Get to Work (Ask #391-395 + Dare #100)
Question from Ninjaofdeathshadows ,
"Are you okay nolga and do you have a high tolerance to pain :/ and also....hi :D"
Nogla: Hello, I'm fine, and well. . .I don't know. *Giggles*
Marksman: Is everyone in BBS like this? Crazy?
Nogla: In a way, yea.
Wildcat: Nogla, are you okay?
Nogla: Don't worry, Wildcat.
Noah: . . .The fuck happened?
Nogla: Just a little talk & convincing.
thestars-ash "now that's a mother who cares for her kids right there fellas"
Nogla: *Giggles* I guess I'm a mother now.
Smii7y: Then who's the father?
Noah: *Blushes a bit* You really had to ask?
Smii7y: He's the one who said it out of the blue.
Ohm: *Dashes in & hugs Nogla* Here's daddy~!
Nogla: Whoa! *Giggles* Ohm!
Legiqn: That was the most disturbing shit I ever heard.
Lui: Gross, man.
Bryce: I swear to god, Ohm. . .
407: Seriously. . .
Noah: Hey! *Grabs Ohm* Get the fuck off him!
Ohm: Oh. . .you jelly~?
Noah: *Blush* I-I'm just helping out my friend.
Nogla: Thanks, Noah. *Smiles*
Kryoz: Um. . .Officer Marksman, how was the. . .talk?
Marksman: . . .Kryoz, Legiqn, listen up.
Legiqn: I'm listening.
Kryoz: *Gulp*
Marksman: . . .We're gonna be working with the BBS to capture the Derp Crew.
Kryoz: WHAT!? B-B-B-But-
Legiqn: Calm the fuck down man. John, we follow our leader's command.
Kryoz: . . .But. . .they're gangs. . .
Marksman: *Pats Kryoz's head* I'm sorry, but. . .trust me, John.
Kryoz: . . .*Sigh* Alright, Officer Marksman, I follow your command. *Salutes*
Marksman: *Smiles* Thank you.
AWolfsJourney "Ok, Nogla get patched up and lets get this whole thing started!"
Nogla: Before that, we need to talk to Boss. This mission is gonna be longer than we thought.
Legiqn: Alright, and what do we need to do?
Ohm: First, Marcel can locate the Derp Crew, then we come up with a plan to capture them.
Lui: We should check our weapons for any supplies.
Bryce: Yea, check ammos & shit.
407: Marcel needs his stuff to do shit. He needs to get the fuck out of the cell or something.
Marksman: In the cell is safer. Not much polices come to check, since we rarely use the cell Basically is in.
Legiqn: We could take the gadgets we took from him, back.
Kryoz: I hope everything works out.
Smii7y: Well, there's not much choice here.
Marksman: Everyone get to work.
~At Basically~
Legiqn: *Gives Basically's backpack back* Here you go.
Basically: Everything worked out, huh?
Nogla: Correct, and let's set it up.
Basically: What happened to your arm?
Nogla: Huh? Oh, I shot myself to convince Marksman.
Basically: Jesus. . .why'd you do that? Wasn't there any other way? *Starts setting up*
Nogla: I don't know, my mind went blank. *Giggles*
Legiqn: Welp, I will be here to keep an eye on you guys.
Nogla: Alright. *Starts helping Basically set up*
Question from AddictedShipper ,
"Wtf am i reading? Can someone explain im so lazy to read the other chapterss😭😭"
Nogla: *Giggles* What a slacker~.
Basically: I do want to know what happened after I left.
Nogla: Okay, short summary. . .we got our system hacked & Wildcat saw a suicide note from his "sister", and snapped. Wildcat went insane after knowing his sister's death, and. . .he hurt Jiggly, me, & Mini. Mini got his arm blown off by Wildcat.
Basically: WHAT!?
Nogla: Mini managed to calm Wildcat down, but he lost his arm, so he can't heal us. Without Mini's healing, we're completely screwed. Vanoss gave us this mission, as a chance for Wildcat to redeem himself. If we fail, Wildcat dies.
Basically: Oh no. . .
Nogla: We need you to come back, Marcel. You're our brain, and I'm hoping that you'll have the knowledge to twist reality to get Mini's arm back.
Basically: . . .If we twist reality, there will be consequences. Science is not magic.
Nogla: I know, but. . .there's no other way.
Basically: . . .I can try. Let's get these guys, and help out Mini.
Nogla: That's my boy!
Basically: *Giggles* Hush, Nogla.
