Chapter 14
I kicked off my shoes and sat on the bed crossing my legs. Ponyboy shut the door behind him and sat on the other edge of the bed. He avoided eye contact with me and seemed to sit as far away from me as possible. That made me wonder if he didn’t like me or if he thought I wasn’t good enough to be around him or if he thought I was weak and a wimp. I sighed and looked down at my lap. I could tell he was looking at me. “I’ll sleep on the floor if you want to sleep in the bed.” I said quietly. This is the first time I realized that I cared about what people thought about me. He didn’t say anything so I took that as my cue to get up and make a bed on the floor. Before I stood up he grabbed my wrist. I looked at him and he gently pulled me back to the bed. “You’re sleeping here, not on the floor.” Pony said looking me in the eye. I looked away from him but his voice pulled my eyes back to his face, “Hey what’s the matter?” I shrugged, “I don’t know, it’s just- I guess I’m just paranoid that you don’t like me at all.” That took him by surprise. “Of course I like you, you’re nice and funny and smart.” I sighed, “Let’s just forget I said anything.” He nodded, “Wanna play a game?” “What game?” I asked. “How ‘bout twenty questions so we can get to know each other?” I nodded, “Sounds good to me.” We started asking simple questions to each other like our age, likes, dislikes, pet peeves, fears. We had a lot in common. We like to draw, read, watch movies and the sunset, our fears were similar with the Socs and losing our brothers. When he asked me what my pet peeves were I sighed, “You really want to know all of them?” He nodded. “Okay, well I can’t stand it when people exclude me and they know I’m there and know I want to be a part of whatever it is. There’s Melanie who keeps trying to steal my brother and best friend away from me. When people cut me off when I’m talking, that I probably hate the most. What is always ticking me off is when guys think they are the only ones that can be good at sports; I mean they have never even seen me play. UGH… I can’t stand that, I think that things guys can do girls can do too.” I ranted and he listened the whole time, like he cared. “Yea that is stupid to objectify women that way. There just needs to be someone that is brave enough to show them.” He replied and when he said the last part he smirked at me. I laughed, “I would so do that, I don’t care if it gets me killed I would go down in history. Fame here I come.” “But you would be dead so you wouldn’t be able to experience the fame.” Pony said matter-of-factly. I stopped and thought for a minute, “Oh yea, I guess I wouldn’t. Well anyways back to the game, your pet peeves?” “I don’t have a lot, I guess I’m just an easy going person but what I hate is when beautiful girls that know they are like one of the hottest people in town call themselves ugly and fat just to get attention. Usually it’s mine or some other greasers and when girls do that I just ignore them and after a couple minutes they realize that they aren’t going to get a compliment they leave, but I still don’t like it.” He said and I nodded agreeing with him. “Whenever I see someone like that on the street I give them a glare. I mean come on people what has this day and age come to where you have to insult yourself to be called beautiful.” I said and he gave me a look as if to say, ‘That’s what I’m saying.’ We continued on with our game and the questions got rather stupider or deeper depends. Some questions were, “What’s your favorite color?” That was one of the stupid questions and one of the deeper questions was from me, “What happened to your parents?” They hadn’t been at the house all day and none of the guys had talked about them. He became quiet and looked away from my eyes. “If you don’t want to tell me that’s okay.” I said quickly after I realized he didn’t like to talk about it. “You shouldn’t have asked in the first place.” He mumbled but I still heard and it hurt. I looked away from him as he looked at me realizing what he said. “I’m sorry, I- I didn’t know.” I said weakly and slid off the bed and onto the floor facing away from him. I pulled my arms into my sweat shirt and put the hood up pulling my legs in too. I rested my forehead on my knees so I was completely hidden. I can be so stupid sometimes, why did I have to ask about his parents, why couldn’t I just figure out on my own that he didn’t like to talk about it. Gosh, I’m stupid. I heard Ponyboy stand up and walk around to me. He sat down next to me and placed an arm around my shoulder. “I’m sorry Jennie I didn’t mean to snap at you. It’s just kind of a touchy subject for me still. You just wanted to know. I’m sorry, please don’t be upset.” He said and I looked at him. “Okay, I won’t but it’s my fault I shouldn’t have asked.” I said and he shook his head. “It’s okay, my parents died in a car wreck a couple years ago. Darry and Soda pay the bills and stuff.” He said and I gave him a hug to comfort him. He hugged me back and stood up. We laid back on the bed and talked for another couple of hours about random stuff even though he had school tomorrow. When I feel asleep I felt like I could tell him anything.
New Englanders some snow storm huh.... that was just disappointing but today it's snowing where I am and we had an early let out so that's why I'm posting early I guess you could call it. Next chapter will be up Thursday!!! Stay Gold!!!
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