Medicine (Ask #242-250)
Question from LizaDrawsgames ,
"Me: Is something up with mini...? I'm getting paranoid to wear if he's in a different Au he's going to die or something"
MiniLadd: It's my fucking allergy. I'm not that fragile.
Terroriser: Mini, you need to rest & get some medicines.
MiniLadd: I know, and I have few more medicines, but. . .at this rate. . .it's not gonna help much.
Terroriser: I think I have more.
"Ellie: *runs in outta no where and hug and kisses 2p and 1p bryce them runs*
Me: well then"
Bryce: Uh. . .
McQuaid: Oh. . . *Giggles* That was sweet.
Ohm: *Takes out his knife*
Delirious: *Takes out his machete*
Question from sunniidee,
"woah! mini are you okay? do you need any help? not from me because you'd probably not trust me to try and help you..all I'm gonna say is that I hope you're okay,"
MiniLadd: . . .Thanks. . . *Smiles a bit, then falls*
Nogla: *Catches MiniLadd* Gotcha, you okay?
MiniLadd: Ugh. . .
Terroriser: Get him to bed, now!
Vanoss: Mini?
MiniLadd: Ugh. . .fuck. . .I'm gonna throw up. . .
Nogla: I don't mind it, just do it, if it makes you feel better.
Terroriser: Oh no. . .
sattelizergames "okay something i wanna dare,, please get mini's allergies some medicine for the whole while that they are in the 1pDimension"
Terroriser: But I need ingredients! We rarely encounter dogs, so we don't carry much. This is bad. . .I need ingreidents to make more powerful medicines!
Vanoss: Calm down Brian. W-We have time. . .right?
Basically: I'm checking Mini's state, and. . .it's not looking good, but he's fine.
Craig: So. . .2p version of me is allergic to dogs?
Basically: Yea, and. . .usually, it's not this bad, but multiple 1ps do own dogs. . .so. . .
Lui: Basically, you guys brought dog germs, and it affected Mini's allergy.
McQuaid: I think I can help with the ingredients.
Ryan: I think I can too.
Terroriser: Okay, do you guys have an equipment?
Craig: Uh. . .no. . .
Wildcat: W-We need to hurry.
Jiggly: Don't panic, we should split into teams & go search.
Swag: No need for that.
Bryce: The fuck you mean?
Swag: My birds can help with the ingredients. You guys get the lab ready. Tell me what you need.
Basically: I'll show you what we need, so follow me. *Walks away*
Swag: *Follows Basically*
Question from sattelizergames ,
"aweee!!! mini is finally being nice (and it's too adorable for me oml), how's the 1pUniverse so far?"
MiniLadd: *Panting* Fucking. . .sucks. . .
Vanoss: Craig. . .
MiniLadd: S-Stop making. . .that face, you fucker. . .I'm fine.
Question from H20vanossfan109 ,
"Craig... Where the fuck is Mochi?"
Craig: She's uh. . .in my room.
Evan: I think we should move the location to keep the 2ps.
Marcel: Whose house is big enough to get all these motherfuckers in?
Brian: And doesn't have a dog.
Brock: Uh. . .hmm. . .
Nogla: No need to worry about that. I'm sure Brian & Marcel can make something to stop the allergy for few days or a week.
Tyler: That sounds impossible.
Nogla: *Giggles* Don't underestimate our Scientist & Intell.
Question from gamergal1 ,
"Hey basically, you haven't really been the center of attention yet, So how you doing dude? 😜"
Basically: Huh, oh, I'm doing good. 1pUniverse isn't that bad.
Swag: I got the ingredients.
Basically: That was quick.
Terroriser: Great work! And we got the lab ready.
Moo: Brian, you better do it quick, and. . .what are we gonna do? We are gonna stay here for 4 fucking days.
Terroriser: I can do this, just hurry & assist! *Grabs the ingredients*
Moo: . . .Okay.
Basically: Getting a bit dominant, huh?
Terroriser: We don't have much time! *Starts working*
Moo: *Blushes a bit* Fine. . . *Helps Terroriser*
Basically: *Smiles, and starts searching*
H20vanossfan109 "Havoc: *Starts barking at the bird*
I think you should... Probably run-"
Swag: *Takes out a boomerang with blades*
Basically: Whoa! Swag, calm down!
Moo: Jesus, man.
Swag: If you hurt my birds, I will end your life. This is a first warning.
~At the other~
Droidd: So. . .we do have questions & dares we need to go through. Hope this'll entertain you, Mini.
MiniLadd: Fuck off. Ugh. . .
Vanoss: Lay down, and don't move.
MiniLadd: Fine, shut up.
OhmLvr4Evr "Trust me buddy you dont want that. There are many reasons...😥"
lunatictedd16 "It's fucking bloody hell!!!!!!"
XxBrooklynRefaloxX "ITS HELL MY FRIEND"
Craig: What? Is it that bad to be a female?
Tyler: It's fucking hard, I bet. They need to take care of their own stuff.
Ohm: *Hugs Craig* Don't be a woman! How am I gonna express my love to you, if you were a woman!?
Craig: I don't know, and why are you hugging me, sir?
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"2pDroidd, how do you feel about 1pLui?"
Droidd: He's. . .very interesting. Even if he's Lui, I feel different about him. I. . .like him.
Calibre: Aww, thanks! *Giggles*
Droidd: *Blushes a bit* Uh. . .you're welcome.
Question from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"This question goes to Tyler do you love Miniladd (1p)"
Tyler: Yea, he's my friend.
