Exposed (Ask #410-412 + Dare #103)
KarmaXKid "Kid: Ohh, okay, that makes sense! AND LOOK! THE RETURN OF SWAG!"
AWolfsJourney "Ooo~ going to the Derp Crew eh?"
[Basically: Why is he here?
Bryce: I don't fucking know, but we gotta do something!
Smii7y: How unfortunate.
Legiqn: This is out of plan.]
Ze: Chilled.
Chilled: Scanning. . .Swag_Dracula, one of the members of TwitchStreamers, a bird tamer.
Swag: Looks like you guys did your homework.
Smarty: The fuck you want?
Swag: *Feeds his birds* Well. . .I'm just here to make you guys pay. . .
Ze: For what?
Swag: For. . .*glares at them* messing with my friends! *Takes out his gun*
Ze: Taking out guns huh?
Swag: Better prepare yourselves. *Starts shooting*
Smarty: Get cover!
Ze, Chilled, GaLm & Smarty: *Gets cover*
Swag: You guys can't hide~. Attack!
~Birds start attacking them~
Ze: *Dodges* Oh shit!
Chilled: *Dodges* This is a problem, boss.
GaLm: *Dodges*
Smarty: *Dodges* Seems like no escape here!
[Basically: We need a new plan.
407: Duh! The fuck are we gonna do!?
Ohm: *Watching* Look how sexy they are~!
Bryce: Shut the fuck up, Ohm!
Nogla: Let's answer some questions until they finish.
Kryoz: What!? But, they could hurt us!
Smii7y: That is that, John.
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"Jelly?... I'm just kidding, lui"
Lui: . . .*Blushes a bit* W-Why the fuck would I be jealous?
Basically: Well. . .Nogla is like a brother for most of us.
Lui: Hell no! When was he the type to be a brother to all of us!?
Basically: When Droidd first appeared, he cared for you, Lui. You know that.
Lui: . . .Shut up. . .
Lazilyproductive "O my god Lui is jealous •o•"
Nogla: *Giggles* Aww kid~.
Lui: *Blushing* SHUT UP!
Noah: . . .I hope we can fight fair & square, Lui.
Lui: The fuck are you talking about!?
Ohm: Ohhh~ love triangle~.
Question from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"Here's good and hard question if everyone had a second chance in life what would it be?"
Basically: If I had a second chance. . .I would. . .really like to have a normal human life. Not be called a genius. . .not be a robot. . .
Nogla: Marcel, you're never a robot.
Basically: Thanks, Nogla. *Smiles*
Nogla: *Smiles* And let's see. . .if I had a second chance. . .I don't know to be honest. The life I'm having right now is perfect for me.
Lui: I would like to not be tortured in the past.
Bryce: What would it be. . .I don't know, normal, boring life?
Ohm: Hmm. . .well, I'm not really sure.
407: I have no fucking clue.
Marksman: Hmm. . .second chance. . .
Kryoz: That is a hard one. For me, I would probably inheriting my parents' business.
Legiqn: Does it mean that the life repeats your past? Like if you die, you'll have another chance, but you're back in the past? That's the question I wanna know.
Basically: Well, that's questionable.
Marksman: *Turns to Wildcat* How about you, angel?
Wildcat: *Blush* Um. . .I. . .I would. . .really like to. . .just have a normal life. . .with my family. . .*Frowns a bit*
Marksman: *Hugs Wildcat* It's alright. Don't frown like that. Smile fits you the best, angel.
Wildcat: *Blush*
Smii7y: Okay. . .and if I had a second chance. . .I just hope I'm not a Canadian.
Kryoz: Why?
Smii7y: . . .I have my reasons.
Noah: Second chance. . .I don't know. I'll think of it, when it happens.]
GaLm: . . .
Chilled: Do it, GaLm.
GaLm: *Takes out a grenade, take the pin off, then throws it*
[Marksman: *Hears the grenade* GET OUT! *Carries Wildcat & gets out*
Lui: Wha-
Nogla: Come on kid! *Carries Lui & gets out*
Kryoz: Roger! *Carries Smii7y & gets out*
Basically, 407, Bryce, Ohm, Legiqn & Noah: *Gets out*]
GaLm: Exposed.
Ze: *Gasp, blushing a bit*
Chilled: Enemies scanned, BBS members – DaithideNogla, IAMWildcat, BasicallyIDoWrk, Ohmwrecker, BryceMcQuaid & Lui Calibre. TwitterTtweets Messengers – Smii7y & NoahJ456. Insta-GramPolices – ImMarksman, Kryoz, & Legiqn. Rogues – 407.
Smarty: Oh my shit. . .
Swag: Why are you guys here?
Lui: That's our line! And *blush* put me down!
