Chapter 17
I'll be posting 2 or 3 chapters today and a couple tomorrow. If I don't post any tomorrow, because Monday's are busy for me, I'll post 3 or 4 on Tuesday.
About two weeks passed and it was December 15th and Johnny still wasn’t awake yet but they were letting us see him since he’s showed massive improvement. It was about the best birthday present I could ask for, except him waking up. Oh yea, I almost forgot today’s my birthday. I am officially 15. I didn’t tell the gang because I knew they would all want to celebrate and go overboard. I’ve begun to develop feelings for Ponyboy. He is always there for me and understands me and listens to my problems even if I sound like I’m complaining and tries to help me, like Johnny does. I’ve also noticed his beautiful features more. The way his blond hair is greased back perfectly, shiny and smooth. The way his grey eyes sparkled when he talked about his favorite book. The way…. Damn I’ve got to stop thinking about that or I’m gonna space out. Shaun was coming home after Christmas and sadly Melanie was coming with him. The good news is that I have been hanging around Dallas to much so I’ve learned some good threats and fight moves. Only ten days until Christmas and it hasn’t snowed yet and I was beginning to think we would have a Christmas without snow. I am one of those people who think it’s not Christmas unless there’s fluffy snow on the ground. Sodapop would usually come outside with me and look at the clouds and pray for snow. He was the same kind of person he liked snow with Christmas. Ponyboy would come and sit out with us just to spend some time with us. The day after Ponyboy told us that he was out of school for the month we went back to my house and packed some of my stuff to keep at the Curtis house so that way it wouldn’t be a back and forth thing every few days. Also since that day the Socs haven’t been seen on this side of town or anywhere in town for that matter. Maybe they’re in hibernation. Hehe, I make myself laugh. I was now rushing everyone around getting them to move faster so we could go see Johnny. I had turned into the mother of the gang and would often cook for them and fix them up if they got hurt. It was really weird, to say the least, having “children” older than you. “Steve, use a fucking fork for crying out loud you’re getting cake all over the floor.” I said and put my hands on my hips. “What are you gonna do about it missy?” He said leaning down to me. Now since I had turned into their “mother” so to speak none of them really talked back to me or disrespected me, even Mr. Tough Guy Dallas. “Do you want a time out?” I asked crossing my arms and everyone knew I would give him one. “No.” He whispered and looked down. “Then get a god damn fork and use it.” I said pointing to the kitchen. Steve put his head down and walked into the kitchen and the rest of the gang began to laugh at him. “What are you guys busy laughing about you should be getting ready? Oh god I’ve turned into a women, I’m fucking yelling at teenage delinquents.” I said rubbing my forehead and closing my eyes. I walked towards the door as the others were running around the house getting ready to go see Johnny. “I expect to see you all out of this door in less than five minutes.” I said looking at all of them sternly before walking out. I waited for only three minutes before they all came out and we all hopped in the truck and drove to the hospital. Once at the hospital we were allowed right into Johnny’s room and we found a doctor in there with him. It was Doctor Smith the one who called the first day he was here and the one who gave me weekly reports about Johnny. I know he offered daily reports but someone doesn’t really improve a lot in a day, so I just went once a week. “Hello Doctor, how is he today?” I asked. “Johnny is doing very well, we are going to try and pull him out of his coma today, he has made so much improvement over the last two weeks and I don’t see why he needs to still be out.” He said and I smiled. “That’s good, when do you think he will be released if he wakes up today?” I asked. “It depends on how he feels. If he feels okay and ready to go home then he can, if he feels tired and weak he has to stay one or more days.” He said and I nodded, “Okay, seems fair enough.” “I just gave him the injection that should wake him up if he doesn’t in five minutes come and get me.” Doctor Smith said and walked out of the room. I sat on the edge of his bed and brushed some hair out of his face. “I see the resemblance now.” Two-But said, looking between us. I chuckled as Ponyboy sat down in one of the plastic chairs on the side of me. “Why did we have to come so early? I was up half the night reading and I’m tired.” Pony said as he yawned. “Well whose fault is that?” I asked looking at him smirking. “Well… you were reading too, how come you’re not tired?” He asked avoiding my question. “Because I was smart and went to sleep at ten and told you to too, but did you listen to me?” I said and smirked at him again. He sighed and looked down, “No…” “See now, don’t always listen to me like if I tell you to jump out side in shorts and a tank top during a snow store because you’ll end up getting sick but if I suggest you go to sleep or something like that, then I suggest you listen to me.” I said and realized that didn’t really make any sense. “Is that one of the things we should or shouldn’t listen to you about?” Dal asked with a confused face. “You should listen to me with that advice don’t listen to me if it is something stupid.” I explained but simpler. “How do we know if you’re not just trying to test us?” Two-Bit asked cocking an eyebrow. “Because I said so.” I said crossing my arms. “Why?” Steve asked. These three were really getting on my nerves. “Because.” I stated. “Because why?” Steve asked again. “You are an ass.” I said. “Well that's not very nice!” Soda said acting offended and I smirked. “I know it's not that's why I said it.” I said and heard mumbling from behind me. We turned to look at Johnny as he began to stir on the bed, hopefully waking up from his coma.
Chapter 18 will be up in an hour or so. And chapter 19 will be up tomorrow after I get home from school. Stay Gold!!!!!!
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