Family Time #1 (Ask #38-39)
3rd Person P.O.V:
OmegaTheta "I heard the cries of a cute 2p Wildcat and I came as fast as a multiversal being could to give the cute bean a giant hug and a plushie!"
Wildcat: . . .*Smiles a bit* Thank you.
AWolfsJourney "*Kisses 2pWildcat's head* now don't you cry Piggy boy, it's alright and it's ok.*hugs him* If it makes you feel better, everyone is here for you... especially me BBBFF."
Wildcat: *Blushes & smiles* Thank you.
Question from Einaoplex18 ,
"Awww Wildcat.. I am sorry this happened.. (gives a hug) want some sweets? Ice cream maybe?"
Wildcat: I. . .I'd like some ice cream.
Question from sunniidee ,
"Wildcat? are you okay? You look stressed.,"
Wildcat: I'm. . .just scared. . .I hope she's okay.
MiniLadd: Shut your bitchass up, she'll be fine, once I get to do a surgery on her.
Nogla: There's a different way of saying, 'Don't worry, she'll be alright. I won't let her die', Mini.
MiniLadd: Shut up!
Nogla: *Giggles* Okay~.
(From here, I did a quick RP with TheDeliriousFamily , so credit goes to her, please show her some love in however way you can! 😊 Also I did cut off some parts, and she has an interesting universe~.)
At the hospital, the 6 made it, and walked up to the counter, asked which room Taya is. They went to her room, and. . .Wildcat's eyes widened & tears came out. ". . .Taya. . .no, please. . ." said Wildcat, and walked up to her. "Oh god. . ." said Nogla. ". . .This is. . .terrible." said Jiggly. ". . ." said Delirious in shock. Th heart monitor was beating, and Wildcat held Taya's hand, then said, ". . .Please. . ." "Nogla, can you go talk with the doctors, and get permission for me to use their surgery room? I need to do something else." Said MiniLadd, and walked away. "Alright." Said Nogla, and walked away as well. Jiggly walks up to Wildcat & pats his back, then says, "I'm so sorry that you had to see this. . ." ". . ." said Delirious, then Moo walks out the room.
The nurse came, and said, "Mr. Wildcat?" "Yes?" asked Wildcat to the nurse. Jiggly saw Taya slowly open her eyes, and Delirious walks up to her. "Is it okay if the other guy that looks like you, come over tomorrow and pick her up? She's been here for 4 days and we limit the days to stay at 5 days." Said the nurse. Taya looks at Jiggly and Delirious, then at Wildcat, her eyes widens. She tried to get up, but groans, and fell back down. "Wha-" Wildcat was cut off by Taya's groan, and he turned to her. Wildcat gasped, and said, "TAYA!" Jiggly looks at the nurse, and asked, "Are you talking about 1pWildcat?" "Ah! Yes! Tyler! Yes, him!" said the nurse. "I see. . ." said Jiggly. Taya smiles and waves to Wildcat, then looks at the nurse, and nods. The nurse nods back, then walks away.
Wildcat cries, and hugs Taya softly. "Thank god you're alive!" said Wildcat, and Delirious smiles. Taya hugs back, and rubs his back, then she grabs her notebook and wrote her words down, "It's okay big brother. I am okay now. . .with you at least. Also, hi Jiggly & Delirious. I wouldn't forget my favorite guys who supports & helps my big brother through rough time." "Taya. . . I'm here for you. M-Mini. . .is going to help you, okay? You'll be alright." Said Wildcat with sniffles & a smile. Delirious pats Taya's head softly, and said, ". . ." Jiggly smiles, and said, "Hey, nice to meet you."
Nogla came back, and saw Taya awake. "Oh, she's awake?" he asked. "What do you think?" asked Jiggly, and Nogla giggled a bit. Taya smirks and writes on her notebook, "#DaithiDeCalibre is to go boi!" "What? Oh, the ship of me & Kid? I didn't know you shipped us. Kid is gonna be pissed." Giggled Nogla. Taya chuckles, and writes down on her notebook, "I always have. The Nogla and Lui in this universe, I think, is together. Idk." "Well, it's not happening in our Universe. Sorry." Giggled Nogla.
Suddenly, the nurse came, and asked, "Mr. Wildcat, is it okay to phone Mr.1pWildcat to pick her up tomorrow?" Wildcat turns to the nurse, and said, "Um. . .can I take her instead? There's um. . .problem." "Yea. . ." said Jiggly. "Oh! Okay! Tomorrow morning, please sign her out before leaving." Said the nurse, and walked away. "Okay, and uh. . .w-where's Mini?" asked Wildcat, then Nogla replied, "Mini said he's gonna do something else."
At MiniLadd, he asked if there's a medical library, and he went to the room. There were tons of books, and MiniLadd said to himself, "Okay, brain. . .it's time to feed you some knowledge." He grabbed a lot books, and started reading. . .real fast.
