Chapter 35
This may be my only update today I need to catch up on this story I am almost at the Christmas part. UGH..... I'm so behind. Please don't hate me!!!! Here's chapter 35!!!
~Dal’s P.O.V.~
It was only three day before Christmas and I had heard from Jennie this morning that Mickey Mouse was on sale again, for pretty cheap too. So I was walking to the barn that Buck owned to see if he could buy him. “Hey Dal what are you doing here? Rodeo season doesn’t start for another few months.” Buck said as I walked up. “I came here to ask you a favor.” I said. “What exactly is this favor?” He asked leaning on the broom he was sweeping with. “I need you to buy a horse, this one to be exact.” I pulled out the picture of Soda’s horse. “Nope. Sorry, but there is no way in hell that basturd is coming here.” Buck said and turned his back to me and continued what he was working on before. “Come on man, how do you even know that this horse is bad?” I said. “Because that’s Mickey Mouse, he’s nearly thrown every rider off him in the past year and I’m not using him for my shows.” He explained and I was a little surprised. “How do you know that there isn’t a rider out there that he won’t throw off?” I asked. Buck turned and looked me dead in the eye. “What is up with you? You aren’t doing this for yourself, are you, for a girl perhaps?” He said and I shrugged, “No I’m not doing this for a girl, my buddy used to ride Mickey Mouse before he got sold. Soda was the only person Mickey Mouse would respond to.” “Sodapop Curtis? I didn’t know he used to ride.” “Yea, he stopped after he lost the horse, his brother’s girlfriend, Jennie, is getting this for him as a Christmas present and I’m helping her out.” I explained and Buck nodded, “Alright, I guess I’ll buy the horse, give me the number of the seller.” I took the pen out of my pocket and wrote it on the back of the picture and placed it in Buck’s hand, “Call me when he arrives. The sooner, the better.” I said and began to walk away. I went to a pay phone and dialed the Curtis house. “Hello?” Asked a voice that sounded like Soda. “Hey Soda, it’s Dal. Can I talk to Jennie?” I asked and there was some shuffling before I heard Jennie, “Hey Dal, what’s up?” “I’ve got some good news.” I said and leaned against the side. “What is it?” She asked. “Buck agreed to buy him.” I said and she squealed in delight. “Really, that’s great!” She said. “He’s gonna tell me when he gets here.” I explained. “Okay, Dal let me know right after I’ll talk to you later. Bye!” She exclaimed and then line went dead.
~Jennie’s P.O.V.~
Soda and released me from his hug to go answer the phone and turns out it was Dal. I talked to him and he told me Mickey Mouse was gonna to be bought by Buck. I had just hung up the phone with him and turned to see Soda leaning against the door frame looking at me. “What?” I asked and shrugged my shoulders. “What was that about?” He asked. “Nothing.” I lied and turned to walk into the kitchen. Soda ran up and spun me around. “It isn’t about nothing, are you-“ Soda began but I knew what he was about to ask so I cut him off. “No, never in a million years would I ever cheat on Ponyboy or anyone for that matter. How could you even think that?” I said with a little hurt in my voice. “I didn’t think so but I just wanted to be sure. I’m sorry Jennie.” He said and looked down at the floor. “It’s okay Soda.” I said and gave him a quick hug. I let go when we heard the door open and close. “Hello? Anybody home.” Pony shouted. I held my finger to my lips telling Soda to be quiet and winked. He smirked and nodded. “I guess we’re alone, Johnny.” Pony said and Johnny sighed. “No we ain’t, they’re here somewhere.” Johnny said. I crept over to the door way and waited for them to walk by. I heard someone’s footsteps advancing and prepared to jump out. But the footsteps stopped before the doorway. “Jennifer, I know you are right there.” Johnny said and I shook my head at Soda. I jumped out and screamed, “Boo!” In his face and he jumped back. I laughed and had to use the couch for support and between laughs I managed, “You liar, you didn’t know I was there.” He shoved my shoulder and walked into the kitchen. I walked over and gave Pony a hug, “Hey Pony, how was your shopping trip?” I asked and he nodded. “Good, but it would have been better if you were there.” He smiled at me and pecked me on the cheek. I chuckled at his cheesiness. “Come on Jennie, we have to go home and wrap.” Johnny said walking back into the living room. “Okay, bye Pony, bye Soda.” I said and then ran and gave Soda a kiss on the cheek before giving Ponyboy a quick peck on the lips.
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