Chapter 45
My next update after this will probably be Tuesday, WHICH IS ALSO MY BIRTHDAY!!! Please read my author's note at the end of this chapter because it is important!!!
I leaned against the opposite wall from Mickey Mouse’s stall as Soda brushed and petted the horse. Pony stood next to me with his arm around my shoulder and Johnny stood on the other side of me. I tell you this, the horse doesn’t bother me from this far away, but if I were to be that stall with him I would be freaking out inside. Soda exited the stall and came over and lifted me up into a hug. “Thank you so much for getting him back for me.” He said and I chuckled. “You’re welcome, Soda. Now put me down.” I said and he released me onto the ground. Soda ran off to what I was guessing the tack room. “So what did you guys do while you were skate boarding?” Johnny asked and turned to us. “Well Pony, is good at skate boarding. I fell doing some tricks on the ramp. Pony knocked out a bad boy with one punch. And we met his friends who agreed that Oakland is a jackass.” I said and everyone looked at us. “Really all that happened in two hours?” Johnny asked and we nodded. “Are you talking about Oakland Rivers?” Dal asked and I nodded. He came over and patted Pony on the back. “Good job, Pone. You’re finally toughening up.” He said and Pony blushed a little while everyone else laughed. “Well, he had his hands on Jennie and I didn’t like it.” He said and looked at me. I smiled up at him. Soda came back from the tack room and went into the stall. He had something in his hand that looked like a bit and a set of reins. He put it on Mickey Mouse’s head and led him out of the stall. “You going for a ride, Soda?” I asked and nodded my head towards the horse. Soda looked me in the eye and smiled. “No, WE’RE going for a ride, Jen-Jen.” He said and my eyes widened. I shook my head. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Soda?” Steve asked. “Oh, come on, she’ll be perfectly safe. I’ll have her sit in front of me.” He begged and we both looked at Darry. I had a look of fear and shook my head at him and Soda had a pleading look. “Okay, I guess it’s alright.” Darry gave in. Soda jumped up excited and I threw my hands up in the air. “Why don’t I get a say in this?” I asked. “Jennie, I just want to show you that he’s not a bad horse. Maybe if I teach you to ride like me he’ll let you ride him in shows.” Soda said and gave me the same pleading look he gave to Darry. They gang all gave me the same look too. “Fine, fine, but I frickin’ hate all of you.” I said and handed Pony my skate board and walked over to Soda. He helped me onto the horse and Soda climbed on and sat behind me and held onto the reins. I was shaking and Soda could tell. “Just relax, the horse can tell if you’re nervous.” He said but that didn’t really help me. “He’s not going to hurt you; he’s not going to throw you off because I’m right here.” He said and I calmed down a little. “One of you go open the gate.” Soda said and nodded his head towards the gate the led to a ring arena. Soda walked the horse over and through the gate. “Soda, you aren’t getting cozy with her are you?” Pony asked and I rolled my eyes and looked at him. “Pony that would be gross, she’s my sister.” Soda said back to him and I laughed. “Okay we’re going to start walking to warm him up then we’ll go to a trot, then a canter.” Soda explained and I nodded. He began to walk around the ring with the horse and explained to me how to ride and how you have to be gentle with the reins. After a little while he let me control the horse and it was pretty easy. We sped up to a trot and went around like that for a little bit. The more I was on the horse the more relaxed I got. “Okay, let me control him when we go to canter.” Soda said and took the reins from my hands and kicked him in the side and Mickey Mouse sped up. We ran around the ring a couple of times. “Boy, your canter has gotten worse.” Soda said to the horse. I chuckled. After a few minutes Soda slowed down to a stop and hopped off holding the reins. “What are you doing?” I asked cautiously. “Mickey Mouse needs to get used to you on him so you can ride him.” Soda said. “Soda, I don’t like this.” I said and looked at him. “Come on, Jen, he’s not going to hurt you.” Soda said and