Chapter 21
Johnny and I were walking back to our house. I put my hood up on my sweat shirt as the wind blew from behind us. “Were you actually telling me the truth earlier about sleeping on the couch?” Johnny asked looking at me. I sighed and looked over to him. “Would you be mad?” I asked and he shook his head. “Just as long as you didn’t lie about staying at the Curtis house I don’t mind.” Johnny said and I smiled. “Well yes, I was lying to you earlier. I just didn’t want him to get hurt because you get so strong when you’re angry.” “Well I narrowed it down to two, rather Sodapop or Ponyboy, because I don’t care who you are nobody would be able to hurt Darry. So who was it that you were sleeping with?” Johnny said and I was pretty sure he already knew he just wanted to hear it from me. “Ponyboy.” I stated and looked at him for his reaction. He didn’t seem to get mad, but his eyes turned darker. “Did he ever touch you in any way you didn’t want him to?” He asked, his voice was low and threatening. “No, of course not, you and I both know that Ponyboy isn’t like that as a person and their parents raised them better than that.” I said, putting my hands on my hips. “I know Jen, but I just don’t want anyone to hurt you. You’re my sister and I can’t stand the fact that our own father had the nerve to touch you. All I’ve ever wanted to do is protect you. I just like to know that you’re safe.” He explained to me. “I know Johnny, but eventually I’m gonna date someone, someone that you may not even like. You’ve got to loosen up.” I said and he shrugged, “Johnny would you be mad if I liked someone in the gang?” I asked. We continued walking and he looked down and kicked a rock. Johnny looked back to me. “Depends on who it is.” I bit my lip. “I like Ponyboy, he was one of the guys I met at the park.” I said and looked at him for his reaction. Johnny seemed to come to realization, “He was talking about you when I went over there. He said you were prettier than Marylyn Monroe or something like that.” A smile spread on my face at this. I put my hands in my pockets. “You can date him. Ponyboy’s a good kid, as you said he was raised right and taught how to treat women by their mother. He’s a good kid.” Johnny said. “Are you sure he was talking about me, maybe he and Two-Bit met somebody else before coming home. Or maybe his opinion about me has changed since then, like he just sees me as a best friend.” I said and Johnny stopped me by grabbing my shoulders. He looked me in the eye. “Jennie stop being paranoid. He likes you I can tell. Just the way he looks at you is different. You just have to be patient.” I nodded at him. “Come on I got you a present it’s inside.” Johnny said grabbing my wrist. I didn’t even realize that we were home. We went inside and Johnny closed the door behind us. “You stay here and I’ll go get it. Close your eyes.” Johnny said and I did. He sounded so excited and he jogged upstairs. I heard him come down a few seconds later. “Okay open your eyes…. Now.” He said and I did. Johnny was standing in front of me holding a skateboard. He was smiling ear to ear as I stared at him. I took it from his hands and examined it. On the underside of the board was a green four leaf clover on a black base color. A smile spread on my face and I looked up to him. “Johnny you didn’t have to get me anything.” I said. “Yes I did, you’ve always wanted a skateboard so over the past few years I saved up some money and got you one.” He said. I threw my arms around him. “You are the best big brother ever.” He hugged me back laughing. “I know I am. I didn’t bother getting a helmet because I knew that you wouldn’t use it any way.” He said as I let go of him. “Yea, the good thing is I already learned how to skateboard because it is popular in Ireland. Shaun taught me.” I explained and he nodded. “Come on let’s go back to the Curtis house they all should be home and set up by now.” I sighed. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate them doing this. It’s just that I don’t like people making a big deal about me.” I said and Johnny nodded. “Yea, I get it Jen, but you’re the only girl in the gang. Everyone’s gonna spoil you, even Dal and Darry.” “I know, Sodapop spoils me quite a bit and Ponyboy, but they don’t have the money to and I keep telling them that, but they still spend money on me.” We walked out the door and down the side walk. I was carrying my board right now so I could talk to Johnny. “Soda’s always wanted a little sister, that wish kinda died after their parents were killed. But then you came along and he treats you like his little sister. And Ponyboy spoils you because… because… well I actually don’t really know but it is probably a good reason. Probably similar to Soda’s. Ya’ know I’ve never actually seen you skateboard. Let’s see what you can do.” He said and smirked at me. I smiled and put my board on the ground and stepped onto it and pushed off. I did some flip tricks and grinds on the edge of the sidewalk and along a fence a little ways down. I arrived in front of the Curtis house and spun around on the wheels to see that Johnny was way down the side walk. “Hurry up slow poke.” I shouted at him and I saw him flip me off. I laughed and ran inside to see that house completely different.
I need a present to put for Dal and Darry still, tonight would be the best because I'm working on that part right now. So if you think of one don't be shy to comment your ideas if I chose the gift you suggested I'll give you a shout out in that Chapter!!!!!! Until later today, Stay Gold!!!!!!!!
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