Consequences #2 (Ask #446-449)
Flashback from the "Plan" :
Cosmic_glass "Aww Mini how sweet was that saying about the crew, hehe but yeah it can be irritating , in a fun way. And right now your brother and jiggly are fighting because I think of something with being a "leader" hopefully you can help sort things out, I'm counting on you *smiles* good luck"
MiniLadd: Yea thanks. . .*sigh*
RacingCatz: . . .I really can't believe that Tyler did this to you.
MiniLadd: I can't either.
Question from lunatictedd16 ,
"You okay, vanoss? I can see you are getting a lot of hate. I'm sorry that this is happening to you guys... hopefully this drama ends soon..."
Vanoss: . . .
Terroriser: Evan. . .don't listen to them okay? You need rest.
Vanoss: I know. . .
Cosmic_glass " things escalated quickly, hey Mini good thing you took a min to calm down , anywayy..... I apologize that the word cute offended you *sighs, looks away*............................................ I hope you feel better."
MiniLadd: It sure did.
RacingCatz: . . .Where are the others?
Delirious: . . . (They're on a mission.)
RacingCatz: . . .*Looks at Vanoss* . . .*Looks away* I shouldn't pressure him.
AWolfsJourney "Look, I'm sorry ok? I'm just worried for all of you ok. I get it, but I can still understand the situation and I'm just speaking what I think. How about u guys just calm down a bit, rest and I'll be on my way. I was just talking, no need to be rude. Sorry..."
MiniLadd: Oh really?
Moo: You & Brian need to chill for a bit.
MiniLadd: 'Chill'? You're saying not to defend ourselves from being fucking insulted! They say things we don't like, and they're gonna get it!
Terroriser: I'm. . .really sorry. It's just. . .all these pressures. . .& fears. . .made me want to. . .yell. I'm sorry if I hurt you.
Delirious: *Pats Terroriser's back* . . . (I'm sure they'll forgive you guys.)
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Karma: Yay, Mini will remain a bitch. Wanna write that on your tombstone?
X: *nudges him roughly*
Kara: Ow! What?
X: Don't speak like that.
Karma: Sarcasm is my sense of humour."
CaRtOoNz: *Giggles* That's a great quote. Hey Mini, you should totally do that.
MiniLadd: Oh yea? How about I grave it into your back, and you become my living tombstone, huh?
CaRtOoNz: You wanna die?
RacingCatz: Please stop! Mini, I have a bad feeling.
MiniLadd: Like what? Your kitty sense is tingling?
RacingCatz: You could say that. . .
"Kid: Vanoss won't answer me... Oh, it's because I'm a kid, isn't it?
X: Kid, I do not think that's why. He'll likely refuse to answer if anyone asked.
Karma: Even... Cody or Wildcat?
X: ... Possibly.
Kid: He won't answer. No one ever answers a kid."
RacingCatz: That's not true.
MiniLadd: We've answered your dumbass questions before, you know.
Jiggly: Mini, have some respect.
MiniLadd: Respect? . . .How about you give respect to Evan, and SHUT THE FUCK UP! YOU ALWAYS MAKES THINGS WORSE & WORSE!
Droidd: Mini, try to be calm.
Delirium: W-Why is Mr. Mini mad?
CaRtOoNz: We should call him 'MiniMadd' from now on, since he's always so grumpy as fuck.
MiniLadd: You-
RacingCatz: Mini, no! Please. . .
"Karma: Oof, some comments they recieved... low blow. Real low blow. I almost feel sorry. Almost.
X: Karma, you're personality is changing.
Karma: Don't care.
X: Right.
Kid: I'm going to talk to someone who isn't like a mean adult who yells all the time... Delirium,-
-how are you?"
Delirium: H-Hi, I'm good, but. . .*holds Delirious' hand* I-I'm a little scared.
Delirious: . . . (Don't worry, Jason.)
