Blocking the Way (Ask #436-437)
Questions from AWolfsJourney , CherryBlossm112 , & wolfiechan12352 ,
";3; what!?!??! I'm sad and confused!?!?"
"NO OHM......why are you guys helping the enemy they KILLED OHM!!! What is wrong with you guys I thought you were on there side....why..w..hy *falls besides ohm*"
Marksman: Unfortunately, I can't do that.
CaRtOoNz: I suggest you to move, or I'll put a fucking bullet in your brain!
Leqign: You think a threat would make me obey? No way, Sherlock.
Droidd: I am warning you. . .GO AWAY, or I will murder you.
Kryoz: No! This is not the way it should be! Sure, they deserve it, but this is not what we're supposed to do!
Swag: . . .Strange creature. You shouldn't have anything for them, why do you get in the way?
Noah: Because I don't want to mess it up for him, and I'm not letting you guys mess it up as well!
Basically: Why Nogla!?
Nogla: Calm down, Marcel. We can't kill them, remember? The alliance. There's gonna be more than one "death".
Wildcat: . . .MOVE.
Smii7y: Fuck no. Chill the fuck out, you idiot!
Kingggjaay "Oh shit...welp the derp crew is fucked now"
Smarty: I don't know. . .we kinda got lucky?
GaLm: I doubt it.
Chilled: . . .
Ze: What the fuck!?
Wildcat: They killed Ohm, and he hurt Delirious!
Smii7y: I have my own reason to keep Ze alive. I'm not letting some stupid anger kill him!
Wildcat: *Clenches his fists* . . .'Stupid'? *Glares at Smii7y*
Little_owl_thing "OHM
*picks up ohm*
*yeets self away*"
Vanoss: . . .You're Marksman?
Marksman: Yes I am, Vanoss.
Vanoss: . . .I heard that you've been fucking with Tyler.
Marksman: I haven't yet, and I don't plan to so soon. He is very attractive though.
Vanoss: *Clenches his fist & glares at Marksman* Don't you fucking dare. . .
Marksman: You shouldn't treat him badly. He has been through enough.
Vanoss: Shut the fuck up! He's my teammate, and I treat them how I want!
Marksman: Show some respect to them!
Vanoss: I do, they just have a hard time understanding!
Marksman: I think you have the problem.
Vanoss: You little son of a bitch!
Marksman: We made an alliance, and killing the Derp Crew is not our goal!
CherryBlossm112 "*sitting beside Ohm & crying* Ohm... *hic* I'm sorry... *hic* I'm so so sorry... *her eyes with blood tears falling down her face*"
CaRtOoNz: You have no goddamn idea what you're getting yourself into! GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY! *Makes an ice spear*
Legiqn: . . .He. . .probably was someone important to you, huh? You're all fired up. . .or the opposite.
CaRtOoNz: Oh, I'm fucking insane! Ohm wasn't just an important person, he's my soulmate!
Legiqn: . . .I'm sorry about that, but. . .I just can't let you guys do this.
SabrinaDawnYT "I tried to do this the easy way, Your just being stubborn...
It's a beautiful day outside, Birds are singing, Flowers are blooming, On days like these kids like you, * Eye goes red* Should be burning in hell!!"
Droidd: This is the last warning.
Kryoz: I'm not backing down! We made an alliance, and we stick to it! I'll do whatever I want & can to never make a mistake again!
Droidd: I don't care about you. . .he killed my love. And he is going to PAY!
Kryoz: I'm truly sorry. . .I know, I would act the same if I lose Smii7y. . .but I can't let you murder them. We will bring justice to them, so please. . .back off.
Droidd: *Hands sparks violently* Not in a million years.
KarmaXKid "Kid: *Hugs Ohm* ... ;^; Not the bunny...
Karma: Okayyy, Kid, a bit disgusting how you're hugging a corpse, but sure... So... I like this tension between Basically and Chilled. A lot."
Basically: He knows something what I don't! About my parents! I'm gonna make him spit it out!
Nogla: I understand Marcel, but you can't do this. . .please.
Basically: . . .I have to do this, David. Move. This is the last chance.
Nogla: . . .*Sigh* Marcel. . .I really don't want to do this, but we have to, and you should know better than this. You're smarter than anyone. . .
