Chapter 29
“Something ain’t right here.” Dal said and I heard someone sigh. “Okay, if I show you there is nothing under the couch will you stop this nonsense about something touching your ankle.” Soda said. “Yes, possibly, just don’t get your pretty face eaten off.” Steve said sarcastically. “Yea, I know it’s pretty.” Soda said and Steve probably flipped him off. Soda walked over to the couch. Hehehe, I can now scare three out of seven that’s pretty good. Sodapop got on his knees and bent his face down to see under the couch. Once I saw his full face I yelled, “Boo!” Awe man, you should have seen his face just then. Priceless. That is the only thing I can tell you. He jumped back and screamed; his skin as white as a ghost. I started laughing so hard I couldn’t contain it. I squirmed out from under the couch and rolled over onto my back. I laid my hands on my stomach as I continued to laugh. I pointed to Dal to try and say something about his reaction but remembering it just made me laugh harder. Same with Steve and Soda. I laughed for a couple minutes before I contained myself and smiled. “That was fun. I now have scared three out of seven. Now I just need to scare, Pony, Two-Bit, Johnny, and Darry, which will be difficult but I’ll find a way.” I said and stood up. Johnny scoffed, “You can’t scare me, I know all of your tricks.” “Uh-huh sure you do.” I said sarcastically and then I began to feel faint or at least that’s what it looked like what was happening to me. I knew how to scare Johnny, I wasn’t actually feeling faint, I was perfectly fine, but he didn’t know that. “Jennie, you okay? You look pale.” He said and took a few steps towards me. “Yea, I fine….” I trailed off as I fake fainted and collapsed to the floor. “Jennie!” Johnny yelled and I felt him gently half pick me up. I popped open my eyes and yelled in his face, “Boo!” Like I did to Sodapop. Johnny dropped me and stumbled back. “I hate you.” He said and pointed at me. I had the biggest smile on my face as I pointed at him and laughed. “I scared you.” I said and laughed a little but more. Johnny looked at Soda, Steve, and Dal. “Go ahead and get her back.” He said and I stood up quickly and ran into my room and shut the door behind me and leaned against it. I heard the three guys behind me. They stopped at the door. “Just open the door stupid there ain’t no lock.” Soda said. “Don’t come in I’m changing.” I said quickly. I wasn’t, yet, I would be in a couple minutes. I felt someone begin to turn the handle and then Johnny spoke up. “Dallas, you open that door and I will come down there and beat your ass. You guys can get her back later.” He said and I heard the three walk away. I smirked at the fact that I had won, for now anyway. I picked out my clothes from the closet. I choose a pair of black skinny jeans and my fuzzy boots that came up about mid-shin. I pulled out a white sweater for a shirt and a black vest, one of the ones that was puffy and had cotton in it everywhere. I brushed out my hair and put it into a loose braid that came around onto my left shoulder. I let my bangs hang down on my face as I pulled one of my new beanies out of my paper bag. I pulled it on and grabbed my switchblade and slid it into my boot. I took one last look in the mirror, striking a quick pose and walked out. I walked through the kitchen and grabbed a couple pancakes that Johnny had just made seeing as I hadn’t eaten yet. They were still pretty warm. Ponyboy then handed me a mug of hot chocolate. It was steaming hot and I looked in it and saw marsh mellows shaped in a smiley face. “I wouldn’t drink it right now if I were you, it is really hot.” Pony warned me but I just shrugged and then everyone watched as I chugged the whole cup. “How did you not burn yourself?” Steve asked. “I don’t know I’ve always been able to do that.” I said placing the mug down. “It still amazes me today.” Johnny added in. “Come on let’s go get the tree, I’m already.” I said and jumped in place a little. I always did that if I was excited or happy. “Got your blade?” Johnny asked as I headed for the door. I pulled it out and flicked it open. “Always.” I smiled at him as I walked backwards. “I call shotgun.” I shouted once we all saw the truck and I ran for the passenger seat and jumped inside the truck. I actually sat in the middle and Ponyboy was in the passenger seat and Soda was driving. Everyone else was in the back. We drove to the Christmas tree farm singing along to the songs on the radio and dancing somewhat. It was fun.
Personally I really like this chapter because I think it is kind of funny. What do you think???
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