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Kid: GUESS WHAT? I AM A KID! MY NAME IS KID, I WAS CREATED AS A KID AND I WILL STAY AS A KID! I'm emotional, an idiot and a weakling, BUT AT LEAST I HAVE A HEART! AND I DON'T MEAN A HEART THAT BEATS BLOOD AROUND YOUR BODY because I don't have that BUT I MEAN A HEART THAT CARES! I DON'T HAVE A BRAIN BUT A HAVE A MIND THAT SEES HOW PEOPLE FEEL. Alright, so you think a leader should be tough, serious, strict, cold and brutal? Okay, fine. You can keep those traits, but you can't add in other traits? Traits like understanding, sympathetic, open and accepting? YOU CAN'T ADD IN THESE TRAITS TO YOURSELF?"
MiniLadd: *Twitches*
RacingCatz: Craig! *Holds MiniLadd's shoulders* No. . .please, no.
Vanoss: . . .
"Karma: I mean, he's a complete creation, unlike us...
Kid: Nothing is complete when you can still add to it.
X: ... Do you really think I grew up in a "weak & naive" world? Do you really assume that I've had a peaceful life? Do you really believe that I haven't suffered? ... I see the problem now. Evan assumes things. He assumes that you can overcome fear by pushing yourself over limits that you cannot handle. He assumes that the only way to make someone stronger is to treat them as weaklings. He assumes that the world is cruel and tough, where only the strong will survive. But then again... he has been an empty void, a shell with intelligence, logic, strength and senses. However, he had no emotion... he has never experienced what it's like to be emotional and unstable, like Wildcat... now he has emotion but..."
RacingCatz: . . .Please stop. . .i-it's my fault, don't blame anyone else.
Vanoss: No. . .Cody, it's not your fault!
RacingCatz: . . .*Shakes his head*
Jiggly: . . .Cody, I don't know what happened in the past, but. . .*Puts his hand on RacingCatz's shoulder* you can't just blame yourself.
RacingCatz: You don't understand Mr. Jiggly. . .
Vanoss: *Pushes Jiggly* Don't touch him!
Jiggly: . . .Vanoss, I was just-
RacingCatz: Please, just. . .stop. . .
"Karma: Hey, truths can be used as excuses. Anything can be used as excuses.
Kid: ... Vanoss is right, you make people's life harder so they can overcome things. The thing is, he's rushing. You have to take it slow to make him stronger!
X: Wait. *reads previous book* Vanoss... it says here that you push Tyler to... "pull it out"...
All this time, you've been trying to pull out Tyler's power?"
Vanoss: . . .
Jiggly: *Grabs Vanoss' shirt* What the fuck is this!? Huh!? You've been trying to pull it out!? Tyler's power!?
Droidd: Jiggly, stop it!
Jiggly: YOU MOTHERFUCKER! You were trying to make Tyler insane!
Delirious: . . . (Vanoss. . .)
Jiggly: That's why. . .THAT'S WHY YOU WERE TREATING TYLER BADLY! Isn't that correct!? *Pushes Vanoss to the wall* You're trying to break him at the first place!
Vanoss: Listen, that was-
Jiggly: *Punches Vanoss*
Terroriser: Evan! *Runs up to Vanoss*
Vanoss: You. . .BITCH! *Tries to attack Jiggly*
Terroriser: *Holds Vanoss back* Evan, no!
Jiggly: You. . .You really are a monster! You knew about this didn't you!? Think about it. . .why would a heartless man like you, let an innocent & pure Tyler in the crew? . . .You just wanted Tyler's power! You said you love Tyler! But this is not love!
Vanoss: SHUT UP! That was the original plan!
Delirious: . . .? (Original?)
Vanoss: I knew. . .we can use Tyler's power. . .to reach the goal.
Jiggly: You hypocrite! You're the one who's manipulating Tyler! You shouldn't be blaming Taya at the first place, you asshole!
Delirium: *Tears up & hugs Delirious* Please. .make them stop Jon! *Sniffles* I-I don't like it. . .
Delirious: *Pats Delirium's head* . . . (Jason, it's okay.)
Vanoss: I'm not manipulating him! I said it was the original plan! I changed my mind! I-
Jiggly: I don't wanna hear your bullshit excuses! This is enough! You don't deserve Tyler or ANYONE in this crew!
