Advice (Ask #28-35 +Dare #4-5)
Question from amber_sketches ,
"Well Evan you are going back soon. How do you feel about all this?"
Evan: Well. . .I kinda miss my friends, so I'm happy to go back, but. . .if I go back, I'm gonna miss these guys. . .
Terroriser: *Hugs Evan* Aww, Evan, I hope we meet again!
Evan: *Hugs back* Thanks Brian. Time sure flies.
Terroriser: *Giggles* It sure does.
sunniidee "cheer up Vanoss!, I'm always here if you wanna talk..,"
Vanoss: . . .Thanks, and. . .I just can't wait to go back & see my crew. . .I miss them.
Question from Einaoplex18 ,
"Well, Vanoss you're going back to your universe.. How was it in the 1pUniverse?"
Vanoss: Peaceful, and. . .it was. . .pretty nice being here. . .I just. . .wish I could. . .feel Cody in my arms. . .even if he's not the Cody I know. . .
Craig: *Comes back* Sorry, and you alright?
Vanoss: Yea. . .I'm almost going back, so. . .I was just thinking. . .
Craig: . . .I see. I hope you'll be alright back in your universe.
Vanoss: *Giggles* Of course.
Question & Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,
"Wildtitty there's that tikidoll again what are you going to do with it? And a huge dare for Mini give Luke aka the Devil a big beautiful wedge and a wet will. 😈"
Tyler: Stop calling me that! It's 'Wildcat'! And I'm not doing shit with a tikidoll!
Craig: Um. . .It's not gonna go well.
Vanoss: What is a wet willy?
Craig: You don't know that?
Vanoss: Yea, the fuck is it?
Craig: Um. . .it's a prank. I'll show you.
~At Luke~
Luke: Don't be angry, Homie.
Ryan: I'm not, just. . .worried. Tyler wasn't feeling well after that. He must be feeling a bit. . .broken. He was forced to do it, he might be worried if Mini was hurt or something.
Luke: It's just a kiss alright?
Ryan: You're saying, you can kiss & make out whoever you want, whether they're friend or not, who doesn't have any sexual feelings to you? Even it's forced?
Luke: Well. . .I kissed with Delirious.
Ryan: That's cause you guys are close friends or brothers, and kiss can be a brotherly thing.
Luke: Come on Ohm, quit being a bitch.
Ryan: I'm not.
Luke: Then quit complaining! It's their problem, not ours.
Ryan: . . .Fine. I'm gonna go wash my face or something. *Walks to the kitchen*
Luke: . . .Why does he care about Tyler & Mini so much?
Craig: *Whacks Luke with a wedge*
Luke: Ow! The fuck!? *Turns around*
Craig: I'm sorry! *Gives Luke a wet willy*
Luke: Ahh! *Back up* What the fuck!? Ugh!
Craig: *Turns to Vanoss* That was the wet willy.
Vanoss: That was. . .gross. Why do 1ps enjoy such a stupid prank?
Craig: I don't know.
Luke: MINI!
Craig: I said I'm sorry! *Giggles*
Questions from LizaDrawsgames ,
"Okay this is for moo: did you just go to tsundere mode?"
Moo: What? No, I did not! And what is a tsundere?
Basically: It's when someone is being dishonest to someone they like.
Moo: What? I'm not a tsundere!
"Ok I got somethin: how should 1p vanoss react to Bryce singing Because I've heard that he is very very very good"
Evan: Oh, I want to hear him sing.
CaRtOoNz: *Laughs* Let him listen, Bryce!
Bryce: FUCK YOU!
Ohm: *Giggles* It's one of Brycey's weakness~.
Moo: He literally SUCKS at singing.
Bryce: I'm not singing!
CaRtOoNz: Cause you can't! *Laughs*
Bryce: *Takes out his guns* You asshole!
Delirious: *Holds Bryce back* . . .! (Stop it! We don't want the base to be wrecked even more!)
Bryce: *Blushes a bit* F-Fine. . .
Evan: . . .Guess not.
Question from KarmaXKid ,
"Kid: Guess you gotta wait till Vanoss gets back. Karma: FUCK! I really wanna rap!! Kid: Hey, Mini (both 2p and 1p), can you still rap Rap God 2x faster or is it only IRL Mini? Karma: Shit, I still need practise on that... Kid: Well, you rap faster, just not double speed. X: I return from my trip to the city. Kid: Hey! X! Wassup? How ya doin'? How's your- X: Stop. I have a question. Karma: Ooh, boy... When it comes to X, it's probably something suicidal or some shit... X: Do any of you ever strangle yourself or hurt yourself on purpose because of the feeling? I do it to myself. I strangle myself sometimes and it feels good, but it hurts and I start to choke. Karma: Obviously-Wait, shit! *Glances at Kid who has wide eyes, staring at the ground* Fuck, Kid! you didn't hear that! Kid: ... I... did... and... Karma: Shit, I forgot to tell her to ignore!! We gotta go before she loses herself! X: No. We can stay here and calm her down while we wait for their reply. Karma: ... Fuck you, X. *Sits next to Kid and tries to calm her*"
MiniLadd: I suck at rapping, so no. I'm a decent singer. Probably only 1p can rap. And no, I do not torture myself like that. The thing that's torturing me is work.
