Chapter 51
I just finished this chapter and it's really long. I've been under some stress the past few days because my phone got stolen but I got it back. I'm sorry if some of you guys don't like really long books but I don't know how long this is going to be. But I need some of your guys' opinions on something. I was thinking that after Valentines day in the story I was just going to skip to summer time when Melanie will fully become part of the story and I would just have a filler chapter, telling everyone what has happened between the last chapter and the next one. But I want to know if you guys want me to go through all the months and adventures the girls and gang have between Valentines day and summer and have the story be a little longer than I first thought. Tell my what you think in the comments if I should skip or keep going at the speed I am. It would help me out a lot. Now what you've been waiting for..... CHAPTER 51!!!!!
~Pony’s P.O.V.~
The girls just left to help Ani get some of her stuff back. I wonder why they needed the wear the black clothes. I don’t usually think of Jennie like this but when I saw her step out of my room, she looked smokin’. I was just amazed; the color black looked really good on her. I think Soda and Dal had the thoughts when they saw Blaze and Ani. “God, I swear if Jen gets in trouble, I’m going to kick her ass.” Johnny said and ran a hand through his hair. “Awe, come on Johnny. She’s responsible enough. I doubt their even doing anything illegal.” Soda said and Johnny gave him a ‘are you kidding me’ look. “I know my sister, she’s doing something that could get her in trouble, it may not be illegal but it can still cause her trouble.” Johnny explained. “She’s smart enough not to get caught.” Steve said. “No, well yes she’s smart, but she doesn’t use her head enough.” Johnny said. “Hum… that remind you of anyone?” Two-Bit asked and everyone in the room looked at me. “What?” I asked, even though I already knew. “You don’t use your head enough kid.” Dal said and ruffled my hair. I fixed it and glared at him, “Where’s Darry?” I asked and turned to Soda. “Probably working on a house.” Soda answered and I shrugged and we all turned to watch TV.
~Jennie’s P.O.V.~
We reached Ani’s house and hid behind some bushes on the side and waited for Ani to check to see if the door was unlocked. She jogged back to us keeping low so she wouldn’t be seen if her mom was still awake. “It’s locked we have to go through the window.” She said and looked up at her bedroom window. We all looked up at it and all I thought was, how the hell are we going to get up there? “How are we supposed to get in through that?” Red asked furrowing her eyebrows. “I have no idea, but we need to do it fast. I don’t think my mom’s even home, and I’m not sure when she’ll be back.” Ani said and looked around. “Is your window open, by any chance, that’ll make things a whole lot easier?” I asked and she looked up at the window and squinted her eyes. “I think so, yea, it was warm in my room and I opened my window to let in some cold air.” Ani said as I continued to look around. “How ‘bout we use that tree to get up there?” Adri asked and pointed to a tree about twenty feet from the house. “We could try; if one of us got over there then they could get inside and put the rope down for the others to climb up.” Ani said and they all looked at me. “What?” I asked. “You’re the smallest most athletic one.” Blaze said and the others agreed with her. “I’m athletic, but I’m not that good with swinging on a rope.” Red said and I threw my hands up in the air. “How do you think I feel?” I whisper shouted. “Yea, but you can also take falling and getting hurt better than the rest of us, because of you know who.” Blaze said referring to my parents. “It’s okay, you can tell them I don’t mind, Ani already knows about them.” I said plainly. “Okay, are you sure, if you don’t want me to I won’t.” Blaze said just making sure I was fine with it. I nodded, “Yea, it’s okay. They can’t do nothing to me no more.” Blaze nodded. “Why who hurt you? I’ll go kick their ass.” Red said and I chuckled. “They’re in jail. It was my parents they would beat me and Johnny a lot.” I said and they looked shocked. “You two can tell me how bad you feel for me later but we’ve got to get moving, before her mom rather wakes up or gets home.” I said and we climbed the tree. I tied the rope around a big branch and tied the other end around my waist. “Okay, I’ll swing over and hopefully grab hold of the gutter and I’ll be able to cut a hole in the screen big enough for me to climb through. When I give the signal untie the rope and get below the window. Adri and Ani will help me get all of Ani’s stuff and when it’s time to destroy we’ll throw the bags down to you two and they you guys can climb up and help us destroy what’s left of her room.” I explained to