Vanoss: WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW!? You don't know anything about my feelings! You're trying to force your thoughts into Tyler! You're defending him, but you're just doing this because you want him! Just for your own desire! You're nothing different than any others! Stop thinking that you're a hero!
Jiggly: I'm not! This isn't anything selfish! I'm not doing this for myself! I'm doing this only for Tyler! He's my friend! He changed me! I love him! I want him to be safe, healthy, & alive! You're an obstacle in his life! You're chaining him up! Blocking his freedom!
Delirium: *Cries* Jon, please! Make them stop!
Delirious: . . .! (Guys, just stop this nonsense!)
Jiggly: You understand me, don't you Delirious!? You know Vanoss is not a good influence for Tyler! You were right beside Tyler! You know what this fucker has done to him!
Delirious: . . . (I. . .I do, but Tyler is the one who's gonna make this decision.)
Jiggly: We gotta do what's best for him!
Vanoss: You shut your goddamn mouth! And Jonathan, don't you intervene!
CaRtOoNz: Ohhhh. . .calling out real names, huh?
Delirious: . . .- (But Vanoss-)
Jiggly: Quit yelling at him!
Droidd: . . .Ugh. . . *Hands sparks a bit*
RacingCatz: Guys, please! Just stop this! This isn't helping anyone!
Vanoss: Cody-
Jiggly: But doing nothing won't help either! We have to do something! I want to set Tyler free from this monster.
MiniLadd: ENOUGH! *Stands up* I had enough with your bullshit, Anthony!
Vanoss: Craig, don't butt in!
MiniLadd: Shut up Evan! I can't fucking take it anymore! *Grabs Jiggly's shirt* Listen fucker! This has nothing to do with you! This is the crew's problem alright!? You don't make choices for Tyler!
Jiggly: What if Vanoss was just using you to heal & nothing else? Would you still stay with him? Everyone is just a tool for him! Including you! Everyone is on the wrong path! This isn't the only option for you guys!
MiniLadd: SHUT THE FUCK UP! There are no options, ifs, & anything else! What we have are facts! This isn't any hero movie! This is reality!
Jiggly: This isn't good for Tyler! He just wanted a family, and you guys just crushed it! Driving people insane is nothing beneficial! You're gonna face karma! It hurts! Don't you get it!? He's a pure human, in this cruel world. . .he survived & is still holding onto innocence. . .no one in this world is like him. There is no one who can be that pure other than Tyler!
MiniLadd: Cut that bullshit! If he really wants a family, then he can bury himself down to hell!
Jiggly: *Pushes MiniLadd* FUCK YOU! Tyler may have done something wrong, but everyone makes mistakes! You don't have to rub it in his face!
MiniLadd: You're really pissing me off!
Vanoss: Craig stop it! That's an order!
MiniLadd: Fuck no, Evan! I'm not doing this as your teammate!
Terroriser: Please stop!
Delirium: Make it stop!
Delirious: . . .! (Guys, please!)
Droidd: Just stop it!
RacingCatz: STOP!
MiniLadd: Ugh! *Starts coughing*
Terroriser: Mini?
MiniLadd: *Covers his mouth, keeps coughing, violently*
Vanoss: Craig! *Runs up to MiniLadd*
MiniLadd: *Spits out blood* Shi- ugh! *Puts his hand on his chest, then falls down*
Vanoss, Terroriser, & RacingCatz: CRAIG!
MiniLadd: *Can't breathe properly*
Vanoss: *Supports MiniLadd* Craig!
MiniLadd: A- *Coughs out blood, struggles in lack of air*
Terroriser: Craig! No, no, no, no!
Moo: C-Craig. . .
MiniLadd: *Tries to take his shirt off*
Vanoss: Craig! *Tears up*
RacingCatz: *Rips MiniLadd's shirt open & gasps*
Droidd: *Eyes widens*
Terroriser: *Tears up*
Jiggly: *Gasp*
Moo: *Covers his mouth*
CaRtOoNz: Oh shit! Eww!
Delirious: *Covers Delirium's eyes* . . . (Don't. . .look, Jason.)
Delirium: *Sniffles* J-Jon?
