Chapter 81
Alright so first of all I want to say that I had absolutely no idea this story would get so big and popular. It has 467K reads, 10.3K votes, and 1.81K comments. I honestly love this story so much and I don't want to end it but admit it everyone, even myself, would get bored of this story if it kept going on. All good things must come to an end, as they say... Secondly, I have had this account on Wattpad for two years now!!! XD I tried my best to make this chapter the best it could be and I hope you all like it!!!
"Man, we've had some crazy times over the past few months..." Darry said and we all agreed. We all sat around the Curtis living room, our home. Darry, Sodapop, Ponyboy, Johnny, Dallas, Two-bit, Steve, Shaun, Dawn, Ani, me, Em, Blaze, Red, Sylvia, and Adri. My family... "You sure can say that again." Johnny said and leaned his head back and sighed. I looked over at him and saw him lost in thought thinking back to all of the memories we've had. I thought back, "I remember when I first met you guys. The first two I met were Ponyboy and Two-bit. I was at the park with Shaun and you two were passing a football." I laughed at what happened next and Two-bit jumped in and finished the story. "Oh, yah, how could I have forgotten, I missed the ball and it came flying towards Shaun and then Jen went all ninja on us and caught it." We all laughed. "That hurt like hell though because of you know." I said and sighed at the memory. "The next people I met were Steve and Soda. I was being chased by my dad and my mom was at the house with Johnny. And then as we were heading to my house I ran into, literally, Dal and he called me a dumb broad." I said and smirked towards Dally. He laughed, "Yah, I know I messed up now, everyone knows you're not a dumb broad." We spent the next few hours talking and laughing about some of our best and worst times from the past few months. From Johnny getting out of the hospital, to Sodapop getting his horse back, to Christmas, to meeting the girls, to our run ins with Oakland and Michael, to times at the skate park, to the time the entire gang and I played football together, to New Year's, to Valentine's Day, to the shopping trip I had with the girls, to my actual date with Ponyboy, to our most recent events with the drag race, and so much more. "I'm so thankful for a lot of stuff, ya know." I said with my head leaned back looking up at the ceiling. "Okay time for us to go to sleep, you know it's late if shit starts getting deep." Red said and the rest of the gang laughed, along with myself. "No, I'm serious. There was a time I thought I was going to lose my family, and I was devastated. My brother was on the verge of death and I knew I would shut out Shaun if he didn't make it and our parents probably would have killed me. I could've lost everybody I had at the time. This was before I met you guys. Then months later, I met you guys and my family grew. I don't know, I'm just grateful that I didn't lose you, Johnny, despite the odds being against us both times. I'm grateful I met you guys and that we're the closest group of friends in Tulsa, I don't care what anyone else says. And I'm glad we were able to get through our toughest times together, stronger than before. I know I'm probably not making much sense since it's late and we're all tired, but the bottom line is that I love you guys. Each and every one of you. Yah, sure I may not get along with you all the time, Steve or even you Dal, but I still love you guys. Girls, you guys have been the only girl friends I've ever had and I love having you guys because it's not weird to talk about girl stuff like it would be with the guys. Two-Bit, we may not spend a lot of time together but you are able to make me and anyone else laugh at the times they were unable to before and you are always so caring and supportive. Sodapop, Shaun, you two are my best friends. Shaun, you've been there for me for everything, like from the beginning. Soda, you're my snowfall watching buddy and made sure I was okay the entire time Johnny was in the hospital and I love you guys so much. Darry, you're like another older brother for me. You feed me and let me stay here all the time whenever I want. I will always be grateful for everything you've ever done for me and will always be willing to help you out with whatever you need. Ponyboy, I love you so much that I can't explain it and probably never will be able to. You understand me inside and out and know basically everything about me. I don't even think there's anything you don't know about me. And Johnny, you're my older brother and I love you. Sure, we've had our share of arguments and fights but we will always love each other, support each other, and protect each other just like we always have since we were kids. As I said before I love all of you guys and I wouldn't trade any of you in for anything." I finished my monologue finally. The gang either smiled, responded back with I love you or got up and gave me a hug or a kiss on the cheek. We all decided to stay at the Curtis house that night and shortly after we all started to go to bed one by one.
