Chapter 79
GUYS!!!! So, I'm thinking about entering my story in the Watty awards, (idk should I??? what do you guys think???) but I might need some help... For all of you people who are grammar/spelling freaks, I need your help to polish my story and fix any grammar and spelling mistakes I have made. I will do some of it but since this story is so long it would take me a while. If some of you guys could please go through and leave the mistakes I've made in the comments I will go through, read them, and then fix whatever mistake there is. I'll also go through and delete my random author's notes. Thanks guys, I would love you forever if you helped my out!!! :) Alright here's chapter 79!!!
Dal informed me that the rest of the gang was going to watch the race from the finish line but I had to stay at the starting line since I was the announcer type person or whatever they're called. I hugged all of the girls and Shaun and the rest of the gang individually before they went down. The girls were all close to tears and all of the guys were just being strong but they were all nervous and scared as well. They all began to walk away but Ponyboy stayed behind for a few seconds afterward. He wrapped me in a bear hug and I nuzzled my face in his neck. I ran my fingers through his hair as he lifted me off the ground and spun me around. Pony placed me back on the ground and we stared into each other's eyes. We leaned into each other and our lips connected in a sweet, passionate kiss. It was unlike many of our other kisses. This one was full of true love, the loved that we shared for each other. The love we would share forever, despite what happens within the next half an hour. We pulled apart from the kiss and stared into each other's eyes once more. I had memorized every single little detail of Ponyboy's face, from the light freckles across his nose to the faded crease down his forehead from when he concentrates on something, so I would remember it forever. I rested my forehead against his. "Ponyboy, no matter what happens tonight, I will always love you. Until the day I die I will love you. I will never forget you or Johnny or anyone else in the gang. You guys are my family and you will all have a special place in my heart." I said to him. "Same exact thing to you Jennie, when I said that I will love you until the last flower dies when I gave you that bouquet on Valentine's Day, I meant it, every single word. Despite what's about to happen whether you stay with us or we lose you I will always love you, with all of my heart, my soul, and my mind." Pony said and I engulfed him in another hug. He walked away down to where the rest of the gang stood. I walked over to Johnny and hugged him. "I have faith in you, Johnny." I whispered in his ear. "Thanks baby sister. I will win this race. I promise you." He said and I nodded as we pulled apart. "I know you will, Johnny. I love you." I said to him. "I love you too, despite what my actions may say I do love you and I always have and I always will no matter what happens." Johnny said as Dal ran up to us. "Hey kid, you're up." He said to Johnny who walked away and over towards his car for the race. "Dally, do I really have to do this? I can't... I don't want to..." I said and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry Jennie, but you have to. If you want I can say the one minute thing." Dal said and I nodded. "Please... but Dally you don't get it, I don't think I can watch the race. I can't watch and know instantly if Johnny wins or loses..." I said and looked over towards Johnny, Dal followed my gaze. "I'm sorry Jennie, but you have to. I didn't make the rules. You ready?" He asked me and I sighed. I nodded, "Yea I guess so..." Dal nodded and then announced to everyone. "Alright, everyone! Sixty seconds until race time! Sixty seconds!" I announced after him, "Drivers please make your way to the starting line!" Dal leaned down and looked directly into my eyes. "Don't worry, okay? Johnny's got this! He's going to win!" I nodded at him. He leaned in and quickly kissed my cheek before jogging off to the finish line. Johnny and Michael moved their cars to the starting line as I stood between them. My back was facing the finish line with Johnny on my left and Michael on my right. Michael was driving a super fancy mustang that looked close to brand new. Johnny drove an older car and I wasn't exactly sure what it was but I knew it would get the job done. We were now approaching the ten second mark. "Drivers! Please start your engines!" I shouted. Each driver now started their cars and revved the motor. "On your mark!" I raised my arms into the air. "Get set!" I saw Johnny and Michael give each other a mean glare before focusing on the road in front of them. "Go!" And they were off.
~Third Person~
Jennie turned around to watch the race. Her heart was beating a billion miles a minute and felt as though it was going to explode out of her chest any second. Her breathing was quick and short almost to the point of hyperventilating even though to her it felt as though she was holding her breath just like everyone else watching. Jennie's eyes frantically darted between the cars to see if she could tell who was in the lead but to no avail she was unable to. Johnny focused on the road ahead of him. He knew that was the key. To focus on the road, not Michael. If he were to focus on Michael he would become distracted and he would pull ahead and win while Johnny would lose. The drivers stood neck and neck about halfway down the track now. Both the Greasers and the Socs couldn't tell who was going to win. Michael kept looking over at Johnny to see if he was pulling ahead or not. He was unable to focus on both the road and Johnny at the same time. When he saw him and Johnny were still right next to each other, Michael cried out in frustration and anger. He wanted to win so desperately. He wanted to call Jennie his own. But Johnny was not going to let that happen. When he heard Michael's cry, Johnny gritted his teeth, shifted the car into third gear and pushed the gas pedal against the floor board. With that Johnny pulled ahead just enough and raced across the finish line before Michael. "HE DID IT! JOHNNY WON! GREASERS WIN THE BET!" Someone down at the finish line shouted in joy. All the Greasers began to cheer. The gang all hugged each other and ran over to Johnny pulling him from the car and lifting him up in the air, congratulating him. The Socs all began to leave when they saw Michael lost. When Jennie heard the news she screamed in excitement and joy. She threw her hands into the air and jumped up, spinning around in a circle. Even from where she stood, Jennie could see the giant grin on her brother's face down at the finish line and her face held the same grin and tears slipped out of her eyes in happiness. Jennie suddenly froze though as she felt a circular piece of cold metal press into the back of her neck. A gun...
Hope you guys like it!! Tell me what you think!!! I'll have the next chapter up asap :) Until next time, STAY GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!
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