Chapter 78
Well it took longer to get this chapter up than i had hoped it would but at least it was less than a month!!! XD This past week i redid my room and it looks A-MAZ-ZING!! My friends helped me out a lot with the painting and stuff like that. Also this past week i nearly broke my knee cap which was fun... Oh well i hope you guys like this chapter!!! :)
I woke up and went into the bathroom. I splashed cold water on my face and looked into the mirror. Today was the day. The day that would define my future for the rest of my life. The day that would establish if I stayed a Greaser with the gang or become a Soc with Michael. I was terrified, I wouldn't be able to see my boyfriend or brother or the girls or Shaun or anyone ever again. I just had to be strong; no I had to act strong. There's no way I could be strong with my entire world caving in, with the possibility of me losing everything. I could fake being strong though; it was easy enough, right?
It was now six o'clock at night and I was at the Curtis house with the gang. We were all just hanging out and just enjoying our time together before the drag race at nine. Melanie was not here though, thank God, I'm pretty sure she was out with Oakland or some shit like that but I know both of them would be there later. The entire town would be there later, well at least the high school aged people, adults didn't like the drag races much. Someone had gone around with their friends and put a fucking flyer in the paper about the race, it didn't give specific names but it said where it was, what time it was at, what day it was on, and that it was Greaser vs. Soc which instantly got everyone's attention. Everywhere we went we heard talk about the race. "I wonder who's racing?" or there was a debate going on about who they thought would win or there was a debate about what they thought was being bet in the race. All of us kept our mouths shut when we heard about it around town; it was just better that way. Johnny was pacing behind the couch and was probably more nervous than all of us. The weight of this entire thing was on his shoulders and it's not like a fight where he could prepare for this, he couldn't. All he could do was find a car that worked and try to make it go as fast as it could. We didn't do much at the Curtis house, just watch Mickey Mouse all day, but none of us could laugh, not even Two-Bit. Sadly, time passed quickly and it was almost time to go down to the Ribbon. We all moved slowly when we saw it was eight o'clock. Just then Steve spoke up, "I know we all want to say the same thing but we're all afraid to say it. Not in a bad way but afraid of the outcome tonight, so I'll say what we're all thinking." He paused for a second and all of us had our attention on him. "Jennie, you have been such a good friend and sister to all of us. We all view you as if you are part of our own families. Sure, you and I don't always get along with each other but you have been the best sister I could've asked for. That month I taught you how to play baseball was probably one of the best times of my life. Or when we first met you and you told off Michael and then Curly Shepherd at the DX, that was a fun day wasn't it Soda?" He asked and turned to Soda. "Yessir, it was. We learned that Johnny's little sis was a badass." He laughed at the memory as I joined in. That was a fun day. Steve started to speak again, "My point is Jennie, that we all love you so much, surprisingly even Dallas," Dal flipped him off as Blaze laughed with her head on his shoulder, "and we will always love you even if Michael wins. And if that son-of-a-bitch does win, we will try everything we can to get you out of there." The gang all agreed with Steve and they all added in their own words I smiled back at them. "I love you guys..." I said and smiled at all of them and then kissed Ponyboy and Johnny on the cheek and gave Steve a hug.
We got to the Ribbon and the sidewalks were packed. People were on top of the shops and buildings and were looking out the windows of the upper floors just so they could get a good enough view. I was by Johnny's side with Ponyboy on the other side on me and Em on the other side on Johnny. I gripped both of their hands as we waited. The gang and girls stood behind us waiting silently. The cars were lined up at the starting line and ten minutes before the race would start someone would get on top of one of them and would announce everything. Most likely it would be Dallas or Tim Shepherd since everyone even the Socs knew who they were and would listen. Just then Dal pushed past us and walked over to Michael, they spoke for a second and then Dal jumped up on top of the car. Everyone paid attention pretty quickly then Dal began to speak. "Alright, so in ten minutes we are going to witness something that has only happen one other time here in Tulsa. A drag race. Greaser vs. Soc. Greaser: Johnny Cade. Soc: Michael Kelly. Many of you have wondered what these two have bet. A bet like this has never been seen, not here in Tulsa and I'm pretty sure not anywhere else for that matter. If Johnny wins," The Greasers all cheered, "every Soc has to leave him and his gang alone forever. That's the normal part. But, if Michael wins," now the Socs cheered, "Jennifer Cade, Johnny's little sister, has to leave behind her Greaser self and ways to become a Soc. To become Michael's." It pained Dal to say it we all could tell and it pained us to hear it. There were now whispers and gasps among the crowd. Some shouted out saying that wasn't a fair bet, that the stakes were too high for the Greasers. Dal didn't respond to anyone in the crowd. "Boys you know the rules, keep the race clean, and may the best man win. Race starts in ten!" Dal finished and jumped down from the car. We all formed a circle and had a giant group hug. Just then I heard Shaun shout in his thick Irish accent. "You dirty little fucking prick!" We all looked up and turned in the direction he was starring. There we saw Oakland and Melanie hanging out with the Socs and the Socs were getting along with them. Oakland and Melanie stood there with smirks on their faces. "You fucking bastard!" Soda shouted after. "Traitor!" Ani shouted. Several other Greasers shouted at them and some even tried to go fight them but whoever they were with wouldn't let them. I stepped up. "You know we may not like each other, but you're a greaser just like me. You stay on our side." I said and Melanie responded. "Not this time sweet cheeks." I stopped and froze. "It was you two..." I said and Johnny came up beside me. "You two assholes told the Socs where I was and where my brother was so you could make him bet this race. This is all because of you two!" I shouted and Johnny grabbed my arm so I wouldn't lunge at them. "Where's your proof, Cade?" Oakland asked. "I ain't stupid, prick. I don't need any proof." I said and jerked away from Johnny's grip and turned and walked back to the gang.
So, what do you guys think?? Tell me what you thought!! The next chapter will be the actual race itself. Also on a sad note i see this story only having about 3-5 chapters left and an epilogue. I promise i won't disappoint you with the end of this story :)
I will try and get the next chapter up ASAP!!! Until next time though, STAY GOLD!!!!
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