Jealous? (Ask #74-76)
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"X: That is a long speech for Mini? Karma: Shut up, you're a fast reader. And... seems like you got three lovers up in the house, Ohm~! How do you feel?"
Ohm: Brilliant~! Man, I love it so much~! Toonzie & Droidd, then there comes Satt~! Oh, I'm in heaven!
CaRtOoNz: Well, you'll love it, once we have sex, Ohm~.
Ohm: Ohh~, you want to fuck me, daddy~?
CaRtOoNz: Fuck yea, get your ass on my dick, bitch~.
Ohm: Oh Toonzie~!
Droidd: You seriously think I would let you do that to Ohmwrecker?
CaRtOoNz: Here comes the party pooper. Just fuck off already!
Droidd: Fuck you.
Sattelizer: Well, you guys can argue as much as you guys want, I'll be taking Ohm for a while, won't be too long. *Grabs Ohm's hand walks away*
Droidd: Come back here!
Kingggjaay "A new challenger has appeared"
Droidd: Indeed, it did!
Sattelizer: You better stop making enemies for me.
Ohm: Well. . .*Giggles a bit* I'm just being myself~.
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"X: So that is the definition of Quad... I see. Vanoss, why are you so violent with Delirium? I do not understand your vexation directed towards him. Marcel, that was a brilliant speech. It was interesting, actually. You and I think alike. Karma: Well, they do say great minds think alike... X: Are you saying that I'm smarter than you? *Briefly grins softly before quickly becoming a blank face* Karma: What?! No way! I'm smarter than you! I maintain the typer's intelligence and understanding, you control the typer's thinking! THERE'S A DIFFERENCE! X: Okay. Hmm... Marcel, I think you're my favourite in the team. Care to talk some more? Karma: And torture Mini? Sure, give him a nightmare. X: Right. Perhaps next time. Kid: *Runs out of somewhere and into X's arms* WAAAH! I'M GONNA MISS MY FRIENDS! X: *Pats her head* There, there. Leaving primary forever and leaving your friends is an easy thing to do, but a hard thing to accept. Kid: *Cries* I'M GONNA MISS THEM! WAAAH! Karma: Waitingfortherap. X: Wait for it, Karma. Karma: #Hamiltonreference."
Vanoss: I was angry towards my crew for letting someone in, with my absence. Also, I don't really like him, cause he's Delirious' brother. They have similar face, I don't want to see another face of someone who. . .*mumbles* defeated me.
Basically: *Blush* I'm your favorite? Oh god. . .that's flattering. Um. . .I am a little. . .annoying with my calculations, but. . .I would really like to talk more. I. . .really like you too. You're pretty mature, and I feel comfortable.
Nogla: Aww, this is a start of a friendship.
Basically: I don't know about torturing Mini with it though.
Nogla: I think it'll be fun.
407: . . .Fuck them. You don't need them to be your friends.
Nogla: Hey, that's not what you decide.
407: Well, yea, but think about it, you're fucking intelligent more than them. You don't need to increase your surrounding with people.
Nogla: . . .Oh~! Looks like Scotty is being a bit jelly~.
407: *Blush* What!? No, I'm not!
Nogla: Yea, yea, hey Marcel, wanna hang out with me, you can tell me more of your calculations. I like to listen.
Basically: Really?
Nogla: Yea, of course. It's so educating, and we are good friends, right? *Wraps his arm around Basically's shoulder*
Basically: Nogla. . .thanks. *Smiles*
Nogla: *Smiles back & glances at 407*
407: *Clenches his fists* You. . .bitch. . .
Nogla: *Giggles* (He totally have a crushy on Marcel~.)
Vanoss: You want to do a rap battle with me? Sure, I guess.
Sattelizer: *Enters* There you are.
Basically: Oh, hi Sattelizer.
Nogla: Heylo.
407: The fuck is him?
Vanoss: Shut up, and what is it?
Sattelizer: We're done checking the base.
Vanoss: So, how was it?
Sattelizer: You have pretty brutal members, and it's repairable. Do you want to use the base I have?
Vanoss: . . .No, I'm taking all my crew to the mission, so you better get this base fixed when we get back.
Sattelizer: Alright. Deal is a deal, so next week?
Vanoss: Yup.
amber_sketches "Everytime mini was mad or raging, it always reminds me of his 1p playing Mario kart. No offense"
MiniLadd: . . .None taken, I guess.
H20vanossfan109 "I am very muchly curious if the crew knows what a reffrie is If yes: I dare you guys to have a reffrie with Das Sound Machine If no: I can explain"
Basically: . . .I don't know if it's what I think. . .I don't wanna make another mistake.
Nogla: Aww Marcel, don't be afraid.
Basically: . . .Just to be safe, *turns to the asker* will you explain it to us?
Question from GalaxysilverWolf ,
"does no one else think Vanoss hates Jason because he's very close to Lui and Vanoss is a jealous owl boy?"
Vanoss: Pfft, jealous? Of Jason? No way. . .
Delirium: Lui! *Hugs Lui*
Lui: For Christ's sake! Stop hugging me!
Delirium: But it's almost Christmas, and I want to share my love to my best friend! *Tries to kiss Lui*
Lui: *Blushes & pushes him* Stop it!
Delirium: Why? I want to show you that I love you. Kiss is a proof that you love someone, and you never let me prove it to you. *Frowns* Do you hate me?
Lui: I told you so many time, that's not it! You're misunderstanding, okay!?
Delirium: . . .Lui. . .
Lui: Don't frown like that, okay? I love you, but not in a gay way, okay? As friends.
Delirium: . . .I love you more than friends, I love you as my bestest friend!
Lui: *Blush* Do you even know what that means!? And 'bestest' is not a word!
Vanoss: . . . *Walks up to them* Hey. . .let go of Lui, now.
Delirium: M-Mr. Vanoss. . . *Lets go of Lui & backs up* Um. . .
Lui: V-Vanoss-
Vanoss: *Carries Lui*
Lui: *Blush*
Delirium: Huh?
Vanoss: *Sits back down on the couch, puts Lui on his lap, and looks at Delirium* Try to give him a kiss now, bitch.
Lui: *Blushes like crazy* (Oh my god!)
Delirium: Um. . .
Nogla: *Giggles* Someone is jealous~.
Basically: Jason, let's get you to Delirious. *Holds Delirium's hand*
Delirium: Um. . .okay, but. . .*looks at Lui*
Vanoss: *Holds Lui close*
Lui: (Vanoss' body heat. . .s-so hot~. . .oh god, I-I feel dizzy. . .)
Delirium: . . .*Smiles* Okay. *Walks away with Basically*
Ohm: Aww, that was so hot, Evy~.
Sattelizer: . . .Well, I'll get back to my office.
Ohm: I'll bodyguard you~.
Vanoss: *Pats Lui's head*
Lui: V-Vanoss~. . .*Passes out of blushing too much*
Vanoss: L-Lui? Shit, the fuck did I do? Lui! *Shakes Lui a bit*
Lui: Uuuu. . .
Nogla: Kid just fainted of blushing. You should take him to bed.
Vanoss: . . .Alright. *Carries Lui to bed*
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