Goodbye (Ask #309-316 + Dare #85-86)
Question & Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"What are your guys limits if someone tried to steal their hearts and a Dare to everyone slap everyone across the face"
Terroriser: Uh. . .Limits?
Vanoss: . . .This is a shit show. Well, time to get bruises on our face.
MiniLadd: I don't have fucking time for this! I want to open the portal & go back to our universe already!
Basically: Calm down Mini, w-we could finish it soon. I'm sure it won't take long.
Lui: Who's gonna slap who?
Terroriser: Um. . .everyone has to slap everyone, so. . .
MiniLadd: No! *Grabs Basically* Come on, back to work, Marcel!
Basically: Mini, please don't pull my hood so hard!
Moo: Jesus, Mini is fucking stressed.
Bryce: Isn't he always?
Nogla: Well, Mini is about to be more pissed. *Giggles*
Vanoss: . . .Alright, prepare to not die.
Dare from VanShipperz ,
"I dare all the 2ps and the 1ps to sing with their opposites a song that describes their pasts"
MiniLadd: YOU. . .FUCKING. . .BITCHES!
Basically: Everyone is bruised. . .how did this happen?
407: Some of you guys doesn't know how to hold back their strength! Ow!
Jiggly: Don't talk, Scotty.
Nogla: Welp, we knew this would happen.
MiniLadd: *Shaking in anger*
Wildcat: M-Mini. . .
MiniLadd: *Sigh* Marcel, could you please open the portal now?
Basically: I-It's almost done, after few more minutes.
Droidd: Calm down, Mini, we'll be able to go back soon.
MiniLadd: I'm gonna seal all of you guys' mouth.
Vanoss: What are you-
MiniLadd: SILENCE!
~At 1ps~
Calibre: Sounds like they're having fun.
Daithi: So uh. . .are we doing this dare?
Brian: Uh. . .maybe not.
Evan: You guys need to calm down, okay?
Craig: Fine, but you need to learn to defend yourself.
Evan: What?
Jon: Yea, what if we aren't around to save you?
Evan: 'Save'?
Tyler: Yea, you seriously need to be careful, Evan.
Evan: Why am I getting scolded?
Calibre: *Giggles*
Question from beliana2017 ,
"hey wildcat is ok atleast you didnt make the yandere angry XD
okno well guys what do you think will happen now that you guys will go back to the base?"
Wildcat: *Muffles* (I-I guess so.)
Basically: . . .Who knows? *Giggles a bit, then looks at MiniLadd* . . .Mini, are you sure?
MiniLadd: About what? I just want to go back.
Basically: . . .*Frowns a bit & keeps working*
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"To everyone, if you had 2 extra arms what would you do?"
Vanoss: *Takes the bandage off from his mouth* Right now, I would want to strangle my bro's neck!
MiniLadd: I said silence, bitch!
Nogla: *Muffles* (Well, if I had two arms, right now, I would like to get these bandages off.)
Terroriser: *Muffles* (I think everyone will do that at the moment.)
Question from oreiin ,
"I've been wondering, do the 2ps know who legion is? or is it only 1p?"
Basically: Legion, he's a police, same as Kryoz, but more experienced.
Delirium: *Takes the bandages off Delirious* Jon, are you okay?
Delirious: . . . (I'm okay.)
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"*Hugs 2pWildcat* Wanna go to the flower field?"
Wildcat: . . .*Smiles & takes the bandages off* I'd love to.
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Kid: Ahaha! Karma's immature!
Karma: Kid, I am still pissed. Stfu.
Kid: Okay... kekeke! So many yanderes! Wait... So much yandere..? I don't know how to do plurals for Japanese words yet. Anyway, I like this a lot! I just hope things don't get too violent.
X: Agreed.
Karma: 1pDelirium, wanna go talk to someone more mature, then? I don't know, maybe X, since you're only going to keep on being a bitch.
Kid: You and him have a lot in common.
Karma: I know, and I don't like it.
Kid: But you don't hate it?
Karma: ...
X: I am free to talk to anyone at any time."
(Jason: No, I don't need to talk. I talk to whoever I want if I want to.)
Calibre: *Giggles* You're a thing called, 'Tsundere'.
(Jason: Shut up, I don't wanna be described with some stupid word humans made.)
Calibre: Okay, okay. . .You know. . .
(Jason: What?)
Calibre: . . .I hate you, but I understand you.