Terroriser: Never, I feel depressed sometimes, but I try to stay positive.
Evan: . . .I don't hurt myself, but. . .I did try to kill myself. . .I'm not gonna do it again.
Basically: Hurting myself is a punishment for me, not because of feelings.
Nogla: No, I would never do that to myself, I want to live & support my brother & this crew. I finally found what's fun in life, I can't throw it away just because of my depression or something. I know that I have people I can rely on.
Delirious: . . . (No, I did the opposite. . .I killed & hurt other people. . .I don't hurt myself on purpose just because of my feeling. I would not do it. . .unless there's a purpose. I'll hurt myself for a friend, or family.)
CaRtOoNz: Well. . .no, that is just sick. Don't you fucking dare bring those emo flus of yours to us!
Ohm: Oh, it's marvelous. Being strangled, I feel pleasures~. . .but that's when I'm 'playing', you know. I have an ambition, I can't let depression pull me down. . .anymore. . .
Bryce: No, get the fuck away from us, you emo bastard.
Moo: . . .*Smokes* I used to, as a training, not because of feelings.
Droidd: . . .No, I had enough pain for myself. . .and this curse still does the work.
Lui: Nah, those kind stuff are for weaklings. I survived all the pain, and hurting myself on my own is pretty pointless.
Wildcat: . . .Well. . .no. I never thought or did it.
Jiggly: Don't give people any "ideas", especially to Tyler. I've never done it, and don't plan to.
407: Hell no, but if I was told to & if they're gonna pay me shit loads of gold, I might do it~. *Wink*
~In 1pUniverse~
Craig: I can, and the video is in my channel, or just look it up on Youtube or Google. Also, please don't hurt yourself. Whatever the reason is, there's always tomorrow, and it'll be a better day.
Vanoss: . . .No, but instead. . .I. . .hurt others. . .like I did. . .when I lost control of myself & strangled Brian. . .*Tears up* I know that I did it. . .not Mini. . .it was me. . .I don't know why Mini & Brian lied to me. . .I want to apologize to Brian. . .
Craig: *Hugs Vanoss* I don't know what happened, but. . .I'm sure he'll forgive you, once you apologize. Everyone hurts others, whether physically or mentally, or accident or purpose. . .*Pats Vanoss' head*
Vanoss: *Hugs back Craig* I miss them. . .
Craig: You'll be able to go back soon.
Tyler: . . .No, and don't do it. Stop it, alright? That's never a solution. You only THINK it feels good, but your body doesn't enjoy it.
Brian: Never, that's not healthy at all. Listen, you have a life to live, don't give up just yet!
Brock: I would never do that. . .and you shouldn't.
Marcel: No, I'm not suicidal. Don't take the chance!
Daithi: No. . .just. . .no. You'll have better days, so. . .don't do it.
Calibre: I wouldn't take the chance. I've seen a friend, try to kill himself, and if it happens again, I want to be able to prevent it, and not encourage it.
Arlan: No. . .and please don't do it. It's not worth it. . .
Jonathan: Listen motherfucker, if you hurt yourself or have suicidal thoughts, talk to someone, don't hold it in yourself! And I would not do it, I've seen the consequences!
Luke: . . .I would not do it. I hurt my dearest person in my life. . .I don't ever want my emotions to take control over me again. And please don't do it, alright?
Ryan: I would never do that, no matter how depressed I am. I have my friends, families, and life waiting for me. I would not leave them. If you feel depressed & want to hurt yourself, please talk to someone. Hurting yourself, suicides, are never an answer to anything.
McQuaid: No. My answer is no, and advice to you, don't ever take the chance to hurt yourself. Okay? Cause, hurting yourself doesn't solve anything. You need to look forward positively.
Anthony: No, I don't and never will. So, you should not as well. I mean, who's gonna be happy when you do that? Even if you feel good when you do it, it's not good for the body. It's like you're addicted to drugs, but you need to stop doing it, cause it's bad!
Scotty: I would not in a million years. And you better stop it, or I will slap your ass, and force you to stop, okay?
Cody: Life sucks sometimes. . .but there will always be a bright side. You should talk to someone, you have a long way to go, no matter how old you are. . .even if you're close to death. You still have time. And if you hurt yourself, those scars will remain there. . .don't make that happen.
H20vanossfan109 "Okeh *Gives Del two bags of sweets*"
Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (Thank you. Jason is going to be so happy.)
Question from H20vanossfan109 ,
"Alexander: Do they know who i am? Most likely not Alexander: Oh... Then i can just ask without getting into a duel? Most likely yes Alexander: Okay so did any of you ever have a duel?"
