Day 2 Begun (Ask #254-258 + Dare #75-77)
MiniLadd: *Yawn* Fuck. . .
Evan: You alright?
MiniLadd: Kinda. . .
Craig: Well, everyone's gonna come soon.
Vanoss: I see, and Brian, make sure Mini's medicine is working.
Terroriser: I know.
Nogla: Another day with 1ps. *Giggles*
Lui: Fucking hell. . .
Basically: Mini! *Walks up to MiniLadd* Are you alright?
MiniLadd: Yea.
AWolfsJourney "Poor 2pMini :( hope he gets better"
MiniLadd: I'm fine.
LizaDrawsgames "yes... *giggles stupidly* YUS"
Basically: I guess you are a Minimoo shipper.
MiniLadd: What?
Moo: *Blush* What!?
lunatictedd16 "Fuckin dammit!!!!!! (I wanted moo and terrisor to sleep together) *smashing her head against a wall*"
Delirious: *Stops the asker* . . .! (Please stop!)
Question from abbyloveanime18 ,
"Me: :gasp: c-can I pet mochi?"
Craig: Yea, of course! *Smiles*
AWolfsJourney "*pets Mochi*"
Mochi: *Growls a bit, cutely*
H20vanossfan109 "Starts fangirling*"
Craig: *Giggles*
Evan: Looks like they like Mochi a lot.
Craig: Who wouldn't!? She's just adorable! Don't worry, you're adorable as well, Evan.
Evan: *Blushes a bit* I did not say anything.
KatelynSQuestions "Aww,cute.Looks like somebody has crush"
lunatictedd16 "Finally!! Moo is going soft for a special sombody..."
Moo: *Blush* I-It was just that moment! Okay!? D-Don't get me wrong!
Bryce: Tsundere action?
Moo: Fuck you Bryce!
Dare from lunatictedd16 ,
"I want terrisor and moo to kiss... it's a dare!!!"
AWolfsJourney "So...2PMoo, u admitted 2pTerroriser was attractive. Both of u make out and we'll see how dominant that bottom bitch can really be X3"
Moo: *Blush* W-Why would I do something like that?
Bryce: It is a dare.
Moo: . . .Fine! If it's what it takes for you guys to shut the fuck up! *Walks to where Terroriser is*
~At Terroriser~
Terroriser: *Sigh*
Moo: Brian!
Terroriser: *Jumps a bit & turns around* Oh, h-hey Moo.
Moo: Brian, I need to do a stupid dare with you.
Terroriser: What kind of a dare is it?
Moo: . . .*Blush* Just. . .c-close your eyes.
Terroriser: Um. . .t-that's concerning. . .
Moo: Just do it!
Terroriser: O-Okay. *Closes his eyes*
Moo: *Walks up to Terroriser* . . . *Blushes, holds Terroriser's shoulders*
Terroriser: *Blushes a bit*
Moo: . . .*Kisses Terroriser*
Terroriser: *Opens his eyes in surprise, then blushes hard*
Moo: . . .*Pulls Terroriser closer*
Terroriser: *Closes his eyes, & kisses back*
Moo: *Pulls away blushing*
Terroriser: *Kisses Moo, wrapping his arms around Moo's neck*
Moo: *Blushes hard* Mmmm!
Terroriser: Mmmm~.
Moo: *Pushes Terroriser* Brian!
Terroriser: M-Moo. . .
Moo: The fuck you think you're doing!?
Terroriser: . . . *Blushes & pulls his arms away from Moo* S-Sorry, I-I-I got carried away.
Moo: Y-You sure did, bitch.
AWolfsJourney "Ok, 2pVanoss i won't force you or stress you out about who you love more, but just saying in my opinion, that you should tell 2pWildcat you love him at least"
Vanoss: . . .*Blush* Fine. *Walks to where Wildcat is*
~At Wildcat~
Wildcat: Jason! *Giggles*
Delirium: *Hugging Wildcat* I love you, kitty!
Delirious: *Giggles*
Vanoss: Hey.
Delirium: *Releases Wildcat* Hi Vanoss! *Smiles*
Delirious: . . . (Hey Vanoss.)
Wildcat: H-Hi.
Vanoss: *Walks up to Wildcat* Tyler.
Wildcat: Yes?
Vanoss: . . .This one asker said something I should say to you.
Wildcat: What is it?
Vanoss: . . .*Blush* I. . .
Delirium: *Walks up to Delirious*
Vanoss: I. . .I lo. . .*Blushes harder*
Delirious: *Whispers* . . . (Could this be. . .)
Wildcat: *Blushes a bit* V-Vanoss?
Vanoss: . . .
Wildcat: . . .Um. . .V-Vano-
Vanoss: I love you, Tyler.
Wildcat: *Blushes hard*
Delirium: *Gasp* Oh-
Delirious: *Covers Delirium's mouth*
Wildcat: W-What?
Vanoss: *Blush* There, I said it, you happy, asker!? *Looks at Wildcat* I-I just. . .I was told to, okay!? *Walks away*
Wildcat: *Blushing & smiles a bit* V-Vanoss. . .
Delirium: *Moves Delirious' hand from his mouth* Congratulations, Kitty!
