Chapter 47
Shout out to @AnitaM_ !!! Your character will start to appear in this chapter. Another one of Jennie's new best girl friends will start to appear in chapter 48!!! Tell me what you think!!!
Soda and I put away Mickey Mouse and Blaze came and put away her horse soon afterward and we were waiting for her to get done. “So, what did Buck want?” I asked. “He came to see how Mickey Mouse was doing. You should have seen his face when he saw you riding him. Buck was surprised that the horse was actually letting you be on his back.” Two-Bit said and he laughed a little. “Does he know what happened earlier?” I asked and Soda shook his head quickly. “No, and he’s not going to find out either. If he does he’ll send Mickey Mouse away and I just got him back.” He said and I nodded, “It’s okay Soda, I won’t tell him.” Blaze walked over to us. “What happened earlier?” She asked and I looked at her. Soda looked at the ground. “I was attacked by a horse.” I stated and her eyes widened. “Oh my god, are you okay?” She asked quickly. I nodded, “Yea, I’m fine. I’ll probably have some bruises tomorrow.” “Are you sure?” She asked. I nodded again. “Alright guys let’s get out of here.” Darry said and we went home. We ate our Christmas dinner and we talked and learned more about Blaze and she learned more about us. We got really close, I told her about Shaun and how his cousin Melanie will be coming here soon and she agreed that Melanie sounded like a bitch. Johnny and I were getting ready to leave; he had already brought our presents home earlier. “We should so hang out tomorrow.” She said and I agreed, “Totally!” Pony came over and hugged. “Bye Jennie.” He said pulling back. “Bye Pony, I love you.” I said and pecked him on the cheek. I saw his eyes light up. He quickly pulled me in for a kiss on the lips and I heard Blaze next to us. “Awe…” She said heart-melting like, if that is even how I can describe it. She made a heart with her hands towards us. I flipped her off and she laughed and soon I joined in. “Bye guys, see you tomorrow.” Johnny said and we waved good bye and the gang all said assorted “goodbyes” and we walked out the door. It was almost dark out and the sun was setting. I looked over at it, “I bet Ponyboy is watching this right now.” Johnny looked at the sunset too and nodded. We watched it go down and now it was totally dark. “Come on Jen, we should be getting home.” Johnny said and we continued walking. “Did you see the way Dally was looking at Blaze; he was so in love with her?” I asked and got a little excited. Johnny laughed, “Yea, I saw it he thinks she’s “smokin’”, his words not mine.” I laughed and we continued walking. “You guys seemed to get along good.” Johnny said. “Yea, she’s really nice.” I said and Johnny began talking again but I stopped him. “Shh… Do you hear that?” I whispered. We listened and I could swear I heard footsteps around the corner coming towards us. “Should we run?” Johnny asked. “No, I’ve ran from the Socs too many times, if it’s them, I want to face them.” I said and he nodded. I saw a dark figure round the corner and advance towards us. I gave Johnny my board and pulled out my switch, but there was something weird about the person coming towards us. They were… crying? I listened more closely and heard that they were crying and that it was a girl. I don’t think she could see us in the dark when she fell to her knees on the side walk. I put away my switch and walked up to her. I knelt beside her and Johnny was behind me. I put my hand on her back. “Hey, what’s wrong?” I asked softly. She looked up at me, “Jennie?” I could see the tears streaming down her face and I recognized her from home school, it was Anita or Ani for short. (Pronounced as Annie but without the e) “Ani? What’s wrong, what are doing out here so late?” I asked. “It’s my mom, Jennie, she kicked me out! I have no one now. I think I’ll go kill myself or something!” She cried and I pulled her into a hug. “Please, don’t say that Ani, I’m here for you I always will.” I said and she hugged me back. Ani had long dark hair and bright green eyes. She was a little younger than me at 14 but she was pretty cool, we dressed the same which is tomboyish. And her personality was almost like Sodapop’s and mine combined with a little bit of Steve’s. Ani’s very spunky and energetic and loves to horse around and joke. She’s also tough, wild, and crazy but not like psycho crazy but like the fun kind of crazy. She’s a very loyal friend and light hearted except when she’s made. If you get her mad enough she may just rip your head off, smile, and then walk away like nothing happened. Ani gets picked on in school a lot because of her life. Her father raped her mom and left and that’s how she was born. I always stood by her and got those people to stop. Ani had finally calmed down enough to where she wasn’t crying anymore but she was still sniffling. “What happened?” I asked and she wiped a tear from her eye. “My mom and I were fighting and she told me that she never wanted to have me because it reminded her of when she was raped. She told me to just get out of her sight so I