407: Don't get too cocky, bitch.
Nogla: Oh, when were you there?
407: Just now.
Nogla: *Giggles* Okay, also, *turns to Basically* can you make Kryoz, Legiqn, Marksman, Noah, & Smii7y to hear the askers?
Basically: Oh, sure thing.
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"I'm glad everyone is Okay now!... nogla, why you call marksman dad? I'm confused :p ......"
Nogla: I just wanted to tease him, but I didn't know he would get that angry, at least I felt like he was angry.
Basically: Well, I heard he had a son-like child, but not confirmed.
Nogla: Interesting.
Legiqn: Indeed, and what the fuck is this voice?
Nogla: Those are the askers. We're having a Q&A session.
AWolfsJourney "NEW SHIP!!!! NEW SHIP!!!! MARKSCAT~!!!! NEW SHIP: MarksCat~!!!!"
Marksman: What? What was that? A voice?
Kryoz: I-Is it a ghost?
Bryce: These are askers, just deal with it.
Ohm: Aww, new ship~!
Wildcat: *Blushes a bit*
Lui: Sure, hook up with a police officer, Wildcat. That'll be beneficial for us.
Bryce: Could you guys shut up?
lunatictedd16 "I just thought of one! KRYCAT (kryoz x wildcat)"
Kryoz: Me?
Wildcat: *Blush* Um. . .
Marksman: Well, bad news for this person.
Kryoz: I am very sorry, but I must deny this ship. I am not gay. I am only gay for Smii7y.
Smii7y: *Blush* John! W-What are you- you fucking-
Noah: *Giggles* Calm down, Smii7z.
Lui: If you're gay for someone in specific, it still counts that you're gay.
lunatictedd16 "Also, nogla is a good lover for ty... just saying..."
Noah: What?
Wildcat: Well. . .*blush* Nogla is kind. . .
Ohm: I think he's a good lover for anyone. He's a really good kisser~.
Noah: *Blushes a bit* R-Really?
Ohm: Yea, he is~. You should try it~.
Noah: *Blush*
Lui: I don't know about that. . .
KarmaXKid "Karma: ... #NoglafornewornextBBSleader"
Nogla: #Sorry.
407: Is that how you use #s?
Nogla: I'm not worthy to be a leader.
Basically: No one can really replace Vanoss.
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"Hey nogla, have you ever snapped before? Sorry if that's too personal..."
Nogla: Yes, I have. I snapped when a gang tried to kill my brother. I'm a pretty protective brother.
Basically: You're really caring.
Nogla: Thank you. Also, I need to call Boss & tell him about the mission, so excuse me. *Walks away*
"vanoss and jiggly, I recently checked the past questions and learned that, if you love them let them go and if they come back to you it was meant to be... I guess"
~At the Base~
Vanoss: . . .
Jiggly: . . .Sorry, we're. . .having a little. . .trouble.
RacingCatz: Evan. . .*Hears a phone & answer it* Hello?
[Nogla: Cody? Sorry, wrong number.]
RacingCatz: No, it's the right number. Evan is. . .not in a mood to talk right now.
[Nogla: Well, could you tell him that the mission is gonna be longer.]
RacingCatz: Alright. *Turns to Vanoss* Evan, Nogla is saying that the mission is gonna be longer.
Vanoss: . . .*Stands up, walks up to RacingCatz*
RacingCatz: . . .*Hands the phone to Vanoss*
Vanoss: . . .Nogla. . .what do you mean?
[Nogla: Oh, hey Boss, and we have a little problem. In order to get Marcel, we have to work for it, you know?]
Vanoss: . . .
Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"Everyone needs a Time out especially with Vanoss and I Dare Vanoss to call off this mission before something will get him in but!"
Vanoss: . . .No.
RacingCatz: Evan. . .
Jiggly: . . .
[Nogla: No? What do you mean Boss?]
Vanoss: . . .This mission. . .is off. Come back to the base.
[Nogla: . . .If we don't do this, we can't get Marcel back.]
Vanoss: . . .We'll find a way.
[Nogla: . . .We need Marcel. We can't delay it. And this mission is for Wildcat to redeem himself. You gave him a chance, why are you trying to take it away? Did. . .something happened at the base?]
Question from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"Vanoss call off this mission before you'll regret it and losing a "family member" oh wait you don't because you throw all the blame to anyone even though they didn't do it"
Vanoss: *Slams his hand on his desk* JUST SHUT UP & COME BACK! THAT'S AN ORDER, DAVID!