Delirious: *Smiles*
Wildcat: I-I'm gonna make a tea. . .or s-something. *Walks away, blushing red*
Cosmic_glass "Oh yea sorry ohm I can't touch you but that is okay *smile* good thing mini is resting......cute....don't worry I will back off."
Ohm: At least you apologize, and. . .you better.
MiniLadd: *Blushes a bit* Can't get any privacy, huh?
Question from KatelynSQuestions ,
"Are you guys allergic to anything?I get Mini is allergic to dogs,but I'm curious about you others"
Basically: As far as I know, only Mini has an allergy.
Ohm: I have an allergy.
Basically: Really?
Ohm: Yea, I'm allergic to bitches, I want to kill them so bad.
Basically: That is not an allergy! It's more of a hatred!
Question from H20vanossfan109 ,
"....... Chaos ridden... Is your friend chaos ridden?"
Swag: Who? My friends are birds, and who is chaos ridden?
Questions from Insane_Galaxy123 ,
"Alex: we are the power puff girls mwhehe
Adrien: boi im a boy so stfu
Alex: galaxys says "i have a few questions one is have you ever loved another person other than the one your with at the moment you dont have too answer if its too personal."
MiniLadd: Is it 1ps? Since, none of us are currently dating anyone. It says, 'your with' that means, they're asking to the ones who are dating, right?
Basically: Uh. . .I think.
~Some of the 1ps~
Daithi: I was dating Bernie.
Calibre: I was dating Mae.
Brian: I had a really good girlfriend, Lanai. She is. . .such a good person, we still are friends.
Brock: I was dating Lauren, she was awesome.
Luke: Uh. . .not gonna say her name, I was dating Delirious' sister, but. . .we broke up, and. . .I haven't date anyone for a while, then. . .*Looks at Ryan* I found my mate~.
Ryan: *Blush* T-Toonzie. . .
"two 2P versus 1P mario cart."
Dare from AWolfsJourney ,
"I dare 1pBBS and 2pBBS to play Mario Kart and Prop Hunt together"
Brian: Oh, let's do it!
Daithi: Yes!
Brock: I-I'll pass. . .
Craig: Uh. . .okay.
Tyler: Fuck that game.
Evan: Cody, you gonna play?
Cody: Well. . .sure, why not?
Tyler: Cody, do me a favor, teach these Irish fuckers a lesson!
Brian: Challenge! Yes!
Daithi: I think I'm better.
Cody: D-Don't give me pressure, Tyler.
Evan: You can do it, Cody!
Ryan: Who's playing from the 2ps?
Vanoss: This is stupid. . .
MiniLadd: No thanks.
Terroriser: I guess. . .I can play, none of us are really. . .into games. . .
Basically: I could try.
Jiggly: I would like to try. Scotty, Tyler, you guys wanna do it?
407: Nah. . .
Wildcat: Sure.
Brian: Fuck! Nogla!
Daithi: Goodbye Brian. *Giggles*
Terroriser: This is. . .a bit hard to control.
Craig: Ahhhhh noooo!
Cody: . . .
Jiggly: This is pretty easy once you learn how to play.
Wildcat: Um. . .t-this. . .a little. . .hard. . .
Basically: This is really nice. I like the maps.
Insane_Galaxy123 "three if you were to be a mario cart/ mario character what would you be" *adrien looks at the 1P and the 2P before waving*
Adrien: hiya im adrien *he had bandages over his eyes but you could see flower peatals sticking out of the bandages were the eyes would be usually*"
Brian: *Hugging Brock*
Brock: B-Brian. . .
Daithi: I got fucked!
Calibre: *Laughing*
Tyler: Cody, hi five!
Cody: *Hi fives Tyler*
Evan: *Hugs Cody* You did it! *Giggles*
Cody: *Blush & giggles a bit*
Jiggly: That was fun.
Terroriser: It was.
Basically: I liked it, very much.
Wildcat: Yea. *Smiles*
Craig: I hate this game. . .
Vanoss: It's just a fucking game.
Ryan: 2ps are pretty good at games, huh?
Terroriser: *Giggles* Getting 5th is pretty bad though.
Basically: The items were very interesting.
Brian: Fuuuuuck. . .
Brock: Can we stop talking about Mario Kart & stuff? Brian is. . .having a bit of a damage here.
Craig: That's unfortunate.
KarmaXKid "Karma: Eyyyyyyyyyy that song! I LOVE THAT SONG.
X: *Wakes up* What'd I mi-
Karma: Read the other fuckin' chapters.
Kid: Oh, no! I forgot about the softer characters in the group! I'm sorry! ;^; So, Let Me Down mainly suits a certain few of the members... Hmm... I'LL BE BACK. *disappears because I'm too lazy to come up with a different way for her to leave*
Karma: Hey, if ya don't mind, can you explain to me what happened to DelitOoNz? Perfectly understandable if you don't want to explain, but I'm assuming that some shit went down?"
Luke: Nothing serious. It was just overrated, but now that H2OVanoss is a pop ship, it calmed down.
Craig: But you & Delirious does act gay & stuff to each other.
Luke: We're best friends, so of course.