(Jason: . . .Better than them, that's for sure, but not so different.)
Insane_Galaxy123 "Alex: red eyes hmm? And I HAVE NEW SHIPS
adrien: alex frick calm down
*galaxy had walked out side while clutching a teddie near there was a glint of meatal in her belt*"
emmak87 "Thank you so much :) And what do you mean "red eyes" because I don't think you just said it just to point it out, it's very clear that he has beautiful red eyes ;3"
Gorillaphent: Yea, it was pretty, and. . .I don't think Brycey deserves a guy like him.
Sattelizer: You like him?
Gorillaphent: Hmmm. . .I don't think so, but I think he's an unfortunate guy, because he has to deal with Brycey.
AWolfsJourney "Yandere-Chans indeed 2pOhm~ though at the same time, they're kinda like Tsundere's~"
Ohm: Well, yea, I know~. *Giggles*
gamergal1 "Like No more drama please! 😡"
Basically: . . .I hope so.
Terroriser: Marcel, you okay?
Basically: I'm just a bit worried about Mini. He has been acting a bit weird.
Terroriser: Well-
MiniLadd: Stop worrying about me like that. It makes me even more pissed.
Basically: I'll try.
Cosmic_glass "Oh come mini hehe I see the bound of you and basically. Hey guys can you help me any ship name for these two"
Basically: *Blushes a bit* Please no. . .
Terroriser: *Giggles*
OhmLvr4Evr "Aww yeah..
I bealive so too, you all have been trough some shit.
And I feel Ohm, and others, are trying to hide like... their true selfs by putting on an act. Kinda? :'d"
Basically: Well. . .yea. And Ohm's past really bothers me. I think. . .no, I know there's some ridiculous & awful truth behind it! I can feel it. . .I feel dishonesty. . .It makes me so eager to know what it is!
Terroriser: Calm down, Marcel.
MiniLadd: You have a point, Marcel.
Basically: Sorry, I kinda. . .lost control there.
Terroriser: Don't worry, we understand.
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Well...time to leave huh?"
MiniLadd: Yea, and how is it, Marcel?
Basically: It's done.
Question from gamergal1 ,
"Everyone is a yandere...So now what are you guys gonna do...Basically you said the portal was gonna be done so you guys are gonna go back...If you are going back what are you going to do?🙁"
Basically: Me? Well, I'm sure we're gonna do usual stuff.
MiniLadd: I need to do some stuff.
Terroriser: I have to work with my experiments, quick.
Vanoss: . . .Well, time to go.
~Everyone in Living Room~
Evan: So. . .you guys are going back, huh?
Vanoss: Yea.
Craig: Well, I hope I can see you guys again. *Smiles*
MiniLadd: Well, I don't.
Tyler: What a clusterfuck, huh? It was kinda fun though.
Wildcat: It was. Thank you so much for that.
Brian: Alright, so um. . .yea. . .goodbye, I guess. It was fun hanging out with you guys.
Terroriser: It felt long, and I can't believe that it's over. Take care of your Moo, okay?
Brian: Don't worry. *Smiles*
Moo: Finally, also 1p, don't let others control you, alright?
Brock: I know. *Giggles*
Calibre: Hey! See you again!
Lui: I. . .guess.
Arlan: Take care, 2p.
Droidd: Maybe someday, we'll come visit again.
Daithi: See you. . .someday, I guess? Uh. . .bye?
Nogla: *Smiles* Of course, and goodbye.
Marcel: See ya, take care of yourself, okay?
Basically: I will. Thank you.
Jon: Hey 2pme, learn to talk next time, okay?
Bryce: Don't tell him what to do!
McQuaid: *Giggles* Well, goodbye guys.
Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (Goodbye.)
Luke: Gonna miss you guys.
Ohm: Aww~, I'm sure I'm gonna miss you guys as well~.
Ryan: Um. . .come by again someday.
Swag: Thank you for your hospitality. *Smiles*
Sattelizer: It was pretty interesting, I'll think about coming back. Next time, I would like to see 1p version of me.
Gorillaphent: Yea, me too.
Scotty: Okay, hope you had fun.
407: 50/50.
Anthony: Well, I had fun here.
Jiggly: Same here, and sorry for some troubles we caused.
Cody: Hope to see you guys again.
Delirium: It was really fun!
(Jason: Finally, it's over, huh?)
(1ps are no longer available for Questions & Dares)
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