Chapter 72
Guyssss!!!! I'm so sorry that it has been taking me forever to update lately, I've just been busy with school and band and other things and ugh.... It's all so stressful. This chapter was made just to be a filler so nothing exciting happens in it, just so y'all know. I wanna see something though, if you live in the US i want you to comment what state you live in and if you live in a different country just comment the country. I'll do it too!!! I just wanna see where you guys all live and see if any one of you lives close to me :) (don't mean to sound like a creeper though lol) oh well enough of that, here's the chapter!!!
A few weeks has passed since Melanie arrived and I am shocked she isn't dead yet. She has flirted with all of the gang, been punched in the face several times, and still doesn't learn to leave them alone. I'm done with her. Completely done. Oh yah, Oakland, king jackass, got out of jail and him and Melanie hooked up. To be honest they make a good couple, the douche bag with the bitch. Well not good as in, 'OMG! You guys are so cute together!' more like 'Can they not make out in the middle of the skate park?!' Also Oakland wanted the keys to the skate park back but I refused to give them to him and everyone sided with me. He doesn't deserve to get this park back. Plus, everyone likes me better anyways. Steve has been teaching me how to play baseball like he promised back at Christmas. We'd play catch nearly every day, usually with Ponyboy or Johnny also, and he taught me how to bat and stuff. It was actually a lot of fun and I was getting pretty good at the sport too. We had played only one game so far with the gang and the girls. Our teams were literally the guys verses the girls but the talent was evenly spread so to speak. The girls won but it was actually a pretty close game and about half way through Zander and Steel showed up and I stepped out of the game for a minute to talk to them. The two were on their way to go visit Corbin who was in the hospital. He had been hit by a car the week before and all the skaters knew about it. Poor kid... I always liked him. He was the nicest of the three. All I've got to say about that is bad things happen to good people. The good thing was is that he's doing alright, and he'll be perfectly okay. Shaun, Pony, and I went to visit him a couple days ago and we talked to him for a bit about random stuff. Flash forward to today. Today it was really hot out, like the hottest day of the whole summer, so Steve and I decided not to practice baseball. I was hanging in the Curtis house with Ponyboy and Johnny was on his way over with Dally. A lot of the girls were away on vacation or visiting family and the rest of the gang was off doing their own things. I was wearing an army green tank top and jean shorts with high tops and an old worn out red and black plaid flannel tied around my waist and my hair was in a high pony tail out of my face and I was still sweating my ass off. Ponyboy was currently wearing basketball shorts (the new long ones not the ones they wore back then) and no shirt and shoes. A fan sat in front of us and a cold damp wash cloth sat on each of our foreheads. We were holding hands but that's it, we hadn't hugged or cuddled in the past few days because of the heat and because of it we didn't really have any desire to since we were afraid we'd melt and stick to each other. The boys were meeting up with Shaun in town and Melanie was going to be with him so I already told Pony I wasn't going with them. I was probably going to leave before them and get ice cream at Dairy Queen then head to the skate park for the afternoon. "Are you sure you don't want to come with us or want me to go with you?" Pony asked looking over at me. "I'm sure, I need to practice some tricks anyways and need to clear my head for a bit. We can go do something together tomorrow, okay?" I asked and he nodded, "Alright, we could get ice cream and then go to the drive in afterwards?" I smiled at him. "Sounds great!" Just then Johnny and Dal walked through the door. Dal was shirtless with his shirt hung over his shoulder and Johnny was wearing a muscle shirt, both of them wearing jeans. "Come on Pony, I'm dying. We need to get to the Diner before I melt into a puddle." Dal said and I chuckled as Pony stood up and then pulled me to my feet. "What time will you be home, Jen?" Johnny asked. "I don't know, I'm going to the skate park so I'll probably be home a little before sunset. I'll go to our house instead of here." I said and shrugged. "Alright we'll stop by later," I was about to cut him off but he beat me too it, "without Melanie." He said and smirked at me and I smiled in response. "Alright guys I'm going to head out, see y'all later." I said and kissed Ponyboy quickly on the lips and Johnny and Dal on the cheek. "Bye Jennie." They chorused as I walked out the door and down the steps. I skated down the side walk to DQ and got a twist soft serve ice cream cone and sat down on a bench to eat it. I sat there just people watching, observing, and thinking. All three things, I think people need to do more. You'd learn a whole lot more about yourself and the world around you. Once I was done with my cone, I got a strawberry banana smoothie and began skating to the park. The ride was slow, since I took my time in the heat and every so often I would take a small sip of my drink. The slow ride gave me more time to think and watch. I saw an old couple walking down the street like they were newly in love, there was a pack of deer in a field a little ways off in the distance, and birds were fluttering around in the trees above me, almost like they were playing tag or something. It felt nice to be all alone without anyone around, even if it was a stranger. I arrived at the skate park a few minutes later and saw all the regulars already inside, despite the gate being locked. "You know, you guys could have waited until I came. You all know the days I come and what time I arrive here." I said chuckling as I unlocked the gate and opened it. "We know but it's too hot to just be standing around." One of the guys said. "True dat." I said and pointed at him with the same hand that held my smoothie. The guys continued to skate as I stood in the shade and finished my smoothie.
I'll update How Can You Love Me... I'm Different later today since i am leaving soon and don't have time, i promise!!! :) Hope you liked this chapter!!! Tell my what you think!!! Also the next chapter is going to be full of drama *Smirks evily* Until next time my lovely readers, STAY GOLD!!!!!!!
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