McQuaid: *Giggles* But there are threesome now.
Scotty: Known as something. . .uh. . .'H2OVantOoNz'?
Anthony: Those are popular, but I honestly like Wildnoss better.
Tyler: *Blush* Shut up, Anthony.
Brian: Yea? I like Craig & Evan's ship, they're very underrated, but I think it's cute.
Brock: I agree.
Craig: *Blush* Uh. . .okay. . .
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"Hey daithi can you sing one of your songs? There awesome! Anyways Imma try to forget why I'm existing! *jumps out a window and land on the head* I'm good!"
Daithi: Uh. . .I don't know.
Calibre: *Leans on Daithi* Oh come on~.
Daithi: *Blush* Um. . .no.
Dare from VanShipperz ,
"I Dare Evan and Craig to Fight, Who would win?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!"
Craig: I. . .rather not. . .
Evan: We don't really fight much.
Terroriser: *Giggles* That's funny. Vanoss & MiniLadd always fights.
Vanoss: Shut up.
Craig: Uh. . .
Evan: . . .Wanna arm-wrestle or something?
Calibre: Ohhhhhh! Brothers Battle!
Craig: Lui, please don't start it!
Calibre: Epic Arm-Wrestle, let's go! Winner would have control over the loser!
Evan: WHAT!?
Craig: *Blushes a bit* Lui!
Daithi: Lui, come on.
Calibre: But this way is more interesting! Okay, let's go!
Evan & Craig: LUI!
Calibre: Okay, let's start!
Evan: Um. . .
Craig: This is. . .awkward.
Calibre: Come on bros!
Evan: Fine. . . *Pulls out his hand to Craig*
Craig: . . .Okay. *Holds Evan's hand*
Calibre: Ready. . .
Daithi: Set. . .
Calibre: GO!
Craig: You're not. . .beating me, Evan.
Evan: We'll see. . .about that!
Calibre: Who wants to bet, who's gonna win!?
Arlan: Lui. . .
Brian: Go Craig, go!
Brock: Come on, Evan!
Jon: Go Vanoss!
Ryan: Mini!
Marcel: Oh, who's gonna win~?
Evan: You. . .son of a. . .bitch, Craig.
Craig: . . .Hey Evan. . .
Evan: What?
Craig: . . .*Kisses Evan's forehead*
Evan: *Blush*
Craig: *Pushes Evan's hand down* GOTCHA!
Evan: T-That's no fair!
Calibre: There wasn't any rules, Vanoss~. *Giggles*
Evan: Fuck. . .of course, you would do that, Lui.
Calibre: *Giggles*
Craig: Yay! I won!
Brian: Congrats!
Brock: *Giggles*
H2OVanoss2016 "Hey Craig you're an ass and a I turn Vanoss into Alpha Wolf and Delirious into a horny sexy Omega wolf for 30 questions and 30 dares or they have to mate each other to break this curse and Vanoss knot him good"
Craig: Me? Well, after that, I guess-
MiniLadd: No, they're talking about me.
Tyler: Did you do something to them?
MiniLadd: They just hate me.
Evan: W-What happened?
Jon: Huh?
Craig: *Gasp* Evan!
Tyler: Oh. . .shit. . .
Brock: Aww, you guys are wolfies~.
Brian: *Giggles* That's cute.
McQuaid: Aww, so cute!
Evan: Oh, I actually have wolf ears. *Touches his wolf ear*
Jon: *Blush* Oh shit. . .I-I feel. . .weird.
Evan: *Sniffs* What's this smell?
Jon: Fuck, i-it's so *pant* h-hot in here.
Ohm: Ohhh~, looks like we have a wolf that's in heat~.
Luke: Oh no, Jon.
Jon: *Panting* I can't. . . *falls to his knees* Uuuuu. . .
Wildcat: A-Are you okay?
Luke: Looks like Vanoss gotta fuck him.
Craig: WHAT!?
Basically: It does say they'll stay like this for 30 questions & dares, or they mate & break the curse. Currently, 1pDelirious is horny, or in heat. Omegas being in heat is pretty painful & extreme, they need an Alpha to satisfy them.
Craig: *Hugs Evan* FUCK NO! I'm not letting Evan fuck Delirious!
Luke: *Supports Jon* But he's in pain! Don't make him suffer till 30 questions & dares!
Jon: *Grips on Luke's shirt, sweating, panting heavily & groaning* Ugh. . .*Tears up*
Evan: . . .*Looks away*
Marcel: This is bad.
MiniLadd: Just take him to a room!
Terroriser: Okay, uh, 1pCartoonz, can you carry him to a room?
Luke: Yea, sure, and. . . *Looks at Evan* please don't make Jon suffer again. *Walks away with Jon in his arms*
Evan: . . .*Clenches his fists*
Craig: Evan. . .
Tyler: *Grabs Evan's shoulder & lifts his chin up* Don't let him control you, Evan. That was just misleading words. You're not the one who's making him suffer.
Evan: . . .*Tears up a bit & nods a bit*
MiniLadd: Alright, some of the guys help me find some shit to make antidotes for the two fuckers!
Terroriser: Roger!
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