Chapter 61
Hey guys, i don't really know what to say, i've got nothing to say really.... oh well i'll probably think of something by the ending author's note.....
I got to Pony’s house and stormed in the house and groaned. “What’s wrong Jennie?” Soda asked as I flopped down on the couch face first and groaned again. “Yea, I’m fine just my stomach hurts.” I mumbled and Ani stood up and got me a couple aspirin. “Thanks Ani.” I said and swallowed them whole along with a glass of water. “Where’s Pony?” I asked. “He’s in his room working on homework.” Steve said and nodded down the hall. I rolled off the couch onto my feet and walked down the hall. I didn’t even bother to knock when I got to Pony’s room I just walked in and groaned as I grabbed my stomach again. Pony looked up from his work and gave me a concerned look. “What’s wrong babe?” He asked as I flopped down on my back besides him. “My tummy hurts…” I groaned and rolled over to face him. He chucked before lying down next to me and wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his warm hands on my stomach. I turned my face to his smiling one and kissed him on the cheek. “Whatcha’ working on?” I asked glancing at his school work. “Math… I hate math…” He said annoyed. “I’d help you but I suck at math. You can finish your homework and I’ll just sit here and read.” I said and picked up my bag from off the floor. I pulled out That was Then, This is Now by S.E. Hinton and began reading. It had been a couple hours or something when I got to the part where Mark and Bryon were hustling in the bar and they just beat these two bikers at pool and they had left and were stuck in an alley with them and then Charlie came to help them out. “WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!?” I shouted at the book. Pony jumped at my sudden outburst. “What happened?” He asked and came over and looked at my book. “No that’s not supposed to happen! What the heck man! Not cool! What the fuck!” I said as I slammed the book closed and threw it into my bag and throwing my glasses in there along with them. I was pissed what the fuck man. He wasn’t supposed to die! Charlie wasn’t supposed to fucking die! I stormed out into the living room where Dal, Steve, and Soda sat. I stopped as they all looked at me and stared back at them. “I need some food…” I muttered and walked into the kitchen. I searched the kitchen for something that would satisfy my cravings for chocolate and my hunger for food, but fucking Steve had to eat all the God damn chocolate cake. And since fucking Shaun hasn’t showed up with my chocolate yet I’m more pissed off about Charlie dying in the book. I found a tub of ice cream in the freezer as I heard the door open and shut again. “Hey everyone, Two-Bit’s in the house.” Two-Bit said and I saw Pony walk into the living room. I wonder where the girls were right now? He sat on the couch as I grabbed a spoon from the drawer and pulled off the cover. The phone rang in the other room and I heard Soda jump up to answer it. “Hello?” He said in a cheerful tone. “Jen it’s for you it’s-“ Soda began but I already knew who was calling for me. “What the fuck does that moron want!?! He’s interrupting my date with chocolate!” I said and stabbed the spoon into the ice cream before taking the phone from Soda. “What the fuck do you want Johnathan Cade?!” I said and put a hand on my hip. “Sorry, Jennie, but I just needed to let you know that Emilie and I will be later than expected. She wants to go see a new movie that came out a couple weeks ago and they’re taking it away from the theaters tomorrow.” Johnny said and I calmed down enough so I didn’t shout at him the entire conversation. “Okay, that’s fine. Where’s Shaun with my frickin chocolate? I’ve been waiting for hours!” I said and leaned back against the wall. “I don’t know I called him and told him to go get you some as soon as possible. Give him a call quickly at his house and at least ask his mom or something where he is.” Johnny said and I nodded. “Okay, I’ll see you later. Bye brother!” I said into the phone. “Bye sister!” He said back and I heard him hang up the phone. “Umm… boys may I speak to y’all for a second?” Darry said and poked his head out from the kitchen. The gang all stood up and walked into the kitchen. I began to dial Shaun’s number. “What’s up Darry?” Dal asked. “Well, let’s try not to piss of Jen today.” Darry said back. “Why?” Steve asked. “Because this is frozen solid and there’s a spoon sticking out of it.” Darry said and I stifled a laughed. I held the phone up to my ear as it began to ring. Pony came back into the room and I could tell he had figured out what was going on with me by the look in his eyes. He came over and hugged me before giving me a kiss on the cheek. Pony went and sat back on the couch as I heard an Irish accent answer the phone. “Ello?” They asked. “Oh, hey Niall haven’t talked to you in a while. What’s going on?” I said. Shaun never really saw his brother Niall because he was always away on tour or something, so Shaun spends every minute he can with him. “Nothing much, Jennie. Shaun’s told me you got yourself a boy?” He said and I chuckled and looked over at Pony sitting on the couch. “Yea, I do. He’s really nice and sweet and not to mention cute.” I said and all the guys laughed as they figured out I was talking about Pony. I heard Niall laugh on the other end. “Just let Shaun know if he ever hurts you and I will fly out and beat his ass.” He said and I laughed a little. “Okay, I will. I’ve got a question for you.” I said with a smile. “Sure, what is it?” He asked. “Do you know where Shaun is because Johnny called him and asked him to go get me some chocolate but he still hasn’t showed up yet?” I asked. “Oh, yea, we’re about to leave to go to the store because he mentioned that earlier. We should be over there with the chocolate in like an hour at the least.” Niall said and I jumped up. “Yay! So I’ll see you guys then and if I’m asleep just wake me up.” I said and heard him laugh on the other end. “Okay will do, bye Jen.” Niall said and then hung up the phone. I placed the phone back on the receiver and walked back into the kitchen to eat some chocolate ice cream. I ate a couple spoon fulls before putting it back in the freezer. I walked into the living room and lay down on the couch and rested my head in Pony’s lap. It only took about five minutes before I was asleep.
Where Jennie gets mad about the book and is like "What the fuck! No! What the heck man!" That's exactly what i'm like when i'm mad, it's actually quite funny to watch LOL okay well i hope you guys liked it :) tell me what you thought!! I'll update sometime next week, until then STAY GOLD!!!
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