RacingCatz: Evan, calm down. . .please.
Vanoss: . . .That's an order. I'm calling this mission off.
[Nogla: . . .Give us few days.]
Vanoss: No.
[Nogla: We need to do this. We need Marcel back to help Terroriser & Mini-]
RacingCatz: EVAN, STOP IT!
Vanoss: . . .Just. . .come back right now.
[Nogla: . . .Today & tomorrow. . .that's all the time we need.]
Vanoss: . . .Nogla, no.
[Nogla: . . .Boss. . .]
Vanoss: . . .What?
[Nogla: . . .*Smiles* Don't worry, everything will be fine.]
Vanoss: . . .
[Nogla: We'll all be back safely. Just give us today & tomorrow.]
Vanoss: . . .Nogla-
[Nogla: I don't know what exactly happened at the base, but. . .I have an idea of what happened. This mission. . .I'm not doing this as your teammate.]
Vanoss: . . .
[Nogla: Just two days, Boss.]
Vanoss: . . .Fine. . .only two days, and come back. . .alive.
[Nogla: Promise, Boss! *Giggles*]
Vanoss: *Hangs up & falls to his knees*
RacingCatz: Evan! *Helps Vanoss*
Vanoss: . . .*Hugs RacingCatz*
Jiggly: Vanoss. . .
RacingCatz: *Hugs back*
~At Insta-GramPolice~
Nogla: *Hangs up*
Noah: . . .Nogla?
Nogla: *Turns around* Hey Noah, what's up?
Noah: I just. . .saw you, and uh. . .who were you calling?
Nogla: My boss, telling him about the mission.
Noah: Oh. . .I see.
Nogla: . . .Hey Noah, you're pretty good with tech, right?
Noah: Well, I use them to prank people, so. . .I guess. Why?
Nogla: I need help with stuff. Can you give me a helping hand?
Noah: Sure.
Nogla: *Smiles* Thanks bud.
Noah: *Blushes a bit* W-What are friends for?
Nogla: *Giggles* Come on. *Walks back to Basically*
Noah: *Follows Nogla*
Nogla: Marcel! We have work to do!
Basically: Working on it.
Nogla: We gotta speed up. We're finding the Derp Crew tonight & attack tomorrow morning.
407: What!? Are you crazy!?
Basically: Did Boss say that?
Nogla: We gotta get back soon, he gave us today & tomorrow to complete this mission. Something happened back at the base.
Basically: . . .I can only assume it's either Mini or Jiggly.
Nogla: Yup, and Noah is going to help us, so let's get going.
Noah: Okay, what do we need to do first?
Nogla: Hey Legiqn, can we borrow few laptops?
Legiqn: . . .Yea, sure.
"Plus here's my question if you guys were heroes and not criminals would your life be better"
Wildcat: Heroes. . .maybe. . .
Kryoz: Being a police officer is like being a hero! You can experience it here if you want.
Lui: Pfft, life wouldn't change that much. It's just a mixer of both.
Ohm: I want a hero to punish me~.
Bryce: Ohm, shut the fuck up!
Ohm: Oh Brycey, I'm sure Delly would appreciate a hero~.
Bryce: *Blushes a bit* S-Shut up.
Smii7y: Heroes & Criminals are just adjectives to judge a person. Heroes can kill someone & won't be judged, but admired. Criminals can save someone & still be judged, hated, just because of one crime.
Marksman: Deep talk. You've experienced?
Smii7y: . . .*Walks away*
Kryoz: Smii7y! *Goes after Smii7y*
Marksman: . . .He's not wrong.
~At Nogla, Basically, Noah, 407 & Legiqn~
Nogla: Hmm. . .I don't know, either way, it will be fun.
Noah: Yea, I agree. Better or worse, it's good if it's fun.
Basically: Interesting. . .but I'm not sure. Heroes, criminals, they both hurt people, either good or bad. There's no specific result if life would be better or not.
407: Jesus Christ. . .I don't know.
Legiqn: It'll probably be better.
lunatictedd16 "I can sense you are a the one for wildcat! I don't want vanoss hearing this..."
Jiggly: . . .Thanks, but. . .I don't know. . .
RacingCatz: . . .
Vanoss: . . .*Grips on RacingCatz's arms*
RacingCatz: . . .*Pats Vanoss' head softly*
(Kryoz, Legiqn, Marksman, Smii7y & Noah are now available for individual/group questions or dares)
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