I looked at him nervously. “You trust me right?” Soda asked. I nodded. “Okay, just trust me on this.” Soda said and I nodded. “You’re going to ride him around the ring.” Soda said and handed me the reins. “Just remember to be relaxed and we’re all right here if you need us.” He said and pointed to the gang. I nodded and led Mickey Mouse over to the fence like Soda showed me and walked around the ring. “Try a trot; he’s not going to throw you off.” Soda shouted and I nodded at him. I kicked him in the side, not hard obviously, and Mickey Mouse broke into a trot. It was a pretty decent size riding area a little smaller than a football field. I was reaching the opposite end as the boys and I saw Oakland. I pulled Mickey Mouse to a stop about twenty feet from the fence. I turned around and kicked Mickey Mouse into a canter. I stopped in front of the boys. “Pony, Oakland’s back.” I said and his eyes went cold. “Basturd.” Pony muttered and climbed over the fence. I helped him hop up on the back of the horse and kicked Mickey Mouse back into a canter and we ran back down to the end. I slowed down enough for Pony to jump off and confront Oakland. “What are you doing here?” Pony threatened. “Came to see her.” He said and pointed at me. “Buddy, you are going to stay away from my girl or I will have me and her brothers all over you in a second.” Pony said and jumped over the fence. “Oh, yea, I’m so afraid.” Oakland said with fake fear. “You should be.” Pony said in a low voice and got in his face. Oakland backed up a step. “Do you know who the fuck I am?” Oakland asked getting mad. “No, I didn’t until Jennie, told me who you were.” Pony said and Oakland looked surprised. “Have you heard of Dallas Winston?” I asked and Oakland’s eyes widened. “Of course, who hasn’t?” He said and I smirked. “I’ll be right back.” I said and turned Mickey Mouse around and ran back to the gang. “What’s going on? I can’t see them.” Two-Bit said. “Well Pony and Oakland are just about fighting and I need your assistance Dal.” I said and Dal climbed over the fence. “Why?” He asked with a weed hanging from him lips. “To scare Oakland.” I said and he shrugged. “I need to give that kid a beat down any way.” He said and climbed on the back of the horse. We ran back over to Pony and Oakland to see Oakland on the ground with a bloody nose and Pony looking pissed standing above him. “Looks like he beat me too it.” Dal said and hopped down. “What happened?” Dal asked leaning against the fence. “He was going to steal Jennie from me and turn her into one of his girls.” Pony shouted still mad. “Look pal, you and I both know she’ll choose me eventually.” Oakland said with a smirk. Pony looked at him with cold eyes that were burning with anger but it made me stop and think for a second. Pony doesn’t get mad this easily. Then it hit me. Pony’s not mad, he’s afraid. “No she won’t so you can fucking shut up and get out of here.” Pony screamed at him. I could see the vein bulging from his neck. Dal hopped over the fence and put a hand on his shoulder. “Man, relax; he’s just trying to get you angrier. Look man, you’re going to stay away from Jennie, you hear me. If I find out that you are talking to her or even if you looked at her, I will find you and kill you, understand me?” Dal asked low and tough. I knew he meant it too. Oakland knew this too; when Dallas Winston says something he means it. Oakland nodded frantically. “Okay good, leave before I change my mind and kill you now!” Dal raised his voice louder throughout the sentence. Oakland ran off and they looked at me. “Go ahead and go back to the others; Pony and I are going to walk back.” Dal said and I nodded and turned Mickey Mouse around and walked him back to the gang.
Jennie needs a girl best friend!!! If you want to be her then comment below!! I just need:
Name and Nickname if you have one:
Brief Description of yourself:
Brief Personality Description:
How you guys met and become friends and I'll incorporate it into one of the next few chapters:
Any Extras you would like to add:
AND IF I KNOW YOU PERSONALLY *cough* @PenguinLove08 *cough* then don't apply for this. I want someone who I don't know, I'll follow you and give you a shout out in the chapter they meet. :)
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