CarOhmDroidd!? (Ask #64-65 + Dare #10-12)
Question from FiFi_Ballinas ,
"This just made me get water in my eyes. Are you alright Droidd?"
Droidd: I am alright. *Smiles* Thank you for caring about me, unlike other askers.
Ohm: *Hugs Droidd from behind* Droidd, my darling~!
Droidd: *Blush* Hello, Ohmwrecker~.
MiniLadd: Again!?
Ohm: I used the door this time~.
Basically: Have you been using my vents?
Ohm: Maybe~.
Droidd: Let me hug you back, Ohmwrecker.
Ohm: Sure~. *Lets go of Droidd*
Droidd: *Turns to Ohm & hugs him*
Ohm: *Hugs back* Fancy scent, sir~.
Droidd: I'm always ready for your hugs~.
Ohm: *Giggles*
Question from FiFi_Ballinas ,
"Well who the hell is it!?
I'm sorry I just really want to know."
MiniLadd: The fuck is this bitch talking about?
Basically: Um. . .it's about who your interest is, Droidd.
Droidd: Oh, about that? Well. . .I had interest in you, FiFi. You sided me, and I felt like. . .I can open up to you. You did give me attention, it was very sweet of you. I thought you might be my love interest-
Ohm: *Hugs Droidd* No!
Droidd: Ohm-
Ohm: I won't let that bitch take you!
Droidd: Ca-
Ohm: *Grabs Droidd's shirt & tears up* I'll give you attention! I'll give you my love! You can talk to me anytime! I won't judge! I-I'll give anything to you! Please. . .*Hugs Droidd* don't go. . .
Droidd: *Blush* O-Ohmwrecker, I wasn't done with my sentence.
Ohm: *Looks at Droidd* W-What?
Droidd: It was my bad that I thought of it. I. . .easily get attracted when people give me attention, and. . .you're different. *Wipes Ohm's tears* Don't worry okay?
Ohm: . . .She better not try to take you away from me.
Droidd: I doubt it. *Giggles* It's so cute to see you be jealous.
Ohm: Why wouldn't I? My love was about to be taken away by a bitch!
Droidd: *Giggles* So sweet. . . *Blush* Can I. . .be your only love?
Ohm: *Blushes a bit* You mean. . .
Droidd: If you know what that means~. *Places his hand on Ohm's cheek*
Ohm: Droidd. . .
Dare from AddictedShipper ,
"Dare for 2pCartoonz Dare ya to fall inlove with somone~ Why? Cuse you need some love~"
CaRtOoNz: Why do you choose what I do with my life, huh? Well. . .to be honest. . .I've been feeling a bit weird lately. Since like. . .Droidd became the official member. . .
Delirious: . . . (That's not lately.)
CaRtOoNz: Shut up Delirious. Anyway, Ohm really likes him, and. . .I feel like. . .I need to. . .keep an eye on him.
Delirious: . . .? (Doesn't that mean, you like Ohm?)
CaRtOoNz: *Blush*. . .I don't know, I mean. . .l-let's not jump into conclusion. I. . .did kiss & make out with Ohm, but i-it doesn't mean I like him, you know, as in love.
Delirious: . . . . . .? (I think Ohm likes you a lot, more than any of us. So. . .the question is, do you want to find out if you like Ohm or not?)
CaRtOoNz: How do I find it out?
Delirious: . . . *Looks at the clock* . . . (Think about your action carefully, and it's about time Ohm goes to hug Droidd.)
CaRtOoNz: SHIT! *Runs to the data room*
~In the data room~
CaRtOoNz: *Sees Ohm & Droidd hugging* . . .You know what, I'll admit it. I'm in love with Ohm, so. . . *Walks up to Droidd & Ohm*
Droidd: *Sees Cartoonz* Oh, hello.
Ohm: *Turns around & sees Cartoonz* Oh, Toonzie. Is there another mission?
CaRtOoNz: No, I just. . . *Hugs Ohm from behind* Want your attention.
Ohm: *Blush* Aww, Toonzie~, did I leave you feeling vulnerable?
CaRtOoNz: . . .Yea. *Looks at Droidd* So, I hope you don't mind, Droidd. You know how it feels. . .right?
Droidd: . . .Of course, I don't mind.
Ohm: *Giggles*
Basically: They're definitely fighting over Ohm.
MiniLadd: Who cares, let's just finish the work, Marcel.
FiFi_Ballinas "Well let's see here, I don't have a brain so mentally is out of the way. And Emotionally, I just want to help the man, I don't want nothing to do with him. Now I'm not saying there is something wrong with him, No, no, no. I don't want to be intimate with him also I wouldn't want to steal any of your love Ohm they're yours after all."
Ohm: Glad you understand that. They're mine, all mine!
Droidd: *Giggles* Greedy aren't you~?
CaRtOoNz: Hungry for love, huh? Sounds like a sweet little monster rabbit in our arms~.