Moo: I had a duel with Vanoss.
Delirious: . . . (Me & Vanoss had a duel in the past.)
Droidd: Same~.
Ohm: I did as well~.
Lui: I had it with Droidd, not so long ago.
CaRtOoNz: I don't know if it was a duel, but I think I did once with Delirious.
FiFi_Ballinas "Thank you. I just don't want you to be what ever the fuck you were back in your past."
Droidd: Oh FiFi~ *Giggles*, you're just sweet.
Ohm: *Hugs Droidd* Don't try to take my love!
Droidd: *Blushes a bit* O-Ohmwrecker~.
Ohm: I see you trying to take Droidd! You bitch!
Droidd: Aww, you're sweet as well~.
Ohm: I'm WAY sweeter than that bitch.
Bryce: Quit flirting you two! It's gross!
Question from JaeQuinzel ,
"2pOhm why are you so... sexual? Not a bad thing or anything just kinda... asking."
Ohm: Because I want to show my love to all my loves~! I want each of them to love me~! Unlike someone, I love everyone, not as a joke or to play with.
Droidd: That is so sweet, Ohmwrecker. *Hugs Ohm from behind* I will give my love to you~.
Ohm: *Blushes a bit* Oh Droidd~.
CaRtOoNz: *Grabs Ohm away from Droidd, then hugs him*
Ohm: *Blush* T-Toonzie?
CaRtOoNz: That's a good thing to hear. I think I can do that.
Ohm: *Blush* D-Do. . .what? Exactly?
CaRtOoNz: I think you know what I mean~.
Ohm: *Blush*
Droidd: *Grabs Ohm away from CaRtOoNz*
CaRtOoNz: *Grabs Ohm's hand & glares at Droidd*
Droidd: *Stares at CaRtOoNz*
Ohm: Droidd? Toonzie?
Basically: We should stop them, before something happens.
Nogla: Uh. . .yea.
Question & Dare from AWolfsJourney ,
"Dear lord...idk how I haven't gotten an update to any of this yet...but I got it! So...1pVanoss, who do you like most out of the whole 2pCrew? And I dare 2pWildcat to kiss 2pJiggly! I also dare 2pWildcat to play Undertale, both Pacifist Run and Genocide Run"
Evan: I think I like Brian the most. He's nice & comfortable to be with. Others are pretty nice & cool too, but. . .I think Brian is the best.
Terroriser: *Blushes a bit & smiles* Aww, thank you, Evan.
Wildcat: *Blush* Um. . .
Jiggly: *Blush* Well, uh. . .y-you don't have to Tyler. I-It's a stupid dare. Ignore it.
407: Come on Tyler, do it! Anthony has been a perfect gentleman for you! You better fucking do it! It's a dare!
Jiggly: Scotty, don't pressure him!
Wildcat: . . .Anthony. . .
Jiggly: Y-Yes?
Wildcat: . . .*Blush* Um. . .c-close your eyes, please.
Jiggly: . . .Um. . .okay? *Closes his eyes* You really don't have to, Tyler.
Wildcat: . . .It's fine. *Softly kisses Jiggly*
407: Finally. *Takes out his phone & takes a picture*
Wildcat: *Pulls away blushing* Um. . .
Jiggly: *Opens his eyes, blushing* You. . .taste so sweet, Tyler.
Wildcat: *Blushes harder* Y-You too, Anthony.
407: Why don't you guys make out for me.
Wildcat: *Blush* S-Scotty!
Jiggly: I wouldn't mind, but I swear to god, if you record it-
407: Just do it, you pussies~!
Jiggly: *Takes out a knife* Scotty, put the phone down, right now.
407: Hell nah, bitch~! Make out, or I'm posting that kiss all over internet.
Wildcat: *Blushes harder*
Jiggly: Scotty!
407: You've been waiting for this shit for years! It's your cha-
Jiggly: *Swings his leg to 407*
407: *Dodges*
Jiggly: Shut your damn mouth!
Wildcat: Um. . .
Delirious: . . .*Pulls Wildcat to Basically's room* (Marcel, got the game ready.)
~Pacifist Run~
Wildcat: I'm not killing anyone! I'm determined! Why can't I spare them!? Oh no! *Panicking a bit*
~Genocide Run~
Wildcat: *Kills Toriel* . . .No. . .I didn't wanted to do it! *Cries* I'm sorry. . .
Delirious: *Pats Wildcat's back*
Wildcat: *Hugs Delirious*
Delirious: *Hugs back*
Wildcat: *Closes the game* I feel so guilty. . .
Delirious: . . . (Don't feel that way.)
Jiggly: *Comes in* There you are, Tyler. Sorry about Scotty.
Wildcat: It's fine. *Looks at the computer* Huh?
Delirious: . . .? (What's wrong?)
Wildcat: There's something. . .*Clicks on it* Is. . . *gasp* Taya?
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