Craig: Aww, thanks, my friend. *Smiles*
Tyler: Who doesn't love their friend? That's the question I wanna know.
Ryan: Exactly. *Giggles*
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Damn....2pLui just got a taste of 1pLui's strength and skills And 2pNogla, how down you feel about the brotherly relationship between 1pLui and 1pDroidd?"
Nogla: They're pretty sweet. I hope Lui & Droidd in our universe can be like that.
sattelizergames "strong lil' monkey babyyy. 💖💕 have some more gummy worms -makes it rain gummy worms on 1plui and 2plui just to make him irritated bc he needs to try gummy worms like, oh god are you even human or a monkey that knows how to enjoy life?-"
Calibre: Gummy worms! Yay!
Arlan: *Giggles* Lui, calm down.
Calibre: How can I calm down!? It's gummy worms!
Daithi: Aww, that's my little monkey baby~.
Lui: Ugh. . .
Questions from GalaxysilverWolf ,
"Okay wait I have two questions, well one of them is a statement? So so if Delirious drinks water does that make him a cannibal?? And I realized that 2p Ohm is exactly like a rabbit cuz you know rabbits multiply a lot and Ohm is a "sex expert""
Delirious: . . . (It's just a code name.)
Jon: Nope, I need water to do this shit. *Summons water ball* Ta-da~!
CaRtOoNz: Hey, I can do it too! *Summons an ice ball*
Jon: Ohhh, awesome!
Ohm: Well~, I am good at making love~.
Sattelizer: He is~.
CaRtOoNz: Satt, you motherfucker! *Throws the ice ball at Sattelizer*
Sattelizer: *Dodges*
Inspired_Silence "Strippers make a lot of money.."
Bryce: They do?
Nogla: Damn, if Ohm worked as a stripper, we might've gotten a lot money faster to repair the base. *Giggles*
Delirious: . . . (I'm not sure about that. . .)
Nogla: He would make a fine stripper.
CaRtOoNz & Droidd: *Imagines Ohm as a stripper & gets a nosebleed*
Wildcat: A-Are you guys okay?
Delirious: *Hands them tissues*
Sattelizer: Hey Ohm.
Ohm: Yes?
Sattelizer: *Sits down on the couch* Why don't you dance for me~? I'll pay you real good~.
Gorillaphent: Satt. . .
Ohm: *Giggles* Oh Mikey~. *Sits on Sattelizer's lap* You know that I don't need money. I would dance for your love~. *Smiles*
Sattelizer: *Blushes a bit* I think you'll get that no matter what.
CaRtOoNz: *Pulls Ohm off Sattelizer's lap*
sattelizergames "😭😭 ryan is too sweet for this world,, i love him so much and i can't even find the words to explain how much i love him as a person"
Luke: I know right? *Wraps his arm around Ryan's waist*
Ryan: *Blush* Um. . .t-thank you.
Ohm: Aww, Bunny~, you're such a sweetheart~.
VanShipperz "You can't have Sex with yourself Ohm!!!!"
Ohm: What are you talking about? Of course you can, it's called, 'masturbation'.
Kingggjaay "The true meaning of fucking yourself"
Ohm: Or that.
Ryan: Um. . .that doesn't really-
Ohm: *Pulls Ryan into his arms* We are the same person, but from another universe. I think it's pretty accurate~.
Ryan: *Blush* Uh. . .but um. . .m-masturbation is like. . .um. . .doing it on your own. . .?
Ohm: Wanna test it, then~?
Ryan: *Blushes harder* Um. . .
Luke: Hey! You're making him uncomfortable!
Ohm: You don't like the double Ohmie action~?
Ryan: *Blushing* Please stop!
sattelizergames "do it. do it. do it. -e y e s s p a r k l e s-"
Ohm: Ohhh~, looks like we have a supporter~.
Ryan: J-Just no!
CaRtOoNz: I think I can fuck two Ohms.
Luke: Hey! One belongs to me!
H20vanossfan109 "Gets a butter sock* If you get closer.... You will get bruises all over yourself, Ohm"
Ohm: Don't you dare threaten me, bitch.
Ryan: Please, no fighting, or hitting each other, please. I don't want anyone to get hurt.
Ohm: Aww, you're so sweet. How about kissing each other, is that okay?
Ryan: W-What do you-
Ohm: *Kisses Ryan*
Ryan: *Blushes madly*
Ohm: *Pulls away* Aww Bunny~.
Ryan: *Covers his blushed face*
CaRtOoNz: This is a dream~.
Luke: *Blushing a bit* Okay, I admit, that was. . .kinda hot~.
~At Terroriser~
Terroriser: . . .There we go. Moo, hand me the blue substance.
Moo: *Grabs it, and hands it to Terroriser*
Terroriser: *Mixes* Hmm. . .okay, this should work. . .
Moo: Are you sure?
Terroriser: Positivity is key. This should be enough for Mini's allergy to stop for 4 days.
Moo: Alright.
~At MiniLadd~
MiniLadd: Ugh. . .
Vanoss: . . .
MiniLadd: You don't. . .have to stay here.
Vanoss: As your boss, I need to protect you from being harmed.
MiniLadd: Fuck-
Vanoss: And. . .as a brother, I want to stay.
MiniLadd: . . .I hate you.
Vanoss: I hate you too.
Terroriser: *Enters* Mini! I got the medicine!
Vanoss: Great job, Brian!
MiniLadd: That's great. . .
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