Again!? (Ask #221-223 + Dare #64)
Brock: Um. . .
Ryan: Brock! You came here as well?
Brock: Yea. . .I have no idea how. I just opened my fridge.
Ryan: I tried to use my computer.
Terroriser: Oh my god. . .*Hugs Vanoss & whispers* Moo is sooooo cute!
Vanoss: Let go of me, Brian!
Basically: I found out the possible cause.
MiniLadd: The fuck is it?
Basically: The askers dared Ohm & Moo to switch places with their 1p versions.
MiniLadd: *Facepalms* Not again with the collab!
Droidd: I see. .
Bryce: Oh no. . .
CaRtOoNz: Then what are we waiting for? Get the portal open, b****.
Basically: I can't. . .last time we used it, we went over the limit of people, so. . .it's not easy to fix it. Portals are really delicate & complicated. It's gonna take about few days to fix it.
CaRtOoNz: Why weren't you guys fixing it!?
MiniLadd: Cause we didn't wanted to! Who knew that we're gonna use it so early.
Droidd: What are we gonna do?
Basically: I think I know where Moo is as well.
Delirious: . . .? (Where is Moo?)
Basically: 1pUniverse as well.
Bryce: Good thing they're in the same dimension.
Delirium: Aww, Lui, you're so cute! *Hugs Lui*
Lui: *Blush & struggles* Methane! Let go of me!
Wildcat: Do you guys want some teas?
Ryan: I'd love to.
Brock: Me too.
GalaxysilverWolf "What The FuuuUUUUUUCKKKK IS HAPPENING"
VanShipperz "*Gasps dramatically* OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD-"
MiniLadd: Shut up! Okay!? Marcel, explain!
Basically: Okay, so, someone dared Moo & Ohm to switch places with their 1ps, but somehow, they were forced to switch. We're still figuring out how & what caused that. I know that it's not a fourth wall glitch.
lunatictedd16 "*le gasp* dey switched places!!!!!!"
amber_sketches "Well this is going to be a complicated situation"
Basically: Yup, and it is quite complicated.
KarmaXKid "Karma: ooooooooooooooooooh shit.
Kid: I'M ALIVE. What happened?
Karma: 1p-2p swith scenario.
Kid: Oh no.
Karma: This... Is going to be uncomfortable."
MiniLadd: Yea, pretty much.
KatelynSQuestions "*Hands Terroriser tissues*I'm sure your man is okay,He's a strong person.Dont worry"
Terroriser: *Blush* 'Y-Your man'? Well. . .you're right, Moo is strong.
Brock: Well, can you guys help us get back?
Terroriser: Ah! O-Of course. *Giggles awkwardly*
Brock: Are you okay?
Terroriser: Y-Yea.
Brock: Alright, and aww, Evan is so cute.
Vanoss: F*** you.
Terroriser: Evan! *Turns to Brock* Um. . .y-you wanna hold him?
Vanoss: What!?
Brock: Can I?
Terroriser: O-Of course. *Hands Vanoss to Brock*
Brock: Aww~.
Vanoss: . . .
Ryan: Well, we need to go back. Cartoonz is waiting for me.
CaRtOoNz: It's f***ing confusing when you say my name, but meant my 1p.
Ryan: Um. . .s-sorry.
Delirious: . . . (No need to apologize. They both are Cartoonz anyway.)
CaRtOoNz: Hey f*** you, okay?
Ryan: Um. . .
Bryce: Delirious told you to not apologize.
Ryan: Oh, uh, okay, and thanks Bryce.
Bryce: . . .You know, I like this Ohm better.
Ryan: What?
Delirious: . . . (Bryce. . .)
Bryce: I-I'm sorry.
Dare from Cosmic_glass ,
"Mini.. I dare you to get back to normal...i just feel guilty .. did I make the right choice?"
MiniLadd: *Turns back* . . .Oh fuck yea! Finally! Thank you so much! Now, I can *takes out his machete* beat the s*** out of you guys. Especially you, Nogla!
Droidd: *Holds MiniLadd back* Calm down, Mini.
Nogla: *Laughs*
Terroriser: Maybe it wasn't a good idea.
Vanoss: Yea, but I think it's a right choice.
Question from catgirl44747 ,
"Uh that was intense and also I have a question for 2pvanoss WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE?"
Vanoss: I am not!
Lui: *Gasp* Vanoss, you turned back?
Vanoss: Personality, yea.
Lui: I'm so glad.
Delirium: Aww, Lui is happy!
Lui: Shut up!
AlexTerroriser " two favourite 2player people have been switch with my favourite 1player people................... Ummmmmm mm
Alexia:ummmm , charlotte's broken down again!
Don't fucking say my real name, Alexia!
MiniLadd: Too bad.
Droidd: So, how are we gonna go there?
Basically: . . .We might need to get help from Twitch, they might have some dimensional portal devices.
Nogla: Wait, I think I remember something.
407: Like what?
Nogla: If I'm correct. . .wait here. *Goes to Ohm's room*
Question from Insane_Galaxy123 ,
"Alex: yea... Okay adrien so they just swiched places.... What do you mean someone opened a portal.... You mean someone form the 2P or the 1P universe opened a portal..... I could have been a diffrent universe.... Okay bye *galaxy handed paper to alex*
Alex: okay so heres what galsxy said "okay i think i might understand wh-whats happaning so someone opened a dimensional/universal portal and that made M-moo and Ohm fall and switch with the 1P. So is everybody else there or were other pe-people swiched." *she started to studder and glich*"
Basically: Only Ohm & Moo switched places.
Question from KatelynbSQuestions ,
"Where were you?2017?They're missing,"
Sattelizer: What!?
Gorillaphent: What are you yelling at?
Sattelizer: Shit! I'm gonna go out. *Grabs his jacket*
Gorillaphent: Whoa, wait! Where you going!?
Sattelizer: To BBS.
Gorillaphent: Again?
Sattelizer: Yes, and you wanna come?
Gorillaphent: . . .Well-
Sattelizer: I'm in a hurry, so hurry up & decide!
Gorillaphent: Okay, okay. I'm going. You're a troublesome partner.
Sattelizer: Shut up. *Runs out*
Gorillaphent: *Follows*
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