Nogla: *Giggles* Okay, okay. *Puts Lui down*
Noah: *Mumbles*. . .Lucky. . .
Marksman: *Puts Wildcat down* You alright?
Wildcat: Y-Yea.
Kryoz: Derp Crew, you're all under arrest!
Legiqn: Well, that's what we are here for.
407: Jesus Christ, that almost gave me a heart attack!
Ohm: Hi sexies~!
Bryce: Shut the fuck up, Ohm!
Ze: *Attacks Bryce*
Bryce: *Blocks*
Ze: I knew it. . .I knew you'd come here~, Bryce~.
Bryce: Shit. . .
Smii7y: . . .*Mumbles* ZeRoyalViking. . .
Question from wolfysherin ,
"Soooo 2p Vanoss ehm why are you so fucking cute and hot at the same time??"
Vanoss: *Blushes a bit* 'C-Cute'?
RacingCatz: *Giggles*
Vanoss: *Blushing* I was just. . .born like this.
Dare from Gumigumi50 ,
"Waw I feel bad bUT I did have a dare even tho this is a bad time but we'll whatever I dare the members to kiss vanoss and make him shy :3:3:3:3:3:3::3"
Vanoss: I-I don't need it.
RacingCatz: *Giggles* Of course, you do. Come on! *Grabs Vanoss' hand & goes out the room*
Vanoss: C-Cody!
~At the lab~
Moo: Brian, you need to take a break.
Terroriser: *Groans*
Moo: . . .*Sigh*
RacingCatz: *Enters with Vanoss* Hey, you guys have a dare, and whoa. . .what happened? Why is it so messy in here?
Moo: Brian was trying to figure out stuff.
Vanoss: Brian. . .
Terroriser: *Has bags under his eyes* Hey. . .you alright, Evan?
Vanoss: You should be asking that to yourself.
Terroriser: I'm. . .fine. . .*Weakly smiles*
Moo: No, you're not, and what's the dare?
RacingCatz: You guys need to kiss Evan.
Vanoss: *Blushes a bit* Cody!
Moo: . . .Fine. *Walks up to Vanoss, pulls him into a kiss*
Vanoss: *Blushes a bit*
Moo: *Pulls away & goes to help Terroriser walk* Come on, Brian.
Terroriser: . . .Alright. Evan, everything's gonna be fine. *Kisses Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Blush*
Terroriser: *Pulls away, then smiles*
Vanoss: . . .Moo, make sure Brian gets some sleep.
Moo: Roger. *Carries Terroriser*
Terroriser: *Blush* I-I'm okay, Moo.
Moo: Quit lying.
~At CaRtOoNz, Delirium, Delirious, Jiggly & Droidd~
CaRtOoNz: *Yawn*
Delirium: Luke, are you okay?
CaRtOoNz: Yea, just great.
Delirious: . . .? (How is it Droidd?)
Droidd: His symptoms are slowing down. This is really working.
Jiggly: That's good.
RacingCatz: *Enters* Hey, and whoa! Everyone else is here.
Delirious: . . . (Hello, Cody.)
RacingCatz: Hi, and you guys have a dare.
Vanoss: Cody, I really don't need this right now.
Droidd: What is the dare?
RacingCatz: You guys need to kiss Evan.
CaRtOoNz: That's it?
RacingCatz: Yup.
CaRtOoNz: That's easy. *Walks up to Vanoss*
Vanoss: You know that you kissed me already, just yesterday, right?
CaRtOoNz: Yea, but I could do it again. *Kisses Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Blushes a bit*
CaRtOoNz: *Pulls away* See, easy.
Droidd: *Walks up to Vanoss* Allow me.
Vanoss: Droidd. . .
Droidd: *Kisses Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Blush*
Droidd: *Pulls away* Hope you are feeling better, Boss.
Vanoss: Y-Yea.
Delirious: *Walks up to Vanoss* . . . (Everything will be back to normal once they come back, Vanoss. Don't worry.)
Vanoss: . . .I hope so.
Delirious: *Blushes & removes his mask, then pecks Vanoss' lips*
Vanoss: . . .
CaRtOoNz: That was weak, you gotta smack your lips on his, Delirious.
Delirious: *Blushing* .-. . . (I-I can't do that. . .I'm not good at these.)
Delirium: Aww, Mr. Vanoss is getting everyone's love!
Vanoss: S-Shut up.
RacingCatz: *Giggles*
Jiggly: *Walks up to Vanoss & kisses his cheek*
Vanoss: J-Jiggly. . .you know that we're ri-
Jiggly: I am well aware, but. . .I know you have been having a rough time. I'm not a guy who doesn't support my rival to be positive when they're in sorrow.
Vanoss: . . .Fuck you.
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