Chapter 13
It was a short ride to Soda, Pony, and Darry’s house and I was still shivering and it didn’t help that when I got inside the house that it was almost just as cold as outside. “T-th-this d-doesn’t he-lp m-much.” I said shaking and turning to them. I hugged my body to keep my body heat from escaping. Darry left for the kitchen as Ponyboy left to the other room and came back with a big blanket. He wrapped it around my shoulders and I grabbed it with my hands and pulled it tighter around me. “Th-thanks.” I said and gave him a small smile. He smiled back and I think my heart melted a little. I followed Soda to the living room and Steve and Ponyboy were behind me. “Bye guys see y’all tomorrow.” Dal said and I heard the door close. I plopped down on the couch and sat with my knees pulled up and my chin resting on my knees. The blanket was surrounding my body so all you see was my head. The TV was turned on and we mindlessly watched it. Darry came in the room with a mug of hot chocolate and handed it to me. “Hey where’s mine?” Soda whined, he sounded like a five year old. “You live here make it yourself.” Darry said taking a seat in the arm chair. Pony and I chuckled and Soda huffed and got up from his spot next to me. “Yea, you live here Soda, get it yourself.” Steve said and he looked at Darry. “So where’s mine Dar?” He asked and Darry rolled his eyes. “Steve you practically live here too, get it yourself. And if you say anything Ponyboy I will smack you.” Darry said and added in the last part quickly. Steve scowled, crossing his arms standing up. Ponyboy held up his hands defensively, “I wasn’t going to.” I let out a small laugh and took another sip, letting the warm liquid heat up my body. “My brother has some weird friends.” I said and smirked at the boys as they came back into the room. “Hey…” Everyone except Darry said, looking a little offended. “Who said I meant it in a bad way?” I said shrugging my shoulders. They relaxed for a moment. “Oh, wait a minute, I did mean it offensively.” I corrected myself, smiling innocently. “Found the answer to the question I asked earlier. Johnny is the shy and quiet one and Jennie is the smartass and funny one.” Steve said smirking. “You said it buddy.” I said back. They took my mind off Johnny for a little while, but he soon returned to my mind when Steve mentioned him. I sighed sadly as the phone rang. Darry stood up to answer it and Soda sat back down next to me. “Yea, his sister is here… Okay I’ll put her on.” Darry said and then called me over to the phone. I held it up to my ear. “Hello?” I asked. “Yea, is this Johnny Cade’s sister, Jennifer?” The person asked. “Yea, I’m Jennie.” I responded still confused. The guys were watching me curiously. “This is Doctor Smith from the hospital. I’m calling to inform you on your brother’s condition.” When he said this I instantly clutched the phone tighter. “Go on.” I said and he continued, “Someone forced him to drink bleach and cut him on the arm. Before slicing his arm open, the attacker injected some kind of chemical into his arm to make his blood thinner and not clot so he would bleed to death.” “It was our mother who did that to him. She tried killing him.” I said coldly and Soda and Steve were asking me questions. I waved them off with an annoyed face. “Well if you hadn’t found him when you did, he would have died.” He said and I felt relieved. “Is he going to be okay?” I asked scared the answer would be no. “We are not positive yet, but there is a very high probability that he will survive after a few days in intensive care.” He said and I could feel myself smile. “When can I see him?” I asked the happiness apparent in my voice. “Whenever he wakes up. You can come get daily reports at the hospital of his condition if you ask for me.” He said and I nodded even though he couldn’t see me. “One more thing, why did you call here about Johnny and not his house where I would have answered the phone?” I asked about as confused as ever. “On his record he has the Curtis household and number in the ‘in case of emergency’ section.” He responded. “Oh… Alright thanks for calling.” I responded and hung up the phone. I turned around to find Ponyboy, Steve, and Soda standing right in front of me with curious faces. “Guys give the girl some space.” Darry called and they all backed up a step. “What did he say?” “Is Johnny gonna be okay?” “When is he going to be released from the