Last Minute Entrance (Ask #152-155)
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Why is 2pGorilla here anyway?" "Dear God! 2pGorlliaphent!....idk what to say, so kindly tell us why your here good sir?*gives you coffee and a donut*"
Gorillaphent: I appreciate the coffee & donut, but no thanks. I came here cause I was dragged here.
Sattelizer: Talking shit, huh?
Delirious: . . .! (Satt!)
Sattelizer: Hello Delirious, Bryce.
Gorillaphent: I wasn't talking shit about you, Satt.
Sattelizer: *Rolls his eyes* Yea, right.
Bryce: *Body shaking a bit* W-What do you guys want?
Delirious: *Notices Bryce shaking*
Sattelizer: Well, I was invited by Ohm to a party. *Takes out the invitation card* I had some work to do. . .I just finished, and came here. I dragged Gorilla with me, since he became my partner, and thought he should know the alliance.
Gorillaphent: *Walks up to Bryce* I didn't mean to interrupt your time with your boyfriend, McQuaid.
Bryce: . . .
Delirious: . . .? (Bryce?)
Gorillaphent: Surprised, aren't you? I still remember your fucking name. . .even it's been years. Huh? Brycey McChicken?
Bryce: *Swings his fist to Gorillaphent's face*
Gorillaphent: *Grabs Bryce's fist*
Delirious: . . .! (Bryce!)
Bryce: . . .Don't ever call me that. . .you barbarian.
Gorillaphent: You should think about the position you're in, cause I think, you're the one who's a barbarian. . .you gangster. *Summons bullets*
Delirium: *Comes out* Jon! Bryce!
Delirious: . . .! (Jason!)
Gorillaphent: *Turns to Delirium*
Delirium: Oh! New guests!? Oh my! Hello, misters! *Smiles*
Sattelizer: Hey.
Delirium: My name is Jason! Code name, CH4Delirium! We're gonna eat the cakes, so do you guys want to eat?
Sattelizer: We would like to have some cake. Mark, we're going in. *Walks inside*
Gorillaphent: *Puts the bullets away & lets go of Bryce's fist* . . .Aye, sir. *Walks inside*
Delirium: Jon, Bryce, are they your friend?
Bryce: No.
Delirious: . . . (Bryce. . .)
Bryce: . . . *Walks inside*
Delirium: Bryce?
Delirious: . . . (Let's. . .go inside, Jason.)
Question from LizaDrawsgames ,
"Gorlliaphent and bryce have history?
Or new ship war?"
Gorillaphent: You could say we have a little 'history', but it's more of a grudge. And, I wanted to ask, the fuck is going on with this fourth wall thing?
Sattelizer: The BBS is having Q&As plus Dares, people over the fourth wall are their audience.
Gorillaphent: I see. . .
Ohm: Ohhh~, guests~.
Terroriser: Ohm, go easy.
Ohm: I know~. *Walks up to Gorillaphent* Hello again~.
Gorillaphent: *Turns to Ohm* Oh, you're the flirty one. Ohmwrecker, was it?
Ohm: I'm so happy that you remembered me~.
Gorilaphent: I mean. . .Satt has his eyes on you, and. . .not much people flirt in TwitchStreamers.
Ohm: Aww. . .you must feel lonely.
Gorillaphent: No, I don't. I'm fine.
Ohm: *Holds Gorillaphent's hand* You're so strong~, mentally & physically~. I love tough guys~.
Gorillaphent: Uh. . .
Sattelizer: Already hitting on my partner, huh?
Ohm: Hello milady~. I was giving some love to your partner~.
Sattelizer: And making me jealous. Don't you think you need some punishment~?
Ohm: Ohhhh~, Mikey~, that sounds erotic~.
Sattelizer: You know what's up~.
Nogla: *Giggles* Our bunny is a pop, don't ya think?
Ohm: *Giggles* That's so sweet, Nogla~.
Gorillaphent: Alright, can you. . .let go of my hand?
Ohm: *Kisses Gorillaphent's hand* Alright~ handsome~. *Lets go of Gorillaphent's hand*
Gorillaphent: *Blushes a bit* Okay, thanks.
Bryce: *Sits down on the couch with a sigh*
Delirious: . . . (Jason, ask Tyler & Anthony for help to get the cakes out.)
Delirium: Okay. *Walks up to Wildcat & Jiggly*
Delirious: *Walks up to Bryce* . . .? (Are you okay?)
Bryce: . . .Yea, I just. . .I'm just pissed at Gorillaphent coming here.
Delirious: . . .? (Do you want to talk?)
Bryce: . . .No, I'm fine. *Smiles* Thank you, Delirious.
Delirious: *Blush* .-. . . (N-No problem.)
Delirium: It's late, but Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Basically: Oh yea, for us, it's only been hours of a day.
