Chapter 36
I'm sorry guys I'm working really hard to get this story past the Christmas part so I can update a little more. I'll update chapter 37 later today or tomorrow.
FINALLY! It’s Christmas Eve! I swear today and tomorrow nothing will be able to ruin my mood. It was kind of late in the day and Johnny and I were heading over to the Curtis house to drop off our gifts. I was singing along the way, I always sing on Christmas Eve and Christmas. Johnny always thought it was hilarious how I sang throughout the entire day and not hurt my voice, cause, hey, I’m a good singer. I knocked open the door with my foot as I was on the last part of Let it Snow! All the boys looked at me and clapped when I was done. “Man, she can sing. What can’t this girl do?” Steve asked and I laughed. Ponyboy came over and took the bags from my arms and gave them to Johnny, who was neatly placing them all under the tree. Pony wrapped his arm around my waist as I looked around the living room. “Hey, where’s Dal?” I asked. “We don’t know he said he had to take care of something before he came over.” Two-Bit answered. I nodded; I’m pretty sure it was for information on Mickey Mouse. Soda walked up behind Pony and I. “Hey guys.” He said calling everyone’s attention. Everyone turned to him. “Mistletoe!” He exclaimed and Pony and I looked up to see him holding a bunch of mistletoe above our heads. I looked at Pony as he smirked. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist and pulled me close. I leaned in towards his lips as he leaned towards me. I smiled into the kiss as our lips connected. I could hear wolf whistles and cheers from the gang. I pulled away from him and rested my forehead against Pony’s. Soda had gone to sit back down now so the gang was just out of hearing rang if I whispered. “I love you, ya know that. I love you more than anything else in the world.” Pony whispered looking into my eyes. “I love you too, Ponyboy, and I always will.” I whispered back to him, causing him to smile. He kissed me on the nose quickly before releasing me and going to sit on the couch. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a Pepsi from the fridge. Just then Dal walked through the door and came up behind me. “Hello Dal, what’s up?” I asked and turned to him. “First get Ponyboy in here so he doesn’t think you’re cheating on him.” He said. “What, is someone afraid of the cute innocent Ponyboy Curtis?” I asked and poked his chest. “No, but I don’t know what he would do if he got mad enough. Who knows he could beat me to a pulp if he found out I was lip-locking with his girl, which thankfully I am not.” Dal said and I chuckled. “Ponyboy, can you come here for a second?” I yelled past Dal towards the living room. Dal stood against the counter next to me and I hopped up onto the counter. Pony came in and stood in front of us. He looked between us and I could see a sliver of hurt on his face. “Pony, it’s okay. I’m not seeing Dal behind your back. It’s about Sodapop’s present.” I said and whispered the last part. I could see relief wash over his face. Pony hugged me quickly resting his head on my chest. “I know you wouldn’t two-time me but I couldn’t help but think negative.” He said. I petted his hair as I looked down at him. “I know Ponyboy, I would think the same thing if you were talking on the phone with another girl and hanging around her a little more than normal.” I explained as he stepped back and looked into my eyes. “Okay enough with the lovie-dovie stuff, you’re gonna make me sick.” Dal said and I rolled my eyes. “Okay so what do you know?” I asked and we looked at him. “Okay before I got here, Buck came back to the bar and I ran into him as I was leaving. He told me that the horse will be there later today and you can bring Sodapop over tomorrow morning or something.” Dal said and I squealed and jumped down. I hugged Dal quickly and I know that nobody hugs Dallas but oh well I just did. He didn’t really know how to react but I released him as quickly as I wrapped my arms around him in the first place. I then hugged Ponyboy and he spun me around. “Thank-you so much Dally. I can’t ever repay you.” I said as I turned back to Dal. He patted my head, “No problem, kid, you’re like my sister and I’m always happy to help you out.” We walked into the living and I sat down on the couch next to Johnny and Ponyboy sat on the other side of me. We were all tuned into the TV until there was a knock on the door.
This is kind of a short chapter compared to the last few but the next few are a bit longer. :)
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