Chapter 77
Wow... So it only took me a week to update this story instead on like 98457392375 years. Its a new record!! XP Well I really have nothing to tell you guys except this one thing:
For those of you who are reading How Can You Love Me? I'm Different... I will start updating that story once this one is finished, meaning Johnny's Little Sister. (Which will be before the end of summer) I just want to be able to put all of my focus on one story at a time and trying to update two at a time is just confusing for me. But I will finish How Can You Love Me? I'm Different... I promise!!! Okay here's chapter 77!!! Hope you enjoy XD
We sat at the Curtis house and slowly one by one the rest of the gang and the girls came but there were two missing, my brother and Em. I'm guessing they were together probably on their way here and I couldn't be more anxious. What was going to happen when I talked to Johnny? Was I going to explode on him? Or was I going to forgive him? I knew he felt bad about it but the reason we're in this mess is because of him. He can't excuse his actions at all. I sat on the couch using Dally as a back rest and had my legs stretched across Ponyboy. We were all watching TV, eating cake, or talking amongst each other. Just then the room went silent as the door opened. I walked Johnny and Em. They greeted Dal first since they weren't expecting to see him and them the rest of us. I gave Em a smile and small wave and just gave Johnny a nod, even though he tried to smile at me. I saw it fade from his face when I nodded though. I knew that it hurt him, but can anyone blame me? The two joined in the conversation as I just sat and thought about everything. Just then I heard Dal's voice, "You should really go talk to him Jennie." I sighed, "I don't know if I'm ready to. I don't know if I can move past what he's done yet." I crossed my arms and looked down. "I'm not saying that you have to move past it or forgive him right now but just... talk to him. Your support through this would help him a lot. He's spent all his life trying to protect you and now he's the one that put you in danger. He won't be able to handle that pressure alone." Dal said and I sighed again, "Fine, I guess I'll try talking to him." Pony leaned over to me, "Do you want me to come with you?" I shook my head. "No, I think it would be better if I did this on my own." He pressed on, "Are you sure? I just don't want you to say or do something you regret." I smiled at him. "Yes, Pony, I'm sure. Thank you for offering though." I kissed his cheek and stood up. "Hey." I said and that caught Johnny's attention along with some of the others. Once Johnny looked at me I motioned for him to follow as I walked towards the front door. We got outside onto the porch and Johnny closed the door behind him. The chaos didn't resume inside so I guessed they were all listening. I banged my fist on the door. "Assholes, don't listen in. That's rude!" I said and then I could hear the noise resume. I turned to Johnny and he looked at me with guilty, hurt eyes. "Before you start throwin' excuses at me, just know that I don't want to hear them." I said and crossed my arms. He nodded in response and took in a deep breath. "I just need you to know how sorry I am for what I've done. My intention was to never put you in harm's way like this. I was just trying to be a good brother and protect you-" I cut him off. "Okay, how on earth is betting me against the same Soc that tried to rape me 'protecting me'!? I know Pony said that he threatened to come get me at the skate park but it's not like I was alone. The guys wouldn't have let him anywhere near me! I would have been perfectly fine." I crossed my arms and shifted my weight onto one foot. "He didn't tell me any of that. I didn't know that there were others at the park, Michael had made it sound like you were all alone." I nodded, taking in the information, Johnny continued. "It was rather I agreed to the bet or I risked you getting kidnapped, hurt, raped, or killed. I wouldn't have been able to do anything. We didn't have a car and they did. They would have beaten us to you and you wouldn't have been able to fight them off yourself so he would have gotten whatever he wanted. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if anything had happened to you or if anything ever does. Yes, I know I fucked up majorly. I know that the drag race is one hundred percent my fault and I will make it up to you for the rest of my life whether I win or lose this stupid race. Jennie... you're my only biological family I have left... I just need to know... that you don't hate me..." Johnny ended and he looked into my eyes. I saw tears brimming his eyes but he tried to blink them back as I saw his jaw clench. My face fell at the sight of him. He was trying so hard to be strong and I bet if I said I hated him he would break completely... I sighed and looked away from him, "As you said you messed up. Am I still mad at you? Yes. Am I over it yet? No, not really. It's probably going to take me a long time to completely forgive you Johnny, and that's if I ever do. But eventually I will move past my anger and this event and we'll be just like we used to be. What I am trying to say is, no. I don't hate you Johnny." I said and during my speech he began to cry and stopped trying to hold it back. Once I finished, Johnny crushed me into a hug and cried into my shoulder. I hugged him back after a few seconds and I felt his arms instinctively tighten. Then I froze coming to a realization. He thought I was going to hate him from the moment he told me what he had done to the moment I took my last breath. I nuzzled my face into his neck as he continued to cry. "Despite how mad that made me, I don't think I could ever hate you for very long Johnny." I said to him. To be honest, just like with Ponyboy I missed my brother. I missed the satisfaction of knowing that whatever I was going through I knew my brother would be by my side no matter what. We pulled back from our hug and I put my hands on the side of his face and his rested on my shoulders. I wiped away his remaining tears and I looked into his eyes. "I have faith in you, Johnny, and confidence that you are going to win this drag race. Okay?" I said and he nodded. "We can get through this together, with support from the rest of the gang." Johnny nodded again. "I love you baby sister." He said and kissed my cheek. "I love you too, Johnny." I said back and with that we walked back inside the Curtis house.
Hope you guys liked it!!! I just finished it so sorry about typos and the ending, I don't like it very much... :( Tell me what you guys think and I'll try to have the next chapter up as soon as I can!!!! XD
Until next time, STAY GOLD!!!!!!!!
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