Basically: . . .I wish I can believe that. I'm making an irrational decision. . .I know.
Nogla: . . .Marcel. . .
"X: Wow. I'm confused. Never felt this feeling in a long time until now. I still have a hunch that Ohm is still alive, though. *pokes him*
Karma: ... Okay, Kid, X, seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you two?"
Moo: *Walks up to Ohm* . . . *Checks Ohm's head*
~Vanoss & Marksman~
Vanoss: I don't give a shit! I's not my problem!
Marksman: You need to learn to control your temper. Decisions kills you little by little. . .
[??????: Why?
Marksman: I'm sorry. . .
??????: Liar! You said you'd help me & my family! You promised!]
Marksman: Decisions like this. . .will kill you even more.
Vanoss: You don't know what kills me!
~CaRtOoNz & Legiqn~
CaRtOoNz: Alright, you shithead! I'll make you regret!
Legiqn: Is my death worth anything to you? You think anyone's death would bring Ohmwrecker back? Think if you have a brain!
CaRtOoNz: I have many brains, and all of them are insane!
Legiqn: Insanity would just bring the end of your life. . .
[???: If anything happens to me. . .kill me.
Legiqn: What? I can't do that!
???: I'll try to negotiate, if it fails. . .neutralize him with me. It's the only way to save the citizens. My life isn't valuable compared to all of the people here. I'll be the sacrifice.
Legiqn: You're insane! Think through this- Wait!]
Legiqn: Obey your conscious. . .the only sanity in yourself.
CaRtOoNz: Say that when you're dead!
~Droidd & Kryoz~
Kryoz: Killing won't do anything. Crime just brings crime, grudge after grudge. . .it won't save anyone. Justice is what saves you & everyone.
Droidd: You're a hypocrite. You said you would do the same if you lose your love, and you're trying to stop me, saying it's not right! Make up your damn mind!
Kryoz: I never said I would kill someone. I would act like you, angry. . .insane. . .and sad. Let me save you from those feelings.
Droidd: I don't need your saving!
Kryoz: That's a lie. . .everyone needs someone's saving hand.
[Kryoz: Please. . .help. . . *sniffles*
???: Hey! Is anyone here!?
Kryoz: *Gasp*
???: *Kicks the door open & sees Kryoz* Oh my god! Are you alright!?
Kryoz: *Shivering* H-Help. . .
???: *Runs up to Kryoz & starts untying him* It's alright, boy. I'm here. I'll take you back to your family. *Smiles*]
Kryoz: . . .Physical or mental. . .we're living, saved by others to live through. Sometimes, those hands can't reach them, but there's good in trying.
Droidd: . . .Shut up. . .
~Basically & Nogla~
Basically: . . .Nogla, please. . .I need to find out. . .this is my chance to know what I don't know! I can't let it slide!
Nogla: I know. . .but what's the cost? If you do this, two more lives will be taken. We almost lost one. . .don't let it be permanent. It's not worth others' life.
Basically: . . .No, no, no. . .*tears up* I need to. . .know.
~Wildcat & Smii7y~
Wildcat: Ohm gave me love. . .Delirious saved me many times. . .the crew is my family. . .and you think this is 'stupid'!? *Red auras comes out more*
Smii7y: I'm not saying it's stupid to get revenge for the ones you love, but anger is stupid. Anger doesn't have a limit, they just go further & beyond. There's no trade in this. Killing Ze would not bring back your friend's life nor heal your friend's wound. It's not worth it.
Wildcat: . . .They're dangerous. . .they're gonna hurt them again. . .
Smii7y: I've killed people who were dangerous in my life, but I had a trade. Yours is different.
Wildcat: Does it matter? They're dangerous! *Tears up* I-I don't want to lose anyone anymore!
Smii7y: . . .I can't promise anything.
Question from LuMiLORIU ,
"I don't seem to see my dare??? Uh whatever (stupid human) haha anyway everything seems so crazy"
Moo: Well it's not our problem. Marcel or the author is the one controlling those stuff, and. . . *looks at Ohm* you better wake your ass up, before I kill you for real.
Ohm: . . .*Giggles* Aww~, I was waiting for a prince's kiss~.
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