Ohm: *Giggles*
Dare from AlexTerroiser & KarmaXKid ,
"I dare ohm to not flirt with anyone for 3 hours"
"Wait, Delirium's supposedly real name is Methane? Okay. I DARE DELIRIOUS TO SPEAK. Please. If not, I dare Ohm to... Restrain from doing anything flirty and/or romantic/sexual for a whole day! MWAHAHAHA"
Ohm: What!? No! I refuse to do it! I can't do that long! This is what I am! And if you bitches have problem with it, too bad! Deal with it!
Basically: Boss! We need help!
MiniLadd: *Pulls Droidd & CaRtOoNz away from Ohm*
~At Delirious~
Delirious: . . . (My brother, Delirium's real name is Jason. Lui just calls him Methane, because of the code name, 'CH4Delirium'. And I cannot speak. . .I lost it. . .a long time ago. . .)
Basically: How did it go?
Vanoss: He's in his room. Just. . .don't go in. Tomorrow, give this back to him. *Hands Basically Ohm's bandana*
Basically: T-This is-
Vanoss: Yup. . .it's Ohm's bandana. He's pretty insecure without this. Whatever happens, do not go in. I'm gonna go meet Sattelizer, I left Brian in charge. *Goes outside*
Basically: . . .*Looks at Ohm's bandana* Ohm's eyes. . .
MiniLadd: I know you're curious, but he said not to go in.
Basically: I know. . .I wonder how his eyes look like. . .I heard they're grey. It's pretty rare.
Droidd: Aww, Ohmwrecker is a rare human being, huh? That's a pretty good motivation as well.
MiniLadd: Of what?
Droidd: Of something personal.
CaRtOoNz: *Sarcasm* Yea, right.
Basically: . . .Ohm. . .
~At Ohm~
Ohm: *On his bed, under the blanket* . . .
Dare from TheDeliriousFamily ,
"2PLuke and 2PDroidd! I dare you two to not be chickens and MATE WITH LE BUNNY!!!!!!!!"
Droidd & CaRtOoNz: *Smirks*
CaRtOoNz: Well~, it is a dare~.
Droidd: I guess we have. . .no choice, but to do it~.
MiniLadd: You guys are making me uncomfortable.
Basically: But Ohm can't flirt back for a day.
CaRtOoNz: Who cares, it'll be tastier~. *Licks his lip*
Droidd: I want to see how Ohmwrecker reacts~.
MiniLadd: *Sigh* Just go already.
~At Ohm~
Ohm: . . .*Hears footsteps* Who is it?
Droidd: It's me & Cartoonz.
Ohm: *Sits up with his eyes closed* I can't. . .see you guys right now.
CaRtOoNz: *Comes in* Hey bitch.
Ohm: *Jumps a bit* T-Toonzie, I-
CaRtOoNz: Why are you keeping your eyes shut?
Ohm: *Looks away* Sorry, I. . .
Droidd: *Blush* (This is an interesting side.) *Walks up to Ohm, gets on the bed* Ohmwrecker, we won't judge or anything. Show us your beautiful eyes.
Ohm: . . .It's not beautiful. It's cold & lifeless.
CaRtOoNz: *Walks up to Ohm, gets on the bed* I'm sure it's not that bad.
Ohm: . . .I don't want to show it. I'm sorry.
Droidd: . . .So this is a thing called, "gap", huh?
Ohm: . . .I'm sorry, I can't give you guys my love right now.
Droidd: But I want you, Ohmwrecker.
Ohm: *Blush*
CaRtOoNz: Don't leave us vulnerable, Ohm.
Ohm: But. . .
CaRtOoNz: *Takes the blanket away from Ohm* We're gonna fuck you.
Ohm: *Blushes harder* W-What?
Droidd: *Takes Ohm's necktie off*
Ohm: *Blushing* W-What are you gu-
CaRtOoNz: *Kisses Ohm*
Ohm: *Moans*
Droidd: *Unbutton Ohm's shirt, starts kissing Ohm's chest*
Ohm: *Moans louder*
CaRtOoNz: *Pulls away, pulls Ohm's shirt down & starts kissing Ohm's neck*
Ohm: Mmmm~!
Droidd: *Pulls Ohm into a kiss*
Ohm: *Moans*
CaRtOoNz: Fuck~, you're tasty~.
Droidd: *Pulls away & licks his lips* Mmmm~, very sweet~.
Ohm: *Pant* A-Am I in heaven~?
CaRtOoNz: I don't know, it's up to you, bunny boy~.
Droidd: We'll make it a heaven for you~.
CaRtOoNz & Droidd: *Starts showering Ohm with kissing*
Ohm: *Moaning in pleasure* (Oh my god~. . .it feels awesome~! I want them so bad~!)
CaRtOoNz: *Bites Ohm's neck, making a mark* (Fuck~, he's so fucking adorable~! I want to break him~!)
Droidd: *Sucks on Ohm's nipple* (Oh Ohmwrecker~, he's such a precious jewel~. I love him so much~.)
Delirious: *Crashes in* . . .! (STOP THE DARE!)
CaRtOoNz: *Stops & turns around* Delirious?
Droidd: *Stops & turns around* What?
Ohm: *Pant* Delly?
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