Vanoss: . . .No. . .Craig!
RacingCatz: Evan, where's the medical room!?
Droidd: . . .M-Mini's. . .room. . .
Vanoss: Craig!
MiniLadd: *Can't breathe, eyelids getting heavier*
RacingCatz: He's losing air! *Carries MiniLadd & runs to MiniLadd's room*
Vanoss: . . .Craig. . .*Follows*
Droidd: *Follows*
Moo: *Grabs Terroriser & follows*
Flashback Ended.
Basically: Oh my. . .god. . .
Vanoss: . . .That's what happened.
Droidd: Symptoms of his allergy. . .almost caused a heart attack, but luckily, Mini did something to not make it explode as hard as expected.
Nogla: . . .This is the consequence. . .huh?
Ohm: Please. . .w-we can save him, right?
Jiggly: Reality isn't that easy. . .
Wildcat: . . .No. . .
Vanoss: Brian is trying, but. . .he's feeling guilt, it's weighing him down.
KarmaXKid "Karma: Oh shit, I forgot Mini was dying. Ha, that's funny, I forgot Mini was dying.
Kid: Oh nu!!! ;A; Not medic person!
X: If Ohmwrecker is still alive, I think Mini can survive, too, but I have my doubts.
Kid: Mini is a big, cold jerk, but I don't want him to die! ;~;
Karma: Because you genuinely care or because he's a medic?"
Ohm: M-Mini can't die! *Grabs Vanoss' arms* Evy, please. . .w-we have to do something!
Droidd: Calm down, Ohmwrecker. We are working on it, and now that Marcel is back, we'll be able to speed up.
Basically: . . .I'll try my best. Mini saved us countless times, and it's time to pay him back.
407: That's the spirit.
"X: Chilled, I think magic and science do get along quite well, but sometimes they may end up with explosions. And about the issues with parents, Basically is being truthful that he really doesn't know. If he were to lie about such a big thing, he would have killed himself. He almost did once, actually, for telling a big lie. He's very strict on himself with honesty."
Chilled: I don't care. . .he killed my parents. . .they did not deserve it. He's the only one, who had the purpose to kill them.
Kryoz: . . .Maybe, we can help you find out what really happened, sir.
Legiqn: Are you serious?
Kryoz: If there's a hidden truth, we should make it clear & give justice.
Chilled: I already know.
Kryoz: But-
Marksman: John. . .
Kryoz: . . .Aye sir.
Legiqn: I'll take them to their cell.
"Smii7y, although being emotionless does have its advantages, it also has disadvantages, just like everything else. Guilt is a feeling that tells you that you shouldn't have done something, and it teaches you that what you have done is wrong and causes you to want to fix things. Fear helps protect you. Being emotionless... well, I have a feeling it's not going to be a better thing, but I'm not sure. However... *looks at Karma* ... I'll be having first hand experience with a truly emotionless being quite soon.
Karma: ... What?"
Smii7y: We're far dangerous to have emotions. I need to fix it. . .since I messed it up. Before something like that happens. . .I need to fix THEM. *Takes out a key* . . .Sorry John, but I have to do this. *Summons a lock, then modifies the key*
"Kid: Mini can't die! Nununu! T~T
Karma: ... A bit funny how the rest of the commenters are trying, or offering, to heal Mini. Realistically, every time the rest of us interact with you all, like punching and attacking you or the others a lot... it would get blocked. If not, you would get hit but really, it doesn't affect you. Like, at all. You feel it, you get hurt, but then you just go on with your day, or go on with your fight, or some other shit. It doesn't really make a difference if us commenters interact you or not, and I mean physically rather than just talking.
Kid: What do you mean?
Karma: Oh, nothing, just wondering if commenters can actually help heal Mini."
Basically: . . .Unfortunately, that hacker blocked you guys from interacting with us. But it's not really, US, that are blocking the askers.
Question from CherryBlossm112 ,
"Guys do you remember what Cartoonz said that "Mini is about to die...""
CaRtOoNz: Did I say that? Well, I'm kinda right, but as long as I have him in this ice crystal, he'll be fresh and alive.
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