End of Mission (Ask #438-440)
SabrinaDawnYT "OHM YOUR OK!! * Hugs him*"
LuMiLORIU "Yay ohm is alive wooo"
AlexiaFong "Ohm, you cheeky Bunny!"
Ohm: Well, what's going on?
Moo: Thanks to you, everything is going down to shit. Cartoonz, Droidd, Vanoss & Wildcat are going fucking insane, because we thought you died.
Question from Kingggjaay ,
"Wait you didn't die?"
Ohm: *Sits up* Sorry to disappoint you. Anyway, I thought. . .I died. I felt myself. . .dying. . .but I'm somehow fine. I just. . .I just wish I can see.
Moo: Open your goddamn eyes then.
Ohm: . . .*Remembers what Smarty said & covers his eyes* I. . .rather not.
CherryBlossm112 "I'm so confuse right now and what the hell is going on. I thought Ohm is die."
Moo: We're all confused as fuck, but it's a good thing to snap them out.
lunatictedd16 "Ohm!! Your alive!!! Everyone look!! Hes alive!"
Vanoss: . . .*Looks at Ohm* Ohm. . .
CaRtOoNz: *Looks at Ohm* No way. . .Ohm! *Runs to Ohm*
Droidd: *Looks at Ohm* Ohmwrecker. . .my love! *Runs to Ohm*
Swag: *Looks at Ohm* Bunny is alive. . . *Runs to Ohm*
Wildcat: *Looks at Ohm* Ohm. . . *Red auras disappears & tears up* OHM! *Runs to Ohm*
Ohm: *Stands up* Well-
CaRtOoNz, Droidd, Swag & Wildcat: *Hugs Ohm*
Ohm: Whoa! *Falls down with them*
Moo: Jesus fucking shit!
Droidd: I-I thought I lost you!
CaRtOoNz: You fucking ass!
Swag: So glad you're alive.
Wildcat: *Crying* Ohm! I thought you died!
Ohm: *Blushes a bit* Aww~, I missed you all, my loves.
wolfiechan12352 "OHMS ALIVE THANK THE LORD!? but the deep crew should not be forgiven!"
Vanoss: . . .True.
Marksman: Your guy is alive. There's no reason to kill them.
Vanoss: . . .*Looks at Smarty* You saw his eyes, right?
Smarty: Yea, so?
Vanoss: . . .That's enough for a reason to kill you. *Looks at Marksman* Also, they used my teammate. Get out of the way.
Marksman: No.
Kryoz: *Captures Smarty & Galm* Captured! Secure!
Smarty: Shit!
Galm: Fuck. . .
Legiqn: *Secures the ropes* Secured!
Marksman: We got this under control.
Vanoss: Fuck you.
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"X: Called it.
Karma: Ohm's not dead, FUCK THIS HELLA CONFUSING SHIT, I'M OUT *yeets out the window*
Kid: Bunny boy! You're alive! *hugs* But Delirious is okay, right?"
Delirious: . . . (I'm fine, and. . .I'm so happy that Ohm is alive.)
Bryce: I'm glad too. . .*Looks at Ze* Gotta deal with him though.
"Karma: *yeets back in* I changed my mind, NO ONE NEEDS TO DIE NOW. OHM IS ALIVE AND MY BRAIN IS OFFICIALY FUCKED UP AND I MUST BE REPAIRED. *yeets back out*
X: I don't quite understand why Chilled can't just tell him the truth about Basically's parents. Is it not easy to reveal what has happened to one's parents? All of this could be solved easily if everyone chooses to talk rather than fight physically."
Chilled: Easy for you to say. . .I hate you so much, Marcel. You don't deserve to know. You agree, don't you? That your parents deserved death.
Basically: . . .They did. . .but what I want to know is why they did it. . .am I really a human. . .or just a robot wearing human skin?
Chilled: . . .All I can tell you, is that they deserved to be killed by their own creation. Magic & science are not supposed to get along. It's a consequence!
Basically: . . .*Clenches his fists*
Nogla: Enough of this. Sure, everything has cause & effect. . .consequence is one of them, but. . . *Looks at Chilled* what does this do anyway?
Chilled: He killed mine, when they didn't deserve it!
Basically: What?
Chilled: I know you & your parents did it! You were stupid, even with the knowledge that WE gave you! You failed to dispose all the evidences, and it was me!
