Chapter 43
I woke up to a bright light above my head forcing me to close my eyes again. I groaned and open them up again. I realized I was in a hospital. The gang instantly was beside me when I woke up. Johnny and Pony were the closest and Soda was standing next to Pony. “Jennie, oh my god I’m so sorry. I thought he had killed you.” Soda said and then I remembered that I was attacked by a horse. “Soda it’s okay, you didn’t know he was there and couldn’t prevent it from happening. It’s not your fault.” I said and he shook his head. “I still feel bad, you’re probably afraid of horses now; or at least hate the horse.” Soda said and his head hung low. “Soda, I don’t hate your horse. Yes, I may be afraid of him a little but I’m not afraid of horses in general.” Soda looked at me. “I still feel bad about him attacking you.” I motioned for him to come over to me. Pony moved out of the way so Soda could get closer. I leaned up and wrapped my arms around him. “It’s okay, Soda. I forgive you, even though you didn’t really do anything.” I said and I felt him hug me back. He pulled back and Pony came back to stand next to me. “How do you feel? Does anything hurt? Can I get you anything?” Pony asked quickly. “Pony, calm down, I’m fine. How long have I been here?” I asked and scratched my head. “Just a couple hours.” Johnny answered. I nodded, “Okay, when can I leave. I hate hospitals, hate the smell, hate the people, and hate the place.” Everyone chuckled. “I’ll go get the doctor.” Two-Bit said and walked out of the room. “What are we doing after we leave here?” I asked. “Well it’s Christmas so nothing’s open, we could head back to the barn…” Soda suggested trailing off at the end. Everyone glared at him as I cracked a smile. “Sure, we can go to the barn.” I said and even Soda looked at me shocked. “You just got attacked by a frickin’ horse and you want to go and see the damn horse.” Steve said and I nodded. “Sure, why not? When you get knocked down you just have to get up, act like nothing happened, and go back to normal.” I said and Johnny patted my head. “That’s the girl I know.” He said and I swatted his hand away. Two-Bit came back in with the doctor. “Good after noon, Ms. Cade. How are you feeling?” He asked. “Really, you’re asking good afternoon after I just got attacked by a horse. And I feel fine, now when can I leave?” I said plainly, I knew it came off as rude but the people here were terrible, except for maybe the doctor that helped Johnny and called the house, Dr. Smith. The doctor looked a bit startled. “Well, I suppose you’re well enough to leave right now.” He said examining his papers. “Okay works for me, everyone shoo so I can get changed.” I said and everyone filed out of the room. I climbed out of the bed and grabbed my clothes from the chair and put them on the bed. I pulled on my jeans then my tank top, so at least the boys could come back inside. I opened the door, “I’m decent enough for you to come in.” Everyone filed in and I wrapped my scarf around my neck and put on my sweater. Johnny tossed me my Vans and I tied them onto my feet. I looked in the mirror and saw that my hair was a mess. “Anyone got a comb that isn’t full of grease?” I asked and Johnny pulled out his new one. “Here, I haven’t used it yet.” He said and I undid the braid and ran the comb through my hair. “Can we stop at the house before we go to the barn so Pony and I can grab our boards?” I asked and I was re-braiding my hair. “Sure, I don’t see why not.” Darry said. Pony passed me my beanie and I put it on and smiled at my reflection. I saw Johnny roll his eyes behind me in the mirror. “Okay, super model, let’s go.” He said and dragged me out of the room. Darry signed me out and we headed out and climbed in the truck.
Sorry guys this chapter is really short but chapter 44 will be longer!! I'll update tomorrow!!! STAY GOLD!!!
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