did.” She said. “I thought you and your mom were always close?” I asked and she shook her head. “No, she’s always treated me like I’m not good enough to be her daughter and like I’m just some mistake.” Ani crossed her arms and rested them on her knees and rested her chin on them. “You’re not just a mistake, Ani, just remember, God brings everyone into the world for a reason.” I said and she smiled a little at that. “You always know what to say.” She said and I smiled back at her. “Do you want to stay at my house?” I asked and she nodded, “Yea, thank you. Who are you?” She was just noticing Johnny now. “Oh, this is my older brother Johnny.” I said and Johnny smiled at her. She smiled back. “Nice to meet you, Ani.” He said and shook her hand. “You too.” She said back. “Come on; let’s go home, I’m tired.” I said and we walked home and we all talked the rest of the way there. Ani and I were at Johnny and I’s house and we were sitting up in my room talking and Johnny was in his room, probably sleeping. “So what happened to your parents? I know that they abused you and Johnny but where are they?” She asked. “Jail, that’s how I met the gang. Our dad was chasing me and I ran into Soda, Steve, and Pony at the DX.” I said she got a little excited when I mentioned Soda. “You mean, Sodapop Curtis?” She asked and I nodded. “Man, he sure is a doll.” She said and got a distant look in her eye when she talked about him. I smiled a little. “You like Soda?” I asked and she nodded blushing. “Oh my god, that’s great, you can officially meet him tomorrow.” I said and she smiled. “Well of course I like him, what girl doesn’t?” She asked, grinning. “Well, I don’t he’s like a big brother to me. And also I’m taken.” I said and smiled at the thought of Ponyboy. “OOO…. By who? Is he cute? Is he sweet? Tell me about the lucky boy!” She said in an excited tone nudged my arm a little. I smiled and looked down blushing, “His name’s Ponyboy and he’s Soda’s younger brother. He’s like one of the most popular boys at his school and I think he’s cute. Pony’s really sweet and innocent, like a bunny rabbit almost. You can see how Johnny can be compared to a lost puppy well I compare Pony to a rabbit. He got me a beanie for Christmas that says, “Forever and Always signed Pony” and for my birthday a couple weeks ago he got me a football. He knows how to skateboard and I taught him some tricks. Pony can draw apparently and reads all the time. And my favorite thing about his is that he’s always afraid to lose me to another guy.” I smiled again along with Ani. “You know he’s a keeper, it’s common for a girl to be afraid to lose a guy but a guy afraid to lose a girl just says true love right there. And if he’s related to Soda he’s got to be cute.” She said and I laughed. “So is there anyone you like?” I asked and she thought for a minute then shook her head. “Nope, except for Soda no one else.” “Oh, come on there’s got to be someone you like!” I said surprised and she shook her head. “Are you sure?” I asked and she nodded. “Okay if you say so?” I said and then the phone rang down stairs. I heard Johnny, run down there and answer it. “Jen, it’s for you!” He shouted and I shouted back, “Okay!” I answered the phone that was in my room. “Hello?” I asked. “Hey, Jennie.” Pony said. “Hey what are you up to?” I asked and Ani came over and tried to listen. “Nothing I just wanted to call and say good night.” He said and I knew he was smiling that dorky grin of his that I love. “Awe, you’re so sweet you know that?” I said and he laughed. “Yea, I know. I love you, Jen.” He said. “I love you too, Pony.” I said and Ani then took the phone out of my hand. “Hello, Ponyboy, this is Jennie’s friend Anita or Ani for short,” I tried to snatch the phone from her but she kept turning away from me, “I just wanted to tell you, that if you hurt Jen, you will not be able to have kids when you’re older, understand me?... Good, here’s Jennie back.” She said happily at the end and smiled giving me the phone back. “She’s quite nice.” Pony said nervously. I sighed, “Sorry, Pony, don’t mind her she’s harmless.” I said and glared at Ani, and she whistled nonchalantly and looked away like nothing happened. “Okay, if you say so. Bye, Jen, I love you.” He said. “I love you, too. Bye, Pony.” I said and hung up. “Ani, I hate you.” I said and glared at her and she started laughing. “You know you love me.” She said smirking. I laughed, “You’re right I do.” I said and she gave me a quick hug. We stayed up for a lot longer and talked and grew closer with each conversation. And we came up with a plan to get her stuff back…. This was going to be fun tomorrow night...
@AnitaM_ Tell me if you like it or not!!! If you don't i'll change it no problem!!! :) The other three that I told that were going to be Jennie's besties are going to start showing up soon. @Cinnomanbuns12 Riley, I need to know how you want to meet Jen and the gang?? If you don't know how you want that to happen then I'll come up with something!!! Just get back to me!! Until I get the next chapter done, STAY GOLD!!!!
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