Basically: What are you talking about?
Chilled: Don't play dumb with me! I lived in darkness, and you gave me HELL!
Basically: I. . .I don't know what you're talking about.
Chilled: LIAR!
Basically: I really-
Ze: Shut up! I'M KILLING HIM!
Chilled: *Looks at Ze & eyes widens* ZE! *Runs to Ze*
"Karma: *yeets back in* Wait why did the Derp Crew capture Basically in the first place? Wait, did they capture Basically? Wait, no, wait YES WAIT FUCK- SHIT I- I- I- I- I- I- I- I- <ERROR> "Karma"= Mind Memory Malfunction </ERROR>
Kid: *pushes Karma out the window*"
Legiqn: We're the ones who captured Basically, and it was because we thought he hacked us. He was used by the Derp Crew.
"X: Smii7y, anger is actually quite important. It is not a stupid thing. The only stupid thing are the certain actions you execute when angry, such as murder that would solve nothing and possibly hurt more people, people who care about you, or people you care about-
Karma: *yeets back in* Or people that you can use for your advantage. When will Typer remove my emotions? I really need it right now. *bangs head on the wall*"
Smii7y: It's stupid. They never learn to stop. . .*Clenches his fists* WE will never learn. It's better to be emotionless. No guilt after committing murder. No fear for small stuff. Nothing. . .
CookiGirlLove1234 "YOu ArE A BiTcH!!¡!¡ DErP CReW?!¿?¿!¡!!¡ UsElESs!!!!* Glitches and tries to stab everyone but BBS endlessly*"
Ze: Fuck this!
Bryce: You're not hurting anyone, Ze!
Delirious: . . . (Bryce. . .)
Ze: Why. . .doesn't matter, he's gonna die anyway. . .with my hand! *Attacks Delirious*
Bryce: *Shields Delirious, blocking Ze's attacks* Fuck you!
Ze: Bryce, get out of my way! *Attacks Bryce*
Bryce: No! *Fights back* I'm not letting you do this!
Ze: Shut up! I'M KILLING HIM!
Bryce: *Kicks Ze*
Ze: *Stumbles back*
Bryce: *Takes out his gun & aims at Ze*
Delirious: . . .! (Bryce, no!)
Bryce: Del- *Accidentally shoots*
Chilled: *Shields Ze & gets shot in the back* Ugh!
Ze: *Eyes widens* CHILLED!
Bryce: Shit! I-I didn't mean to. . .*Lowers his gun*
Chilled: *Falls down* Ugh. . .
Ze: *Supports Chilled* Chilled! Don't die, don't you fucking dare!
Chilled: I-It's just a scratch. . .
Ze: You got shot, you idiot!
Chilled: Ze. . .are you hurt?
Ze: Worry about your damn self!
Kryoz: *Walks up to Ze & Chilled* We have medics, we can take a look, but. . .
Legiqn: You guys know what it means.
Ze: . . .Fine. Just get him healed.
Chilled: Ze-
Ze: Shut up, I'm not letting you die.
Chilled: *Blushes a bit* Steven. . .
Kryoz: That settles. *Smiles* We'll be happy to help out.
Questions from wolfiechan12352 & CherryBlossm112 ,
"Hold on where's lui and bryce?"
"Where's 407?"
Lui: There we go.
Jiggly: Thanks, Lui.
407: Not bad, kid.
Lui: Shut the fuck up, and for the question, I was helping 407. Well I just stopped the bleeding, I know how to first aid. I'm not good as Mini though.
Jiggly: It's good enough.
AWolfsJourney "Vany is jelly~ B3"
Vanoss: *Blushes a little* Shut up. *Glares at Marksman* If you fucking dare touch Tyler, I'm gonna break every single bone in your body.
Marksman: What a threat. . .but I'm not afraid.
Kryoz: Sir! It's all handled!
Marksman: Well, our mission is done.
Vanoss: . . .*Walks to the others* We're going back. Get the car going.
Moo: I guess.
Vanoss: *Looks at Wildcat* . . .
Wildcat: Are you okay, Ohm?
Ohm: I'm okay, don't worry, but. . .I do need escort to the car.
Swag: I'll escort you. *Takes Ohm's hand*
CaRtOoNz: Hold a fucking minute! Why are you escorting him!? You're not in the crew!
Droidd: Yea, I'll do it, so don't touch my Ohmwrecker!