A few weeks have passed since the drag race and Oakland and Michael were sentenced to prison for a couple of years and coincidentally it happened to be the same prison as my father. So, Pony and I decided to pay them a quick visit. I went to Oakland first. I sat down on the opposite side of the glass as him as Pony stood behind me. We both picked up the telephones and glared at each other. "What are you doing here?" He asked coldly. "I decided to pay you one final visit before I never saw you again, got a problem with that?" I asked and leaned back in the chair. "If you've got something to say, say it now bitch." He said and leaned on the table. "Alright, I don't have much to say except the fact that I hate you, you're never getting that park back, and I hope you become somebody's prison bitch." I said and looked him straight in the eye. Oakland was shocked for a moment before he began yelling at me through the phone. I just smirked and took it away from my ear and hung it up. I went to Michael next. "I have nothing to say to you except for the fact that I hope you fucking rot in this joint and get the shit beaten out of you every chance they get." I said cold and hard. Before he could say anything in response I had gotten up and moved on to my father. I could hear his muffled screams and threats as I walked away from his sorry ass. I got to where my father was sitting. He had been waiting for me. He gave me a cold, hard glare. I stared back at him with determination but Pony noticed my fear. "Are you sure you want to do this? Nobody is forcing you." He said and placed a hand on my shoulder, holding me back. I nodded a little hesitantly, "No I have to do this. It's for my own good." Pony nodded, "I'm right here if you need me." I sat down and picked up the phone. "The fuck you want?" My father asked. "To say one final farewell before you rot in prison." I responded. He slammed his hand against the glass which caused me to jump. Pony placed his hands on both of my shoulders. "I'm gonna get out of here, even if I have to escape and I will find you and your fucking brother and I will kill you. I will kill you then your brother then I'll go find all your little friends and finish them off too." His voice started as a whisper but gradually grew louder. My breathing quickened and my hands started to shake with fear as my eye watered a little. He continued, "You ruined my life! I'm gonna kill you for this!" He stood up and looked down on me behind the glass. Officers had to come over and drag him away. I held the phone to my ear tightly. Pony squeezed my shoulders tightly as reassurance. As he was being hauled off, I could still hear his screaming threats. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, YA FUCKING BITCH! YOU HEAR ME! YOU AND YOUR DIPSHIT BROTHER WILL BOTH BE-" And then he was cut off as he went behind the thick steel doors back to his cell. I sat in fear for a minute, Pony kneeled down and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He placed head next to my ear and whispered, "You'll be okay. He can't hurt you or Johnny. Even if he gets out I and the rest of the gang will be sure that he will never hurt or kill either of you." I put the phone back on the receiver and placed my hands on Pony's arms and nuzzled my face into them. "I love you, ya know that." I mumbled to him through his arms. "Yes I do, and I love you also." He responded and kissed the side of my face. We began to walk out when we heard a women sobbing from behind us. Ponyboy and I turned around and it was Melanie. She was on the ground sobbing as she spoke to Oakland. "Talk about over dramatic." I said softly but Pony still heard it and he laughed. We got outside and began walking back to the Curtis house. "You know, I'm glad you're not a criminal because that would have been my reaction if you ever went to jail." I said referring to Melanie. "Hey I can commit a crime." Pony said somewhat offended. "Really?" I said and pulled away from him and stood in front of him crossing my arms, "And what would Mr. Curtis be guilty of?" I smirked at him and cocked an eyebrow. He answered softly, "Robbery, because I've stolen your heart..."
Alright everyone that was it, the last actual chapter... :'( I'm really very sorry but there will not be a sequel to this book, but I promise this will not be the last you hear of me so be on the look out for another story in the future because I have many I want to share!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter guys!!! Tell me what you think!!! The epilogue should be up within the next week!!!
Until next time, STAY GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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