MiniLadd: Time gap is a bitch.
Droidd: *Giggles*
Wildcat: Okay, did everyone get a plate?
RacingCatz: I think so.
Delirium: Yay! Now, everyone, thank you for taking care of Jon, and working hard every day! I hope you guys like the cakes me & Jon made. *Smiles*
Ohm: Aww, you & Delly are just the sweetest brothers ever~.
Nogla: They are cute.
Basically: And thank you for your support. *Smiles*
Droidd: Appreciate it, Jason.
Delirious: *Pats Delirium's head* . . . (Thank you, Jason.)
Lui: Well, let's dig in, I guess.
Nogla: Are you that hungry, kid?
Lui: No!
RacingCatz: *Giggles* You guys are funny.
Lui: No, we're not!
MiniLadd: *Takes a bite of the cake*
OmegaTheta "Interesting, another person enters the fray? And a person who can summon his weapons as well! Huh..."
Gorillaphent: Well, it's not weapons, but bullets.
CaRtOoNz: You can summon bullets from anywhere? Any kind of bullets?
Gorillaphent: Well, yea.
CaRtOoNz: Dude, you'll come in handy for me!
Gorillaphent: What?
Ohm: Toonzie is a gun expert~.
MiniLadd: You mean, maniac.
Gorillaphent: Oh, I se-
CaRtOoNz: *Wraps his arm around Gorillaphent's shoulder* I feel like you & I are gonna be a great duo!
Gorillaphent: Excuse me?
Nogla: Looks like Delirious is gonna be replaced.
Terroriser: Well, they are opposite. Delirious is pretty much a stealth master & Cartoonz is a. . .loud gun maniac.
CaRtOoNz: Well, yea, but who knows? It's really good to sandwich people.
Terroriser: Well. . .yea, and it's effective.
yourafan2 "Bet he can't summon a dragon"
Gorillaphent: Of course, I'm not a dragon tamer.
Sattelizer: Maybe someone else in TwitchStreamers is a Dragon Tamer, I haven't really checked though.
Basically: If there is someone, then it'll be awesome.
Question from H20vanossfan109 ,
"GASP* GORILLA! Can i have a huuuuug???"
Gorillaphent: I'm not a hugging type of a guy. . .so. . .I'll say no.
KarmaXKid "Karma: Eyyyyy, another character! 2pGorillaphent!
Kid: Nuuuuu ;^; Bryce was going to confess! I'm so sad... *cries* Whyyyyyyy? ;>~<;
X: I'm back.
Karma: X, where the fuck did you go?
X: Nowhere.
Karma: .... Ohhhh, that place. Okay. Yup, yeah, that place.
Kid: Waaaaaah! *Hugs X* The ship almost sailed!
X: What ship?
Karma: Dude, read the fucking chapters."
Bryce: *Blush* Um. . .
Delirious: *Blush* . . .? . . .? ('Confess'? What do they mean?)
Bryce: I. . .don't know.
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Karma: Oh. Shit. I have a very strong feeling that the BBS ain't gon' like him. And I also have an even stronger feeling that Evan won't like him. but, y'know, it's just a feeling. It's just a small feeling. Just a-
X: Used to be part of the authority? Summons bullets, intelligent, merciless and skilled? Full on yandere? I have a bad feeling about this. Welcome."
Vanoss: . . .
Sattelizer: Hey Vanoss, what do you think about my partner? I haven't introduced him to you, right?
Vanoss: . . .I was wondering why Bryce was feeling down. If the cause was your partner. . .he better watch out. . .
Sattelizer: Well, it probably is, but I'll try to keep him in control. I don't want this alliance to go down the drain.
Vanoss: That was a one-time thing, you have an alliance with the Quad, not with BBS.
Sattelizer: Well, if you don't want your member to be taken, you should form an alliance.
Vanoss: . . .Are you threating me? You have such balls huh?
Sattelizer: No, and I do have balls. Ask Ohm, he knows it.
Vanoss: . . .Fuck you.
Kingggjaay "Ayy nice to see you gorilla"
Gorillaphent: Hey. . .I guess?
LuisentMoon "*drinks like 7 shots* Ah sh*t man~ W-Where's *hic* What c-can I do~? Ohmie~! I-I wanna *hic* I wanna...I need love Jesus Christ...W-Where's *hic* where's*t, uh FiFi! Goddamn~ *hic* Yo Scotty! *hic* Go for Marcel man!"
Ohm: We have a drunk one here.
Droidd: Oh, are you friends with FiFi?
407: *Blush* I mean. . .
Nogla: *Giggles* You better, or I'm gonna take him~.
407: Don't you dare!
Jiggly: He's just teasing you, Scotty.
Nogla: So fun.
FiFi_Ballinas "Sadly, I knew this was going to happen. And because of it, I'm fucked."
Droidd: How are you fucked?
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