CaRtOoNz: Hold a fucking minute! What do you mean, 'my'!? He's not yours!
Ohm: Guys~. . .
Bryce: Quit fighting!
Delirious: . . . (Let's all go back).
Wildcat: *Wipes his tears* Yea.
Vanoss: . . .*Walks to the car*
Marksman: *Walks up to Wildcat* Tyler.
Wildcat: *Turns to Marksman* Nick. . .thank you for saving me.
Marksman: Don't mention it. It's my pleasure.
Kryoz: *Hugs Smii7y* Smii7y!
Smii7y: *Blush* John!
Kryoz: I was so worried about you!
Smii7y: *Blushing* I'm fine, so let go.
407: Finally! Fucking bitches!
Jiggly: Calm down, or you're gonna start bleeding again.
Basically: *Walks up to 407* Scotty. . .
407: Hey, you okay?
Basically: Yea. . .and. . .I'm sorry for what happened to you.
407: I don't need sympathy, okay? I. . . *blushes a bit* I'm just glad you're fine. . .
Basically: What?
407: *Blushing* A-Anyway! The fuck happened with Chilled? You two were really at it, you know?
Basically: It's complicated. . .or became complicated.
Nogla: *Walks up to Lui* Hey kid, you alright?
Lui: Shut the fuck up, and I'm fine. You?
Nogla: *Giggles* Aww, you're worried about me.
Lui: *Blushes a bit* No I'm not!
Noah: *Walks up to Nogla* Nogla?
Nogla: *Turns to Noah* Oh, hey, thanks for helping out pal.
Noah: *Blush* N-No problem, and um. . .you okay?
Nogla: *Smiles* Of course, thank you for worrying.
Noah: *Blushes more* T-That's what friends are, right? C-Caring for each other.
Nogla: *Giggles* I guess so.
Lui: . . .Let's go back, don't wanna make Vanoss wait.
Nogla: Okay, okay. *Giggles*
Jiggly: *Hugs Wildcat* Tyler!
Wildcat: Woah! Anthony!
Jiggly: I'm so glad you're alright! I was so worried about you. Are you hurt? Bleeding? I should've come help earlier.
Wildcat: *Smiles & hugs back* I'm okay, thank you for coming.
Marksman: . . .Who is this?
Jiggly: *Lets go of Wildcat & turns to Marksman*
Wildcat: This is Anthony, aka BigJigglyPanda, my friend.
Marksman: I'm Marksman, nice to meet you.
Jiggly: . . .Yea, nice to meet you.
Marksman: We gotta go. Get the guys in cell.
Wildcat: Nick, thank you for everything. *Hugs Marksman*
Marksman: *Hugs back* I hope we can meet again.
Wildcat: I hope so too.
Jiggly: . . .Come on Tyler, let's go.
Wildcat: *Lets go of Marksman* Okay. Bye Nick.
Marksman: *Kisses Wildcat's forehead* See you again, angel.
Wildcat: *Blush*
Jiggly: *Eye twitches*
H2OVanoss2016 "Evan this is your fault! your the the worst leader ever!. Maybe Tyler would be a better leader then you!"
Vanoss: . . .
Legiqn: *Walks up to Vanoss* Hey. . .
Vanoss: *Looks at Legiqn*
Legiqn: . . .You were quite out of control there, man.
Vanoss: . . .They deserve to die.
Legiqn: . . .These askers are hard on you, huh?
Vanoss: . . .What do you want?
Legiqn: Nothing, just wanted to chat.
Vanoss: I'm not an option.
Legiqn: . . .Well, too bad, you are now, since I'm here already.
Vanoss: . . .Walk away then.
Legiqn: . . .You have good teammates. They're pretty fun to hang out with.
Vanoss: . . .
Legiqn: *Walks up next to Vanoss* I used to have someone who was fun to hang out with. He was insane. Always thinking about others like a parent does for their child.
Vanoss: So?
Legiqn: . . .It ended me shooting him.
Vanoss: . . .Betrayal?
Legiqn: No, more like agreement. I don't regret it now, cause. . .we saved hundreds of people. It was his wish. . .
Vanoss: Why are you telling me this?
Legiqn: I don't know, when I heard you say, "You don't know what kills me," it kinda reminded me of him.
Vanoss: How?
