Epilogue PART 1
Alright guys you read correctly this is part one of the epilogue!!! I was going to make it one big long thing but I haven't updated in forever and I couldn't think of how to continue with the epilogue yet, but I have some ideas now so I'll start working on part two and it should be up hopefully by Christmas!!! :) I'm still sad this story is ending but I'll be able to move onto bigger and better things, that you guys will be able to witness :) Also I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update, I've been busy with school and all that fun stuff.
Also, I would like to add that I'm praying for France currently with the recent terrorist attack. When I first heard about it I nearly started to cry, it's just completely awful that people would do such a terrible, evil thing to other people and claim they're doing it for God and their religion. ISIS has taken the Quran completely out of context and believe what they're doing is good. And I am NOT blaming all of the Islamic religion on this attack and other attacks that have taken place across the world. I am only blaming the extremists, like the group ISIS. If any of you guys are in France, or even more specifically in Paris, I hope you are all safe and unharmed and that you all remain strong through this time of grieving and mourning and the time of recovery that will come in the future.
Here's Part One of the Epilogue, hope you all like it :) :
Almost six years has passed since the drag race incident. Everyone remained together both as couples and friends. Dally and Blaze got married three years after and then one year later had a kid who's now one and a half, his name is Jack. Buck had given Dal the house when he moved so they have their own house to live in. Blaze works at the barn and teaches young kids how to ride. Dal helps her out sometimes but mainly he helps the police out catching criminals. Sodapop and Ani just got married last year and Soda went back to school so he could get a better job to provide for his family in the future. He still works at the gas station part time. They were able to get their own little apartment just north of Tulsa. Ani finished high school and is going to college part time and working full time as a waitress to be able to pay for her tuition and rent. Darry and Dawn are engaged and they live in the Curtis house together. Dawn finished college with a master's degree in medicine and now works at a local hospital. She's thinking about going back to school for her doctorate degree. Darry is now some big boss for a construction company here in Tulsa. The two are saving up to have a nice big fancy wedding ceremony and so that Dawn can get her dream dress. Two-Bit and Red got married as soon as Red turned eighteen. They're living at Two-Bit's old house with his mom still but Two-Bit is working to save up for their own place. Nobody ever thought he was going to get a job. He works as a bartender and as the bouncer at some family owned bar downtown. Red is going to college at a university nearby studying criminology. She works at the police station also but is doing more desk work than field work, which is what Dal is doing. Steve and Sylvia are still dating, along with Shaun and Adri, and Johnny and Em. They're all waiting for the right time to get married. Sylvia and Steve are both taking classes to become master mechanics and have plans to open their own garage someday. Adri is working to get her degree in natural science and biology. She works at an animal sanctuary. Shaun went into the air force and is working on the base nearby. Em still plays volleyball and is the captain of the team at her college. She got a scholar ship to go to school in Oklahoma City. Obviously she took it and at first we all thought Johnny was going with her but he stayed here in Tulsa and calls her every day. He finished high school and just went to a community college for two years. He works at a recreation center for kids who are abused as a counselor type of person. He still lives in our old house. And as for Ponyboy and I. I work at a book store full time and I'm working for my master's degree in literature and history believe it or not. Ponyboy is studying for his master's degree in education to become a high school English professor. We live together in a house for rent between my old house and the Curtis house. And today was our wedding day.
I know it's short, but I wanted to update because I missed you guys. Hope you all enjoyed it anyways. Tell me what you thought!!!! I'll write part two of the epilogue soon and try to get it up before Christmas!!! :) Until next time guys, STAY GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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