hospital?” “What did she do to him?” Questions were thrown at me left and right. I shouted to get them to stop, “GUYS!” They shut up after that. “I am one person I can only answer one at a time. Johnny will probably be okay, our mother made him drink bleach and she put something into his blood to make him bleed to death after she cut him, I don’t know when he will be released, and that’s about it.” I said and they nodded. “That’s good Johnnycakes will be home soon.” Soda said and it seemed like a dark cloud was lifted from above the house knowing Johnny was going to be okay. “Darry, I’m gonna call my friend Shaun and tell him I won’t be at school tomorrow.” I said and he nodded, “Go right ahead.” I picked the phone back up and I dialed Shaun’s number. He answered after the second ring, “Hello.” “Hi Shaun.” I said and he kinda just freaked out. “Oh my god, Jennie are you okay, I went to your house earlier and there was a lot of blood and it was destroyed and I was so worried that you had gotten hurt. Oh my god, are you hurt, do I need to come pick you up, where’s Johnny because he wasn’t at the house either? Oh my god, is Johnny okay, what happened girl, tell me I need some answers.” I laughed at his franticness. “Relax Shaun, I’m okay and I’m at Johnny’s friend’s house. Johnny got attacked by our mom while our dad was going after me and Johnny’s friends helped me. Johnny’s in the hospital but he is going to be okay. I called to say that I’m not going to be there tomorrow for “school”, if that’s okay with your mom.” I said and I heard him sigh in relief. “Yea, we are leaving tomorrow for Ireland anyways, we’re going to visit my mom’s sister and my cousin might be coming to live with us, you know the bitchy one Melanie.” He said and I could tell he was less than thrilled about his cousin coming to live with him and I didn’t like it either. “I swear to God if that fucking bitch tries to damn start anything with me, she’s gonna end up in a fucking hospital for the rest of her God damn life. I can’t stand her, she’s so bossy and acts like she rules this town when she doesn’t even live here, like seriously, people would probably rather follow me over her because of who my brother is. And she keeps trying to steal you and Johnny away from me and it bothers me so much because she has a million friends and I only have two, well about six right now. UGH… I am not going to deal with her shit right now. You understand don’t you Shaun?” I asked and I didn’t hear a response. “Shaun?” I asked again and I could only hear background noise. “SHAUN, DID YOU PUT THE PHONE DOWN WHILE I WAS TALKING TO YOU?” I shouted, causing Steve to jump. “Sorry Steve.” I said and he just nodded. “I’m sorry Jen but you were going on and on.” He said sounding over dramatic. “I hate you…” I said and heard him chuckle. “Oh c’mon you can’t stay mad at meee…” He said in the cheesiest voice ever. “You’re right, I can’t you loser.” I said and smirked. “Bye smart ass.” He said and he hung up. I placed the phone on the receiver and went and sat back on the couch next to Ponyboy. “Am I sleeping on the couch tonight?” I asked and looked at Darry. He was about to answer but Soda beat him to it. “You are not sleeping on the couch. You can sleep in Pony and I’s bed.” I turned to him and shook my head, “I don’t want to steal your bed from you guys. Really it’s fine I can sleep on the couch.” Ponyboy leaned forward so he could see past me to Soda. “Where would I sleep?” He asked. Soda smirked at him along with Steve. “If it is okay with Jennie, you would sleep in the bed with her.” Soda said and Darry shook his head. Ponyboy blushed as his eyes widened and he looked down at the floor. “Okay, that’ll work. Let’s go to bed I’m fucking tired. And if ANY of you decide to wake me up before nine o’clock tomorrow morning, don’t just don’t, because you will end up in a hospital, understand?” I said and stood up. They nodded and Ponyboy led me to a bedroom down the hall.
Happy Sunday Everyone!!!! UGH.... school tomorrow.... but hey for the people who live in the northeast, some of us might have a snow day!!!! YAY!!! Okay, enough about weather and school. I am amazed how popular this story has gotten in the past two days. I gained almost 20 readers and it makes me so happy that this many people like my work, so thank you for those who are still reading :) Stay Gold!!!!
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