Legiqn: Hmm? Well. . .I told you, he was insane, didn't think anything would kill him. . .except. . .for the bullet from a friend.
Vanoss: . . .Heh. . .you have a long way to go if think a bullet can kill someone. It's not only that. . .
[MiniLadd: It's just an allergy! I'm not gonna die!
MiniLadd: . . .I'm not gonna die. Trust me.
MiniLadd: I'm not gonna ruin this for everyone else! . . .just because of my dumbass, I'm not ruining this, no matter how much I hate it!]
Vanoss: . . .It's not a bullet or an allergy that kills people.
Legiqn: . . .That's- *Cuts off as he saw Vanoss with tears*
Vanoss: . . .We're fucking. . .idiots. . .
Legiqn: . . .*Wipes Vanoss' tear*
Vanoss: *Looks at Legiqn*
Legiqn: *Blushes a bit* You. . .have pretty eyes.
Vanoss: . . .*Wipes his tears* Fuck you. . .
Legiqn: Vanoss-
Moo: Hey Vanoss! We got everyone!
Kryoz: Come on Legiqn! We gotta go!
Vanoss: Go, Legiqn.
Legiqn: . . .Okay, uh. . .bye, Vanoss. *Walks away*
Nogla: What were you guys talking about?
Vanoss: . . .Stupid stuff. Come on, get in.
~At InstaGram Police~
Kryoz: What were you talking to Vanoss about?
Legiqn: . . .Huh? Oh, uh. . .just a little talk, nothing too important.
Marksman: You seemed to be lost in thought. Did something happen?
Legiqn: . . .Have you guys seen a really pretty pair of eyes?
Kryoz: Sure have. Smii7y's eyes are beautiful.
Marksman: I've seen it too. Tyler's eyes are very elegant.
Legiqn: Well, I think I found it too.
Kryoz: Ohhh. . .need some love advice~?
Legiqn: I just said, 'I found it', not 'I'm in love'.
~At Derp Crew~
Smarty: Ze, the fuck you're thinking, letting us get arrested.
GaLm: Be quiet, Smarty. I'm sure Ze has a plan.
Ze: *Supporting Chilled*
Chilled: *Blushing* Z-Ze, you don't have to support me. I-I can just lay down.
Ze: Shut up, and stay still. We're gonna take this slow, a long-con. We need you, Chilled.
Chilled: *Smiles* I know, boss.
GaLm: See.
Smarty: Now we're talking. *Giggles*
~At Smii7y & Noah~
Noah: Oh my god. . .today is just an amazing day!
Smii7y: Shut up, alright?
Noah: Wonder how Cody's doing.
Smii7y: He can handle himself.
Noah: So. . .any business you gotta do?
Smii7y: . . .I do, and I think I'm gonna go check it out.
Noah: Alright, I'll make up an excuse for you.
Smii7y: Thanks. *Walks away*
~In the BBS car~
Nogla: Mission complete!
Bryce: Fucking nailed it.
Lui: With a lot of troubles, but we still did it!
Moo: Took you guys long enough.
Lui: Shut up!
Swag: Quite an adventure.
Bryce: Why the fuck are you still here!?
Swag: I didn't feel like leaving.
Jiggly: Are you okay Scotty?
407: I'm fine, it hurts though.
Wildcat: *Frowns* Scotty. . .
407: Hey, don't make that face, okay?
Delirious: *Places his hand on Wildcat's shoulder* (He'll be fine, Tyler.)
Wildcat: I hope so.
Basically: Boss. . .I heard what happened from Nogla.
Vanoss: . . .Everyone, listen up.
Ohm: What's wrong Evy?
Vanoss: . . .Don't get too cocky. We have. . .a. . .
Droidd: Problem at base. . .right?
Vanoss: . . .Yea.
Wildcat: 'Problem'?
Jiggly: *Frowns*
Moo: *Looks away*
Delirious: . . . *Sighs sadly*
CaRtOoNz: Yea, a big o' problem.
Nogla: And that. . .is?
Vanoss: . . .*Clenches his fists*
Lui: Vanoss?
407: Vanoss? Anthony?
Ohm: Evy? Toonzie?
Nogla: Boss?
Basically: Vanoss? Droidd?
Bryce: Vanoss? Delirious? Moo?
Wildcat: Anthony? Delirious? V-Vanoss?
Vanoss: M-Mini. . .he's. . .HE'S DYING.
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