the girls in a whisper and they all nodded. I made sure my switch was in my back pocket and grabbed the rope at my waist. “Here goes nothing.” I muttered and swung over to the house. I messed the first time because I went too high. I came back towards the tree and smacked the trunk of the tree. “Damn that hurt.” I said and looked up to see the girls on the branches above me. “You could’ve stopped me.” I said rubbing my shoulder. “Sorry.” They all said question like. “How ‘bout you try landing on the roof then just like jump down so you’re level with the window.” Ani suggested and I nodded, “That’ll work thanks.” I said and smiled at her. She smiled back and I swung down again and this time I aimed for the roof. I landed on the roof and managed to lose my balance but I didn’t fall. I could hear the girls cheering silently and giving each other high fives. I looked over the edge a little so I could see if I was right above the window. I was close enough to it so I hopped down and held onto the gutter to hold myself up. My feet were on the small ledge outside the window. I took my blade out of my back pocket and flicked it open. I cut the top half of the window screen out and pushed the window as wide open as it would go and dove through. I got the window and screen out of the frame and placed it on the bed so it we could put it back in place after we were done. The girls were waiting underneath the window like a told them to and I put the rope that was still around my waist through the hole so the others could climb up. Adri was the first to climb up she had two empty duffle bags on her shoulder. I helped her through the window and now it was Ani’s turn. She had the other two empty duffle bags and we left the one with all the paint and stuff down with Blaze and Red. I helped Ani through and pulled the rope up and took it off my waist so I could move around better. “Alright let’s be in and out of here, in ten minutes tops.” I said and they nodded. Adri and Ani ran around the room and stuffed as much as they could into the bags, but it was still organized. I helped by organizing the stuff so we could fit a lot more. In one bag we managed to fit all her clothes and toiletries like her tooth brush and hair brush and other stuff, in another her school stuff and drawing books and pencils, in the third we put her knickknacks and posters that were on her walls and her jewelry, and in the fourth we put her pillow, blankets, and other stuff that would fit. I was organizing the last bag and Adri and Ani were using the rope as a pulley system and lowering the bags down to Riley and Blaze. I passed them the last bag. “Is there anything else in the house that you want? I can run and get it really quick.” I asked and Ani thought for a minute. “Yea, can you get the picture of me and my mom from when I was little? It’s in her room.” She asked pleadingly. “Of course, I’ll be back in a minute. Get that bag on the ground and then push the bed against the wall and tie the rope to one of the posts so they can climb up.” I said and Adri and Ani nodded. I crept out of the room and examined the doors in the hall. There was a bathroom over by the stairs and a closet down the other end between two other doors. I walked down the hall slowly and looked in the room with the open door. It seemed like the guest bed room so I knew the other room was her mom’s room. I got down on the floor and looked under the door. There didn’t seem to be any movement so I stood back up and slowly turned the knob. The door creaked open and I slowly poked my head in looking around. The bed was messy and there were dirty clothes lying in a pile on the floor. I walked in and looked around for the picture. There were a couple frames on her dresser. They all seemed to be Ani’s grandparents with her mom and scenery of the beach and meadows. But there was one that was different. It was of a woman, who I had guessed to be Ani’s mom and a young child who she was hold. I picked it up and realized the girl was Ani. This has got to be the picture she wants. I said and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me. I walked back into Ani’s room to see the girls laying all the destruction stuff we bought on the bed. I passed Ani the picture and she smiled at me. “Thanks, Jennie.” She said and placed it in the bag. We all smirked at each other. “Girls, it’s destruction time.” I said and we each pickup our destruction tool, ready to swing.
Sorry for the long author's note at the beginning this one will be a lot shorter. I hope you guys like this chapter I think it's good because it shows you guys the trouble maker side of all the girls. :) Tell me what you think!!! I'll start the next chapter tonight and it should be up by Friday at the latest and tomorrow the earliest. Until next time, STAY GOLD!!!!
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