they'll bring him back... hope he's okay.... and wildcat, too... and everyone else..."
Droidd: Who are "they"?
Lui: Can't be trusted either way.
Nogla: . . .Moo, there's no time to argue. We need to help Marcel.
Moo: Fucking shit. . .
Question from thestars-ash ,
"mini is a strong man! he won't die! i think what nogla's trying to say is that, there isn't a need for two dead bodies aka moo's and wildcat's...
and!! still! no ones concerned marcy!? i know the situation with wildcat is dire, but we can't forget the rest of the team! they're just as important! some one, anyone! please...find marcy...please"
Nogla: We are & were. Right now, our computers are. . .hacked, and in need of a repair. We shouldn't do anything on them, but. . .Marcel is in danger.
CaRtOoNz: I mean, he went out alone, it's his fault.
Ohm: *Frowns* Toonzie, please don't say that. . .
CaRtOoNz: Say what?
Moo: We don't have time for your bullshit!
407: What are we gonna fucking do!?
Nogla: Calm down. Marcel is not weak, we gotta use another way to track Marcel's gadgets.
Insane_Galaxy123 "Alex: FRUKIN IDOT MINI
*she growled out before looking at the others*
Alex: go find marcel gosh dambit!
Adrien: frukin calm down all of you ideotas"
Jiggly: Ugh. . .
Droidd: Calm down 407, and how are we gonna do it?
Nogla: . . .Droidd, Ohm, I need you guys to help me. Kid, Cartoonz, don't let anyone out please.
Lui: . . .Fine.
Droidd: What do you need our help for?
Ohm: Nogla? Hun?
Nogla: . . .I have a plan.
TheDeliriousFamily "Taya: *one angel and one demon wings appear as she stands on her grave* Miss me?
Kylai: TAYA!!!!
Everyone but Terry: *hugs her*
Taya: *hugs back* I missed you guys but I have to save my brother from another mother... *flaps her wings and speed-flies towards Tyler* *thinks in her mind: Please be okay, Ty-Ty...*"
MiniLadd: *Kicks Wildcat & pins him down* It's OVER! *Takes out his machete*
Wildcat: *Tears up*
Vanoss: Craig! Tyler! FUCK! *Moves his body slowly* Come on! *Tries to stand up*
MiniLadd: Shit. . . (He's recovering. . . I gotta make it quick.) *Raises his machete*
Wildcat: . . .Taya. . .
MiniLadd: *Slams his machete beside Wildcat's head* . . .
(Vanoss: *Tears up* . . .Cody. . .)
MiniLadd: . . .Fuck! Not now! Fuck off flashbacks!
Wildcat: *Grabs MiniLadd's arm*
MiniLadd: *Snaps out* Shit!
Wildcat: . . .*Grips MiniLadd's arms tighter*
Vanoss: CRAIG!
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