Chapter 80
Hey guys, so two of my best friends from another state are down visiting me and they absolutely LOVE this story so the next chapter should be written and up within the next week for so. Hope you guys like it and I promise there's no cliffhanger this time. :) Here's chapter 80!!!
~Jennie's P.O.V.~
I felt the gun press into the back of my neck and froze. The Greasers were all too busy celebrating to notice and a lot of the Socs had already left and the ones that were still here just ignored it. "You're coming with us." It was Oakland. I looked behind me slightly to see two others standing on either side of him. "The Socs lost the bet. I get to stay a Greaser. It was a fair deal." I said without moving or turning around. "I don't give two shits." He said and pressed it harder against my skin. My breath hitched in my throat. "Okay can I have some answers first?" I asked letting out a shaky breath. "Eh, I guess it's only fair..." Oakland said. "Did you help Michael to set up the bet?" I asked first. "Yes, I made sure that Melanie would be with your friends too so that way he'd know for sure you were at the skate park." He paused for a moment, "I went to Michael a few weeks ago before Mel got here and told him how we both don't like you and agreed to help him all he wanted as long as no Socs caused me any harm." He explained. "Why? Why did you want to have the bet set up?" I asked again. "Well, as I already said," He said, agitated, "we both don't like you! I wanted you out of the picture completely and Michael just wants you for his own purposes." He explained and Oakland was oddly calm at the entire thing. "But why? That's what I'm not getting. Why not just let bygones be bygones? That's what I do." I asked and suddenly Oakland stabbed the gun into the back of my neck causing me to gasp shakily. "Because you fucking stabbed me, caused me to be put in jail, and took away my park." He said through gritted teeth in a low voice. "I'm sorry," I said in a panicked voice as tears slipped from my eyes this time in fear, "I'm sorry..." I whispered again. "I believe it would be best to leave the girl alone." I heard someone say. Then I heard three guns be cocked back, one at a time. One gun for each person that was standing behind me. The person who spoke was Steel. I'm guessing Corbin and Zander were the two other people with him. I breathed a sigh of completely relief when I heard his voice. "Come on guys you're supposed to be helping me out here." Oakland said and I felt the gun ease up from my neck. I acted quickly knowing Oakland was just distracted enough. I spun around and twisted the gun from his hand and held it towards his face having it line up directly with his nose. "They ain't helping you no more, douchebag." I said and Oakland now looked me in the eye. I heard some people run up behind me and guessed it was the gang. But they stopped once they realized what was going on. "You have made the past few months of my life terrible for me and my family." I began to take small steps forward towards him and soon we were face to face and I held the gun right on his cheek, pointing upwards towards his forehead. "You caused me so much pain and you don't know how badly I want to fucking blow your head off, right here, right now." I pressed the gun harder into his skin. I heard someone else walk up behind me but they were alone. I had a feeling it was Michael. "But I'm not going to because I don't want to ruin my life by going to jail." I said and pulled the gun I held away from Oakland's head, but Corbin, Steel, and Zander held their place. I turned around and saw Michael standing there off to the side of the gang. I pointed the gun at him now. "Woah, there's no need for guns Jennie." He said and held his hands up. "First of all you do not deserve to say my name or talk directly to me. And I believe there is a need for guns because you nearly just ruined my life. You caused me and my family so much stress these past few months and almost took me away from them. And for that I hate you so much. Actually, hate isn't a strong enough word for what I feel towards you. And I figured out what's going on." I said and stepped up towards Michael. "You wanted to win this race so fucking badly so that way I'd become 'yours' that you told Oakland if you lost to come and kidnapped me so you'd still get what you wanted despite losing." I said and he began to scoff and deny it but then I cocked the gun I held and pointed it at his face. He instantly was completely silent. "Tell me the truth." I demanded and he nodded. "Yes." He simply said. "Yes what?!" I shouted. "Yes, I told Oakland to kidnap you if I lost." He said and I stepped forward towards him. Michael flinched, "Oh god, please don't shoot me." "I'm not going to, despite how badly I desperately want to, I am not. But that doesn't mean I won't change my mind either." I said and glared at him. I heard police sirens in the distance and they were approaching us quickly. We put the guns away as the cops stepped out of the cars on either side of us on the street. Darry stepped up and talked to the head officer and told him what happened and who was responsible. Then the cops proceeded to ask me questions about tonight and what happened before Oakland, Michael and the two other guys were handcuffed and hauled off to jail. Once the officers were gone I went over to Corbin, Steel, and Zander and gave each of them a big hug as a thank you for saving me. I went to the gang and we all hugged and went back to the Curtis house to celebrate for the rest of the night.
Alright I have some saddening news. There is only one more actual chapter of this story and then there will be an epilogue. :'( I know it's sad.... but I promise they will both be good :) I hope you guys like this and tell me what you think!!! Until next time, STAY GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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