Back at the others, "Taya, are you okay with your. . .sickness or something?" asked Jiggly. Taya froze, and stiffen a bit, then Wildcat said, "Mini needs to help her. . ." "Taya?" asked Jiggly. ". . ." said Delirious. Taya's left wolf ear slowly turns dark red, and right wolf ear slowly turns dark green, then she snaps to reality. She writes on her notebook, "I'm fine." ". . .?" asked Delirious, Taya smiles at Delirious & nods, then Nogla said, "Well, we'll find it out soon." "Taya, we came to save you from whatever the thing you have in your body." Said Wildcat, then Taya looks at Wildcat, and writes her words down, "How?" ". . .D-Don't worry, MiniLadd will help you. . .You'll be fine. . ." said Wildcat, holding Taya's hand tighter. ". . ." said Delirious, and Jiggly frowns a bit. "Well, I got permission, so when Mini comes back, we're gonna move you to the surgery room." Said Nogla, then Taya flinches a bit, and holds onto Jiggly's shirt. Jiggly holds Taya's hand, and said, "Don't worry, I'm sure it's gonna be fine." Wildcat tears up a bit, and Taya cries a bit, before speaking a little, "I-I'm scared." "Taya. . .don't be scared. It'll be fine. . ." reassured Jiggly. "This. . .is the only way. . .please. . ." said Wildcat, wiping his tears. "I know it sound. . .a bit scary, but believe our medic." Said Nogla. Taya remembered about the memories with her parents, then shakes her head soon, and looks at Nogla, nodding slowly.
Suddenly, MiniLadd comes in, and Delirious said, ". . .!" "Mini. . ." said Wildcat, and Taya hugs her wolf plushie while holding onto Jiggly's shirt tighter. "Hey, and I got the permission." Said Nogla with a smile. "Great, and. . .We're moving." Said MiniLadd. ". . ." said Delirious, then Taya said, "I-I'm only going if Tyler or Delirious is in the room with me. . ." MiniLadd glares a bit at her, then said, "Bitch, you're not in the position to order or ask us stuff. You're gonna be unconscious anyway." "Mini!" said Nogla, then turns to Taya. "Don't worry, Wildcat & Delirious will stay at your side." He reassured her. "Yea, don't worry." Said Wildcat, and Delirious nods with a smile. "It's okay, Taya." Said Jiggly. Taya pulls the sheets off, and shows her bruised legs.
Wildcat gasps, and said, "Oh no. . ." "Oh damn. . .poor girl. . ." said Nogla, and Taya tries to walk to the door, but falls down. "O-Ow. . ." she groaned, then Wildcat helps her. "Are you okay?" he asked her. "I don't think she can walk, I'll carry her." Said Jiggly, and carried her bridal style. Taya blushes a little before falling asleep, snoring like a puppy. ". . ." said Delirious with a frown. "I wonder who the fuck made it." Said Nogla, then MiniLadd said, "Stop talking, and start moving."
They went to the surgery room, and Jiggly gently places Taya down on the bed. "Taya. . ." said Wildcat with a frown, then MiniLadd said, "Okay, everybody out, except Tyler & Delirious." "Alright." Said Nogla, and walks out with Jiggly. MiniLadd starts preparing to do a surgery.
The others were outside, Moo was leaning on the wall, Nogla & Jiggly sat down on the chairs. "I hope she's okay." Said Nogla. "Me too." Said Jiggly. "I don't really care if she dies or lives. We're not gonna see her anymore anyway." Said Moo. "That's not the deal Wildcat & Mini made. And don't you have a thing called, 'emotion'?" asked Jiggly. ". . .I do, and I'm worried about Mini." Said Moo. "Why?" asked Nogla. "He's the one who has to help a bitch, just to for Wildcat to accept reality. Nothing benefits him. He always hated wasting energy." Said Moo. "Well, yea, but doesn't this mean, he cares about Wildcat?" asked Nogla. ". . .He doesn't care about Wildcat." Said Moo. "How do you know that?" asked Jiggly. ". . .Just a guess." Said Moo.
Moo went to where MiniLadd went, and saw him reading. He walked up to him, and said, "Mini." "What?" ". . .Why are you reading these books?" ". . .Cause I need to know medical knowledge in this universe. It might not be enough, but it's better than nothing." Said MiniLadd. ". . .You. . .care about Wildcat, don't you?" asked Moo with a small smile. "No, I don't. All I care is Evan, Brian, & others who doesn't annoy me. I'm doing this for Evan, if Tyler ever think about leaving the crew, I will kill him without hesitation, that's how much I care about him. I don't want Evan to go insane." Moo's smile disappeared, and said, ". . .Why don't you care about Wildcat? I mean. . .he's. . .weak, but. . .not a bad person." "Yea, right. Everyone's bad. . .he's weak, and gets extra emotional. He doesn't think about anything. . .any consequences. . ." said MiniLadd, and finished reading. He stood up, then said, "Moo. . ." "What?" ". . .Let me warn you, if you seek for a family. . .one will experience hell." Said MiniLadd, and walked pass Moo, but Moo grabbed MiniLadd's arm. "I don't get it, what the fuck are y-" Moo cut off as he saw. . .MiniLadd. . .with. . .tears. "M-Mini?" asked Moo, and slowly let go of MiniLadd's arm. ". . .I warned you. Come on." Said MiniLadd, wiped his tears, then walked back to the room. Moo stood there for few seconds with a blush. . . "Craig. . ."
Flashback Ended.
". . .He doesn't. . ." whispered Moo.
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