Chapter 49
I just finished this chapter 5 minutes ago. I wanted it to be done and uploaded last night but that didn't happen. Oh well. Here's chapter 49!!!! Oh also @Cinnomanbuns12 you're in this chapter!!! Hope you like it!!! Also don't worry, @emilie0228 I didn't forget about you. You will be in a chapter soon, I just don't know when, it depends on how I write it!!!
The girl was surrounded by four Socs. They were threatening her, and saying mean stuff to her, but she was firing right back. “Tough gal.” Blaze muttered to us. The girl looked to be around 16 and seemed to have an athletic build. She had brown eyes and brown hair with a hint of red in it. Her skin was tanned like mine but not quite as dark. “I can take you down any day Soc.” She shouted at him. I recognized him as Randy. They laughed at her and shoved her around a bit, showing off their muscles. “You know what they say about guys with big muscles,” I said loud enough for them to hear so they all turned to me as I paused for effect. “Small dicks.” They girls all OOO…’d at that and the biggest smile appeared on my face and the other girl’s. The Socs looked at each other then back to me. “Jennifer.” Randy said like as if he was speaking the name of the devil. “Congratulations, you actually remembered my name in that peanut size brain of yours.” I said with fake enthusiasm. He glared at me. “You better watch it.” He threatened. “No, you better watch it. Don’t think my brother would ever hesitate to kill you, like he did to Bob, if you ever touched me.” I said and stepped closer to him. “Oh yea, and what are you gonna do about it Grease.” He threatened and stepped up also. “What I always do: win.” I said and smirked at the end. I flipped out my blade and all the other girls did the same even the girl we didn’t know yet. “You’re never gonna win Greaser.” Another Soc said and I rolled my eyes. “Okay, just like at the rumble where we won.” I said and he almost lost it. “Get em’ boys!” Randy said and they tried to tackle us to the ground. Key work, tried. We dodged out of the way and they ended up on the side walk. Adri and Ani worked together and knocked out a Soc by punching him over and over and Blaze and the other girl were taking on one by themselves along with me. I slammed Randy’s head on the side walk and he passed. The other two had their own method of knocking them out. We all stood in a small circle when we were done. “You guys didn’t have to help me.” The girl said. “It’s okay, we weren’t just going to walk by and act like nothing happened.” I said and she stuck out her hand for me to shake. “I’m Riley, but you can call me Red.” She said as I gripped her hand. “I’m Jennie, this is Blaze, Ani, and Adri. We were just about to head over to DQ for some lunch then go meet my brother and his friends at the DX. Want to come?” I asked and Riley nodded. “Sure why not?” We began walking and I found out that Riley was mostly a mixture of Dally’s and Soda’s personalities. She’s tough, wild, and reckless. But on the other hand she’s funny crazy, a loyal friend, and I’m pretty sure she would hurt anyone who hurt her friends. Turns out I was right before, she’s athletic, dances, and sings. “I think you guys will like this.” I said and smiled. “What?” Blaze asked. “Well, Ani and I were talking last night about how we’re getting her stuff back from her house and bringing it to mine. And we came up with this.” I said and Ani took over in explaining, “My mom’s not going to let me back in the house so, we go to the store buy some black clothes, supplies, and a couple duffel bags to put everything in. We’ll sneak into my room grab all my stuff and then leave my mom a little “present” to clean up.” We smiled at each other as she finished. “So you’re saying we break in, steal all her stuff back, and then destroy the room?” Red asked and we nodded. Adri, Blaze, and Red looked at each other then nodded. “We’re game.” They said at the same time and we all smirked at each other. “We should go shopping and buy the supplies before we go to DQ.” Adri suggested and I looked around for a clock, but couldn’t find one. “Sure, I think we have plenty of time to kill before we have to meet the gang.” I said and we headed towards the shops. We split into two groups. Blaze and Red went to buy some black clothes for us and Adri, Ani and I went and bought our supplies. We got rope, spray paint, duffle bags, and a couple hammers. I was going to use my baseball bat but, I didn’t want to wreck it before I actually learn to play. The five of us met up outside the stores and Blaze and Red passed out the different bags of clothes to everyone. We all got the same thing: black skinny jeans, black tank top, black vans, and a black skin tight jacket, since it was winter and they got me a black beanie that I like beanies. “Alright now that we’ve got everything, let’s go to DQ, I’m starving.” Red said and threw her head back. We laughed and walked into town towards DQ. We got there and there was the group of local Greaser girl sluts at the first booth. “Man, I’m so cold.” One of them said. “Put some god damn clothes on then and you wouldn’t be cold.” Blaze said to them and just glared at us and we went to sit down. We all burst out laughing when we all looked at each other about what Blaze said. Red and I were sitting on one side and Blaze, Ani, and Adri were on the other. The waitress came over and asked for our order. We all ordered a coke and a cheeseburger and fries for lunch. We talked and made fun of other people in the restaurant and I’m guessing we were the loudest there because people kept looking over at us. When our food came we all ate pretty quickly and talked throughout the whole meal. After we were done we each got an ice cream. Blaze and Ani just got plain chocolate. Blaze got vanilla, and Adri and I got twist. We paid for our meal and left the store laughing. I looked at the clock on the building across the street. “Come on we should head over to the DX, before the boys start to worry.” I said and they nodded and we walked over there. All the boys were there except for Darry, who was working. “Hey guys.” I shouted over to them as we walked up. Pony and Johnny came over to help us with the bags. “What did you guys do today?” Pony asked. “We helped someone who was getting jumped,” I looked at Red and smirked, “We went shopping, and then we went to DQ for lunch.” I finished and smiled at him. We set our bags down by the boys. “Guys, this is Ani, Adri, and Red. Girl this is, Ponyboy, my boyfriend, Johnny my brother, Steve, Sodapop, Two-Bit, and Dally.” I said introducing everyone to everyone. Everyone began talking to each other. I was talking to Pony, well more like I was talking but he was just kissing and hugging me the whole time, causing me to laugh and giggle. Ani and Adri were talking to Soda, Johnny, and Steve, and Blaze and Red were talking to Two-Bit and Dally. “Pony stop, we have to go.” I giggle as he picked me up one last time as the girls were getting ready to leave. “Why do you have to go?” He whined. “Because I have to. It’s a surprise.” I said and he pouted and the gang was laughing and the girls were just smirking. “Will you at least give me a kiss before you leave?” He asked and gave me puppy dog eyes. “Fine, I guess I can give you a kiss.” I said and he smiled at I placed my hands on either side of his face and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips as he placed me on the ground. I looked at the rest of them. “None of you get any ideas.” I pointed at them and they all grinned. “See you guys later.” I shouted over my shoulder. “Bye they all chorused back. “Are we going back to your house, Jennie?” Riley asked. I shook my head. “We’re going to Pony, Soda, and Darry’s house. They don’t mind.” I said and we headed over to the Curtis house talking the whole way.
Hope you guys like it!!! Tell me what you think, @Cinnomanbuns12 if you don't like it, I can change it no problem!!! Until the next time I update, STAY GOLD!!!
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